Creating a conditioned Arbitrary instance ( * Ambiguous type variable `a' arising from a use of `quickCheck') - haskell

I have this test I want to make:
prop_inverse_stringsToInts st = isDigitList st ==> st == map show (stringsToInts st)
Which is testing a function that converts a list of Strings to a list of Integers, but of course the strings need to be digits so I created a pre-condition that checks that using the isDigitList function I made, but the condition is too specific and quickCheck gives up : "*** Gave up! Passed only 43 tests; 1000 discarded tests."
So I wanted to create an Arbitrary instance for my case, but the thing is I am inexperienced with working with Arbitrary, so I don't really know how to do this and every time I shuffle code I get a new error. All I want is an Arbitrary that only returns the Foo [String] if it passes the isDigitList (which receives a [String] and returns a Bool). So far I have something like this :
Foo a = Foo [String] deriving (Show,Eq)
instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Foo a ) where
arbitrary = do
st <- (arbitrary :: Gen [String])
if isDigitList st
then do return (Foo st)
else do return (Foo []) -- This is probably a bad idea
I altered my property to :
prop_inverse_stringsToInts :: Foo a -> Bool
prop_inverse_stringsToInts (Foo st) = st == map show (stringsToInts st)
But now I am getting the error "* Ambiguous type variable a0' arising from a use of `quickCheck'" even though I am running quickCheck like this : > quickCheck (prop_inverse_stringsToInts :: Foo a -> Bool)
Can someone help please? Thank you in advance!

It seems you know the basics, but I'll repeat them here just to be sure. There are two ways to get QuickCheck to generate the inputs you want:
Have it generate some inputs and then filter out ones you don't want, or
Have it generate only the inputs you want.
You started with option 1, but as you saw, that didn't work out great. Compared to all possible lists of String, there really aren't that many that are digit lists. The better option is to generate only the inputs you want.
To succeed at option 2, you need to make a generator, which would be a value of type Gen [String] that generates lists of Strings that fit your criteria. The generator you propose still uses the method of filtering, so you may want to try a different approach. Consider instead, something like:
genDigitStrings :: Gen [String]
genDigitStrings = do
intList <- arbitrary :: Gen [Integer]
return $ fmap show intList
This generator produces arbitrary lists of Strings that are always shown integers, meaning that they will always be digit lists. You can then go ahead and insert this into an Arbitrary instance for some newtype if you want.
For your own sanity, you can even check your work with a test like this:
propReallyActuallyDigitStrings = forAll genDigitStrings isDigitList
If that passes, you have some confidence that your generator really only produces digit lists, and if it fails, then you should adjust your generator.


How do I test that something is valid for all elements in a map?

I have the following things in my application:
newtype User = User Text
newtype Counts = Counts (Map User Int)
subjectUnderTest :: Counts -> Text
An example of correct output would be
> subjectUnderTest $ fromList [(User "foo", 4), (User "bar", 4), (User "qux", 2)]
"4: foo, bar\n2: qux"
I would like to write property-based tests that verify things like "all users are represented in the output", "all counts are represented in the output" and "all users are on the same line as their corresponding count". In common for these properties is that the wording of them starts with "all ..."
How do I write a property that verifies that something is valid for each element in the Map?
I'm assuming that this question is only a simplified representation of something more complex, so here's a couple of things strategies to consider:
Split up the functionality
It looks like subjectUnderTest does two unrelated things:
It groups the values in the map by value, instead of by key.
It formats, or pretty-prints, the inverted map.
If you can split up the functionality into those two steps, they're easier to test in in isolation.
The first step, you can make parametrically polymorphic. Instead of testing a function with the type Counts -> Text, consider testing a function with the type Eq b => Map a b -> [(b, [a])]. Property-based testing is easier with parametric polymorphism, because you get certain properties for free. For example, you can be sure that the values in the output can only come from the input, because there's no way to conjure a and b values out of thin air.
You're still going to have to write tests for the properties you ask about. Write a function with a type like Eq b => Map a b -> Testable. If you want to test that all the values are there, pull them out of the map and make list of them. Sort the list and nub it. It's now a [b] value. That's your expected output.
Now call your function. It returns something like [(b, [a])]. Map it using fst, sort and nub it. That list should be equal to your expected output.
For the next step (pretty-printing), see the next section.
When you want to property-base pretty-printing, the easiest approach is usually to bite the bullet and also write a parser. The printer and the parser should be the dual of each other, so if you have a function MyType -> String, your should have a parser with the type String -> Maybe MyType.
You can now write a general property like MyType -> Testable. It takes as input a value of MyType (let's call it expected). You now produce a value (let's call it actual) as actual = parse $ print expected. You can now verify that Just expected === actual.
If the particular String format is important, I'd follow it up with a few actual examples, using good old parametrised tests.
Just because you're doing property-based testing doesn't mean that a 'normal' unit test can't be useful as well.
Here's a simple example of what I meant above. Assume that
invertMap :: (Ord b, Eq b) => Map a b -> [(b, [a])]
you can define one of the properties as:
allValuesAreNowKeys :: (Show a, Ord a) => Map k a -> Property
allValuesAreNowKeys m =
let expected = nub $ sort $ Map.elems m
actual = invertMap m
in expected === nub (sort $ fmap fst actual)
Since this property is still parametrically polymorphic, you'll have to add it to your test suite with a particular type, e.g.:
tests = [
testGroup "Sorting Group 1" [
testProperty "all values are now keys" (allValuesAreNowKeys :: Map String Int -> Property)]]
There are prettier ways to define lists of properties; that one is just the template used by the quickcheck-test-framework Stack template...

