How to generate a SVG wave in HTML - svg

I am quite new with SVG in HTML. I want to make an SVG like the wave you see in the picture (please ignore the background image that's a different DIV element). I tried various SVG generators but didn't get the exact thing. If someone can please help me out with this.
This is the SVG I want:


PNG images to SVG

I want to make a responsive website. Part of that is to enhance my graphics. I have a few PNG flat icons that I would like to convert to SVG but I have no knowledge about Illustrator or any other SVG editor. I've tried an online service called vector magic, but the results are not what I need.
What is the best way to convert my images to SVG?
You should try Illustrator to vectorize your images (there is a function to do this). There will never be a perfect result, so you'll have to correct imperfections.
Here is a link that explains how to do this. You'll have then to save your image in "save as" and change the ai filename (for illustrator) to svg.

How to resize svg from a sprite

I have an SVG sprite with several elements. I am using them as CSS backgrounds. I would like to use the elements in different sizes without using JS. Please help me.
You could add an SVG fragment identifier to the URL with a viewBox e.g. MyDrawing.svg#svgView(viewBox(0,200,1000,1000))
This works in Firefox, support in other UAs may vary.

SVG file looks different in webbrowser than in Illustrator

I've been doing some stuff in Illustrator and I have a problem with saving a project in to SVG file that I open in webbrowser, It just looks different.
And it hapens only in SVG, if I save it to PDF or PNG it looks how it should.
What am I doing wrong?
That's how it looks in Ai
That's how it looks in webbrowser
Here's a link to download rar file with .ai and .svg that I have.
Since all browsers render it the same way, it would seem likely that this is a bug in the AI SVG export filter.
To me it looks like you are applying a blend mode ("Overlay" perhaps?) to the white parts on top of the image. That effect ought to be reproducible using SVG filters, but perhaps AI's exporter doesn't support that yet.
If you are using an "odd" blend mode, try changing it, or reproducing the effect another way.
Individual pixel control needed in identical svg conversion is not possible. SVG creates only specific shapes. The Ai app conversion seems to use opacity to provide the color shades. You could probably tweek opacity and add some svg filters to improve the svg.
Print your design in a . pdf file instead of exporting it directly. Then open the printed .pdf back in Illustrator and export the .svg from this one, it shoud do the trick.

Possible to take a svg made in illustrator and turn it into a raphael path to then animate?

Would like to take my logo made in illustrator then turn it into a svg so that i can then use Raphael to animate it. I know how to make a simple image by creating my own path using lineTo.
Didn't know if this is possible or not.
Thank you
Once you save your logo created with Illustrator as svg file, there is a way to convert the SVG into a Raphael object and then you can use it with Raphael library.
Chack out this website:
If you can, open the page with Firefox. Chrome messes up the page. Good Luck.
Well, if its just the path you need without the colors, stroke widths etc, i would save the illustrator logo as an SVG and then open it with a text editor(say Notepad).
From there i would extract the d attribute as a path and manually add the rest of its ''features'' like colors,stroke widths etc.

Applying SVG filter to background image

I am attempting to apply an SVG filter (Gaussian blur) to only a portion of an image (i.e. the background). I have achieved the effect by appending a clipped SVG image with Gaussian blur applied at the same position (to make it appear like the Gaussian blur is applied to the original image).
This is obviously inefficient and I'm looking for a better method. After reading some SVG docs and examples it looks like the enable-background attribute is needed but I would greatly appreciate some help on how to actually implement it!
An example of the effect I'm looking for:
Here is a good description of how it should work in SVG
But SVG support is still incomplete in all common browsers. Especially the filter effects on backgrounds using the in="BackgroundImage" and enable-background attributes are not supported by any common browser.
