Only show the sum of a column if there are at least 3 records in another column - excel

I have 3 Columns of data. Column E = Duration. The user will enter a number of days (Duration) for 20 employees. Column F = Pay. List of wage for each employee. Column R = Pay Total. This is a calculated field based on the number of days (Duration) and the employees pay (Pay).
To keep my employees from finding out their coworkers pay I only want to see a sum for Column C if there are at least 3 records in Column A.
I found this Sum only if 3
From that answer I tried to use =IF(COUNTIF(E2:E15,">2"),SUM(R2:R15))
What this does is only returns records with a duration of greater than 2 days. I don't care about the number of days. I want the indicator to be that there are 3 cells populated in this column.
I think the only issue with the formula is the CountIF part. I need to know what I should use to count cells not days.
Screenshot of My Sheet
In the image above you can see that it's returning a sum bc both records are greater than 2. Like I said before I don't care what number is in the cell I just want to see the sum if there are more than 2 cells populated in that column.
Thanks for any help

As per my understanding of the question, I came up with this solution. Give it a try.
=IF(COUNT($E$2:$E$15)>2,SUM($R$2:$R$15), 0)

This formula would give what you want
This would show sum only if count of non empty cells is greater than 2 in Range "E2:E15" else it would show empty.


Displaying a label, sorted in a third column pulled from the first column according to data in the second column? i.e. Ranking

Imagine you have spreadsheet with data in a fixed # of contiguous rows.. let's say row 1 through row 20
Now let's say you have 3 columns of interest.
A, B and C
Column A is a label column.. the data in there are just string labels.. let's say types of canned food.. Tuna, Spam, Sardines, etc.
Column B is our number column.. let's say it is prices. e.g. 2 for Tuna, 5 for Spam and 3 for Sardines. These prices can change often very rapidly.. ok so prices are not the best example but let's imagine that prices change rapidly.
Now Column C is where we want to put the formula.
I would like to have a formula in Column C that will pull the labels from Column A, based on their prices in column B and rank them from highest to lowest.. that is C1 would calculate to "Spam", C2 to "Sardines" and C3 to "Tuna"
right now there are 20 rows of data.. but maybe at some other point there might be 30 or 6 or 40, etc.
So can someone help me out with the formula or at least explain what functions I need to use and the general idea involved? thanks
You can simply use SORT formula. In this case =SORT(A1:B1000,2,-1) where A1:B1000 is range to be sorted, second parameter 2 is column number from range to sort by, 3rd parameter for order (-1 is desceding).
Place formula in C1 and you will get spilled array.

Excel: Count Only Once If Another Column Has Duplicates

I am trying to create a formula that will count the number of "Overdue" people instead of "Overdue" cells. Each person has the multiple rows with their name in it. The criteria to determine if it's "overdue" is:
-Column F and G are not within 3 years
-Column G are blank
-Column F = 0 and Column G are not within 3 years
The following code counts the criteria accurately. And doesn't account for duplicate names.
=SUM(COUNTIFS(TT[Fiscal Law 301 CBT],"<"&TODAY()-1065,TT[Fiscal Law 301 CBT],">"&TODAY()-1095,TT[Fiscal Law In-Residence],"<"&TODAY()-1065,TT[Fiscal Law In-Residence],">"&TODAY()-1095),COUNTIFS(TT[Fiscal Law In-Residence],"",TT[Fiscal Law 301 CBT],"<"&TODAY()-1065,TT[Fiscal Law 301 CBT],">"&TODAY()-1095))
The formula I want should count based on the criteria above and check column Z TT[Name] for duplicates and count them only once. And also count unique values once.
I just thought of another approach to this problem. What if I use the formula I have to create an Array, have another formula count the number of duplicates in Column Z from that Array, and subtract the two numbers.
This way should get me the correct number, i will still need assistance creating the second formula.
What you are after is a distinct count. Excel has a function for that in the new Dynamic Array function set, which is in Office 365 Insider builds but not available to everyone. Right now, a distinct count requires a few tricks.
For example, you can create a pivot table with the names in the rows, filter the table to include only values where column X = Overdue and use a CountA() on the result rows.
You are close, but not quite there.
Use a countifs formula like above. Then, create a column next to it with the logic if(countcell>0, 1, 0). This will return 1 if the person has at least 1 book overdue, and 0 otherwise. Then, take the sum of that column.
I have provided a screenshots of the code that we would use (the E and F columns are dates). As you can see, the G column counts how many books are overdue. The H column provides a 1 if at least 1 book is overdue for each user. Then, we can simply sum the H column to find the total number of users with overdue books.
If this helps you, please consider choosing this as the answer.

