How do I check user access for given SharePoint site using power automate - sharepoint-online

I have a requirement to write a Flow using power automate.
The requirement is to check if a user has access to given SharePoint site. Here SharePoint site address will be given as input.
I'm wondering how to achieve this using REST API in power automate.

With REST API, you cannot check user permission directly, alternate is to use effectiveBasePermissions for different masks. Blog here.
And for Power Automate, I am not sure if you can carry further steps mentioned in the blog.
Similar thread: How to get user's permission on SharePoint site with REST API?
The workaround I can think of will be checking if the user is in a SharePoint group. You can get all users in a SharePoint group via REST API, and check if the user is inside of it.


How to grant access to a User on SharePoint document library/ list using Power automate or Rest API

I'm working on a automation where we want to give access to a requested user on a SharePoint document library and list.
We are using Power automates for end to end automation but dint find any way to achieve the problem statement.
Can i get some leads.

power bi embedded rest api share report

I am trying to use power bi embedded service rest apis with a pro account, I have gone through the rest api reference guide -
The issue is that am unable to share a report with a particular set of users with the api, now i know that we can with rest api create appspaces/groups, and add users to group, but thats at the group level. I want to basically give permission at the report level. It is very easily possible from the portal by going into the share option. But there is no api that i can find to share a report to a user in an appspace.
We are stuck in our POC because of this as report level security is basic and a must have requirement for any kind of custom usage.
Currently Power BI REST API doesn't allow you to do that. As you said, you can only manage users on workspace level. If you need such dynamic report level management, you can try to achieve this by removing the rights of your users on the workspace and embed the reports in some application, implementin "app own data" scenario. This way you will be able to manage user's access in your application, while the reports will be always accessed with your "master account".

Get SharePoint group names with Graph API

Is there a way to get the SharePoint security groups at site collection/site level with Graph API? I have followed Graph API article by MS but no where they mentioned about pulling information from security groups. I want to use this Graph API url in my power apps to apply role based security.
It isn't possible to interact SharePoint's own user or group resource via Microsoft Graph at the moment. For the time being you would need to use the classic SharePoint REST API (i.e. /_api/web/siteusers) for this.

Retrieve Office 365 directory information from SharePoint online

I was wondering if is it possible to retrieve Office 365 directory information (i.e. security group membership) from SharePoint online programmatically (for example through a workflow custom action)?
By the way, I am not looking for retrieving Sharepoint group membership information.
I know the custom development is pretty limited with SharePoint online since the code has to run as a sandbox solution. Is there any web service or any another solution available?
I have been looking for information about this matter but I could not find anything so I guess there is no way to do this.
In our case there is an active directory synchronized with office 365. So we will use a powershell script to read data from AD and update a sharepoint list every day.
Then we will be able to use this data from custom code (like a workflow custom action).

Is Form Based Authentication possible in trial version of SharePoint online

I think, Microsoft uses claim based authentication for trial version of SharePoint online by default but it might be possible to use Form Based Authentication in Dedicated O365.
I need to test or write application to authenticate users for SharePoint online which may have claim based or form based authentication.
so Is there any way to create SharePoint online site that uses form based authentication? Or Is there any SharePoint online test site for this?
I have one more question:
In SharePoint online, I have invited one external(hotmail) user.
I wanted to know details steps on how the external user is authenticated?
