Filtering 2 vectors - android-layout

I'm trying to advanced filter 2 vectors based on what they have.
I want to sort through both of them and add the value which is in vector2 but not in vector1 to another string of vectors. So using the above example I want a 3rd vector to contain ["1"] which should be a string as it is in vector2 but not in vector1.
This is my code but it doesn't work ?
bool contains =false;
for (auto item : vector1) {
if (item == vector2[i]) {
contains = true


Shortest string containing the most occurrence of strings in a set

Define the degree of a string M be the number of times it appears in another string S. For example M = "aba" and S="ababa", the degree of M is 2. Given a set of strings and an integer N, find the string of the minimum length so that the sum of degrees of all strings in the set is at least N.
For example a set {"ab", "bd", "abd" "babd", "abc"}, N = 4, the answer will be "babd". It contains "ab", "abd", "babd" and "bd" one time.
N <= 100, M <= 100, length of every string in the set <= 100. Strings in the set only consist of uppercase and lowercase letters.
How to solve this problem? This looks similar to the shortest superstring problems which has a dynamic programming solution that has exponential complexity. However, the constraint in this problem is much larger and the same idea also won't work here. Is there some string data structure that can be applied here?
I have a polynomial time algorithm, which I'm too lazy to code. But I'll describe it for you.
First, make each string in the set plus the empty string be the nodes of a graph. The empty string is connected to each other string, and vice versa. If the end of one string overlaps with the start of another, they also connect. If two can overlap by different amounts, they get multiple edges. (So it is not exactly a graph...)
Each edge gets a cost and a value. The cost is how many characters you have to extend the string you are building by to move from the old end to the new end. (In other words the length of the second string minus the length of the overlap.) to having this one. The value is how many new strings you completed that cross the barrier between the former and the latter string.
Your example was {"ab", "bd", "abd" "babd", "abc"}. Here are the (cost, value) pairs for each transition.
from -> to : (value, cost)
"" -> "ab": ( 1, 2)
"" -> "bd": ( 1, 2)
"" -> "abd": ( 3, 3) # we added "ab", "bd" and "abd"
"" -> "babd": ( 4, 4) # we get "ab", "bd", "abd" and "babd"
"" -> "abc": ( 2, 3) # we get "ab" and "abc"
"ab" -> "": ( 0, 0)
"ab" -> "bd": ( 2, 1) # we added "abd" and "bd" for 1 character
"ab" -> "abd": ( 2, 1) # ditto
"ab" -> "abc": ( 1, 1) # we only added "abc"
"bd" -> "": ( 0, 0) # only empty, nothing else starts "bd"
"abd" -> "": ( 0, 0)
"babd" -> "": ( 0, 0)
"babd" -> "abd": ( 0, 0) # overlapped, but added nothing.
"abc" -> "": ( 0, 0)
OK, all of that is setup. Why did we want this graph?
Well note that if we start at "" with a cost of 0 and a value of 0, then take a path through the graph, that constructs a string. It correctly states the cost, and provides a lower bound on the value. The value can be higher. For example if your set were {"ab", "bc", "cd", "abcd"} then the path "" -> "ab" -> "bc" -> "cd" would lead to the string "abcd" with a cost of 4 and a predicted value of 3. But that value estimate missed the fact that we matched "abcd".
However for any given string made up only of substrings from the set, there is a path through the graph that has the correct cost and the correct value. (At each choice you want to pick the earliest starting matching string that you have not yet counted, and of those pick the longest of them. Then you never miss any matches.)
So we've turned our problem from constructing strings to constructing paths through a graph. What we want to do is build up the following data structure:
for each (value, node) combination:
(best cost, previous node, previous value)
Filling in that data structure is a dynamic programming problem. Once filled in we can just trace back through it to find what path in the graph got us to that value with that cost. Given that path, we can figure out the string that did it.
How fast is it? If our set has K strings then we only need to fill in K * N values, each of which we can give a maximum of K candidates for new values. Which makes the path finding a O(K^2 * N) problem.
So here is my approach. At first iteration we construct a pool out of the initial strings.
After that:
We select out of the pool a string having minimal length and sum of degrees=N. If we found such a string we just return it.
We filter out of the pool all strings with degree less than maximal. We work only with the best possible string combinations.
We construct all variants out of the current pool and the initial strings. Here we need to take into consideration that strings can overlap. Say a string "aba" and "ab"(from initial strings) could produce: ababa, abab, abaab (we do not include "aba" because we already had it in our pool and we need to move further).
We filter out duplicates and this is our next pool.
Repeat everything from the point 1.
The FindTarget() method accepts the target sum as a parameter. FindTarget(4) will solve the sample task.
public class Solution
/// <summary>
/// The initial strings.
/// </summary>
string[] stringsSet;
Tuple<string, string>[][] splits;
public Solution(string[] strings)
stringsSet = strings;
splits = stringsSet.Select(s => ProduceItemSplits(s)).ToArray();
/// <summary>
/// Find the optimal string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="N">Target degree.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string FindTarget(int N)
var pool = stringsSet;
while (true)
var poolWithDegree = pool.Select(s => new { str = s, degree = GetN(s) })
var maxDegree = poolWithDegree.Max(m =>;
var optimalString = poolWithDegree
.Where(w => >= N)
.OrderBy(od => od.str.Length)
if (optimalString != null) return optimalString.str; // We found it
var nextPool = poolWithDegree.Where(w => == maxDegree)
.SelectMany(sm => ExpandString(sm.str))
pool = nextPool;
/// <summary>
/// Get degree.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="candidate"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int GetN(string candidate)
var N = stringsSet.Select(s =>
var c = Regex.Matches(candidate, s).Count();
return c;
return N;
public Tuple<string, string>[] ProduceItemSplits(string item)
var substings = Enumerable.Range(0, item.Length + 1)
.Select((i) => new Tuple<string, string>(item.Substring(0, i), item.Substring(i, item.Length - i))).ToArray();
return substings;
private IEnumerable<string> ExpandStringWithOneItem(string str, int index)
var item = stringsSet[index];
var itemSplits = splits[index];
var startAttachments = itemSplits.Where(w => str.StartsWith(w.Item2) && w.Item1.Length > 0)
.Select(s => s.Item1 + str);
var endAttachments = itemSplits.Where(w => str.EndsWith(w.Item1) && w.Item2.Length > 0)
.Select(s => str + s.Item2);
return startAttachments.Union(endAttachments);
public IEnumerable<string> ExpandString(string str)
var r = Enumerable.Range(0, splits.Length - 1)
.Select(s => ExpandStringWithOneItem(str, s))
.SelectMany(s => s);
return r;
static void Main(string[] args)
var solution = new Solution(new string[] { "ab", "bd", "abd", "babd", "abc" });
var s = solution.FindTarget(150);

