Why shouldn't local mode in Spark be used for production? - apache-spark

The official documentation and all sorts of books and articles repeat the recommendation that Spark in local mode should not be used for production purposes. Why not? Why is it a bad idea to run a Spark application on one machine for production purposes? Is it simply because Spark is designed for distributed computing and if you only have one machine there are much easier ways to proceed?

Local mode in Apache Spark is intended for development and testing purposes, and should not be used in production because:
Scalability: Local mode only uses a single machine, so it cannot
handle large data sets or handle the processing needs of a production
Resource Management: Spark’s standalone cluster manager or a cluster
manager like YARN, Mesos, or Kubernetes provides more advanced
resource management capabilities for production environments compared
to local mode.
Fault Tolerance: Local mode does not have the ability to recover from
failures, while a cluster manager can provide fault tolerance by
automatically restarting failed tasks on other nodes.
Security: Spark’s cluster manager provides built-in security features
such as authentication and authorization, which are not present in
local mode.
Therefore, it is recommended to use a cluster manager for production environments to ensure scalability, resource management, fault tolerance, and security.

I have the same question. I am certainly not an authority on the subject, but because no-one has answered this question, I'll try to list the reasons I've encountered while using Spark local mode in Java. So far:
Spark uses System.exit() calls in certain occassions, such as an out of memory error or when the local dir does not have write permissions, so if such a call is triggered, the entire JVM shuts down (including your own application from within which Spark runs, see e.g., https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/0494dc90af48ce7da0625485a4dc6917a244d580/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/util/SparkUncaughtExceptionHandler.scala#L45, https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/b22946ed8b5f41648a32a4e0c4c40226141a06a0/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/DiskBlockManager.scala#L63). Moreover, it circumvents your own shutdownHook, so there is no way to gracefully handle such system exits in your own application. On a cluster, it is usually fine if a certain machine restarts, but, if all Spark components are contained in a single JVM, the assumption that we can shut down the entire JVM upon a Spark failure does not (always) hold.


What is the exact difference between Spark Local and Standalone mode? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Difference between spark standalone and local mode?
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
Can someone mention the difference regarding these factors
Number of nodes / Machines
Advantages of each mode
When they should be used
Examples if possible
Also if I am running spark locally on single Laptop then is that Local mode or Standalone?
There is a huge difference between standalone and local.
Local - means that it runs on your pc locally i.e. not distributed.
Standalone - means that spark will handle resource management.
Standalone, for this I will give you some background so you can better understand what it means.
Spark is a distributed application which consume resources i.e. memory cpu and more...
lets assume that you run 2 spark applications at the same time, this can cause an error when allocating resources. for example it may happen that the first job consumes all the memory and the second job would fail because he doesn't have memory.
To resolve this issue you need to use some resource manager that will guarantee that your job can run without any problem with resources.
Standalone, means that spark will handle the management of the resources on the cluster. there are also other resource management tools like Yarn or Mesos.
Overall you have 3 options for managing resources on the cluster:
Mesos, Yarn , Standalone.
I would also mention that on a real Hadoop cluster, spark is not the only application that is running on your cluster, which means it is not the only consumer of resources. you can also run HBase,TEZ, IMPALA. Yarn would help you to allocate resources to all of those applications.

How to ensure that DAG is not recomputed after the driver is restarted?

How can I ensure that an entire DAG of spark is highly available i.e. not recomputed from scratch when the driver is restarted (default HA in yarn cluster mode).
Currently, I use spark to orchestrate multiple smaller jobs i.e.
read table1
hash some columns
write to HDFS
this is performed for multiple tables.
Now when the driver is restarted i.e. when working on the second table the first one is reprocessed - though it already would have been stored successfully.
I believe that the default mechanism of checkpointing (the raw input values) would not make sense.
What would be a good solution here?
Is it possible to checkpoint the (small) configuration information and only reprocess what has not already been computed?
TL;DR Spark is not a task orchestration tool. While it has built-in scheduler and some fault tolerance mechanisms built-in, it as suitable for granular task management, as for example server orchestration (hey, we can call pipe on each machine to execute bash scripts, right).
If you want granular recovery choose a minimal unit of computation that makes sense for a given process (read, hash, write looks like a good choice, based on the description), make it an application and use external orchestration to submit the jobs.
You can build poor man's alternative, by checking if expected output exist and skipping part of the job in that case, but really don't - we have variety of battle tested tools which can do way better job than this.
As a side note Spark doesn't provide HA for the driver, only supervision with automatic restarts. Also independent jobs (read -> transform -> write) create independent DAGs - there is no global DAG and proper checkpoint of the application would require full snapshot of its state (like good old BLCR).
when the driver is restarted (default HA in yarn cluster mode).
When the driver of a Spark application is gone, your Spark application is gone and so are all the cached datasets. That's by default.
You have to use some sort of caching solution like https://www.alluxio.org/ or https://ignite.apache.org/. Both work with Spark and both claim to be offering the feature to outlive a Spark application.
There has been times when people used Spark Job Server to share data across Spark applications (which is similar to restarting Spark drivers).

