IIS website needing permissions to modify own folder - iis

I have a website I am setting up which creates a subfolder to its own location based on which user logs into the website. An administrative account we'll call admin runs the website through IIS Manager (as indicated through the basic and advanced settings on the site's tab in IIS, which indicate the credentials for admin are correct), and admin also has full security permissions to the folder that IIS refers to. The website is I think otherwise fully up and running because the login screen loads successfully. However, despite the fact that admin is both running the site and has full access to the folder, it is failing to create the folder and as such is failing to operate the website properly. I know it is this error because the website's error logging reports an UnauthorizedAccessException to the folder I would expect to be created.
Can anyone help me figure out why it is unable to create a folder in the website location? Thank you.

To fix issue, you can try to add the IIS AppPool user to the root folder of your application by right clicking the folder and selecting Properties. Select the Security tab and add the IIS AppPool<AppPoolName> user.
And you can also decide to create a custom user to access the file system from IIS. Create a new Windows (or AD) user and click your site inside the IIS Manager. From the Actions window click Basic Settings. Finally, click the Connect as button and input the new user below Specific user:


Writing to SharepPoint Online mapped network drive

I'm trying to create a custom master page template in a SharePoint Online environment. I'm using the Design manager to upload the design files. I've mapped the network drive like the page described and can open and view the files, but I cannot upload files to the location. Every time I try I get the following error:
Error 0x800700E0: Access Denied. Before opening files in this
location, you must first add the website to your trusted sites list,
browse to the website, and select the option to login automatically.
I've added the site to the trusted sites list, as well as selected the option to login automatically. The WebClient service is also running.
How can I upload files to this location?
The only explanation I can think of is that I am logged into windows on a Microsoft account, and I use a different Microsoft account for SharePoint. I can map the network drive fine, but when I try and map it with the option "Connect using different credentials", and I use my SharePoint Online account, I get the same access denied error.
Check permissions for the document library/folder in which you're trying to write files. Folders like _Layout which resides at root level sometimes do not allow access of write. Global administrators have full access to these folders but tenant or site collection administrators may not have its access.... For example try opening this link in browser https://yoursharepointsite.com/_layouts/15/fonts this is where font files are like Arial.ttf or Comic sans.ttf So if you want to add new font to your sharepoint online themes you'll have to add files here.
Do this open SP Designer -> open main site -> browse left side menu for your folder and try copying something. If you can copy files there you should be able to copy through your mapped drive.
Also when you mapped drive in Windows Explorer didn't it ask for credentials, where you had to give in your Office365 login email then it can't be an issue of your windows credentials messing up with anything.
In this circumstance, it was actually the Trusted Sites that I had added. I added 'mysite.sharepoint.com' as well as '*.sharepoint.com' to my trusted sites. As soon as I also added: '*.lync.com', '*.microsoftonline.com' and "*.outlook.com", I had no problems writing to the directory

Kentico file permissions for image editor

I've given IIS_User modify access and confirmed this on the media disk folder, but i'm still getting a 'Insufficient file system permissions to edit this image.'
Could there be a permission level conflict between IIS_USER and the service level account Kentico is using through the app pool?
Mark, if I understood you correct you are not using IIS_USER as Kentico app pool account. If this it correct - you do not have to grant any permission for it, but only for account configured for Kentico app pool instead.
It can depend on how you set up the site, but what i would do is in IIS hit the "Basic Settings" on the right and see what your app pool is.
If it's a named one, try to right click on the website -> Permissions, and add the user "IIS APPPOOL\TheNameOfTheAppPool" and give full permissions there.
If that user doesn't show up, then try giving the IIS_IUSER full permission, test if it works, if it does then you can start scaling back permissions till it 'breaks' and stops working. If it does't work, then you need to try the other users.

Why am I getting "File Not Found" when attempting to access ColdFusion Administrator?

I am in the process of installing and configuring ColdFusion 11 on IIS 8.5, using the instructions found in Pete Freitag's CF11 Lockdown Guide.
Everything is going fine until I get to section 2.16 - "Create Alias for /CFIDE/scripts". When I attempt to access the ColdFusion Administrator website at, I get a "File Not Found" exception:
I have configured IIS to Deny access for all /CFIDE sub-directories (Request Filtering at the root), and removed /CFIDE/administrator from the Request Filtering URLs in the CF Admin IIS website.
I tried removing all /CFIDE sub-directories from the Request Filtering for the website, but this accomplished nothing.
It turns out there is one important step missing from Pete Freitag's wonderful ColdFusion 11 Lockdown Guide.
After running the Web Server Configuration Tool, which adds the CFIDE directory to each website, including your ColdFusion Administrator website, you need to grant permission on the CFIDE directory to the ColdFusion user account.
Right click on your {cfinstance.root}/wwwroot/CFIDE directory in Windows Explorer and select Properties.
Click on the Security tab then click Advanced.
Click the Add button
In the Permission Entry dialog click Select a principal.
Enter the ColdFusion user account as the principal.
Check Read & Execute, List folder contents, and Read and click OK.
Check the checkbox to Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object.
Click OK to apply these permissions.
Did you add the following URL deny request filtering in IIS for the site where your CF admin is located:
Try removing that entry, or create a new IIS site which points to the CF admin and ensure that /CFIDE/administrator is not added as URL deny entry to the IIS request filtering for your CF admin IIS site.

CRM 2011 Custom Aspx Page in IFRame

I am in kind of strange situation and cannot figure out whats the problem.
I have a Custom Page named /ISV/Portal/Portal.aspx and Custom Configuration Path /ISV/CustomConfiguration/Web.config
In Config File i have ServerName, user Login(i.e Administrator), Password to Create Service.
When account form is viewed by Development Manager of CRM the page is diplayed
and working fine, but the Page is not shown to any other Persons including users having Administrator Role
The Following Message is Displayed:
Unable to change domain logon name
You do not have the necessary permissions to change the domain logon name for this user
After surfing the Internet:
I was not able to make my aspx page work successfully.
At last i hosted my webpage as an independent Website:
Hosted separate Asp.net Website
Published my Custom Page in that directory.
Gave access rights to read/write the C:/TempImages
And Changed the IFrame url to my new location.
Now it's working like a charm :)

User can't access IIS 6 FTP site

I set up a new virtual directory in IIS under the Default FTP Site. I already have other virtual directories, and I'm able to access them with my user account, which is a domain admin. I created an account named FTPuser, gave it full permissions to the virtual directory, but I can't open the site. When I log in, I get a Success Audit event in Event Viewer, so my account is being authenticated. But the site doesn't appear, I just get the login box again.
I ran Process Monitor and saw different behavior between the two login scenarios. When I login to the same FTP site with my admin account, I get a SUCCESS result in Procmon when trying to access the folder that is specified as the home directory for my Default Web Site. But I get an ACCESS DENIED message when trying to connect as the FTPuser. Above that in the log, it also shows a NO SUCH DEVICE error trying to connect to the IPC$ share on that drive (the one containing the home directory).
When I look at the permissions, both accounts seem to have Full Control on the relevant directories. Can anyone point me in the right direction as to what is going on here?
