I have a Core Data publisher that is working great so far. I have a Workspace entity and a Project entity. I use the following publisher to get all the projects for a given workspace:
class ProjectModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var projects = [Project]()
private var cancellableSet: Set<AnyCancellable> = []
CoreDataPublisher(request: Project.getAllProjects(), context: PersistenceController.shared.container.viewContext)
receiveCompletion: { print($0) },
receiveValue: { [weak self] items in
self?.projects = items
.store(in: &cancellableSet)
The fetch request getAllProjects() is in a Core Data entity extension here where the NSPredicate filters based on a Workspace object set in the UI.
//Core Data Entity Extension
extension Project{
#nonobjc public class func getAllProjects() -> NSFetchRequest<Project> {
let workspace = AppState.shared.workspace as Workspace //<-- The user can change this workspace
let request = NSFetchRequest<Project>(entityName: "\(Self.self)")
request.sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \Project.name, ascending: true)]
request.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "workspace = %#", workspace)
return request
This Workspace object is in a global state class:
class AppState: ObservableObject{
static let shared = AppState()
#Published var workspace: Workspace!
//Setup the workspace for the first time
I can successfully receive data from my publisher and I can successfully change the global Workspace in the UI. The problem is that after changing the Workspace, the publisher still points to the old Workspace originally set when the fetch request was created.
How do I prompt the ProjectModel to reinitialize in order to renew the publisher's state when the AppState's workspace is changed?
Typically the way to accomplish this is to use the flatMap operator on your publisher. flatMap lets you "create a new publisher based on this received value, and then use that publisher's output as the overall publisher chain's output".
It would look something like this:
AppState.shared.$workspace.flatMap { workspace in
let request = NSFetchRequest<Project>(entityName: "\(Project.self)")
request.sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \Project.name, ascending: true)]
request.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "workspace = %#", workspace)
return CoreDataPublisher(request: request, context: PersistenceController.shared.container.viewContext)
This gives you a new publisher that:
when the .workspace property changes on your app state, constructs a new CoreDataPublisher based off whatever the new Workspace value is
uses that CoreDataPublisher as the source of values for the overall publisher stream
In your ProjectModel, I'd switch from the Set of AnyCancellable to a specific one so that you can cancel it:
var cdPublisherCancellable : AnyCancellable?
I'd move the setup of this publisher out of init, since you'll need to call it again:
func setupPublisher() {
cdPublisherCancellable = CoreDataPublisher(request:)...
Then, since workspace is a published property on your shared AppState, I'd set up another publisher link to watch it:
var workspaceCancellable : AnyCancellable?
init() {
workspaceCancellable = AppState.shared.$workspace.sink { workspace in
I created a http trigger V1 azure function on net framework 4.8, and used ILogger for logging. The code is like this.
I checked the Application Insight and queried for traces table. This table contains columns named customDimensions and operation_ParentId. May I ask is there anyway to add custom property in customDimensions column, or set a new Guid value for operation_ParentId? I know that I can use TelemetryClient sdk to create a custom telemetry client for logging. Just curious if there is any easy way which doesn't need to create a new telemetry client, because azure function offers bulit-in integration with application insight.
Also, since azure function runtimes automatically tracks requests, is there any way to change the operation_ParentId and customDimensions for requests table as well? Thanks a lot!
To get both the headers and App Insights to get the custom operation Id, two things must be overridden.
The first is an Activity that wraps the HttpClient, which is responsible for controlling the correlation headers and the other is App Insights' dependency tracing.
Although you can disable Actions completely in your HttpClients, you can just remove the one in the client by setting Activity.Current = null to limit side effects.
var operationId = "CR" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var url = "https://www.microsoft.com";
using (var client = new HttpClient())
using (var requestMessage =
new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, url))
//Makes the headers configurable
Activity.Current = null;
//set correlation header manually
requestMessage.Headers.Add("Request-Id", operationId);
await client.SendAsync(requestMessage);
The next step is to remove the App Insights default tracking for this request. Again, you can disable dependency tracking completely, or you can filter out the default telemetry for this request. Processors are registered inside the Startup class just like initializers.
public class CustomFilter : ITelemetryProcessor
private ITelemetryProcessor Next { get; set; }
// next will point to the next TelemetryProcessor in the chain.
public CustomFilter(ITelemetryProcessor next)
this.Next = next;
public void Process(ITelemetry item)
// To filter out an item, return without calling the next processor.
if (!OKtoSend(item)) { return; }
// Example: replace with your own criteria.
private bool OKtoSend(ITelemetry item)
var dependency = item as DependencyTelemetry;
if (dependency == null) return true;
if (dependency.Type == "Http"
&& dependency.Data.Contains("microsoft.com")
//This key is just there to help identify the custom tracking
&& !dependency.Context.GlobalProperties.ContainsKey("keep"))
return false;
return true;
Finally, you must inject a telemetry client and call TelemetryClient.TrackDependency() in the method that makes the remote call.
