Download And Install (Jetbrains products) IntellijIdea-webStorm-phpStorm idea 32 bit Linux tar.gz - linux

i have trouble finding the right version for my OS.
it seems that after 2018 there is no support for 32 bit in newer versions
Jetbrains download version only provides the last 3 releases
it there a way to download older versions ?
please help !

you can the last version but ones with JR8 Bundled
in jetbrains download page, below the main version download area
here is the picture
but if you really want to download older versions use this
you can change the version
you can change the app name (to webstorm,phpstorm or else)
you can change the type of the file (to .exe or else)


WinPython 32bit download

I want to download the current 32bit version of WinPython. The 32bit version is needed for compatibility with pypyodbc and a 32bit MS Access database. I have had a 32bit version of 3.2.7 installed and running correctly for a while, but would like to upgrade to say 3.9 for a few reasons.
But on the usual download sites the WinPython 32 bit versions are all stripped back bundles, without the rich array of packages (pyQT,pyqtgraph, pyserial etc). What is the standard process to get a fully featured WinPython 32bit (v3.9.2)? Perhaps download an older version of the 32 bit version and then overwrite with the new version? Or download the current 64 bit version and install the minimal 32 bit version over the top? Download the minimum and install each needed package via pip?
I know I am missing something, it can't be too hard... But have spent the day googling and not found the way forward.
Without having any better idea, I proceeded with just downloading the 'minimal 32 bit' installation, and then pip'ing the nine or ten packages I needed for my current suite of projects. Only took 15 minutes, and has resulted in a much smaller footprint on my hard disk.
If anyone has a different solution to my original question though, happy to hear it!

Old version of TypeScript installation program (.MSI, or .VSIX) needed - - where to find?

Anybody know how to get the .MSI installer for an older version of Typescript - the download at the offical URL for version is no longer available.
It seems newer version 1.0 or is available, but that version is incompatible with my client's software which I am attempting to support.
Any idea how to get the specific version I need?
OK - found it. After some digging, there is a reference in the bowels of the Microsoft Download Center for many old versions of TypeScript.
Expand the 'Details' section and scroll down, click 'Download' link on desired version...

Upgrading Awesomium SDK 1.6.6 to 1.7

I have Awesomium SDK 1.6.6 installed and i want to upgrade it to the 1.7 candidate how could i do that. because when i downloaded the 1.7 i find it is only consists of some files and no setup file included (like the 1.6 one)
We have not created an installer for the Release Candidates of version 1.7. RCs are not stable releases. There will be one again when 1.7 goes stable and 1.6.6 installations will then be able to automatically upgrade to 1.7.
Are you looking to use the .NET wrappers? If so, you should be able to download and extract the files anywhere, then in your project, just add references to Awesomium.Core.dll and either Awesomium.Windows.Forms.dll or Awesomium.Windows.Controls.dll, depending on whether you're using Winforms or WPF. The dlls are located in awesomium_1_7_rc3_v3_sdk_win\wrappers\AwesomiumNET\Assemblies\ within the archive.
I believe the setup.exe you're expecting to see is only used for extracting the files to a specific location and providing you with some helpful links in your start menu, so you aren't missing much by not having it.

Install older version of Cygwin

Is there any way I can go back and install a older version of Cygwin?
Say I want the 1.7.9 version, but the setup.exe in the Cygwin website always point to the latest release? will always point to the latest release. The only previous release available at is the 'setup-legacy' file, which is version 1.5.25 and is compatible with older versions of Windows. Downloading older versions of Cygwin is discouraged because of incompatibility with the latest available packages.
That said, if you are certain you want an older version of setup.exe, the only way to get it would be to find the file mirrored elsewhere. Simply google the specific version you want, and you should be able to easily find what you are looking for., for example, has many previous releases: see for yourself.
In summary, there is no 'official' way to get previous Cygwin releases, so you will have to find a mirror of that specific release.
Yes, see this answer but ignore the parts about Postgres
Install an old version if you have to. Someone maintains a historical archive of Cygwin versions.
Browse the time stamp of the setup.ini file you need:
Copy the address of the folder (not index.html)
Run /setup-x86.exe -X with the -X option to ignore setup signatures (they aren't archived).
Paste the address into the dialog to choose your download site. You will then see a snapshot of packages available during that time.
Then pick the Cygwin base package to get an older version.
Download any setup version from

Cygwin putting down older versions of some files

A beginner's Cygwin question here - I'd like to install a newer version of Cygwin (the latest, which is 1.7.9) on a few Windows 2008 Server boxes which currently have rather an old version (1.5.25). I need to do an offline, silent install, and I'm currently deciding whether to do some sort of manually produced list of changed/added/removed files, or just replace the old install with the new. The install is quite big (80 odd megs), so just doing the differences might make sense here. It looks like there is nothing in the way of registry servering or so on required to install Cygwin -you just copy the files somewhere, add it the the path and you're good to go.
One problem, though, is that looking at what's changed between old and new reveals that some of the files the most recent install has used are actually older versions that what we've already got. Ie cygintl-8.dll, envsubst.exe, gettext.exe. Surely you can't mix and match versions?
I'd appreciate it if a more experienced Cygwin user could reply with a few hints as to the best approach here.
There's always an official config.ini file that lists a recommended version of each package, plus often both newer and older versions than the recommended one. When you do an installation with setup.exe, you can elect to use the bleeding edge versions for some or all of the packages. Perhaps your 1.5.25 version was installed with all the bleeding-edge packages, and the 1.7.9 just accepted the defaults. It's not unlikely that some sets of old/current/new packages hadn't changed between those two cygwin versions.
In general, you can mix and match a lot of things, just as you can on Linux. You can't take an old version of the core cygwin1.dll library and expect new packages to run against it; but not all the packages have to be in lockstep.
