Params :pagination not found! (RuntimeError) grape rails - pagination

I have face this issue when I was implementing pagination using grape kaminari gem to show a list.

I think you haven't included Grape-Kaminari into your base.rb file. Please add this line
include Grape::Kaminari
into your base.rb file and I think it will solve your issue.
Here is a demo image: grape-kaminari


building opengm with python3

Hi I'm trying to build opengm with python3, which is allegedly supported. Crosspost to opengm forum here. The reason I ask is that I get an error on "PyInt_FromLong" which is according to this article something that shouldn't come up when porting a c library like opengm to python3. When I changed this to PyLong_FromLong, I ran into another compilation problem down the line from numpy.core.multiarray. Also note that it builds (with the appropriate ccmake options) with Python2 just fine.
My questions are:
1. Has anyone actually successfully build this?
2. Can anyone shed some light as to whether this is something on my end or theirs?

Can I use grape on soapUI?

I really don't know If I can or not since I've been researching on the internet and I haven't seen anything about this topic.
If I try to use the following on soapui (groovy script)
import net.sf.json.JSONObject
import net.sf.json.xml.XMLSerializer
I'm getting an error on Soapui that says "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/ivy/core/settings/lvySettings" , So I really don't know If grape is not possible to be used on soapUI or I'm failing on some step.
Thank you guys.
Yes but I have to add ant jar and ivy jar to soapui/bin/ext otherwise it's not going to work.
The above answer does not work for SoapUI 5.7.0, you must add the Ivy JAR to %SOAPUI_HOME%..\lib
Source: R2 Blog

Codekit 2.0.5 Not Recognizing Compass

I have been pulling what hair I have left out. I just downloaded Codekit this week and want to redesign my own site using Compass/SASS/Susy. I have tried several ways to get it to work, the preference in Codekit to point at the executable path. I am really excited to get started on this new endeavor, but I can't seem to get by the setup. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Is your project set up correctly? Susy 2 requires SASS 3. CodeKit 2 has an option to use libSASS instead of SASS (I use it). There are other dependencies for which I use Bundler. If you use Bundler to set up your project, it will add 'require 'compass/import-once/activate' to your config.rb. Other than that, there is no specific need to require or import compass. Do you have a CodeKit error message that you can post to let us see what is going wrong?
I assume that you are using Susy 2. If you are using Susy 1 you must add #import "susyone"; to your config.rb. But I expect you know that already.
Re your comments:
Using Bundler, my Gemfile includes:
gem "susy", "~>2.1.0"
gem "sass", "~>3.3.0"
gem "breakpoint", "~>2.4.0"
so these must be installed on your system accessible to susy. CodeKit doesn't need compass but my config.rb file includes these:
require 'compass/import-once/activate'
require 'breakpoint'
require 'sassy-buttons'
obviously you may not be using sassy-buttons.
The documentation for Susy2 is extensive and is available at You don't say how you set up your project, but I assume that your CodeKit setup points to the correct files from SCSS to compiled CSS.
You need to '#import susy' in one of your .scss files. (I'm not sure that that is necessary anymore).

Where are the components?

I am using version 1.9.0 of the RED HAWK IDE on RedHat 6.3.
After install RedHawk I looked at the video
I tried to run through the example but I notice I am missing a large amount of the components she has like add_const_ff, complex_to, noise_source, vector_sink, medianfilter.
Should I have them? Is there a package I am missing?
Adding stuff to get the checker to except my question. I tried, then tried. Going to try.
Here you can find several packages from RedHawk developer:
You can try to download and build them
All of the components you mentioned except for the medianfilter are part of the GNUHawk library of components and can be found at
The median filter is part of the basic-components library and can be found at

Mixin "with-grid-settings" does not accept a content block

Mixin "with-grid-settings" does not accept a content block.
Trying to solve this, searched about it, but cannot find any info.
It sounds like you might be trying to use an incompatible version of sass. If you are on Ruby 2.0, you should try upgrading your sass gem to 3.2.7.
