Which Proguard version do I need for the Sun Java Wireless Toolkit 2.5 - java-me

In order to obfuscate my J2MEWTK project I am being instructed to do the following:
However this link is now dead and lacks detail, where can I find a version of Proguard that works with the Sun Wireless Toolkit?

I have found that version 4.3 works with J2MEWTK, you can find it here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/proguard/files/proguard/4.3/
Other versions may give you "unsupported major/minor version"


Eclipse - cannot download version 3.6.1

I need to download an old version of Eclipse on Linux 32bit (Eclipse version: 3.6.1).
But I face a problem with downloading - all mirrors are unavailable (https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/eclipse/downloads/drops/R-3.6.1-201009090800/eclipse-SDK-3.6.1-linux-gtk.tar.gz)
Do anyone knows another way to download it?
Inb4 "try to use other/new version" - I cannot. The project needs to be configured on Eclipse 3.6.1, Linux 32bit. It is impossible to use other or the new one.
The Eclipse "Classic" version is not available (or almost, I cannot found it) but checking on releases page (http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/release/helios/sr1) you can download all the rest versions:
Java EE
It could be helpful for you, I think.

Old version of TypeScript installation program (.MSI, or .VSIX) needed - - where to find?

Anybody know how to get the .MSI installer for an older version of Typescript - the download at the offical URL for version is no longer available.
It seems newer version 1.0 or is available, but that version is incompatible with my client's software which I am attempting to support.
Any idea how to get the specific version I need?
OK - found it. After some digging, there is a reference in the bowels of the Microsoft Download Center for many old versions of TypeScript.
Expand the 'Details' section and scroll down, click 'Download' link on desired version...

How to use Groovy-Eclipse with specific groovy compiler?

According to groovy-eclipse plug-in website, groovy-eclipse plug-in supports certain groovy versions, 1.8, 2.0 and 2.1. This seemed a bit restrictive to me. What am I supposed to do if I work with groovy 1.9 or 1.7?
Perhaps the answer is that if you worked with Eclipse or GGTS before, then that couldn't happen; I suspect they never supported 1.9 or 1.7.
What is your concern? If you're worried that you might start off with 2.1 and have it not supported in future, then don't worry. If you're expecting to use some bizarre compiler feature that only worked in 1.9, then edit with the eclipse plugin for any version, and run Groovy (or Grails) from the command line with the right configuration.
Hope this helps...
Groovy-Eclipse supports the last couple of versions of groovy so we don't get into a maintenance headache. There is no Groovy 1.9 so we support right now 2.2/2.1/2.0/1.8 - we dropped 1.7. If you want to use 1.7 you would use an older version of groovy-eclipse that supported it. See version 2.8.0: http://groovy.codehaus.org/Groovy-Eclipse+2.8.0+New+and+Noteworthy - on that page you can download an update site archive that will give you groovy-eclipse and groovy 1.7.10

Android 4.0 unpacks the wrong eabi for included library

Here is the situation: I've built a native library for re-distribution in other apps. Because we're using ARMv7 NEON, we ship two versions of the library: One for most devices and a "fallback" limited capability version for ARMv5/ARMv6. So far so good and this has worked well.
However, for some reason a newly created app running on a Nexus S with Android 4.0.3 is picking up the wrong (armeabi rather than armeabi-v7a) version of the library.
If we dig into the device filesystem, we find that /data/app/my_app.apk contains the correct versions of the library. However, when Android extracts it to /data/data/my_app, we find that /data/data/my_app/lib/my_lib.so is the armeabi version. But, strangely, /data/data/my_other_app/lib/my_lib.so is the correct armeabi-v7a version.
So the questions are:
1) WTF??
2) How does Android decide which eabi to extract from the APK?
Yes, this is known bug in ICS - it chooses wrong library.
Read about it here:

nsIGenericFactory.h is missing in the above version of xulrunner-2.0.en-US.win32.sdk

Previously, I created XPCOM dll for the mozilla version 3.6 and XulRunner version of 1.9.2.
Now I try to update that xpcom dll for the mozilla recent versions namely 4 and above.
So I downloaded Xul Runner above version but I couldn't find nsIGenericFactory.h.
How to work my xpcom dll for the mozilla 4 and above versions.
Actually I used the following sample to develop XPCOM DLL.
Since Mozilla 4.0 is using Gecko 2.0 this applys to your situation:
Quoting the XPCOM changes in Gecko 2.0:
Note that nsIGenericFactory.h has been removed.
References to nsIGenericFactory.h should be replaced with mozilla/ModuleUtils.h
After doing so, you would have to recompile all XPCOM components following the instructions from https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XPCOM/XPCOM_changes_in_Gecko_2.0
There is a topic about this problem in the mozilla forum too.
The headerfile is provided on this site: nsIGenericFactory.h
