WinPython 32bit download - python-3.x

I want to download the current 32bit version of WinPython. The 32bit version is needed for compatibility with pypyodbc and a 32bit MS Access database. I have had a 32bit version of 3.2.7 installed and running correctly for a while, but would like to upgrade to say 3.9 for a few reasons.
But on the usual download sites the WinPython 32 bit versions are all stripped back bundles, without the rich array of packages (pyQT,pyqtgraph, pyserial etc). What is the standard process to get a fully featured WinPython 32bit (v3.9.2)? Perhaps download an older version of the 32 bit version and then overwrite with the new version? Or download the current 64 bit version and install the minimal 32 bit version over the top? Download the minimum and install each needed package via pip?
I know I am missing something, it can't be too hard... But have spent the day googling and not found the way forward.

Without having any better idea, I proceeded with just downloading the 'minimal 32 bit' installation, and then pip'ing the nine or ten packages I needed for my current suite of projects. Only took 15 minutes, and has resulted in a much smaller footprint on my hard disk.
If anyone has a different solution to my original question though, happy to hear it!


How to install Python 3.8.1 on RHEL 8?

This is really frustrating.
I want to install the latest version of Python (at the time of this issue: Python 3.8.1) on RHEL 8, (RHEL being one of the most widely used distributions of Linux).
I would like to type:
#dnf install python
and have it install the latest version of Python.
I can't do this, and I do not know why.
When I go to and click on 'install for Linux' I get a link to the source code.
There are no instructions there as to what to do with the source code.
I do not understand why this is.
I don't want the source code, I want to install python 3.8.1 executables for my platform (RHEL 8).
I search on how to install python 3.8.1 from source and get a long list of dependencies that I have to install and a long list of steps.
Is this because it is a very rare thing for companies to run Python on Linux?
Can we get together here and make it easy for folks to install Python on Linux?
I'm willing to pay money out of my daily earnings to setup a RHEL 8 repo to get Python 3.8 there if IBM/Redhat is not willing to do this.
Why does the official Python organization hate Linux?
Why does IBM / Redhat hate Python?
Can we bring the two together in peace and harmony so that they just get along?
This is very frustrating, I should be able to knock this task out in a few seconds, and it has turned into hours.
The same amount of hours to figure out how to do this is probably done every day by developers all over the world that want to install/run the latest version of Python on Linux (CentOS / RHEL).
Python 3.8 Application Stream is currently available with RHEL 8.2 beta. Since we support every new version of Python (3 years) that we release, we need to make sure that it's stable before bringing it to RHEL and the many hardware architectures it runs on. This is also important as customers expect technologies to be production grade. This table shows that over the years, we have officially supported more than one Python version simultaneously. You can download RHEL 8.2 beta from here. RHEL 8 was released with 2 versions of Python (2.7 and 3.6) because it's an important technology for us. We've used it ourselves for many years in building RHEL components and, among others in this industry, we had to rebuild it to 3.x (from 2.7).
FYI - new versions of Python and other components are released as Software Collections on RHEL 7, and as Application Streams on RHEL 8. The benefit of these is that the version of Python that's installed will have exactly the same packages and components for each system it's install it on. This simplifies things a lot (as you point out, it's complicated) and minimizes the "it works on my machine" issue.

Download And Install (Jetbrains products) IntellijIdea-webStorm-phpStorm idea 32 bit Linux tar.gz

i have trouble finding the right version for my OS.
it seems that after 2018 there is no support for 32 bit in newer versions
Jetbrains download version only provides the last 3 releases
it there a way to download older versions ?
please help !
you can the last version but ones with JR8 Bundled
in jetbrains download page, below the main version download area
here is the picture
but if you really want to download older versions use this
you can change the version
you can change the app name (to webstorm,phpstorm or else)
you can change the type of the file (to .exe or else)

Uninstall 32 bit application and install 64 bit application

Is there a posibility to tell Innosetup to uninstall the 32 bit version of the application (that usually resides in Program Files (x86)) in order to install the 64 bit version of the application (usually in Program Files). If the 32 bit version is not uninstalled, then bot of them will start at startup, causing problems.
I don't know if there is a procedure for this. Given the fact that the 64 bit application will basically be a different application, trying to uninstall the 32 bit application seems like trying to uninstall a non-related application.
The motivation will be that less and less vendors offer support for 32 bit libraries. For example, there are no 32 bit libraries for Qt for msvc2017. So the earlier I move to 64 bit the better.
Note: if this is not possible in Innosetup, any other alternative is welcome.
Just uninstall the previous 32-bit version, as any other.
See How to detect old installation and offer removal?
It should work almost out-of-the-box, as long as both the installers for 32-bit and 64-bit version have the same AppId. The only difference is that you need to look to for the uninstall key explicitly in HKLM32 (32-bit hive) instead of HKLM/HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (which defaults to 64-bit hive in 64-bit install mode).
If you uninstall the 32-bit version from InitializeSetup already, as the accepted answer to the above question shows, Inno Setup won't notice that the 32-bit version ever existed and will even "reset" the default installation path to the 64-bit Program Files folder.

