While running gvim on RHEL machine, I get the message
E233: cannot open display
Please let me know how to fix the issue ?
I got my vscode installed in Ubuntu, but after I opened up the app it looks like this. I even unable to use it to connect the remote server.
I tried uninstall and reinstall few times, but it still looked like this.
Can anyone tell me what was wrong here, and how to solve it.
enter image description here
I am pretty new to Cygwin configuration and would need some help.
I have installed Cygwin successfully on a windows 2019 server and is able to ssh to a centos server.
However, while on the centos server there is nothing displayed when I issue the command “vi test.txt”. It shows a blank screen as I type and save the file with the usual vi commands. When I do a “more test.txt” , it is displaying what I have typed though.
The same happens for existing file when I do a vi, but since I can’t see the content , what I typed has corrupted the file. Would need advice on how to display the vi editor correctly.
I was able to launch vi editor locally on the Cygwin window though (without ssh into remote server, on local machine).
Make sure OpenSSH package is installed with Cygwin.
Source: I am the coworker who helped the original poster figure out the issue irl.
We used the cygwin installer to look through the list of existing packages and noticed that OpenSSH showed as "skip". After installing that package, the issue was resolved.
I am new in Linux (Ubuntu 20.04 WSL) and I got a problem hopefully you can help me.
I can create a file from PhpStorm like index.php or anything, but I can not oversave an existing file. The message is
Unable to save settings. Failed to save settings.Please restart PhpStorm.
I tried switch off Windows Firewall, but did not work.
I did reset a few times WSL and reinstall PhpStorm but did not work.
The Notepad++ can save files to the shared folder (user/Jon/.azure).
try to set to login in wsl as root from CMD terminal -> ubuntu20 config --default-user root
I have a problem with VSCode and my virtual network drive.
The drive is a SFTP drive mounted with Expandrive 5.0.15.
The problem appeared when i try to open a folder with VSCode but not when i open a single file.
So I don't know what is the problem but there is an error with Node, I guest...
Does someone have an idea ?
Maybe an encoding problem ?
The SFTP server running on Ubuntu and I'm on Windows 10.
i download Intellij Idea 13 (ideaIC-13.tar.gz) from jetbrains.com and i want to install it on ubuntu 13.10.
i'm not prefer to run intellij with terminal commands everytime i wanna use it, it's gonna be great if i can open it like another applications we install from ubuntu software center.
so i searched over the internet and found out i should compile it to .deb file to do that. i tried several ways to compile but i got error every time.
can anyone help me solve this problem?
thanks in advance
edit :
i tried "Create Desktop Entry" to make shortcut for it, but i got this error.
there is another warning about "native file watcher". how can i solve them?:|
the problem was my Ubuntu installation or lack of my ubuntu dependencies.
now i use Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and Intellij Idea Works Properly! i just run the .sh file with bash command.
and Create Desktop Entry worked fine.