Compare multiple columns as pair-wise for Excel/Google Sheets - excel

I am new to Excel/Google Sheets. I have a difficulty of writing a formula to compare columns as a pair-wise since the formula would be
so big as the day goes.
For example, there're 2 main columns Foo and Bar. I want to find the total number of days that Foo
and Bar are equal so the current formula is =IF(A3 = G3, 1, 0)+IF(B3 = H3, 1, 0)+IF(C3 = I3, 1, 0)+...
But this is kind of tedious because there're ~40 days to compare with. Are there any other alternatives
to write a formula in efficient way? Either Google-App-Scripts or Excel Formula is appreciated.

Give a try on below google-sheet formula. Adjust ranges as you need.

Assuming that you're needing to get such a total for each row and not merely a single row, try this:
Of course you will need to adjust the three ranges to match your own FOO and BAR ranges.
This one formula will produce all results for all rows.
The MMULT function is tricky to explain to those as yet unfamiliar with it. But it's a powerful tool. I'll add a picture I created that may best explain what it does:
By making the second matrix a simple SEQUENCE of 1s as long as the other matrix is wide, we wind up multiplying everything by 1 before adding together. And since anything multiplied by 1 is itself, this combination serves only to do a row-by-row add.
Things to keep in mind with MMULT:
1.) Every cell in every matrix must be a number or it will produce an error.
2.) As in the above formula, there are ways to use either/or conditions to turn every cell in a matrix into a number.



This is what I'm trying to do. There are two columns. The first one contains the drawing number of a P&ID and The other one contains the IO type. Columns B and N respectively. I want the number of DOs for the drawing number ZCPL-P2179-B1-101. I know a simple COUNTIF function works but it is inefficient since rows keep expanding and it is quite tedious to constantly reselect the ranges.
Why dont you use Simple Countif with whole column as a Range
Just drag this formula in the whole column, even if your data is increasing you just have to click once to drag the formula.
Later take out Unique of P&ID number and Dos to find the distinct count.
I hope this helps

Taking average of certain values in one Excel column based on values in another

I have a (large) array of data in Excel of which I need to compute the average value of certain values in one column, based on the values of another column. For example, here's a snippet of my data:
So specifically, I want to take the average of the F635 mean values corresponding with Row values of 1. To take it a step further, I want this to continue to Row values of 2, Row values of 3 etc.
I'm not familiar with how to run code in Excel but have attempted to solve this by using the following:
=IF($C = "1", AVERAGE($D:$D), "")
which (to my understanding) can be interpreted as "if the values (anywhere) in column C are equal to 1, then take the average of the corresponding values in column D."
Of course, as I try this I get a formula error from Excel.
Any guidance would be incredibly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
For more complicated cases, I would use an array-formula. This one is simple enough for the AVERAGEIF formula. For instance =AVERAGEIF(A1:A23;1;B1:B23)
Array-formula allows for more elaborate ifs. To replicate the above, you could do =SUM(IF($A$1:$A$23=1;$B$1:$B$23;0))/COUNT(IF($A$1:$A$23=1;$B$1:$B$23;0)).
Looks like more work but you can create extremely elaborate if-statements. Instead of hitting ENTER, do CTRL-ENTER when entering the formula. Use * between criteria to replicate AND or + for OR. Example: SUM(IF(($A$1:$A$23="apple")*($B$1:$B$23="green");$C$1:$C$23;0)) tallies values for green apples in c1:c23.
Your sample data includes three columns with potential ifs so my guess is that you're going to need array formulas at some point.
Excel already has a builtin function for exactly this use; AVERAGEIF().

Need help creating a somewhat odd Excel formula

I'm trying to create a formula that takes C2-B2 and uses the result to determine which cells to add together. So if the result is 2 it takes AA2 and AB2, adds them together, and displays the result. In other words, it counts cells stemming from a point and adds them, with the amount counted determined by the result of two other cells.
This doesnt sound recursive the way you describe it.
Put this formula somewhere on the sheet and see if this is what you want:
=SUM($AA$2:INDEX($AA$2:$XFD$2, 1, SUM($B$2:$C$2)))