Spark yarn cluster vs client - how to choose which one to use?

The spark docs have the following paragraph that describes the difference between yarn client and yarn cluster:
There are two deploy modes that can be used to launch Spark applications on YARN. In cluster mode, the Spark driver runs inside an application master process which is managed by YARN on the cluster, and the client can go away after initiating the application. In client mode, the driver runs in the client process, and the application master is only used for requesting resources from YARN.
I'm assuming there are two choices for a reason. If so, how do you choose which one to use?
Please use facts to justify your response so that this question and answer(s) meet stackoverflow's requirements.
There are a few similar questions on stackoverflow, however those questions focus on the difference between the two approaches, but don't focus on when one approach is more suitable than the other.
A common deployment strategy is to submit your application from a gateway machine that is physically co-located with your worker machines (e.g. Master node in a standalone EC2 cluster). In this setup, client mode is appropriate. In client mode, the driver is launched directly within the spark-submit process which acts as a client to the cluster. The input and output of the application is attached to the console. Thus, this mode is especially suitable for applications that involve the REPL (e.g. Spark shell).
Alternatively, if your application is submitted from a machine far from the worker machines (e.g. locally on your laptop), it is common to use cluster mode to minimize network latency between the drivers and the executors. Note that cluster mode is currently not supported for Mesos clusters. Currently only YARN supports cluster mode for Python applications." -- Submitting Applications
What I understand from this is that both strategies use the cluster to distribute tasks; the difference is where the "driver program" runs: locally with spark-submit, or, also in the cluster.
When you should use either of them is detailed in the quote above, but I also did another thing: for big jars, I used rsync to copy them to the cluster (or even to master node) with 100 times the network speed, and then submitted from the cluster. This can be better than "cluster mode" for big jars. Note that client mode does not probably transfer the jar to the master. At that point the difference between the 2 is minimal. Probably client mode is better when the driver program is idle most of the time, to make full use of cores on the local machine and perhaps avoid transferring the jar to the master (even on loopback interface a big jar takes quite a bit of seconds). And with client mode you can transfer (rsync) the jar on any cluster node.
On the other hand, if the driver is very intensive, in cpu or I/O, cluster mode may be more appropriate, to better balance the cluster (in client mode, the local machine would run both the driver and as many workers as possible, making it over loaded and making it that local tasks will be slower, making it such that the whole job may end up waiting for a couple of tasks from the local machine).
Conclusion :
To sum up, if I am in the same local network with the cluster, I would
use the client mode and submit it from my laptop. If the cluster is
far away, I would either submit locally with cluster mode, or rsync
the jar to the remote cluster and submit it there, in client or
cluster mode, depending on how heavy the driver program is on
AFAIK With the driver program running in the cluster, it is less vulnerable to remote disconnects crashing the driver and the entire spark job.This is especially useful for long running jobs such as stream processing type workloads.
Spark Jobs Running on YARN
When running Spark on YARN, each Spark executor runs as a YARN container. Where MapReduce schedules a container and fires up a JVM for each task, Spark hosts multiple tasks within the same container. This approach enables several orders of magnitude faster task startup time.
Spark supports two modes for running on YARN, “yarn-cluster” mode and “yarn-client” mode. Broadly, yarn-cluster mode makes sense for production jobs, while yarn-client mode makes sense for interactive and debugging uses where you want to see your application’s output immediately.
Understanding the difference requires an understanding of YARN’s Application Master concept. In YARN, each application instance has an Application Master process, which is the first container started for that application. The application is responsible for requesting resources from the ResourceManager, and, when allocated them, telling NodeManagers to start containers on its behalf. Application Masters obviate the need for an active client — the process starting the application can go away and coordination continues from a process managed by YARN running on the cluster.
In yarn-cluster mode, the driver runs in the Application Master. This means that the same process is responsible for both driving the application and requesting resources from YARN, and this process runs inside a YARN container. The client that starts the app doesn’t need to stick around for its entire lifetime.
yarn-cluster mode
The yarn-cluster mode is not well suited to using Spark interactively, but the yarn-client mode is. Spark applications that require user input, like spark-shell and PySpark, need the Spark driver to run inside the client process that initiates the Spark application. In yarn-client mode, the Application Master is merely present to request executor containers from YARN. The client communicates with those containers to schedule work after they start:
yarn-client mode
This table offers a concise list of differences between these modes:
Reference: https://blog.cloudera.com/blog/2014/05/apache-spark-resource-management-and-yarn-app-models/ - Apache Spark Resource Management and YARN App Models (web.archive.com mirror)
In yarn-cluster mode, the driver program will run on the node where application master is running where as in yarn-client mode the driver program will run on the node on which job is submitted on centralized gateway node.
Both answers by Ram and Chavati/Wai Lee are useful and helpful, but here I just want to added a couple of other points:
Much has been written about the proximity of driver to the executors, and that is a big factor. The other factors are:
Will the driver process be around until execution of job is finished?
How's returned data being handled?
#1. In spark client mode, the driver process must be up and running the whole time when the spark job is in execution. So if you have a truly long job that say take many hours to run, you need to make sure the driver process is still up and running, and that the driver session is not auto-logout.
On the other hand, after submitting a job to run in cluster mode, the process can go away. The cluster mode will keep running. So this is typically how a production job will run: the job can be triggered by a timer, or by an external event and then the job will run to its completion without worrying about the lifetime of the process submitting the spark job.
#2. In client mode, you can call sc.collect() to gather all the data back from all executors, and then write/save the returned data to a local Linux file on local disk. Now this may not work for cluster mode, as the 'driver' typically run in a different remote host. The data written up therefore need to be persisted in a common mounted volume (such as GPFS, NFS) or in distributed file system like HDFS. If the job is running under Hadoop/YARN, the more common way for cluster mode is simply ask each executor to persist the data to HDFS, and not to run collect( ) at all. Collect() actually have scalability issue when there are a large number of executors returning large amount of data - it can overwhelm the driver process.