Find position of item in list using Binary Search

The question is:
Given a list of String, find a specific string in the list and return
its index in the ordered list of String sorted by mergesort. There are
two cases:
The string is in the list, return the index it should be in, in the ordered list.
The String is NOT in the list, return the index it is supposed to be in, in the ordered list.
Here is my my code, I assume that the given list is already ordered.
For 2nd case, how do I use mergesort to find the supposed index? I would appreciate some clues.
I was thinking to get a copy of the original list first, sort it, and get the index of the string in the copy list. Here I got stuck... do I use mergesort again to get the index of non-existing string in the copy list?
public static int BSearch(List<String> s, String a) {
int size = s.size();
int half = size / 2;
int index = 0;
// base case?
if (half == 0) {
if (s.get(half) == a) {
return index;
} else {
return index + 1;
// with String a
if (s.contains(a)) {
// on the right
if (s.indexOf(s) > half) {
List<String> rightHalf = s.subList(half + 1, size);
index += half;
return BSearch(rightHalf, a);
} else {
// one the left
List<String> leftHalf = s.subList(0, half - 1);
index += half;
return BSearch(leftHalf, a);
return index;
When I run this code, the index is not updated. I wonder what is wrong here. I only get 0 or 1 when I test the code even with the string in the list.
Your code only returns 0 or 1 because you don't keep track of your index for each recursive call, instead of resetting to 0 each time. Also, to find where the non-existent element should be, consider the list {0,2,3,5,6}. If we were to run a binary search to look for 4 here, it should stop at the index where element 5 is. Hope that's enough to get you started!