Get a random list item in Haskell

After reviewing this SO question I am trying to use the random number generator to return a random list item based on the return of the randomIO generator.
Full Code:
module Randomizer where
import System.IO
import System.Random
data Action = Create | Destroy
deriving (Enum, Eq, Show)
type History = [Action]
-- | this looks at three sets of histories, and returns an appropriate Action
type ThreeHistoryDecisionMaker = History -> History -> History -> Action
allThreeDecisionMakers :: [ThreeHistoryDecisionMaker]
allThreeDecisionMakers = [decision1, decision2, decision3, decision4, decision5]
chooseRandomDecision :: [ThreeHistoryDecisionMaker] -> Int -> Strategy3P
chooseRandomDecision = allThreeDecisionMakers !! randomIO(0,4)
But I get the following errors:
Couldn't match type ‘Action’
with ‘History -> History -> History -> Action’
Expected type: [[ThreeHistoryDecisionMaker] -> Int -> ThreeHistoryDecisionMaker]
Actual type: [ThreeHistoryDecisionMaker]
In the first argument of ‘(!!)’, namely ‘allThreeDecisionMakers’
In the expression: all3PStrategies !! randomIO (0, 4)
Couldn't match expected type ‘(t0, t1) -> Int’
with actual type ‘IO a0’
The function ‘randomIO’ is applied to one argument,
but its type ‘IO a0’ has none
In the second argument of ‘(!!)’, namely ‘randomIO (0, 4)’
In the expression: all3PStrategies !! randomIO (0, 4)
Why is the first error block wanting to expect a list of everything inside it?
What does the second code block mean?
randomIO is not a "random function". Such a thing doesn't exist in Haskell, it wouldn't be referentially transparent. Instead, as the name suggests, it's an IO action which can yield a random value. It makes no sense to index a list with an IO action, !! randomIO(0,4) isn't possible. (It's impossible also for another reason: randomIO creates unlimited values, you want randomRIO (with an R for "range parameter") if you need to specify a (0,4) range.)
What you need to to do to get the value yielded by the action: well, monads! If you haven't learned the theory about those yet, never mind. A random-indexer could look thus:
atRandIndex :: [a] -> IO a -- note that this is gives itself an IO action
atRandIndex l = do
i <- randomRIO (0, length l - 1)
return $ l !! i
I suggest you actually use that function to implement your task.
But back to the code you posted... there's more problems. If you specify the type of chooseRandomDecision with two arguments, then you need to actually define it as a function of these arguments! But your definition doesn't accept any arguments at all, it merely uses the globally-defined list allThreeDecisionMakers (use of global variables never needs to be stated in the type).
Moreover, if you're choosing from a list of THDMakers, then the resulting element will also have that type, what else! So unless Strategy3P is simply another synonym of History -> History -> History -> Action, this won't do as a result, even if you contain it in the right monad.
This answer offers a simple, effective solution to the problem posed in the title: "Get a random list item in Haskell".
The package Test.QuickCeck provides a number of helpful, straightforward functions for generating random values ( A function that returns random values from a list (wrapped IO) can be built by composing the QuickTest functions elements and generate:
import Test.QuickCheck (generate, elements)
randItem :: [a] -> IO a
randItem = generate . elements
chris Frisina's function chooseRandomDecision would then look like this:
chooseRandomDecision :: [ThreeHistoryDecisionMaker] -> IO ThreeHistoryDecisionMaker
chooseRandomDecision = randItem
The user Cale in the #haskell channel on freenode helped coach me to this solution.
note: This solution works with QuickCheck 2.7.6, but needs some alteration for earlier versions. You can update to the latest version with cabal install QuickCheck. See this question.