var operationId = "CR" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
//setup telemetry client
telemetry.Context.Operation.Id = operationId;
if (!telemetry.Context.GlobalProperties.ContainsKey("keep"))
telemetry.Context.GlobalProperties.Add("keep", "true");
var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
var timer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
//continue setting up context if needed
var url = "https:microsoft.com";
using (var client = new HttpClient())
//Makes the headers configurable
Activity.Current = null;
using (var requestMessage =
new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, url))
//Makes the headers configurable
Activity.Current = null;
//set header manually
requestMessage.Headers.Add("Request-Id", operationId);
await client.SendAsync(requestMessage);
//send custom telemetry
telemetry.TrackDependency("Http", url, "myCall", startTime, timer.Elapsed, true);
Refer here more information.
Note: The above is possible by disabling the built-in dependency tracking and App Insights and handling it on your own. But the better approach is let .NET Core & App Insights do the tracking.
In a SwiftUI view, by default FetchRequest fetches from the managedObjectContext environment value. If instead the view wants to fetch into an isolated context, for example to make discardable edits without polluting the context of other views, how can it change the context that FetchRequest uses?
One option is to wrap the view in an outer view that creates the isolated context and then calls the wrapped view using it:
var body: some View {
WrappedView().environment(\.managedObjectContext, isolatedContext)
This is tedious, however. You have to create two views and pass all the wrapped views' arguments through the wrapper. Is there a better way to tell FetchRequest which context to use?
If you use the standard PersistentController that Apple gives as a startup you could try using
.environment(\.managedObjectContext, privateContext)
Your View would need this property to make it work. #State shouldn't be necessary since the changes are being done in the background by other means such as notifications.
let privateContext = PersistenceController.shared.container.newBackgroundContext()
Invoking newBackgroundContext() method causes the persistent container to create and return a new NSManagedObjectContext with the concurrencyType set to NSManagedObjectContextConcurrencyType.privateQueueConcurrencyType. This new context will be associated with the NSPersistentStoreCoordinator directly and is set to consume NSManagedObjectContextDidSave broadcasts automatically.
Then to test it out using most of the sample code from Apple.
struct SampleSharedCloudKitApp: App {
let privateContext = PersistenceController.shared.container.newBackgroundContext()
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
Text(privateContext.description) //Added this to match with ContentView
.environment(\.managedObjectContext, privateContext)
//Once you pass the privateContext here everything below it will have the privateContext
//You don't need to connect it with #FetchRequest by any other means
struct ContentView: View {
#Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var viewContext
sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \Item.timestamp, ascending: true)],
animation: .default)
private var items: FetchedResults<Item>
var body: some View {
List {
Text((items.first!.managedObjectContext!.concurrencyType == NSManagedObjectContextConcurrencyType.privateQueueConcurrencyType).description) //This shows true
Text(items.first!.managedObjectContext!.description)// This description matches the parent view
Text(viewContext.description)// This description matches the parent view
Also, something to note is that you have to set
container.viewContext.automaticallyMergesChangesFromParent = true
container.viewContext.mergePolicy = NSMergePolicy.mergeByPropertyStoreTrump
In order for the main context to show the changes done after saving the privateContext. I put it in the PersistenceController init right after the loadPersistentStores closure.
I have a custom field on an Acumatica Production Detail Operation (UsrEligibleForRoboticFulfillment) that I have created an Action to set based on criteria on the component items in the Materials tab. (code below)
I would like to call this Action to set the field as soon as the Production Order is created, but the split nature of the Production Order is such that there are no events on the Production Detail raised that I can attach to and call the Action. I've tried Row Inserted as well as Persist delegate on the Production Detail graph.
I CAN attach to either the AMProdItem Row Inserted or Persist Delegate on the Production Maint graph, but at this point in time the Operations and Materials have not yet been created.
What's the best way to update this field when a new Production Order is created?
Action code:
public PXAction<AMProdItem> UpdateEligibleForRoboticFulfillment;
[PXButton(CommitChanges = true)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Update Robotic Eligibility", MapEnableRights = PXCacheRights.Select, MapViewRights = PXCacheRights.Select)]
protected void updateEligibleForRoboticFulfillment()
AMProdItem prodDetail = Base.ProdItemRecords.Current;
AMProdOper prodOper = Base.ProdOperRecords.Current;
InventoryItem finishedProduct = PXSelect<InventoryItem,
Where<InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal<Current<AMProdItem.inventoryID>>>>.Select(Base).FirstOrDefault();
//Only production orders are eligible for robotic fulfillment, not disassemblies
if (prodDetail.OrderType == "MO")
bool wasRoboticsEligible = (prodOper.GetExtension<AMProdOperExt>().UsrEligibleForRoboticFulfillment ?? false);
//Get the current branchID
int branchID = (int)Base.Accessinfo.BranchID;
//Get the default site/warehouse for this branch.
