Spark : Can't set table properties start with "spark.sql" to hive external table while creating - apache-spark

Env : linux (spark-submit
Target database : Hive
We used to use beeline to execute hql, but now we try to run the hql through pyspark and faced some issue when tried to set table properties while creating the table.
column_a string)
Error message
Hive - ERROR - Cannot persist
example.a into Hive metastore as table property
keys may not start with 'spark.sql.': [spark.sql.sources.schema.partCol.0, spark.sql.sources.schema.numParts,
spark.sql.sources.schema.numPartCols, spark.sql.sources.schema.part.0];
In line 130-147 in spark source code it seems that it prevent all table properties that start with "spark.sql"
Not sure if I did it wrong or there's another way to set up the table properties for hive table.
Any kinds of suggestion is appreciated.


Error While Writing into a Hive table from Spark Sql

I am trying to insert data into a Hive External table from Spark Sql.
I am created the hive external table through the following command
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE tab1 ( col1 type,col2 type ,col3 type) CLUSTERED BY (col1,col2) SORTED BY (col1) INTO 8 BUCKETS STORED AS PARQUET
In my spark job , I have written the following code
Dataset df ="header","true").csv(csvInput);
df.repartition(numBuckets, somecol)
Each time I am running this code I am getting the following exception
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Table `tab1` already exists.;
at org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameWriter.saveAsTable(DataFrameWriter.scala:408)
at org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameWriter.saveAsTable(DataFrameWriter.scala:393)
at somepackage.Parquet_Read_WriteNew.writeToParquetHiveMetastore(
You should be specifying a save mode while saving the data in hive.
Spark provides the following save modes:
Save Mode
ErrorIfExists: Throws an exception if the target already exists. If target doesn’t exist write the data out.
Append: If target already exists, append the data to it. If the data doesn’t exist write the data out.
Overwrite: If the target already exists, delete the target. Write the data out.
Ignore: If the target already exists, silently skip writing out. Otherwise write out the data.
You are using the saveAsTable API, which create the table into Hive. Since you have already created the hive table through command, the table tab1 already exists. so when Spark API trying to create it, it throws error saying table already exists, org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Tabletab1already exists.
Either drop the table and let spark API saveAsTable create the table itself.
Or use the API insertInto to insert into an existing hive table.
df.repartition(numBuckets, somecol)

Spark 2.2.1 HQL to ALTER Hive Table with partitions fails with InvalidOperationExeception

I have an application where I'm sending HQL using SparkSession.sql() method.
First I create a table with parititions
CREATE TABLE table_name (Id BigInt) PARTITIONED BY(Age BigInt)
After this I have following ALTER table statement as follows :
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD COLUMNS(Name String)
The ALTER command is failing with following exception :
InvalidOpearationException(message: parititions keys can not be changed)
When I try to execute ALTER statement on a table which doesn't have any partitions it runs fine.
Also the above code runs fine with Spark 1.6.
The above HQL statements also works fine if I directly run them in Hive.
I read the change log of Spark but couldn't find any explanation for following behavior.
Can anyone help me in figuring out what is happening ?

Unable to query HIVE Parquet based EXTERNAL table from spark-sql

We have an External Hive Table which is stored as Parquet. I am not the owner of the schema in which this hive-parquet table is so don't have much info.
The Problem here is when in try to Query that table from spark-sql>(Shell prompt) Not by using scala like"path"), I am getting 0 records stating "Unable to infer schema". But when i created a Managed Table by using CTAS in my personal schema just for testing i was able to query it from the spark-sql>(Shell prompt)
When i try it from spark-shell> via"../../00000_0").show(10) , I was able to see the data.
So this clears that something is wrong between
External Hive table - Parquet - Spark-SQL(shell)
If locating Schema would be the issue then it should behave same while accessing through spark session (""))
I am using MapR 5.2, Spark version 2.1.0
Please suggest what can be the issue

Get data from subfolders of an unpartitioned hive table into a dataframe in spark

There is an external table in hive pointing to s3 location that is not partitioned. The table points to a folder in s3 but the data is in multiple subfolders inside that folder.
This table can be queried even though the table is not partitioned by setting few properties in hive like below,
set hive.input.dir.recursive=true;
set hive.mapred.supports.subdirectories=true;
set hive.supports.subdirectories=true;
set mapred.input.dir.recursive=true;
However, when the same table is used in spark to load the data into a dataframe using a sql statement like df = sqlContext.sql("select * from table_name"), the action fails saying 'The subfolders in the external s3 location is not a file'.
I tried setting above hive properties in spark using sc.hadoopConfiguration.set("mapred.input.dir.recursive","true") method, but it did not help. Looks like this would help only for sc.textFile kind of loading.
This can be achieved by setting the following property in spark,
Note here that the property is set usign sqlContext instead of sparkContext.
And I tested this in spark 1.6.2

save Spark dataframe to Hive: table not readable because "parquet not a SequenceFile"

I'd like to save data in a Spark (v 1.3.0) dataframe to a Hive table using PySpark.
The documentation states:
"spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreParquet: When set to false, Spark SQL will use the Hive SerDe for parquet tables instead of the built in support."
Looking at the Spark tutorial, is seems that this property can be set:
from pyspark.sql import HiveContext
sqlContext = HiveContext(sc)
sqlContext.sql("SET spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreParquet=false")
# code to create dataframe
However, when I try to query the saved table in Hive it returns:
hive> select * from my_dataframe;
Failed with exception
not a SequenceFile
How do I save the table so that it's immediately readable in Hive?
I've been there...
The API is kinda misleading on this one.
DataFrame.saveAsTable does not create a Hive table, but an internal Spark table source.
It also stores something into Hive metastore, but not what you intend.
This remark was made by spark-user mailing list regarding Spark 1.3.
If you wish to create a Hive table from Spark, you can use this approach:
1. Use Create Table ... via SparkSQL for Hive metastore.
2. Use DataFrame.insertInto(tableName, overwriteMode) for the actual data (Spark 1.3)
I hit this issue last week and was able to find a workaround
Here's the story:
I can see the table in Hive if I created the table without partitionBy:
hive> desc TBL_HIVE_IS_HAPPY;
user_id string
email string
ts string
But Hive can't understand the table schema(schema is empty...) if I do this:
# col_name data_type from_deserializer
spark-shell>sqlContext.sql("SET spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreParquet=false")
.saveAsTable("Happy_HIVE")//Suppose this table is saved at /apps/hive/warehouse/Happy_HIVE
hive> CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE Happy_HIVE (user_id string,email string,ts string)
LOCATION '/apps/hive/warehouse/Happy_HIVE';
The problem is that the datasource table created through Dataframe API(partitionBy+saveAsTable) is not compatible with Hive.(see this link). By setting spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreParquet to false as suggested in the doc, Spark only puts data onto HDFS,but won't create table on Hive. And then you can manually go into hive shell to create an external table with proper schema&partition definition pointing to the data location.
I've tested this in Spark 1.6.1 and it worked for me. I hope this helps!
I have done in pyspark, spark version 2.3.0 :
create empty table where we need to save/overwrite data like:
create table databaseName.NewTableName like databaseName.OldTableName;
then run below command:
The issue is you can't read this table with hive but you can read with spark.
metadata doesn't already exist. In other words, it will add any partitions that exist on HDFS but not in metastore, to the hive metastore.