How should types be used in Haskell type classes?

I'm new to Haskell, and a little confused about how type classes work. Here's a simplified example of something I'm trying to do:
data ListOfInts = ListOfInts {value :: [Int]}
data ListOfDoubles = ListOfDoubles {value :: [Double]}
class Incrementable a where
increment :: a -> a
instance Incrementable ListOfInts where
increment ints = map (\x -> x + 1) ints
instance Incrementable ListOfDoubles where
increment doubles = map (\x -> x + 1) doubles
(I realize that incrementing each element of a list can be done very simply, but this is just a simplified version of a more complex problem.)
The compiler tells me that I have multiple declarations of value. If I change the definitions of ListOfInts and ListOfDoubles as follows:
type ListOfInts = [Int]
type ListOfDoubles = [Double]
Then the compiler says "Illegal instance declaration for 'Incrementable ListOfInts'" (and similarly for ListOfDoubles. If I use newtype, e.g., newtype ListOfInts = ListOfInts [Int], then the compiler tells me "Couldn't match expected type 'ListOfInts' with actual type '[b0]'" (and similarly for ListOfDoubles.
My understanding of type classes is that they facilitate polymorphism, but I'm clearly missing something. In the first example above, does the compiler just see that the type parameter a refers to a record with a field called value and that it appears I'm trying to define increment for this type in multiple ways (rather than seeing two different types, one which has a field whose type of a list of Ints, and the other whose type is a list of Doubles)? And similarly for the other attempts?
Thanks in advance.
You're really seeing two separate problems, so I'll address them as such.
The first one is with the value field. Haskell records work in a slightly peculiar way: when you name a field, it is automatically added to the current scope as a function. Essentially, you can think of
data ListOfInts = ListOfInts {value :: [Int]}
as syntax sugar for:
data ListOfInts = ListOfInts [Int]
value :: ListOfInt -> [Int]
value (ListOfInts v) = v
So having two records with the same field name is just like having two different functions with the same name--they overlap. This is why your first error tells you that you've declared values multiple times.
The way to fix this would be to define your types without using the record syntax, as I did above:
data ListOfInts = ListOfInts [Int]
data ListOfDoubles = ListOfDoubles [Double]
When you used type instead of data, you simply created a type synonym rather than a new type. Using
type ListOfInts = [Int]
means that ListOfInts is the same as just [Int]. For various reasons, you can't use type synonyms in class instances by default. This makes sense--it would be very easy to make a mistake like trying to write an instance for [Int] as well as one for ListOfInts, which would break.
Using data to wrap a single type like [Int] or [Double] is the same as using newtype. However, newtype has the advantage that it carries no runtime overhead at all. So the best way to write these types would indeed be with newtype:
newtype ListOfInts = ListOfInts [Int]
newtype ListOfDoubles = ListOfDoubles [Double]
An important thing to note is that when you use data or newtype, you also have to "unwrap" the type if you want to get at its content. You can do this with pattern matching:
instance Incrementable ListOfInts where
increment (ListOfInts ls) = ListOfInts (map (\ x -> x + 1) ls)
This unwraps the ListOfInts, maps a function over its contents and wraps it back up.
As long as you unwrap the value this way, your instances should work.
On a side note, you can write map (\ x -> x + 1) as map (+ 1), using something that is called an "operator section". All this means is that you implicitly create a lambda filling in whichever argument of the operator is missing. Most people find the map (+ 1) version easier to read because there is less unnecessary noise.