Cygwin putting down older versions of some files

A beginner's Cygwin question here - I'd like to install a newer version of Cygwin (the latest, which is 1.7.9) on a few Windows 2008 Server boxes which currently have rather an old version (1.5.25). I need to do an offline, silent install, and I'm currently deciding whether to do some sort of manually produced list of changed/added/removed files, or just replace the old install with the new. The install is quite big (80 odd megs), so just doing the differences might make sense here. It looks like there is nothing in the way of registry servering or so on required to install Cygwin -you just copy the files somewhere, add it the the path and you're good to go.
One problem, though, is that looking at what's changed between old and new reveals that some of the files the most recent install has used are actually older versions that what we've already got. Ie cygintl-8.dll, envsubst.exe, gettext.exe. Surely you can't mix and match versions?
I'd appreciate it if a more experienced Cygwin user could reply with a few hints as to the best approach here.
There's always an official config.ini file that lists a recommended version of each package, plus often both newer and older versions than the recommended one. When you do an installation with setup.exe, you can elect to use the bleeding edge versions for some or all of the packages. Perhaps your 1.5.25 version was installed with all the bleeding-edge packages, and the 1.7.9 just accepted the defaults. It's not unlikely that some sets of old/current/new packages hadn't changed between those two cygwin versions.
In general, you can mix and match a lot of things, just as you can on Linux. You can't take an old version of the core cygwin1.dll library and expect new packages to run against it; but not all the packages have to be in lockstep.

Does the Gentoo install CD contain everything for C++ development?

I'd like to install Gentoo. I need it to develop GUI C++ applications using wxWidgets, so I need:
build tools: make, automake, autoconf, etc.
C++ compiler (GCC)
X Window System for testing (Fluxbox or something minimal would be enough)
Now, I have two options:
download the small network installer (57MB) do a network install
download the 600MB CD
I'd like to download as less as possible and still have all the tools above.
I also don't understand whether the network installer will first prompt me for the packages I want, or it will fetch 600 MB of data anyway?
I might want to install it on other computers later, so I'd go with 'full' install from CD if the network install does not save me anything.
Gentoo is ultraminimalist by default.
The install CD gets you a basic working system, a basic compile environment ( Some version of the GCC suite ), and package management.
Its up to you then to install what you want to use.
Its not like many other distributions where theres a big set of "default" packages to have installed.
You have to know what you want, and install what you want.
The "Live" Cd will make things a bit quicker by having a few precompiled binaries available, but besides that, you still have to choose what you want to install.
I also don't understand whether the
network installer will first prompt me
for the packages I want, or it will
fetch 600 MB of data anyway?
it will only install what you want to. If you use NetInstall and install nothing except GCC, it will only download enough to have GCC.
Welcome to gentoo.
It can be a little daunting for first timers, but once you've gotten past the steep learning curve you'll love it :)
You're not missing anything. Furthermore, if you actually want any useful applications, you're going to have to do a lot more downloading than that even. The point is, the small network install CD lets you download whichever version of those components that you want, and the latest version of portage, etc, instead of providing you with (likely) outdated copies on the full CD.
Gentoo is fundamentally a network based distro. The minimal CD is really minimal, it contains just enough to have a functional system booting as livecd so one can install the distribution basically from the network. The livecd (there are also livedvd's around, just not as regularly released (they eat diskspace and bandwith). contains a full graphical environment (and being a compile-yourself distro) obviously gcc as C++ compiler, and can be used to install a binary version of the packages to disk (actually from the livecd environment using some clever hackery).
However, gentoo is a continuously updated distribution. If you want to update your system you need to get the packages from the network (there are ways to find what to download etc, but that is not for beginners) and update. In general, if you don't update every couple of months, your updates can become painful or really painful.
After you have installed Gentoo — emerge vim wxGTK and read
and you are ready to go!
Happy coding.
Use network install. It does save you something and even if you do multiple installations you'll probably want the newest packages anyway.
And no the network installer will not download the 600MB without asking you that would make no sense.
Gentoo doesn't exactly "prompt" for packages. The network CD will get you a small base system, then it's up to you to set everything else you need up yourself. This is one of the positive and negative things about Gentoo.
Update: looks like network install is not that minimal. There's 57MB .iso image, but you also need to download stage3 which is about 120MB and portage with is 29MB. And later on, you need the Linux kernel, which is about 46MB. This totals about 250MB. Or am I missing something?
Update: I have installed the Kernel, X Window system, mc, Lilo, etc. and have a working system :) Summing all up, it downloaded about 580 MB. Well, it is still less than install CD!