Count number of cells in range of all values

I am trying to count the distance between two cells using:
days = Range(price0.Rows(1), price.Rows(1)).Cells.count
where price0 and price are the initial price and range of prices of interest respectively.
I want to be able to count the distance between two prices so that I can run a function only when days > x (where x is an integer). Currently, using the above code, I am unable to count the distance between 2 cells when the value of price is 0.
How should I change my code so that I can count the days between two ranges? Thanks!
If you just want to get count of cells between those two prices, You Can use .Column to get the first column and last column number and then simply count the cells in between.
try like this
days = Abs(price0.Column - price.Column)
To count cells between two rows days = Abs(price0.Rows(1).row - price.Rows(1).row)
I think you might need Cells instead of Rows:
days = Range(price0.Cells(1), price.Cells(1)).Cells.Count

Retrieve multiple results in a data table

I have set up this Excel page with approximately 40 rows and 8 columns to compare the financial benefits of 2 different products based on age.
Once I input an age at the top, the next row will have that age +1 for approximately 40 rows, and then the columns beside it will value my products at the new age in every column.
I want certain information from my 5th column, based on the age that is being inputted (I figured out this part). I have a list of ages that I need to use as inputs and want the information from column 5 for each one of those input ages at the same time. I tried using a data table.
To grab the information from column 5 I use this formula: =INDEX($B$9:$F$49,MATCH(E$55,$B$9:$B$49,),5)
if i understand, the age is in column B, and the needed info in column F ?
Also E55 is the searched Age ?
Then you where near :
= INDEX($B$9:$B$49,MATCH(E$55,$B$9:$B$49,),5)

How do I check for duplicate rows and do calculate on that rows in excel file?

I have one excel file which is having data like following
CUSIP Quantity Date Price
AF0 500000 5/6/2013 1
AE4 400000 5/6/2013 1.0825
AE4 500 5/6/2013 1
I need to check for column CUSIP and Date
If I'm having duplicate CUSIP for same date then I need to do following calculation.
1.Need to add Quantity for both of them instead of showing duplicate records need to show only one record( sum of Quantity).
2.Need to do calculation on Price as well like following
NewPrice = ((400000 * 1.0825) + (500 * 1.00))/(400000 + 500) = 1.08148
For example in using above data
Need to show output like
CUSIP Quantity Date Price
AF0 500000 5/6/2013 1
AE4 400500 5/6/2013 1.082397004
How do I achieve this in excel file using LOOKUP or else ?
Okay, after quite some research (interesting question by the way!), I came up with this:
Put these in cell D2 and E2 respectively (which is the next column after Price and in the row of CUSIP AF0).
And fill to the bottom of the worksheet to get the weighted average price or each CUSIP.
The first formula gives you the total quantity for the CUSIP and the second gives you the average price.
Copy and paste values for those two columns after calculation.
Put a filter and remove all the rows where the total quantity and average price is blank, and sort to make the worksheet neat.
Let me know if this works for you! I tried it on your sample data and it seems to be working. It's my first time using SUMPRODUCT ^^;
This bit returns the rows from column A where it equals to the row's CUSIP.
This additional bit tells excel to multiply the values in column B and D of each returned row found above and SUMPRODUCT adds each result together.
I actually forgot about the date. You could maybe add a helper column where you'll generate an identifier to separate the different dates. To make it, you'll have to make a concatenate.
Hence in cell F2, you put:
In the formulae for cells D2 and E2, you will have to change them so they become:
reEDIT: Oops, put the wrong reference. Fixed now.
