CRM 2011 Custom Aspx Page in IFRame - dynamics-crm-2011

I am in kind of strange situation and cannot figure out whats the problem.
I have a Custom Page named /ISV/Portal/Portal.aspx and Custom Configuration Path /ISV/CustomConfiguration/Web.config
In Config File i have ServerName, user Login(i.e Administrator), Password to Create Service.
When account form is viewed by Development Manager of CRM the page is diplayed
and working fine, but the Page is not shown to any other Persons including users having Administrator Role
The Following Message is Displayed:
Unable to change domain logon name
You do not have the necessary permissions to change the domain logon name for this user

After surfing the Internet:
I was not able to make my aspx page work successfully.
At last i hosted my webpage as an independent Website:
Hosted separate Website
Published my Custom Page in that directory.
Gave access rights to read/write the C:/TempImages
And Changed the IFrame url to my new location.
Now it's working like a charm :)


IIS website needing permissions to modify own folder

I have a website I am setting up which creates a subfolder to its own location based on which user logs into the website. An administrative account we'll call admin runs the website through IIS Manager (as indicated through the basic and advanced settings on the site's tab in IIS, which indicate the credentials for admin are correct), and admin also has full security permissions to the folder that IIS refers to. The website is I think otherwise fully up and running because the login screen loads successfully. However, despite the fact that admin is both running the site and has full access to the folder, it is failing to create the folder and as such is failing to operate the website properly. I know it is this error because the website's error logging reports an UnauthorizedAccessException to the folder I would expect to be created.
Can anyone help me figure out why it is unable to create a folder in the website location? Thank you.
To fix issue, you can try to add the IIS AppPool user to the root folder of your application by right clicking the folder and selecting Properties. Select the Security tab and add the IIS AppPool<AppPoolName> user.
And you can also decide to create a custom user to access the file system from IIS. Create a new Windows (or AD) user and click your site inside the IIS Manager. From the Actions window click Basic Settings. Finally, click the Connect as button and input the new user below Specific user:

SharePoint 2013 user profile service change homepage

I have a sharepoint 2013 farm that start and configure and sync user profile service on it successfully. now when each user browse site homepage first time, it shows a white page with 2 link that is go to site and change attribute, how could I disable this page?
I saw the same error when one of a user profile properties wasn't set. In my case the user's location wasn't set. If the user goes to edit user their profile and save it without any changes, it fixes the issue. In my case, only few users were affected by this issue. You can write script to update missing property for all the users.

Why can't users in the "Visitors" group access my SharePoint 2010 publishing site. It works when i promote them to the "Members" group

When I place a test AD account in the Visitors group they are unable to view any pages on my new intranet site. The users receives the "Error access denied" sharepoint screen and indicates that the account was able to authenticate, but that some authorisation rule is permitting it from viewing the page.
When i remove then and place them in the Members or Owners groups they are able to view the pages as well as perform the expected functions like editing content and creating subsites.
Interesting, while in only the Visitors group, users can view the "All Site Content" page that is located here: /_layouts/viewlsts.aspx but not /pages/default.aspx.
Has anyone experienced this before?
Environment info:
1 Web application, 1 Site collection using the Publishing Portal template. A few custom master pages, lots of custom page layouts and user controls. All deployed via features.
Sharepoint 2010 Standard edition, 64bit running on Windows Server 2008 against SqlServer 2008 Enterprise Edition. Authentication is against AD, not any other forms auth providers etc.
One likely reason for such behavior is that it tries to access a resource on a page which might not have been published to a major version. For example, if versioning was turned on on images library and an image's version is 0.1, if that image was used on version 1.0 (published) of the page, the server would deny access to the visitor and ask for credentials.
Make sure following:
At least one major version of the page exists (page was published at least once)
All resources (images, movie files etc) used on the page are published (to major version)
You can use "Draft Check" button on Page Tab of the Page's ribbon to check the unpublished resources that are used by the page.
I had the same issue and I've finaly found out how to do this:
If you check OOB group access, you can find that Visitors group has limited number of pages where it has granted access.
Navigate to /yourweb/_catalogs/masterpage. Here you'll find many
.aspx files (including default.master).
Open this default.master`s permissions and you see it inherits from
Master Page Gallery.
Click this permissions inheritance and you can see that Master Page
Gallery permissions are not inherited from site collection
Give here the Contribute permissions to Style Resource Readers (or
modify it as you'd like) and all users will have access to this web
with no permissions to edit etc..
I had a similar issue and the thing I noted in your Environmental comments was the custom master pages. Go to your Site Settings and ensure that your custom master pages have been published. If you need to publish them also check the corresponding html pages after they have been published as they may need to be republished also.
This worked for me.

Forms/AD Authentication with Sharepoint

I'm configuring Sharepoint to use forms authentication with LDAP/Active Directory. I'm new to Sharepoint, so if this is obvious, please point me in the right direction.
Whenever I attempt to log in with a bad account or password, I get the very friendly (and correct) error message,
The server could not sign you in. Make
sure your user name and password are
correct, and then try again.
... which implies that Sharepoint is able to communicate with AD. If I log in with a valid account, I get a page that says:
alt text
(I added the grey bar to cover up the login name)
Any suggestions? The account I'm logging in with is an administrator and has been granted full control in central administration.
Also, interesting note: If I click the "sign in as a different user" link, and attempt to sign in using with the same credentials I just used, the site just redirects back to the login page, with no error or status message. If I then manually enter the site url, it again shows the "Error: Access Denied" page. Argh.
Go to site action of the actual site and add user in the format of
It should resolve and show it underlined then try login in back to application that should fix it.
Your AD connection is working fine just need to add to sharepoint users list
Yourprovider name is the name you gave to the user provider in web config
And you can add this user from parent site that is windows protected and you have all
I suppose it's sharepoint site security issue.
I'm getting the same error when trying to enter Site Settings page with a user that has a lack of permissions.
If you have at least one user that can access the Site Settings page, I suggest you to go to Site Actions/Site Settings/Users and Permissions/People and grops then click New button and add a user from AD to an appropriate group, eg. Team Site Members.
You have made connection with Ad and its working fine. So that you got error, when you try to login with invalid user id.
But you have missed one step in above scenario.
You need to give the permission for all AD users in your SharePoint site. The better way is to create a user group in AD (it may already there) which included all the users and add this user group in your SharePoint site with read permission.

Cannot save layout page in Moss

I am trying to update a layout page in Sharepoint Designer but when I click Save I receive an Access Denied error. I can see that the layout page is created by the system account. I am in the site owners group so I think I should be able to make modifications to the page.
Any help?
The page could be checked out by the System Account or never had a published version, also, site owners have limited permissions in the site collection (where the page layouts reside)
