Wide partition pattern in Cassandra - cassandra

What is 'wide partition pattern' in Cassandra? In book 'Defiinitive Cassandra' it seems its a recommended thing, but in some online articles I see its something to be avoided.
So what actually it is and it is preferrable or not?

Partition in Cassandra represent grouping of similar kind of rows. In Cassandra it is recommended to model your data such that you should have similar kind of rows fall in same partition. This is called wide partition pattern.
Searching in Cassandra is super fast using partition key. So wide partition pattern is recommened. But with this recommendation comes a warning that your wide partitions should not become too large.
The reason for warning (avoiding large partitions) is that searching becomes too slow as search within partition is slow. Also it puts lot of pressure on heap.
For better understanding, would recommend reading this blog https://thelastpickle.com/blog/2019/01/11/wide-partitions-cassandra-3-11.html

wide partition refers a partition which contains many cells/values (number_of_cells = column * row)
The commonly used time series design pattern is a great example for wide partition table design: You use the date bucket as the partition key, each bucket will contain all timestamps for the date range defined by that bucket.
This model illustrates why it's called "wide" partition
another dynamodb example, the idea is the same (sort key in dynamodb is the same as clustering key in cassandra)


cassandra partion key grow limit?

what means partions my grow large ? I think cassandra can handle a very large size of it. Why they use in this example 2 partion keys ?
And what I do maybe both partiton keys are too large ?
The example which you gave is one of the ways for preventing partitions to become too large. In Cassandra partition key ( part of primary key) is used for grouping similar set of rows.
Here in left side data model, user_id is the partition key which means every video interaction by that user will be placed in same partition. As mentioned in example comment, if user is active and has 1000 interaction daily then in 60 days (2 months) you will have 60000 rows for that user. This may breach Cassandra permissible partition size (in terms of data size stored in single partirion).
So to avoid this situation there are many ways you can avoid partition size to grow too big. For example, you can do
Make another column from that table a part of partition key. This is done in the example above. The video_id is made part of partition key along with user_id.
Bucketing - This is the strategy which is used in time series data generally where you make multiple buckets of a partition key. For example if date is your partition key then you can create 24 buckets as date_1, date_2,.....,date_24. Now you have divided your partition key into smaller partition keys and hence you divided one big partition into 24 small partitions.
The main idea is to avoid your partition to grow too big in size. This is a data modeling technique which one should be aware of while creating data model for Cassandra.
If still you have large partition size, you need to remodel your data model based on various data modelling techniques available. For that I would recommend understand your data, estimate rate of growth, calculate estimated size of partition and if your data model is not meeting the partition size demand then refine your data model.

Hive/Impala performance with string partition key vs Integer partition key

Are numeric columns recommended for partition keys? Will there be any performance difference when we do a select query on numeric column partitions vs string column partitions?
Well, it makes a difference if you look up the official Impala documentation.
Instead of elaborating, I will paste the section from the doc, as I think it states it quite well:
"Although it might be convenient to use STRING columns for partition keys, even when those columns contain numbers, for performance and scalability it is much better to use numeric columns as partition keys whenever practical. Although the underlying HDFS directory name might be the same in either case, the in-memory storage for the partition key columns is more compact, and computations are faster, if partition key columns such as YEAR, MONTH, DAY and so on are declared as INT, SMALLINT, and so on."
Reference: https://www.cloudera.com/documentation/enterprise/5-14-x/topics/impala_string.html
No, there is no such recommendation. Consider this:
The thing is that partition representation in Hive is a folder with a name like 'key=value' or it can be just 'value' but anyway it is string folder name. So it is being stored as string and is being cast during read/write. Partition key value is not packed inside data files and not compressed.
Due to the distributed/parallel nature of map-reduce and Impalla, you will never notice the difference in query processing performance. Also all data will be serialized to be passed between processing stages, then again deserialized and cast to some type, this can happen many times for the same query.
There are a lot of overhead created by distributed processing and serializing/deserializing data. Practically only the size of data matters. The smaller the table (it's files size) the faster it works. But you will not improve performance by restricting types.
Big string values used as partition keys can affect metadata DB performance, as well as the number of partitions being processed also can affect performance. Again the same: only the size of data matters here, not types.
1, 0 can be better than 'Yes', 'No' just because of size. And compression and parallelism can make this difference negligible in many cases.

