Export logs using Pagination n LogDNA - pagination

I am referring to the link for exporting logs.
As mentioned in this link, I want to understand how to programmatically support pagination for exported logs. We have a requirement where we have to export logs based on a filter which could go over the limit mentioned.
Could you please share the details of the same and sample code that i can refer to.
I had some queries regarding the export of logs to emails.
Is there any other way of exporting/downloading the logs without sending to a particular email ID.
If the person who receives email for exported logs doesn't have access to LogDNA, how the person can access the logs.


If a google doc/sheet is made public, how easily can other people find the URL?

Is it easy for people to find "public" google sheets/docs?
Context: Storing some semi-sensitive data (individual user info, of non-sensitive nature) for an app beta-test in google sheets. Planning to migrate to some DB in the future, but for now, just using JavaScript to pull the data directly from the google sheets (since there are visualizations being dynamically updated by the sheets).
Yes, it's easy to get information. Search engines may index and cache the information. Then, there are bots, crawlers and scrapers. Do NOT put (semi)sensitive information in public. Implement google-oauth properly with google-sheets-api to get information. You can also use service-accounts
Yes, it can be easily accessed.
According to the official Google article Share files from Google Drive: when you set your file's General Access setting to public:
Anyone can search on Google and get access to your file, without signing in to their Google account.
What you can do:
In the case of your app beta-test in google sheets data, you may want to reconsider to change your file's General Access setting to one of the following (in descending order of security):
Restricted - Only people that you manually give access to can view or edit your files. When you click the share button, a prompt will show and you may manually add the users who can view or edit your files:
Afterwards, you may select a role for those users and then they can be notified afterwards through email.
On the other hand, you can share the link to others. A prompt will show like the one below if you send the url through Google Chat:
You may opt to select Don't give access which will result in the following view on the other user's end:
This would mean that if unauthorized users get hold of the file URL, they will still need to send an access request. If other users submit the request, an email notification will be sent to your mail inbox. Other users who also own the file will also be notified by mail.
Your Organization - If you use a Google Account through work or school, anyone signed in to an account in your organization can open the file. If you are an administrator in a work or school workspace, you may set how members can share content within the organization. The administrator can prevent the sharing of content with group members outside your organization. If external sharing is prohibited, only group members who are in your organization can access the group's shared content.
Anyone with the link - Anyone who has the link can use your file, without signing in to their Google Account. This option is least recommended because if the URL is leaked to unauthorized users, they can easily access the file.
Share files from Google Drive
Share content with a group
Don’t make it public unless you want the public to see it. Use oauth to access.

Stripe custom connect account with all options issue

If we create custom connect account with minimal required options, stripe creates the account but even in the test mode it shows inactive status.
While testing more I came to konw that I have to provide more information, So I followed https://stripe.com/docs/api/accounts/create documentation and provided as much information as I could.
Now the only information left is following :
Remaining Options Img
So I need to know how can I pass these options. I can not find in Docs about it.

Problems accessing azure data explorer free cluster

I am trying use https://dataexplorer.azure.com/freecluster. I have succefully logged in with my personal email id and created a table. I am able to query data run basic commands..etc. Then i was trying to create a java app to query to my data base. So i navigated to this link https://dataexplorer.azure.com/oneclick, and created a java application downloaded it. When i run this sample program it prompts for login but when i give the email id it shows this error. May i know what is going wrong here?
NB: I have used the same personal account which i used to login and query to ADX via web UI.

How to retrieve gmail filters list via "Google Apps Email Settings API"?

I'd like to retrieve all mail filters list of a given google account and eventually delete some of them.
I've found only the API for adding filters, but not the ones for listing and deleting.
I think it's strange but I am not able to find that APIs,
You are correct. There is no API call to export / retrieve Gmail filters. You can only create filters via the Email Settings API. The user can export their filters from the UI though:

Create an Activity / Workflow explorer in Sharepoint

Is it possible to create an activity explorer in Sharepoint 2010?
By activity explorer I refer to the functionality of logging emails, phone calls, documents accessed (and time and who accessed/edited them) to specific entries in a database.
For example, I intend to export my current Access Claims Management database top a Sharepoint sever.
With each claim entered into the database:
I wish to log all relevant emails sent, and the user logs all relevant calls. This would require sending emails through the sharepoint front end I pressume?
For each claim a directory is created, where the user can store relevant documents to each claim. Is it possible to log / version control these documents?
Thanks in advance for any assistance or advice.
Quick answers:
-I wish to log all relevant emails sent, and the user logs all relevant calls. This would require sending emails through the sharepoint front end I pressume?
Yes, otherwise you would not be able to track them.
-For each claim a directory is created, where the user can store relevant documents to each claim. Is it possible to log / version control these documents?
Yes, you could employ a document library that creates folders automatically when an email arrives. Or you can pre-create and then any email sent to the document library will be displayed as a SharePoint item. You can enable versioning on any SharePoint list/document library.
You could then build an custom activity explorer that will display all these actions.
