How to install Python 3.8.1 on RHEL 8? - python-3.x

This is really frustrating.
I want to install the latest version of Python (at the time of this issue: Python 3.8.1) on RHEL 8, (RHEL being one of the most widely used distributions of Linux).
I would like to type:
#dnf install python
and have it install the latest version of Python.
I can't do this, and I do not know why.
When I go to and click on 'install for Linux' I get a link to the source code.
There are no instructions there as to what to do with the source code.
I do not understand why this is.
I don't want the source code, I want to install python 3.8.1 executables for my platform (RHEL 8).
I search on how to install python 3.8.1 from source and get a long list of dependencies that I have to install and a long list of steps.
Is this because it is a very rare thing for companies to run Python on Linux?
Can we get together here and make it easy for folks to install Python on Linux?
I'm willing to pay money out of my daily earnings to setup a RHEL 8 repo to get Python 3.8 there if IBM/Redhat is not willing to do this.
Why does the official Python organization hate Linux?
Why does IBM / Redhat hate Python?
Can we bring the two together in peace and harmony so that they just get along?
This is very frustrating, I should be able to knock this task out in a few seconds, and it has turned into hours.
The same amount of hours to figure out how to do this is probably done every day by developers all over the world that want to install/run the latest version of Python on Linux (CentOS / RHEL).

Python 3.8 Application Stream is currently available with RHEL 8.2 beta. Since we support every new version of Python (3 years) that we release, we need to make sure that it's stable before bringing it to RHEL and the many hardware architectures it runs on. This is also important as customers expect technologies to be production grade. This table shows that over the years, we have officially supported more than one Python version simultaneously. You can download RHEL 8.2 beta from here. RHEL 8 was released with 2 versions of Python (2.7 and 3.6) because it's an important technology for us. We've used it ourselves for many years in building RHEL components and, among others in this industry, we had to rebuild it to 3.x (from 2.7).
FYI - new versions of Python and other components are released as Software Collections on RHEL 7, and as Application Streams on RHEL 8. The benefit of these is that the version of Python that's installed will have exactly the same packages and components for each system it's install it on. This simplifies things a lot (as you point out, it's complicated) and minimizes the "it works on my machine" issue.


WinPython 32bit download

I want to download the current 32bit version of WinPython. The 32bit version is needed for compatibility with pypyodbc and a 32bit MS Access database. I have had a 32bit version of 3.2.7 installed and running correctly for a while, but would like to upgrade to say 3.9 for a few reasons.
But on the usual download sites the WinPython 32 bit versions are all stripped back bundles, without the rich array of packages (pyQT,pyqtgraph, pyserial etc). What is the standard process to get a fully featured WinPython 32bit (v3.9.2)? Perhaps download an older version of the 32 bit version and then overwrite with the new version? Or download the current 64 bit version and install the minimal 32 bit version over the top? Download the minimum and install each needed package via pip?
I know I am missing something, it can't be too hard... But have spent the day googling and not found the way forward.
Without having any better idea, I proceeded with just downloading the 'minimal 32 bit' installation, and then pip'ing the nine or ten packages I needed for my current suite of projects. Only took 15 minutes, and has resulted in a much smaller footprint on my hard disk.
If anyone has a different solution to my original question though, happy to hear it!

How do I setup cygwin 1.7 on a Windows 2000 machine

I have a box running Win2k to support a few legacy applications that can't be migrated forward at this point that I'd like to manage for most part with Cygwin.
However, the current Cygwin installer requires Windows XP 3. The installer referenced by the good folks at at Cygwin Time Machine runs just fine, but when I attempt to configure any suggested circa release area and proceed, the installer errors out attempting to download setup-2.bz2.sig and setup-2.ini.sig.
The circa release area I'm attempting to use is here.
Directory listing is not enabled, so really can't tell you anything more than the fact that setup-2.ini and setup-2.bz2 are there, but their signatures are not. Seems to be the case for a random sample of other releases listed here.
Cygwin Time Machine was enormously helpful in resolving this issue. Essentially, my woes were caused by
attempting to draw in packages from the Cygwin's 1.7 "development" branch (the setup-2.* errors).
using a setup installer too fresh for my purposes.
Digging around the Internet Archive, I found the last installation page update in which Windows 2000 (1 June 2013) still supported and downloaded the cached installer (link to setup.exe).
Cygwin Time Machine suggested these alternatives:
However, the 1 Jun 2013 installer (link) is considerably newer, can make use of a fresher repository (I'm able to install python 2.7.3 rather than 2.5.2), and has the nice filter feature we're used to in more modern installers.
Finally, Fruitbats does not archive the signatures for the setup package lists. You run at your own risk.
To ignore signatures, run the setup installer with an -X flag, i.e.:
c:\...> setup.exe -X
That about wraps it up. I have a mid-2013 Cygwin 1.7 installed on Win2k Advanced Server SP4.

