Bash script to sort files into sub folders based on extension - linux

I have the following structure:
I want to write a script that will move the .csv files into the folder sub1 for each parent directory (Folder A, Folder B and so on) giving me the following structure:
This is what I have till now but I get the error mv: cannot stat *.csv: No such file or directory
for f in */*/*.csv; do
mv -v "$f" */*/Sub1;
for f in */*/*.doc; do
mv -v "$f" */*/Sub2;
I am new to bash scripting so please forgive me if I have made a very obvious mistake. I know I can do this in Python as well but it will be lengthier which is why I would like a solution using linux commands.

find . -name "*.csv" -type f -execdir mv '{}' Sub1/ \;
Using find, search for all files with the extension .csv and then when we find them, execute a move command from within the directory containing the files, moving the files to directory Sub1
find . -name "*.doc" -type f -execdir mv '{}' Sub2/ \;
Follow the same principle for files with the extension .doc but this time, move the files to Sub2.

I believe you are getting this error because no file matched your wildcard. When it happens, the for loop will give $f the value of the wildcard itself. You are basically trying to move the file *.csv which does not exist.
To prevent this behavior, you can add shopt -s nullglob at the top of your script. When using this, if no file is found, your script won't enter the loop.
My advise is, make sure you run your script from the correct location when using wildcards like this. But maybe what you meant to do by writing */*/*.csv is to recursively match all the csv files. If that's what you intended to do, this is not the right way to do it.
To recursively match all csv/doc/etc files using native bash you can add shopt -s globstar to the top of your script and use **/*.csv as wildcard
shopt -s globstar nullglob
for f in **/*.csv; do
mv "$f" Destination/ # Note that $f is surrounded by "" to handle whitespaces in filenames
You could also use the find (1) utility to achieve that. But if you're planning to do more processing on the files than just moving them, a for loop might be cleaner as you won't have to inline everything in the same command.
Side note : "Linux commands" as you say are actually not Linux commands, they are part of the GNU utilities (

If csv files you want to move are in the top directories (from the point of view of the current directory), but not in the subdirectories of them, then simply:
for dir in */; do
mv -v "$dir"*.csv "${dir}Sub1/"
mv -v "$dir"*.doc "${dir}Sub2/"
If the files in all subdirectories are wanted to be moved similarly, then:
shopt -s globstar
for file in **/*.csv; do
mv -v "$file" "${file%/*}/Sub1/"
for file in **/*.doc; do
mv -v "$file" "${file%/*}/Sub2/"
Note that, the directories Sub1 and Sub2 are relative to the directory where csv and doc files reside.


renaming particular files in the subfolders with full directory path

experts, i have many folders and inside the folder there are many sub-folders and the sub-folders contain many files.However, in all the sub-folders one file name is same that is i want to rename the same with full path plus file name
so in all directories should be renamed to
i tried
for file in /home/wuan/data/filess/*.ps
mv $file $file_
But it does not do the same as i expect,i hope experts will help me.Thanks in advance.
so in all directories should be renamed to
You may use this find solution:
find /home/wuan/data/filess -type f -name 'input*.ps' -exec bash -c '
for f; do fn="${f#/}"; echo mv "$f" "${fn//\//_}"; done' _ {} +
while read line;
fil=${line//\//_}; # Converts all / characters to _ to form the file name
fil=${fil:1}; # Remove the first -
dir=${line%/*}; # Extract the directory
echo "mv $line $dir/$fil"; # Echo the move command
# mv "$line" "$dir/$fil"; # Remove the comment to perform the actual command
done <<< "$(find /path/to/dir -name "")"
Ok, so file will end up being
What we need here is the path, and the full, snake-cased name. Let's start by getting the path:
for f in /home/wuan/data/filess/*.ps; do
This will match the substring of f up until the last occurrence of /, effectively giving us the path.
Next, we want to snake_case all the things, which is even easier:
for f in /home/wuan/data/filess/*.ps; do
This replaces all instances of / with _, giving the name you want the new file to have. Now let's put all of this together, and move the file f to path/newname:
for f in /home/wuan/data/filess/*.ps; do
mv "${f}" "${path}/${newname}"
That should do the trick
Here's one of many sites listing some of the bash string manipulations you can use.
Sorry for the delayed update, the power in my building just cut out :)