Pausing Dataproc cluster - Google Compute engine

is there a way of pausing a Dataproc cluster so I don't get billed when I am not actively running spark-shell or spark-submit jobs ? The cluster management instructions at this link: https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/beta/dataproc/clusters/
only show how to destroy a cluster but I have installed spark cassandra connector API for example. Is my only alternative to just creating an image that I'll need to install every time ?
In general, the best thing to do is to distill out the steps you used to customize your cluster into some setup scripts, and then use Dataproc's initialization actions to easily automate doing the installation during cluster deployment.
This way, you can easily reproduce the customizations without requiring manual involvement if you ever want, for example, to do the same setup on multiple concurrent Dataproc clusters, or want to change machine types, or receive sub-minor-version bug fixes that Dataproc releases occasionally.
There's indeed no officially supported way of pausing a Dataproc cluster at the moment, in large part simply because being able to have reproducible cluster deployments along with several other considerations listed below means that 99% of the time it's better to use initialization-action customizations instead of pausing a cluster in-place. That said, there are possible short-term hacks, such as going into the Google Compute Engine page, selecting the instances that are part of the Dataproc cluster you want to pause, and clicking "stop" without deleting them.
The Compute Engine hourly charges and Dataproc's per-vCPU charges are only incurred when the underlying instance is running, so while you've "stopped" the instances manually, you won't incur Dataproc or Compute Engine's instance-hour charges despite Dataproc still listing the cluster as "RUNNING", albeit with warnings that you'll see if you go to the "VM Instances" tab of the Dataproc cluster summary page.
You should then be able to just click "start" from the Google Compute Engine page page to have the cluster running again, but it's important to consider the following caveats:
The cluster may occasionally fail to start up into a healthy state again; anything using local SSDs already can't be stopped and started again cleanly, but beyond that, Hadoop daemons may have failed for whatever reason to flush something important to disk if the shutdown wasn't orderly, or even user-installed settings may have broken the startup process in unknown ways.
Even when VMs are "stopped", they depend on the underlying Persistent Disks remaining, so you'll continue to incur charges for those even while "paused"; if we assume $0.04 per GB-month, and a default 500GB disk per Dataproc node, that comes out to continuing to pay ~$0.028/hour per instance; generally your data will be more accessible and also cheaper to just put in Google Cloud Storage for long term storage rather than trying to keep it long-term on the Dataproc cluster's HDFS.
If you come to depend on a manual cluster setup too much, then it'll become much more difficult to re-do if you need to size up your cluster, or change machine types, or change zones, etc. In contrast, with Dataproc's initialization actions, you can use Dataproc's cluster scaling feature to resize your cluster and automatically run the initialization actions for new workers created.
Dataproc recently launched the ability to stop and start clusters: https://cloud.google.com/dataproc/docs/guides/dataproc-start-stop

Which cluster type should I choose for Spark?