Installation of python 3.4

I have installed Python 3.4 on my windows 7 64bit system and it runs OK with eclipse. But I am trying to install kivy or pyQT and I get a message that Python 3.4 is not installed on my system. I am totally new to python and all its modules. What can I do to correct this problem? I need a GUI but I think that first I need to make sure that Python is properly install. I hope this questionis not too basic and that I am asking on the right place.
I can't help with PyQT, and possibly this should have been two separate questions. But for Kivy the easiest way to get started is to download the portable package, which includes Python, Kivy, and all the dependencies compiled and ready to go. You can read the instructions for using the portable package here:
If you really want to install Kivy yourself into an existing Python install, you can follow these instructions instead:
Finally, to set up your IDE for use with the Kivy portable package (if necessary):
Oh, one last caveat: we are working on Python 3 support, and Kivy will run perfectly in Python 3, but packaging is another matter. There are working packaging solutions for Windows apps using Python 3, but if you intend to deploy your app to Android or iOS you currently must use Python 2.

.exe generated in cygwin 1.7 is not running on cygwin 1.52

A year back i have developed a small script in perl for a customer and developed its .exe using pp .
we delivered .exe file along with basic cygwin(1.52) install files to run that .exe to customer.
Now we got an enhancement in the script .we lost all dev environment for cygwin .Again we installed fresh cygwin with 1.7 version ,coded and generated .exe file.this file is not running in the customer environment who have cygwin 1.52.Just it will be balnk after executing the .exe
we cannot ask customer to upgarde the test environment.
what is other way to make it run .exe with cygwin dll 1.7 on cygwin 1.52.
Any help would be higly appreciated.
The developers of Cygwin are strict about upward compatibility, but they don't try to provide backward compatibility between major releases, like between 1.5 and 1.7. This means you can build a program on 1.7 that runs on 1.5 only as long as you avoid calling functions that were added to the Cygwin DLL in 1.7.
Most likely the reason your code calls 1.7-only functions is that it is using libraries that auto-discover platform features. There could be other reasons, but without any details about what exactly is failing, it's difficult to guess.
If the problem is due to third-party libraries, as I'm guessing, it may be practical to spend time to figure out how to make them revert to the common functionality provided by both 1.5 and 1.7. For instance, with an autoconf-based system, you can hand-edit the config.h file the configure script produces to turn off use of some discovered features. This in turn means building all those libraries from source yourself, rather than downloading binary versions from the Cygwin project repository and using them directly.
It may be easier to pull a Cygwin 1.5 environment out of the Cygwin Time Machine.
By the way, you are aware that distributing Cygwin and executables built with it requires that those executables comply with the GPL, or that you buy a Cygwin commercial distribution license, right? If not see the FAQ.
Install 1.5 with

Installing MonoDevelop on Suse Enterprise 10.0

I tried to install MonoDevelop on Suse 11.0 Enterprise, using the 1-click install on the MonoDevelop download page, but quickly wound up in a tangle of missing dependencies. I then tried using the Suse software repositories to get MonoDevelop, and waded through several of the dependencies for awhile trying to get the necessary packages to fulfill the dependencies, but some of the packages in the Suse repositories actually appear to be missing the needed RPM files. Are these repositories no longer being actively maintained?
I am aware that there is a CD on the Mono site (called the Mono LiveCD) that appears to contain a complete installation of the development environment, as well as a DVD for OpenSuse 11.2 (on the OpenSuse site) that might actually have all of the Mono software already installed. But the target environment for the utility I am writing is Suse 11.0 Enterprise Server. Does that matter?
What is the shortest distance between two points here?
that might actually have all of the Mono software already installed.
It has all of the Mono software installed ( of course it depends on what do you mean 'all') Last time when i tried it, the installation included Mono itself, monodevelop, MoMa and some software, written in Mono ( gome-do, for example ). I did not perform any additional steps for migrating my solution from a windows machine. the one thing worth to mention, monodevelop crashed several times, but i think it was memory-related ( an image had access only to 512 mb of RAM ).
But the target environment for the
utility I am writing is Suse 11.0
Enterprise Server. Does that matter?
In theory, it does not. You will have to check Mono versions of course, but i don't think you will face any problems during migration process. As far as i know, Suse 11.0 comes with Mono 2.0 pre-installed. With a latest life-cd you are going to develop using mono 2.6. There were some major changes ( partial LINQ to SQL suport ) you will have to compare changelog's of course.
If you're trying to install Mono on Suse Linux Enterprise Server, you need to download the Mono Extension Pack (available here). In SLES 11 it was separated out into a separate product in order to decouple the support life cycle from that of the general distribution. This allows them to release more often.
The add-on is available for x86, x86_64, and IBM System Z.
