Sidebar not highlighting the current file - sublimetext3

I have two windows containing a corresponding set of files. I have written some code in a WindowsCommand class which finds the file/view in window B which corresponds to the active file in window A.
I have been able to make Window B active and visible, find the relevant file/view, set focus to it, and select some text from it.
However the sidebar does not highlight the file/view which I have made active. I have tried putting an insertion point in the view; makes no difference.
How can I make to sidebar highlight the active view?
Sorry that I am interchanging file & view terms


How can I bulk search and find data with slight differences in different rows?

There is something I want to do; but i don't know if it is possible.
I want to know if I can do what I want to do with EmEditor or something else.
You can find an example of what I want below.
Example Picture:
• The data on the left does not have the full name.
• The data on the right are those with the full name.
I present a small video to express what I want clearly.
Please watch the video first and then see the sample files where you can try how to do what I want.
Sample Video
Sample Files
The file on the right contains much more data than the file on the left.
That's why the first thing that comes to mind is; so sorting is useless.
For example, the data in the 1st row of the data on the left; corresponds to row 2 of the data on the right.
So no one has the same row.
That's why sorting doesn't work; and I need to search the left side data one by one inside the right side data and find the full name.
On the left: 10-infographic-solutions-part-1
On the right: 10-infographic-solutions-part-1-D5DADA
Instead of searching all of them one by one, I want to automatically find the left-hand data among the right-hand data.
I thought this might be possible with EmEditor; but I don't know how.
If this is possible I would like to know how.
Also, there is one more thing I want to know.
I have something to add to the end of each line; but I can't put a bulk cursor at the end of all of them.
How can I do this with EmEditor?
I hope I was able to express clearly what I wanted.
If there is anything that confuses you, please let me know.
You can use Advanced Filter to find multiple strings combined with Logical Disjunction (OR). To do this:
Open Missing Data.txt with EmEditor, select all (Ctrl+A), and copy all the text to the Clipboard (Ctrl+C).
Open Full Data.txt, and click the Advanced Filter button on the Filter toolbar.
Click in the list box of the Advanced Filter dialog box, and press Ctrl+V to paste the Clipboard contents to the list box.
While all the items in the list box are selected, make sure the Match Case, (None), and Logical Disjunction (OR) options are selected, but no other options are selected.
Click the Filter button.
You didn't write what you want to do after searches, but if you want to remove all the matched lines from Full Data.txt:
Click the Abort button if you are already filtering. Click Bookmark button, and Close to dismiss the dialog box.
Right-click on the left edge of the editor (or select Edit menu - Bookmarks), and select Delete Bookmarked Lines.
As for selecting the end of each line, you can drag Mouse while pressing Alt to make a zero-width vertical selection at right (or press Alt+E, E to make a vertical selection, and press End). See Multiple Selection Editing for more information.

Detecting visible sheets in Excel tabs list displayed at bottom of Excel application

Is it possible using VBA to determine whether or not a given sheet is currently visible in the list displayed at the bottom left corner of the window?
The Excel Window object has a ScrollWorkbookTabs method, but doesn't appear to expose any events. I'd like to be able to detect when the navigation buttons on the left side of the tabs list have been clicked so I can determine if a certain spreadsheet is visible in the tabs list.
No, this is not possible. The visible tab list will change based on both the screen resolution and the length of name of each sheet, and there are no native API calls that can tell you what's currently there.
The best workaround I've used to this problem (several sheets which are difficult to navigate) is to create a navigation header that gets inserted into each worksheet which enables the user to quickly move around the workbook.

Excel editing command button name not changing

When I am editing command button and I go to the top left corner to change the name of the command button it allows me to edit the text and change it but when I press enter or click somewhere the name of the button keeps reverting back to the original name.
I've tried also tried making sure design mode is selected as well, and the command button and the sheet do not have any protection on either
I'm sure I'm missing something simple.
I had a very similar problem. Solved! My problem was that I would create an ACTIVEX button, and using the properties, give it a customized name (changing CommandButton1 to something much more descriptive)... then later, upon saving and re-opening the excel, some of these buttons (not all) would revert to CommandButtonX.
The whole problem was THE LENGTH OF THE NAME. My names that failed would be around 39 chars or more (somewhere around 39). Using the selection objects pane under the Excel "Find and Select" menu item, I observed the ones that would fail vs succeed.... comparing what I would change in that pane with control properties (Name) and the excel "sheet Name Box" in the upper left area of the sheet screen.
When we have to rename the command button, you can use properties and namebox. But the purpose to change the appearance of button, you have to go to
properties->caption. In caption, you can rename button's appearance.

CKEditor: Tabletools doesnt remember my properties

ive installed CKEditor on my website with the tabletools Plugins from here: Everything but the tabletool dialog works well.
For example: I have edited my table cell width to 33.333% and hit ok. A few minutes later I wanted to set a background color on that table cell, but unfortunatly the width (and all the other changes ive made in that dialog) was empty. That means that i cant make any further changes to that cell if i dont want to fill all the other again. Does anyone knows if this is intended and if their are any solutions to get the fields filled again?
I'm pretty certain that next time you (unconsciously) select different table cells than previously. Unfortunately it's not visible, because browsers render selections in tables poorly. For example selection may be extended to contain beginning of next cell and in such case you will see only selection in the first cell.
To make sure that on right click selection won't overflow current cell make sure to click in the middle of the text. Or, if you mistakenly opened dialog for two table cells (then width of first cell won't be loaded into the dialog), just set the values you want to change and editor won't reset those values which you haven't filled.

Microsoft Power Point 2010 Cannot Propagate Page Number Footer on Master Slide

I am making a power point template and I have a master, and dozens of slides under it. My master has a footer (Page Number)
[ <#>]
In the bottom right corner. (You can see this by opening up a blank presentation and viewing the master).
What I want to do is add some text such as
and propagate this from my master to all the slides that inherit this master. But this doesnt work. It is absolutely dumb and ridiculous.
NOTE: I am aware of the functionality that I can do Insert -> Header & Footer -> Check the right boxes -> Apply Changes to All and this will come in handy when I want to reflect the change.
I can change the Footer and apply it in the Slide Master View and the Footer is updated. However, and this is the most frustrating part, when I add AUTHOR HERE to the Slide Number Part of the footer, those changes will not get reflected in the child slide!!
There is a fix, and it is to do it manually, but I would like this template to be dynamic so all you gotta do is change the name in the Page Number placeholder and it will update the rest of the template. I can make the PAGE NUMBER RED AND BOLD, I can move the Page Number place holder around and it updates the child slides accordingly, but when I add text into the box, it doesn't propagate! Why?!
Again, I'm trying a proof of concept from a default presentation.
I swear this is impossible.
In the redesign from PPT 2003 to 2007, MS solved a rather small problem that affects a moderate number of people and in so doing, created a big problem that affects anyone who uses headers/footers/etc. They haven't seen fit to fix it.
A couple of things:
I think you'll need to apply your "Author Here" text to the slide placeholder on each of the layouts (the "slides" indented beneath the main master in Master view).
To have the text apply, you'll want to go to Insert | Headers/Footers, remove the check next to Slide Number, click Apply to all. Then repeat to put the check next to Slide Number again. IOW, turn the slide numbers off then turn them back on again. This forces them to regenerate.
Finally, just in case: the <#> you see there isn't really a normal character, so typing <#> won't work. If you type your "Author Here " and then while the text cursor's still in the text box, choose Insert | Date&Time, you'll get the correct character.