Spark: Continuously reading data from Cassandra

I have gone through Reading from Cassandra using Spark Streaming and through tutorial-1 and tutorial-2 links.
Is it fair to say that Cassandra-Spark integration currently does not provide anything out of the box to continuously get the updates from Cassandra and stream them to other systems like HDFS?
By continuously, I mean getting only those rows in a table which have changed (inserted or updated) since the last fetch by Spark. If there are too many such rows, there should be an option to limit the number of rows and the subsequent spark fetch should begin from where it left off. At-least once guarantee is ok but exactly-once would be a huge welcome.
If its not supported, one way to support it could be to have an auxiliary column updated_time in each cassandra-table that needs to be queried by storm and then use that column for queries. Or an auxiliary table per table that contains ID, timestamp of the rows being changed. Has anyone tried this before?
I don't think Apache Cassandra has this functionality out of the box. Internally [for some period of time] it stores all operations on data in sequential manner, but it's per node and it gets compacted eventually (to save space). Frankly, Cassandra's (as most other DB's) promise is to provide latest view of data (which by itself can be quite tricky in distributed environment), but not full history of how data was changing.
So if you still want to have such info in Cassandra (and process it in Spark), you'll have to do some additional work yourself: design dedicated table(s) (or add synthetic columns), take care of partitioning, save offset to keep track of progress, etc.
Cassandra is ok for time series data, but in your case I would consider just using streaming solution (like Kafka) instead of inventing it.
I agree with what Ralkie stated but wanted to propose one more solution if you're tied to C* with this use case. This solution assumes you have full control over the schema and ingest as well. This is not a streaming solution though it could awkwardly be shoehorned into one.
Have you considered using composite key composed of the timebucket along with a murmur_hash_of_one_or_more_clustering_columns % some_int_designed_limit_row_width? In this way, you could set your timebuckets to 1 minute, 5 minutes, 1 hour, etc depending on how "real-time" you need to analyze/archive your data. The murmur hash based off of one or more of the clustering columns is needed to help located data in the C* cluster (and is a terrible solution if you're often looking up specific clustering columns).
For example, take an IoT use case where sensors report in every minute and have some sensor reading that can be represented as an integer.
create table if not exists iottable {
timebucket bigint,
sensorbucket int,
sensorid varchar,
sensorvalue int,
primary key ((timebucket, sensorbucket), sensorid)
} with caching = 'none'
and compaction = { 'class': 'com.jeffjirsa.cassandra.db.compaction.TimeWindowedCompaction' };
Note the use of TimeWindowedCompaction. I'm not sure what version of C* you're using; but with the 2.x series, I'd stay away from DateTieredCompaction. I cannot speak to how well it performs in 3.x. Any any rate, you should test and benchmark extensively before settling on your schema and compaction strategy.
Also note that this schema could result in hotspotting as it is vulnerable to sensors that report more often than others. Again, not knowing the use case it's hard to provide a perfect solution -- it's just an example. If you don't care about ever reading C* for a specific sensor (or column), you don't have to use a clustering column at all and you can simply use a timeUUID or something random for the murmur hash bucketing.
Regardless of how you decide to partition the data, a schema like this would then allow you to use repartitionByCassandraReplica and joinWithCassandraTable to extract the data written during a given timebucket.

Apache Cassandra Several Partition Keys or Single Computed Key?

I am fairly new to Apache Cassandra and one thing I am having a hard time understanding is whether I should have a table with several partition keys or a single computed key (computed in a application layer).
In my specific case I have 16 partition keys k1...k16 that make a single data element unique. With several partition keys I need to provide them in my select statement and I am okay with this, but are there any pros/cons of doing this in terms of storage and or performance?
The way I understand this is the storage might be more, but the partition keys are 'human readable' and potentially queryable by other clients of this data. I assume that cassandra computes some hash on my partition keys whether it's a single value or several.
My question is there storage/performance issues or any other considerations I should think about with having several partition keys or single application computed partition key?
You are correct, Cassandra converts a multi-part partition key into a single hash. So, I think any efficiencies gains from computing the hash in your application would be minimal at best.
Also, just in case you don't know this, keep in mind that the primary key is divided into the partition key and the clustering keys.

Cassandra: Controlling which node receives data

My understanding of Cassandra's recommended clustering approach is to ensure that each node in the cluster receives an equal distribution of data, by hashing a document's unique Id. My question is if there is a way to change this and define a custom key for "intelligently" routing a document to a specific node in the cluster?
In my scenario, I have data which relates to a specific entity (think client-project-task-item) Across all my data; I will have enough items to require some horizontal scaling; however, each search will always relate to a given client-project-task for which the data set is only a moderate size.
Is there a way to create this type of partitioning / routing (different names I've seen for the same thing) logic in Cassandra?
Thanks; Brent
Clustering approach in Cassandra is not just for an equal distribution of data. It also ensures that all read/write operations are distributed across the cluster to make these operations faster. In addition to this, most likely you will have replication factor greater than 1 to ensure data redundancy so that a node failure does not result in the data loss.
Back to your question and to your own answer. If you use the same partition key for the data, this guarantees that Cassandra partitioning will store the primary replica of the data on the same node, and even more, it will store them in the same partition, ("wide row" in an old way of naming).
I think - http://www.datastax.com/documentation/cql/3.0/share/glossary/gloss_partition_key.html - is the answer I'm looking for
The first column declared in the PRIMARY KEY definition, or in the case of a compound key, multiple columns can declare those columns that form the primary key.