AS3 "Advanced" string manipulation

I'm making an air dictionary and I have a(nother) problem. The main app is ready to go and works perfectly but when I tested it I noticed that it could be better. A bit of context: the language (ancient egyptian) I'm translating from does not use punctuation so a phrase canlooklikethis. Add to that the sheer complexity of the glyph system (6000+ glyphs).
Right know my app works like this :
user choose the glyphs composing his/r word.
app transforms those glyphs to alphanumerical values (A1 - D36 - X1A, etc).
the code compares the code (say : A5AD36) to a list of xml values.
if the word is found (A5AD36 = priestess of Bast), the user gets the translation. if not, s/he gets all the possible words corresponding to the two glyphs (A5A & D36).
If the user knows the string is a word, no problem. But if s/he enters a few words, s/he'll have a few more choices than hoped (exemple : query = A1A5AD36 gets A1 - A5A - D36 - A5AD36).
What I would like to do is this:
query = A1A5AD36 //word/phrase to be translated;
varArray = [A1, A5A, D36] //variables containing the value of the glyphs.
Corresponding possible words from the xml : A1, A5A, D36, A5AD36.
Possible phrases: A1 A5A D36 / A1 A5AD36 / A1A5A D36 / A1A5AD36.
Possible phrases with only legal words: A1 A5A D36 / A1 A5AD36.
I'm not I really clear but to things simple, I'd like to get all the possible phrases containing only legal words and filter out the other ones.
(example with english : TOBREAKFAST. Legal = to break fast / to breakfast. Illegal = tobreak fast.
I've managed to get all the possible words, but not the rest. Right now, when I run my app, I have an array containing A1 - A5A - D36 - A5AD36. But I'm stuck going forward.
Does anyone have an idea ? Thank you :)
function fnSearch(e: Event): void {
var val: int = sp.length; //sp is an array filled with variables containing the code for each used glyph.
for (var i: int = 0; i < val; i++) { //repeat for every glyph use.
var X: String = ""; //variable created to compare with xml dictionary
for (var i2: int = 0; i2 < val; i2++) { // if it's the first time, use the first glyph-code, else the one after last used.
if (X == "") {
X = sp[i];
} else {
X = X + sp[i2 + i];
xmlresult =; //xmlresult = alphanumerical codes corresponding to words from XMLList already imported
trad =; //same with traductions.
for (var i3: int = 0; i3 < xmlresult.length(); i3++) { //check if element X is in dictionary
var codeElement: XML = xmlresult[i3]; //variable to compare with X
var tradElement: XML = trad[i3]; //variable corresponding to codeElement
if (X == codeElement.toString()) { //if codeElement[i3] is legal, add it to array of legal words.
checkArray.push(codeElement); //checkArray is an array filled with legal words.
var iT2: int = 500 //iT2 set to unreachable value for next lines.
for (var iT: int = 0; iT < checkArray.length; iT++) { //check if the word searched by user is in the results.
if (checkArray[iT] == query) {
iT2 = iT
if (iT2 != 500) { //if complete query is found, put it on top of the array so it appears on top of the results.
var oldFirst: String = checkArray[0];
checkArray[0] = checkArray[iT2];
checkArray[iT2] = oldFirst;
results.visible = true; //make result list visible
loadingResults.visible = false; //loading screen
fnPossibleResults(null); //update result list.
I end up with an array of variables containing the glyph-codes (sp) and another with all the possible legal words (checkArray). What I don't know how to do is mix those two to make legal phrases that way :
If there was only three glyphs, I could probably find a way, but user can enter 60 glyphs max.