Converting IO Int to Int

I've created a combobox from converting a xmlWidget to a comboBox with the function castTocomboBox and now I want to get the text or the index of the active item. The problem is that if I use the comboBoxGetActive function it returns an IO Int result and I need to know how can I obtain the Int value. I tried to read about monads so I could understand what one could do in a situation like this but I don't seem to understand. I appreciate all the help I can get. I should probably mention that I use Glade and gtk2hs.
As a general rule you write something like this:
x <- somethingThatReturnsIO
somethingElseThatReturnsIO $ pureFunction x
There is no way to get the "Int" out of an "IO Int", except to do something else in the IO Monad.
In monad terms, the above code desugars into
somethingThatReturnsIO >>= (\x -> somethingElseThatReturnsIO $ pureFunction x)
The ">>=" operator (pronounced "bind") does the magic of converting the "IO Int" into an "Int", but it refuses to give that Int straight to you. It will only pass that value into another function as an argument, and that function must return another value in "IO". Meditate on the type of bind for the IO monad for a few minutes, and you may be enlightened:
>>= :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
The first argument is your initial "IO Int" value that "comboBoxGetActive" is returning. The second is a function that takes the Int value and turns it into some other IO value. Thus you can process the Int, but the results of doing so never escape from the IO monad.
(Of course there is the infamous "unsafePerformIO", but at your level of knowledge you may be certain that if you use it then you are doing it wrong.)
(Actually the desugaring is rather more complicated to allow for failed pattern matches. But you can pretend what I wrote is true)
Well, there is unsafePerformIO:
(If you want to know how to find this method: Go to and search for the signature you need, here IO a -> a)
That said, you probably heard of "What happens in IO stays in IO". And there are very good reasons for this (just read the documentation of unsafePerformIO). So you very likely have a design problem, but in order to get help from experienced Haskellers (I'm certainly not), you need to describe your problem more detailed.
To understand what those types are –step by step–, first look up what Maybe and List are:
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
data [a] = [] | a : [a]
(Maybe a) is a different type than (a), like (Maybe Int) differs from (Int).
Example values of the type (Maybe Int) are
Just 5 and Nothing.
A List of (a)s can be written as ([ ] a) and as ([a]). Example values of ([Int]) are [1,7,42] and [ ].
Now, an (IO a) is a different thing than (a), too: It is an Input/Output-computation that calculates a value of type (a). In other words: it is a script or program, which has to be executed to generate a value of type (a).
An Example of (IO String) is getLine, which reads a line of text from standard-input.
Now, the type of comboBoxGetActive is:
comboBoxGetActive :: ComboBoxClass self => self -> IO Int
That means, that comboBoxGetActive is a function (->) that maps from any type that has an instance of the type-class ComboBoxClass (primitive type-classes are somehow similar to java-interfaces) to an (IO Int). Each time, this function (->) is evaluated with the same input value of this type (self) (whatever that type is), it results in the same value: It is always the same value of type (IO Int), that means that it is always the same script. But when you execute that same script at different times, it could produce different values of type (Int).
The main function of your program has the type (IO ()), that means that the compiler and the runtime system evaluate the equations that you program in this functional language to the value of main, which will be executed as soon as you start the program.

Generating an infinite sequence in Haskell

I know that infinite sequences are possible in Haskell - however, I'm not entirely sure how to generate one
Given a method
which take an integer and produces the next integer in the sequence, how would I build an infinite sequence out of this?
If you want your sequence to start from 1 then it is -
iterate generate 1
Please notice that first letter of function is lowercase, not uppercase. Otherwise it would be data type, not function.
//edit: I just realized not just data types start with capital, it could be data constructor or type class as well, but that wasn't the point. :)
Adding to Matajon's answer: a way to discover the iterate function other than asking here would be to use Hoogle.
Hoogle's first answer for the query (a -> a) -> [a] is iterate.
Update (2023): Hoogle's scoring appears to have changed and iterate is no longer given with this query. It's full type has another a parameter and with the full type it is given in the results.
There are several ways to do it, but one is:
gen :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]
gen f s = s : gen f (f s)
This function takes a functon f and some valus s and returns s, after wich it calls itself with that same f, and the result of f s. Demonstration:
Prelude> :t succ
succ :: (Enum a) => a -> a
Prelude> let gen f s = s : gen f (f s)
Prelude> take 10 $ gen succ 3
In the above example succ acts as the function generate :: Integer -> Integer which you mention. But observe that gen will work with any function of type a -> a.
Edit: and indeed, gen is identical to the function iterate from the Prelude (and Data.List).
