Autodesk Forge: Industrial Construction Demo bucket not working - node.js

I have cloned the Industrial Construction Demo code but I am having issues with the 'bucket-name'.
In the launch file you need to specify "FORGE_BUCKET": "" instead of the usual URN.
I have written the name of the bucket that contains my file but it does not work. I have tried debugging it but still no luck.
There is no exemplary bucket or files, so I would really like to know:
-What do I need to put in as the bucket name?
-What files need to be in the bucket?
-What file types?
-Any extra information to help me figure out why it isnt working.
Many thanks,

My apologies, I haven't explained this in the code sample very well. The demo requires files in Forge to be named in a specific way. I have just updated the README with more details:


Entering a proper path to files on DBFS

I uploaded files to DBFS:
I tried to access them by pandas and I always receive information that such files don't exist.
I tried to use the following paths:
What is funny, when I check them by I see all the files.
I found this solution, and I tried it already: Databricks dbfs file read issue
Moved them to a new folder:
I tried to access them from this folder, but still, it didn't work for me. The only difference is that I copied files to a different place.
I checked as well the documentation:
I use Databricks Community Edition.
I don't understand what I'm doing wrong and why it's happening like that.
I don't have any other ideas.
The /dbfs/ mount point isn't available on the Community Edition (that's a known limitation), so you need to do what is recommended in the linked answer:
and then use /tmp/file_name.csv as input parameter to Pandas' functions. If you'll need to write something to DBFS, then you do other way around - write to local file /tmp/..., and copy that file to DBFS.

how to check if a file path in cloud storage is valid or not using cloud function?

so I am trying to download an image from firebase storage like this using cloud function
const bucket = storage.bucket("")
const filePath = `eventPoster/${creatorID}/${eventID}.png`
await bucket.file(filePath).download({
destination: tmpFilePath
but the problem is, I can't ensure the image is always in the png format, it can also be jpeg or jpg
I will get error like this if I hard code it like that
Error: No such object:
so how to check if a path is valid or not or how to make a code that can work dynamically with other image extension ?
Posting as Community Wiki, because I based part of it in a comment and so other members of the Community can feel free to edit it.
As mentioned in the comments, you can use the method exists(), to check if a specific file exists in your bucket. This way, you will not an issue, in case the file doesn't exist when you are trying to return it. This would be the best way for you to check only for files existing, with the name based in the ids as you are basing your name structure.
Besides that, as clarified in this other post from the Community here, you can restrict the file types in your bucket in case you are using the POST method to upload files, otherwise, you won't be able - which can also, be an alternative. In case you are not using POST, as mentioned as well in this other post, you can try to construct a Cloud Function that will check for the file type before it uploads the file to the bucket, which would make your application only upload specific files.
In case you would like to check on how to upload files to Cloud Storage using Cloud Functions, you can check this tutorial here: How to upload using firebase cloud functions
Unfortunately, these seem to be the only available options right now, but I think they are a good start for you.
Let me know if the information helped you!
You can use the exists method on a file to check if your PNG is present or not. You can also change your code and use the getFiles() method. As you can see, you can put options, and one named "prefix". In your case you can have this
prefix: "eventPoster/${creatorID}/${eventID}"
}, <callback>);
Here you will list all the file with the prefix: PNG, JPEG and others. make your code smarter to leverage this dynamic answer

How can I tell what language a file is written in?

I've been trying to find, for a long time, what language this file is written in so that I can decompile it. I have tried to decompile as .luac, .class and also tried to open it as .jar and .rar and .zip.
Although the file extension is .car I have never seen this extension before and there certainly aren't any openers for it on the internet. I have even gone to the point of finding a .car opener, but it wasn't for my .car.
So, I suspect it has just been renamed.
Can anyone tell me what language it is coded in?
I don't know if I'm allowed to post files here, as I have only just joined, but here is a Dropbox link to the file:
Any help would be appreciated. This is the first line in Notepad++:
rac T D ` œÂ à ˆî ¼ 6 ˆP
A quick dump of the file leads to several URLs referencing:
So based on this I'd say the file was created with the SDK they offer.
Corona lets developers use integrated Lua, layered on top of
C++/OpenGL, to build graphic applications.

openam jar file for custom module development

Where will I get the opensso.jar within the openAM-12 folder?
This jar file essential for developing the custom module. The amserver.jar is named as openam-core-12.0.0 and opensso-sharedlib.jar is named as openam-shared-12.0.0.
But opensso.jar cannot be found within the folder openAM-12. Please help me.
I don't believe there is a clear replacement for opensso.jar, from what I can see it looks like that it has been mainly separated into OpenFM and openam-cli-impl.

Base folder in directory structure

So I'm fairly new to UNIX (This might be basic but I couldn't find a good answer) and I'm trying to run some code I got from the web. In the README it says:
"If you put these 3rd-party packages in a pathUtils folder in the same base
folder as the shadowDetection, they should be picked up automatically by
setPath. "
Does this mean I need to create a pathUtils folder in the same directory as shadowDetection? So it would look like:
or would it look like
Your help and understanding is greatly appreciated.
This ReadMe you're referencing (from is unclear, since it's not clear whether "shadowDetection" refers to the shadowDetection folder, or the shadowDetection software. If it's the former, then your first example (pathUtils alongside shadowDetection folder) would make sense; if it's the latter, then your second example (pathUtils inside shadowDetection folder) would apply.
My guess is that the author means parallels so I'd try it your first way first, but since it's ambiguously worded, try it the other way if it doesn't work. Once you figure it out, email the author and suggest he clarify his ReadMe.