Run script on every level of directory

I have a script called which produces a summary of the file/dirs inside of a directory. I would like to have it run recursively down the whole tree from the top. Whats a good way to do this?
I have tried to loop it with a for loop with
for dir in */; do
cd $dir
cd ..
however it returns ./ no file or directory
Is it because I am not moving the script as I run it? I am not very familiar with unix directories.
You can recursively list files using find . -type f and make your script take the interested file as a first argument, so you can do find . -type f -exec {} \;
If you want directories only, use find . -type d instead, or if you want both use just find . without restriction.
Additional option by name, e.g. find . -name '*.py'
Finally, if you do not want to recurse down the directory structure, i.e. only summarize the top level, you can use -maxdepth 1 option, so something like find . -type d -maxdepth 1 -exec {} \;.
The issue is that you are changing to a different directory with the cd command while your script is not located in these directories. One possible solution is to use an absolute path instead of a relative one. For example, change:
to something like:
Alternatively, under the given example code, you can also use a relative path pointing to the previous directory like this:
Try this code if you are running Bash 4.0 or later:
#! /bin/bash -p
shopt -s nullglob # Globs expand to nothing when they match nothing
shopt -s globstar # Enable ** to expand over the directory hierarchy
for dir in **/ ; do
cd -- "$dir"
cd - >/dev/null
shopt -s nullglob avoids an error in case there are no directories under the current one.
The summarizer_path variable is set to an absolute path for the program. That is necessary to allow it to be run in directories other than the current one. (./ only works in the current directory, ..)
Use cd -- ... to avoid problems if any directory name begins with '-'.
cd - >/dev/null to cd to the previous directory, and throw away its path when it is output by cd -.
Shellcheck issues several warnings about the code above, all to do with the use of cd. I'd fix them for "real" code.

Linux Bash: Move multiple different files into same directory

As a rather novice Linux user, I can't seem to find how to do this.
I am trying to move unique files all in one directory into another directory.
$ ls
vehicle car.txt bicycle.txt airplane.html train.docx (more files)
I want car.txt, bicycle.txt, airplane.html, and train.docx inside vehicle.
Right now I do this by moving the files individually:
$ mv car.txt vehicle
$ mv bicycle.txt vehicle
How can I do this in one line?
You can do
mv car.txt bicycle.txt vehicle/
(Note that the / above is unnecessary, I include it merely to ensure that vehicle is a directory.)
You can test this as follows:
cd #Move to home directory
mkdir temp #Make a temporary directory
touch a b c d #Make test (empty) files ('touch' also updates the modification date of an existing file to the current time)
ls #Verify everything is there
mv a b c d temp/ #Move files into temp
ls #See? They are gone.
ls temp/ #Oh, there they are!
rm -rf temp/ #DESTROY (Be very, very careful with this command)
Shorthand command to move all .txt file
You can try using a wildcard. In the code below, * will match all the files which have any name ending with .txt or .docx, and move them to the vehicle folder.
mv *.txt *.docx vehicle/
If you want to move specific files to a directory
mv car.txt bicycle.txt vehicle/
Edit: As mentioned in a comment, If you are moving files by hand, I suggest using mv -i ... which will warn you in case the destination file already exists, giving you a choice of not overwriting it. Other 'file destroyer' commands like cp & rm too have a -i option
mv command in linux allow us to move more than one file into another directory. All you have to do is write the name of each file you want to move, seperated by a space.
Following command will help you:
mv car.txt bicycle.txt airplane.html train.docx vehicle
mv car.txt bicycle.txt airplane.html train.docx vehicle/
both of them will work.
You can move multiple files to a specific directory by using mv command.
In your scenario it can be done by,
mv car.txt bicycle.txt airplane.html train.docx vehicle/
The point you must note is that the last entry is the destination and rest everything except mv is source.
One another scenario is that the destination is not present in our directory,then we must opt for absolute path in place of vehicles/.
Note: Absolute path always starts from / ,which means we are traversing from root directory.
I have written a small bash script that will move multiple files(matched using pattern) present in multiple directories(matched using pattern) to a single location using mv and find command in bash
for i in $(find /path/info/*/*.fna -type f) # find files and return their path
mv -iv $i -t ~/path/to/destination/directory # move files
$() is for command substitution(in other words it expand the expression inside it)
/*/ wild card for matching any directory, you can replace this with any wild card expression
*.fna is for finding any file with.fna extension
-type f is for getting the full path info of the located file
-i in mv is for prompt before overwrite( extra caution in case the wild card exp was wrong)
-v for verbose
-t for destination
NOTE: the above flags are not mandatory
Hope this helps