INSite site = INTranHelper.GetDefaultSiteForItemBranch(branchID);
//Get the flag indicating whether this site is active for robotics
bool activeRobotics = site.GetExtension<INSiteExt>().UsrActiveRobotics ?? false;
//Get the flags for manual process and component robotics compatible
bool requiresManualProcess = finishedProduct.GetExtension<InventoryItemExt>().UsrManualFinishRequired ?? false;
//Gotta be prepared for the possibility that more than one component is used
//Check for any components that are NOT robotics eligible that have qty required and haven't already been fully allocated
PXResultset<AMProdMatl> components = PXSelectJoin<AMProdMatl,
InnerJoin<InventoryItem, On<InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal<AMProdMatl.inventoryID>,
And<InventoryItemExt.usrRoboticsCompatible, Equal<False>,
And<AMProdMatl.orderType, Equal<Current<AMProdOper.orderType>>,
And<AMProdMatl.prodOrdID, Equal<Current<AMProdOper.prodOrdID>>,
And<AMProdMatl.operationID, Equal<Current<AMProdOper.operationID>>,
And<AMProdMatl.qtyActual, Less<AMProdMatl.totalQtyRequired>,
And<AMProdMatl.qtyReq, Greater<decimal0>>>>>>>>>>
bool roboticsEligible = !requiresManualProcess && activeRobotics;
//If any component is not eligible, the whole operation is not eligible
if (components.Count > 0)
roboticsEligible = false;
//If the robotics eligible flag should have changed, change it
if (wasRoboticsEligible != roboticsEligible)
prodOper.GetExtension<AMProdOperExt>().UsrEligibleForRoboticFulfillment = roboticsEligible;
Had to open a ticket with Acumatica; got a working solution! I had to enclose the persist delegate method in a transaction scope.
Override Persist() method of graph
Call base method first so that Operations and Materials on the Production Order Detail gets created
Enclosed in transaction scope
Something like this:
public delegate void PersistDelegate();
public void Persist(PersistDelegate baseMethod)
if (/**/)
using (var ts = new PXTransactionScope())
//Call base method to persist
/*Custom Logic here*/
I need your help.
I have created a new screen, where I am calling all invoices pending release.
I have problems to release, I send a message where you request (you want to release).
It shows me the infinite message.
Only once should you ask me, then you should go out and follow the normal process.
public ProcessDocNew()
// Acuminator disable once PX1008 LongOperationDelegateSynchronousExecution [Justification]
delegate (List<ARInvoice> list)
List<ARRegister> newlist = new List<ARRegister>(list.Count);
foreach (ARInvoice doc in list)
ProcessDoc(newlist, true);
public virtual void ProcessDoc(List<ARRegister> list, bool isMassProcess)
string title = "Test";
string sms = "¿Stamp?";
var Graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<ARInvoiceEntry>();
ARInvoice document = Document.Current;
PEFEStampDocument timbrar = new PEFEStampDocument();/*This is a class where it is, all my method*/
if (isMassProcess == true)
Document.Ask(title, sms, MessageButtons.YesNo, MessageIcon.Question);
PXLongOperation.StartOperation(Graph, delegate
timbrar.Stamp(document, Graph); /*here I have my release method*/
public static class ActionsMensje
public const string Process = "Process";
public const string ProcessAll = "Process All";
I await your comments
Only once should you ask me, then you should go out and follow the
normal process.
That is not how the processing pattern works. The process delegate is called for each record and is therefore not a valid location to display a message that should be shown only once.
You would need to add a custom action to achieve that behavior. The scenario you're looking for should be implemented with a processing filter checkbox and processing filter to comply with best practices:
Documentation on processing screens implementation is available here:
Is there any way to automatically trigger a Custom Workflow Activity every time any Entity's record is opened?
Sure, you could use the ExecuteWorkflow request from some JavaScript that runs on Form Load. Here's an example of calling ExecuteWorkflow from JavaScript.
If you're wanting to trigger a custom workflow activity, and don't need to do anything workflow related in it, I'd recommend creating a custom action. It is very similar to a workflow, but CRM will create a custom end point for you to call. It eliminates the need to keep track of workflow IDs...
You can use a Plugin instead of Custom Workflow, and register it on the "Retrieve" message.
public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
// Obtain the execution context from the service provider.
Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.IPluginExecutionContext context = (Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.IPluginExecutionContext)
if (context.Depth == 1)
IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory = (IOrganizationServiceFactory)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory));
IOrganizationService service = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId);
// Obtain the target entity from the input parmameters.
EntityReference entity = (EntityReference)context.InputParameters["Target"];
ColumnSet cols = new ColumnSet(
new String[] { "lastname", "firstname", "address1_name" });
var contact = service.Retrieve("contact", entity.Id, cols);
if (contact != null)
if (contact.Attributes.Contains("address1_name") == false)
Random rndgen = new Random();
contact.Attributes.Add("address1_name", "first time value: " + rndgen.Next().ToString());
contact["address1_name"] = "i already exist";
CRM 2011–Retrieve Plugin