I am new to Apache Spark, and I just learned that Spark supports three types of cluster:
Standalone - meaning Spark will manage its own cluster
YARN - using Hadoop's YARN resource manager
Mesos - Apache's dedicated resource manager project
I think I should try Standalone first. In the future, I need to build a large cluster (hundreds of instances).
Which cluster type should I choose?
Spark Standalone Manager : A simple cluster manager included with Spark that makes it easy to set up a cluster. By default, each application uses all the available nodes in the cluster.
A few benefits of YARN over Standalone & Mesos:
YARN allows you to dynamically share and centrally configure the same pool of cluster resources between all frameworks that run on YARN.
You can take advantage of all the features of YARN schedulers for categorizing, isolating, and prioritizing workloads.
The Spark standalone mode requires each application to run an executor on every node in the cluster; whereas with YARN, you choose the number of executors to use
YARN directly handles rack and machine locality in your requests, which is convenient.
The resource request model is, oddly, backwards in Mesos. In YARN, you (the framework) request containers with a given specification and give locality preferences. In Mesos you get resource "offers" and choose to accept or reject those based on your own scheduling policy. The Mesos model is a arguably more flexible, but seemingly more work for the person implementing the framework.
If you have a big Hadoop cluster already in place, YARN is better choice.
The Standalone manager requires the user configure each of the nodes with the shared secret. Mesos’ default authentication module, Cyrus SASL, can be replaced with a custom module. YARN has security for authentication, service level authorization, authentication for Web consoles and data confidentiality. Hadoop authentication uses Kerberos to verify that each user and service is authenticated by Kerberos.
High availability is offered by all three cluster managers but Hadoop YARN doesn’t need to run a separate ZooKeeper Failover Controller.
Useful links:
spark documentation page
agildata article
I think the best to answer that are those who work on Spark. So, from Learning Spark
Start with a standalone cluster if this is a new deployment.
Standalone mode is the easiest to set up and will provide almost all
the same features as the other cluster managers if you are only
running Spark.
If you would like to run Spark alongside other applications, or to use
richer resource scheduling capabilities (e.g. queues), both YARN and
Mesos provide these features. Of these, YARN will likely be
preinstalled in many Hadoop distributions.
One advantage of Mesos over both YARN and standalone mode is its
fine-grained sharing option, which lets interactive applications such
as the Spark shell scale down their CPU allocation between commands.
This makes it attractive in environments where multiple users are
running interactive shells.
In all cases, it is best to run Spark on the same nodes as HDFS for
fast access to storage. You can install Mesos or the standalone
cluster manager on the same nodes manually, or most Hadoop
distributions already install YARN and HDFS together.
Standalone is pretty clear as other mentioned it should be used only when you have spark only workload.
Between yarn and mesos, One thing to consider is the fact that unlike mapreduce, spark job grabs executors and hold it for entire lifetime of a job. where in mapreduce a job can get and release mappers and reducers over lifetime.
if you have long running spark jobs which during the lifetime of a job doesn't fully utilize all the resources it got in beginning, you may want to share those resources to other app and that you can only do either via Mesos or Spark dynamic scheduling. https://spark.apache.org/docs/2.0.2/job-scheduling.html#scheduling-across-applications
So with yarn, only way have dynamic allocation for spark is by using spark provided dynamic allocation. Yarn won't interfere in that while Mesos will. Again this whole point is only important if you have a long running spark application and you would like to scale it up and down dynamically.
In this case and similar dilemmas in data engineering, there are many side questions to be answered before choosing one distribution method over another.
For example, if you are not running your processing engine on more than 3 nodes, you usually are not facing too big of a problem to handle so your margin of performance tuning between YARN and SparkStandalone (based on experience) will not clarify your decision. Because usually you will try to make your pipeline simple, specially when your services are not self-managed by cloud and bugs and failures happen often.
I choose standalone for relatively small or not-complex pipelines but if I'm feeling alright and have a Hadoop cluster already in place, I prefer to take advantage of all the extra configs that Hadoop(Yarn) can give me.
Mesos has more sophisticated scheduling design, allowing applications like Spark to negotiate with it. It's more suitable for the diversity of applications today. I found this site really insightful:
"... YARN is optimized for scheduling Hadoop jobs, which are historically (and still typically) batch jobs with long run times. This means that YARN was not designed for long-running services, nor for short-lived interactive queries (like small and fast Spark jobs), and while it’s possible to have it schedule other kinds of workloads, this is not an ideal model. The resource demands, execution model, and architectural demands of MapReduce are very different from those of long-running services, such as web servers or SOA applications, or real-time workloads like those of Spark or Storm..."