Sumproduct or Countif on a 2D matrix

I'm working on data from a population of people with allergies. Each person has a unique ExceptionID, and each allergen has a unique AllergenID (451 in total).
I have a data table with 2 columns (ExceptionID and AllergenID), where each person's allergies are listed row by row. This means that the ExceptionID column has repeated values for people with multiple allergies, and the AllergenID column has repeated values for the different people who have that allergy.
I am trying to count how many times each pair of allergies is present in this population (e.g. Allergen#107 & Allergen#108, Allergen#107 & Allergen#109,etc). To keep it simple I've created a matrix of 451 rows X 451 columns, representing every pair (twice actually because A/B and B/A are equivalent).
I somehow need to use the row name (allergenID) to lookup the ExceptionID in my data table, and count the cases where that matches the ExceptionIDs from the column name (also AllergenID). I have no problem using Vlookup or Index/Match, but I'm struggling with the correct combination of a lookup and Sumproduct or Countif formula.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
PS I'm using Excel 2016 if that changes anything.
So the methods suggested by Dirk and MacroMarc both worked, though I couldn't apply the latter to my full data set (17,000+ rows) because it was taking a long time.
I've since decided to turn this into a VBA macro because we now want to see the counts of triplets instead of pairs.
With the 2 columns you start with, it is as good as impossible... You would need to check every ExceptionID to have 2 different specific AllergenID. Better use a helper-table with ExceptionID as rows and AllergenID as columns (or the opposite... whatever you like). The helper table needs a formula like:
Which then can be auto-filled. (The ranges are from my example, you need to change them to your needs).
With this helper-matrix you can easily go for your bigger matrix like this:
Again, you can auto-fill with this formula, but you need to change it, so it fits your needs.
Because the columns have the same ID2 (would be your AllergenID), there is no need to lookup them because E:E changes automatically with the auto-fill.
Most important part of the formulas are the $ which should not be messed up, or you can not auto-fill it.
Picture of my self-made example (formulas are from the upper left cell in each table):
If you still have any questions, just ask :)
It can be done straight from your original set-up with array formulas:
Please note that array formulas MUST be entered with Ctrl-Shift-Enter, before copying across and down:
In the example pic, I have NAMED the data ranges $A$2:$A$21 as 'People' and $B$2:$B$21 as 'Allergens' to make it a nicer set-up. You can see in the formula bar how that looks as a formula. However you could use the standard references like this in your first matrix cell:
EDIT: silly me, N function is not needed to turn the booleans into 1's and 0's, since multiplying booleans will do the trick. Below formula works...
SUM(IF(MATCH($A$2:$A$21,$A$2:$A$21,0)=ROW($A$2:$A$21)-1, NOT(ISERROR(MATCH($A$2:$A$21&$E2,$A$2:$A$21&$B$2:$B$21,0)))*NOT(ISERROR(MATCH($A$2:$A$21&F$1, $A$2:$A$21&$B$2:$B$21,0))), 0))
Then copy from F2 across and down. It can be perhaps improved in technique with sumproduct or whatever, but it's just a rough example of the technique....

Sum multiple values from another sheet

I need to identify the cost of an engine depending which parts it will use.
I have one sheet that has the cost of each part for each engine model. There are 3 engine models and nearly 500 parts (!Parts).
In another sheet I try to sum the value of all the various combinations of parts. (!EngineCost). I use a "1" to indicate the inclusion of that part. I grab the prices from !Parts and total them per engine size.
At the moment I am doing this very manually (see below). Is there a better way to do this?
Here is link to a sample sheet
My first hunch was that you could use the following formula:
=SUMIFS(O3:O6, 1, 'Parts'!$R$6:$R$8)
This sum the values in 'Parts'!$R$6:$R$8 when the corresponding cell in O3:O6 is equal to 1.
However, as #simoco pointed out, you have a transpose - one array is transposed relative to the other. That make this very slightly more challenging. You need two steps:
find the cells that have a value of 1
sum those cells
The following can do it:
=SUMPRODUCT((O3:Q3=1), TRANSPOSE('Parts'!$R$6:$R$8))
entered as an array formula*); or, taking advantage of the fact that matrix multiplication is really the element by element multiplication of a row vector with a column vector, followed by taking the sum:
again entered as an array formula*).
*) Array formula is entered by pressing ctrl-shift-enter on PC, or cmd-shift-enter on Mac.