Recursively rename .jpg files in all subdirectories

I am on a Linux system and I am trying to rename all .jpg files in many subdirectories to sequential filenames, so all the jpeg files in each subdirectory are renamed 0001.jpg, 0002.jpg, etc. I have a 'rename' command that works in a single directory:
rename -n 's/.*/sprintf("%04d",$::iter++ +1).".jpg"/e' *.jpg
I am trying to use it like this:
for i in ls -D; do rename -n 's/.*/sprintf("%04d",$::iter++ +1).".jpg"/e' *.jpg; done
but for output I get this:
*.jpg renamed as 0001.jpg
for each subdirectory. What am I doing wrong?
You need to put the command in backticks (or use the $( ... ) bash syntax) in order
to iterate over its output. Also use the $i variable together with the *.jpg file
name pattern, e.g.
for i in `ls -D`
rename -n 's/.*/sprintf("%04d",$::iter++ +1).".jpg"/e' $i/*.jpg
however, for this scenario you want to iterate over all the subdirectories, and you are
better of using the find command:
for i in `find . -type d`; do rename ...
It seems to me you've forgot to change a current working directory so it should looks like
for i in *; do
[ -d "$i" ] || continue
pushd "$i"
# rename is here

Copying files in multiple subdirectories in the Linux command line

Let's say I have the following subdirectories
./a/, ./b/, ./c/, ...
That is, in my current working directory are these subdirectories a/, b/ and c/, and in each of these subdirectories are files. In directory a/ is the file, in directory b/ is the file and so forth.
I now want to copy each .in file to a .out file, that is, to a.out and to b.out, and I want them to reside in the directories they were copied from. So a.out will be found in directory a/.
I've tried various different approaches, such as
find ./ -name '*.in'|cp * *.out
which doesn't work because it thinks *.out is a directory. Also tried
ls -d */ | cd; cp *.in *.out
but it that would list the subdirectories, go into each one of them, but won't let cp do it's work (which still doesn't work)
find ./ -name '*.in'
command works fine. Is there a way to pipe arguments to an assignment operator? E.g.
find ./ -name '*.in'| assign filename=|cp filename filename.out
where assign filename= gives filename the value of each .in file. In fact, it would be even better if the assignment could get rid of the .in file extension, then instead of getting we would get the preferred a.out
Thank you for your time.
Let the shell help you out:
find . -name '*.in' | while read old; do
new=${}.out # strips the .in and adds .out
cp "$old" "$new"
I just took the find command you said works and let bash read its output one filename at a time. So the bash while loop gets the filenames one at a time, does a little substitution, and a straight copy. Nice and easy (but not tested!).
Try a for loop:
for f in */*.in; do
cp $f ${}.out;
The glob should catch all the files one directory down that have a .in extension. In the cp command, it strips off the .in suffix and then appends a .out (see Variable Mangling in Bash with String Operators)
Alternatively, if you want to recurse into every subdirectory (not just 1 level deep) replace the glob with a find:
for f in $(find . -name '*.in'); do
cp $f ${}.out;
This should do the trick!
for f in `find . -type f -name "*.in"`; do cp $f `echo $f | sed 's/in$/out/g'`; done