Reduce a string using grammar-like rules

I'm trying to find a suitable DP algorithm for simplifying a string. For example I have a string a b a b and a list of rules
a b -> b
a b -> c
b a -> a
c c -> b
The purpose is to get all single chars that can be received from the given string using these rules. For this example it will be b, c. The length of the given string can be up to 200 symbols. Could you please prompt an effective algorithm?
Rules always are 2 -> 1. I've got an idea of creating a tree, root is given string and each child is a string after one transform, but I'm not sure if it's the best way.
If you read those rules from right to left, they look exactly like the rules of a context free grammar, and have basically the same meaning. You could apply a bottom-up parsing algorithm like the Earley algorithm to your data, along with a suitable starting rule; something like
start <- start a
| start b
| start c
and then just examine the parse forest for the shortest chain of starts. The worst case remains O(n^3) of course, but Earley is fairly effective, these days.
You can also produce parse forests when parsing with derivatives. You might be able to efficiently check them for short chains of starts.
For a DP problem, you always need to understand how you can construct the answer for a big problem in terms of smaller sub-problems. Assume you have your function simplify which is called with an input of length n. There are n-1 ways to split the input in a first and a last part. For each of these splits, you should recursively call your simplify function on both the first part and the last part. The final answer for the input of length n is the set of all possible combinations of answers for the first and for the last part, which are allowed by the rules.
In Python, this can be implemented like so:
rules = {'ab': set('bc'), 'ba': set('a'), 'cc': set('b')}
all_chars = set(c for cc in rules.values() for c in cc)
# memoize
def simplify(s):
if len(s) == 1: # base case to end recursion
return set(s)
possible_chars = set()
# iterate over all the possible splits of s
for i in range(1, len(s)):
head = s[:i]
tail = s[i:]
# check all possible combinations of answers of sub-problems
for c1 in simplify(head):
for c2 in simplify(tail):
possible_chars.update(rules.get(c1+c2, set()))
# speed hack
if possible_chars == all_chars: # won't get any bigger
return all_chars
return possible_chars
Quick check:
In [53]: simplify('abab')
Out[53]: {'b', 'c'}
To make this fast enough for large strings (to avoiding exponential behavior), you should use a memoize decorator. This is a critical step in solving DP problems, otherwise you are just doing a brute-force calculation. A further tiny speedup can be obtained by returning from the function as soon as possible_chars == set('abc'), since at that point, you are already sure that you can generate all possible outcomes.
Analysis of running time: for an input of length n, there are 2 substrings of length n-1, 3 substrings of length n-2, ... n substrings of length 1, for a total of O(n^2) subproblems. Due to the memoization, the function is called at most once for every subproblem. Maximum running time for a single sub-problem is O(n) due to the for i in range(len(s)), so the overall running time is at most O(n^3).
Let N - length of given string and R - number of rules.
Expanding a tree in a top down manner yields computational complexity O(NR^N) in the worst case (input string of type aaa... and rules aa -> a).
Root of the tree has (N-1)R children, which have (N-1)R^2 children, ..., which have (N-1)R^N children (leafs). So, the total complexity is O((N-1)R + (N-1)R^2 + ... (N-1)R^N) = O(N(1 + R^2 + ... + R^N)) = (using binomial theorem) = O(N(R+1)^N) = O(NR^N).
Recursive Java implementation of this naive approach:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<String, Character[]> rules = new HashMap<String, Character[]>() {{
put("ab", new Character[]{'b', 'c'});
put("ba", new Character[]{'a'});
put("cc", new Character[]{'b'});
System.out.println(simplify("abab", rules));
public static Set<String> simplify(String in, Map<String, Character[]> rules) {
Set<String> result = new HashSet<String>();
simplify(in, rules, result);
return result;
private static void simplify(String in, Map<String, Character[]> rules, Set<String> result) {
if (in.length() == 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < in.length() - 1; i++) {
String two = in.substring(i, i + 2);
Character[] rep = rules.get(two);
if (rep != null) {
for (Character c : rep) {
simplify(in.substring(0, i) + c + in.substring(i + 2, in.length()), rules, result);
Bas Swinckels's O(RN^3) Java implementation (with HashMap as a memoization cache):
public static Set<String> simplify2(final String in, Map<String, Character[]> rules) {
Map<String, Set<String>> cache = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
return simplify2(in, rules, cache);
private static Set<String> simplify2(final String in, Map<String, Character[]> rules, Map<String, Set<String>> cache) {
final Set<String> cached = cache.get(in);
if (cached != null) {
return cached;
Set<String> ret = new HashSet<String>();
if (in.length() == 1) {
return ret;
for (int i = 1; i < in.length(); i++) {
String head = in.substring(0, i);
String tail = in.substring(i, in.length());
for (String c1 : simplify2(head, rules)) {
for (String c2 : simplify2(tail, rules, cache)) {
Character[] rep = rules.get(c1 + c2);
if (rep != null) {
for (Character c : rep) {
cache.put(in, ret);
return ret;
Output in both approaches:
[b, c]

Just Difference in C#

What is the differ between string.Join & string.Concat
similarly what is the diff between string.Equals & string.Compare
Show me with some example for each. I already searched but didn't understand.
Thanks in Advance.
Join combines several strings with a separator in between; this is most often used if you have a list and want to format it in a way that there is a separator (e.g. a comma) between each element. Concat just appends them all after another. In a way, Join with an empty separator is equivalent to Concat.
Equals determines whether two strings are considered equal, Compare is for determining a sort order between two strings.
Honestly, though, this is all explained very well in the documentation.
With .NET 4.0, String.Join() uses StringBuilder class internally so it is more efficient.
Whereas String.Concat() uses basic concatenation of String using "+" which is of course not an efficient approach as String is immutable.
I compared String.Join() in .NET 2.0 framework where its implementation was different(it wasn't using StringBuilder in .NET 2.0). But with .NET 4.0, String.Join() is using StringBuilder() internally so its like easy wrapper on top of StringBuilder() for string concatenation.
Microsoft even recommends using StringBuilder class for any string concatenation.
Program that joins strings [C#]
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
string[] arr = { "one", "two", "three" };
// "string" can be lowercase, or...
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", arr));
// ... "String" can be uppercase:
Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", arr));
Output -
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
// 1.
// New string called s1.
string s1 = "string2";
// 2.
// Add another string to the start.
string s2 = "string1" + s1;
// 3.
// Write to console.
Output -
these two methods are quite related. Although it hasn't been done, equals could have been implemented using compareTo:
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == anObject)
return true;
if (o instanceof String)
String s = (String)o;
return compareTo(s) == 0;
return false;
Also, s1.equals(s2) == true implies s1.compareTo(s2) == 0 (and vice versa), and s1.equals(s2) == false implies s1.compareTo(s2) != 0 (and vice versa).
However, and this is important, this does not have to be the case for all classes. It is for String, but no rule prohibits different natural orders for other classes.
