Hand interaction working in Editor but not on Hololens 2 - hololens

I am currently developing my first hololens 2 application. In it, I create an interactable with box collider at runtime. In the Unity editor I can grab and move it around, but on Hololens, if I try to grab it, nothing happens. Does anyone have any leads on why this could be?
EDIT: The Example App is installed and Hand Tracking works as intended. The issue seems to not be caused by faulty sensors
Properties (at runtime, after instantiating):

It is recommended to double-check the Unity Project Setting to troubleshoot, please follow this doc to declare the appropriate capabilities. And then you need to configure the XR Plugin. For XR SDK, please follow this link: Getting started with MRTK and XR SDK, for Legacy XR, have a look at For Legacy XR.
After this, please try deploying the scene Assets/MRTK/Examples/Demos/HandTracking/Scenes/HandInteractionExamples.unity to your device. Do you see the same behavior? This will help narrow down if it's an issue with your configuration or an issue with your scene.
Besides, we always recommend the latest Unity LTS (Long Term Support) stream as the best version to develop MR app, and the current recommendation is to use Unity 2019.4: https://unity3d.com/unity/qa/lts-releases


Azure Mobile Engagement for Unity Android

EngagementReachAgent.Initialize(); does not exist in the current context
How can I solve this error? I can't deliver push notifications and I can't find anywhere a fix for this error. I tried everything that is explained here: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/mobile-engagement-unity-android-get-started/
You did not follow the instruction well. You need to download and import the Azure Plugin package into Unity. You can get that here. When this is done, the EngagementReachAgent class and the Initialize() function will be present in your Unity project. They are not there now, so you can't use them.

NoFlo UI Components Suddenly Broken ... "TypeError: this.node.getTransformToElement is not a function"

Our NoFlo graph components have suddenly compressed themselves all into one uneditable box that says "WaitForward". See attached image.
For a while, this was happening on every browser, except Opera, so I could go in there and update graphs. Then, a couple of weeks later, even Opera wouldn't render the components, so now I am unable to add anymore logic to existing NoFlo forms.
We barely touch code related to NoFlo, so I don't think anything changed in our environment. My theory is that browsers (such as Chrome, which used to be the one stable browser to use for editing) have been updated recently, and this tool needs some kind of an update in order to render properly. Yet I can find no reference to this issue on the NoFlo GitHub instructions, and it doesn't look like anyone is having that issue here on StackOverflow (until now, of course).
The error message in the console says::
"TypeError: this.node.getTransformToElement is not a function"
I plunked this error into Google and saw that others are experiencing this with something called clientIO, and that recent updates to Google Chrome are to blame, as Chrome has recently removed a core feature that allowed related js to function.
But ... how can I fix this? That is the question!
It looks like recent updates to Google Chrome are the culprit.
Taken straight from jointjs.com's website::
Link to announcement from jointjs.com
Announcement: getTransformToElement() polyfill Nov 12th, 2015
Unfortunately, a new version of Chrome (48) removes a feature that is core to JointJS/Rappid. This feature is the SVGGraphicsElement.getTransformToElement() function. The motivation behind removing the method is - according to the Chrome team - open issues about how this method is supposed to behave.
To overcome compatibility issues with future versions of Chrome, we prepared a polyfill that makes sure this method exists. Before a new version of JointJS/Rappid is released (or if you, for any reason, don't want to upgrade), include the following code before you load your application JavaScript:
SVGElement.prototype.getTransformToElement = SVGElement.prototype.getTransformToElement || function(toElement) {
return toElement.getScreenCTM().inverse().multiply(this.getScreenCTM());
I was unsure exactly where to put this code in my noflo directory. So I tried putting it at the tippy top of the "app/js/main.js" file. It seems to be working! (But advice for a better location is more than welcome.)
I hope this helps anyone else out there who is experiencing the same issue.

Unity not Building and running game

I have started working in a Unity for last couple of days :) . I love the Android Studio(being as an Android Developer). But now I have to change the game a little bit , it seems like its an easy task but My Unity environment is not working properly.
Well I have installed the Unity 4.6 and a day beofre it was runing the game nicely. I have changed some coding , for example adding the ads and some other stuff and all went in the way as expected. But then, after some more specific work, I have noticed that Unity is not building the game and hence not running it on my device.
What is happening:
I dont know, as when I click to ctrl+b (to build and run) to run the project the building process starts and stops imediately showing no error in the log. So I deleted the game after back up move the game in the new directory delte some files as I was reading some help on the internet.
After doing that the project is now able to show me the error and it states that
The animation state xyz could not be played because it could not be
Where as I can see that this file is in assets folder. I really do not know why it is still showing me this error. I have re Imported the assets many time but its not helping me out.
Please tell me how to resolve this issue , I know its compiler type error as far as I think (just from my experience from the Eclipse). Please suggest me a way to run my project.
Not sure will that help but maybe you can try "Re-import all packages".... I bumped into some problem same as your where I have the script/prefab but the Editor is throwing up some errors but I did not get the same error message as yours.

Running sample projects in MvvmCross v3 (Hot Tuna)

I'm trying to run sample projects (viz. BestSellers and Conference) that are present in MvvmCross v3 branch. I resolved the strong assembly reference issues successfully. However each time I run a sample project, I get System.TypeLoadException in MvxFullBinding and MvxValueConverterRegistryFiller classes.
Exception in MvxFullBinding class:
Exception in MvxValueConverterRegistryFiller class:
Is anybody able to run the sample projects successfully? How do I get around these exceptions?
It looks like you're running this as the 'Touch' projects from Visual Studio? In which case you are way ahead of what I've managed to achieve.
If that is correct, then I suspect that what you are seeing is that you have:
built proper PCLs built in VS/Windows against the portable reference assemblies
but these cannot be executed against the current MonoTouch/Xamarin.iOS runtime.
If you try, you may see issues like: iOS black screen and MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'System.Type.op_Equality'
For some more info see 'almost portable binaries' on http://slodge.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/almost-portable-binaries.html
There is 'proper' PCL support currently being worked on within XamLabs - so I am hopeful that there may be a solution to this problem arriving in the Xamarin.Android Alpha channel any day now - but don't expect this to be painless initially.
Of course, I might be wrong on this - this really is new territory and I will be fascinated to hear/read about your adventures. If you want to try to find more detail, then it may help to try looking deeper into the exception details, and looking into the console log trace on your mac.
For these two particular exceptions, I can confirm that both samples...
... although that is when I'm working on my Mac.

j2me SDK3 for AWT/Swing application

I try to development an embedded application with Eclipse + J2me SDK3 + CDC.
When I am trying to create a Frame or JFrame, there is an error says "Could not read environment variable SUBLIME-PROC-ID".
Who know what's the problem?
Thanks in advance
I am not going to do some phone development.
I just want to do some embedded application which with AWT or Swing or SWT GUI. It is ok when it runs in Eclipse environment.
But When it runs without the eclipse, the problem is "Could not read environment variable SUBLIME-PROC-ID". (I run it under the CDC environment)
You will want to get a J2ME plugin for Eclipse, but I have found that doing J2ME development is easier using Netbeans.
I haven't use a frame in J2ME, but you may want to just use a Canvas.
Here is a relatively simple example of doing some frame animation on J2ME.
If you are using the Personal Profile then you can develop much as you would with JavaSE, but I don't know if you are going with that.
Toward the end of this post a comment was made that SUBLIME-PROC-ID was defined in a bash configuration file, and when that was removed the error went away.
You may have it defined somewhere in one of your configuration files, so you may want to look for that. I have never heard of this environment variable, so you may want to change your tags to have something about run-configuration or something in it, to help others out.
