I am running ModelSim SE-64 10.5 on windows 10 and when I wanna simulate any module I run into the following error:
vsim -gui work.registerFileTB -novopt
# vsim -gui work.registerFileTB -novopt
# Start time: 15:20:14 on Dec 23,2020
# ** Error (suppressible): (vsim-12110) All optimizations are disabled because the -novopt option is in effect. This will cause your simulation to run very slowly. If you are using this switch to preserve visibility for Debug or PLI features, please see the User's Manual section on Preserving Object Visibility with vopt. -novopt option is now deprecated and will be removed in future releases.
# Error loading design
# End time: 15:20:14 on Dec 23,2020, Elapsed time: 0:00:00
# Errors: 1, Warnings: 0
The error message is self explanatory—remove the -novopt switch. Check the user manual for what you should use instead
After starting the simulation with optimization, I could not see the objects. Without optimization there is the same error.
Set enable optimization.
Open "Optimization options..."
In the tab Visibility: set "Apply full visibility to all modules"
I'm using Logstash 8.3.3 on MacOS (Apple Silicon) and created around 60 pipelines in logstash. Logstash starts up fine if I use less than 10 pipelines. Anything greater than 10 results in JVM crashing:
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x0000000000000000, pid=41063, tid=63747
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-11.0.15+10 (11.0.15+10) (build 11.0.15+10)
# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Temurin-11.0.15+10 (11.0.15+10, mixed mode, tiered, compressed oops, concurrent mark sweep gc, bsd-amd64)
# Problematic frame:
# C 0x0000000000000000
# No core dump will be written. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again
[thread 64771 also had an error]
[thread 68867 also had an error]
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# /Users/hashamrasheed/Work/logstash-8.3.3/bin/hs_err_pid41063.log
[thread 60419 also had an error]
[thread 64259 also had an error]
[thread 59907 also had an error]
[thread 71939 also had an error]
[thread 172547 also had an error][thread 70659 also had an error]
[thread 73475 also had an error]
[thread 174339 also had an error]
[thread 174087 also had an error]
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# https://github.com/adoptium/adoptium-support/issues
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
At this point, I'm not sure how to debug this issue. I've also increased JVM heap size and stack size to 4g and 10m respectively.
I was able to resolve this issue by upgrading the SQLite version being used in logstash-input-mongodb plugin. I upgraded it to 3.28.0, everything's working now.
After following the instructions specified here to compile the source code of RedisJson, got the rejson.so file at project_root/target/release, then I entered this command sudo redis-server --loadmodule /home/username/RedisJSON/target/release/rejson.so to load redis module. But I got this error message.
Server initialized
7666:M 14 Sep 2021 13:27:38.795 # WARNING overcommit_memory is set to 0! Background save may fail under low memory condition. To fix this issue add 'vm.overcommit_memory = 1' to /etc/sysctl.conf and then reboot or run the command 'sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1' for this to take effect.
7666:M 14 Sep 2021 13:27:38.795 # WARNING you have Transparent Huge Pages (THP) support enabled in your kernel. This will create latency and memory usage issues with Redis. To fix this issue run the command 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled' as root, and add it to your /etc/rc.local in order to retain the setting after a reboot. Redis must be restarted after THP is disabled.
7666:M 14 Sep 2021 13:27:38.862 * <ReJSON> Exported RedisJSON_V1 API
thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value', /root/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/redis-module-0.23.0/src/raw.rs:580:42
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
fatal runtime error: failed to initiate panic, error 5
How can I get this fixed, please?
RedisJSON requires Redis 6+, it seems like you're running on an older version of Redis.
I get an error while building an image using Yocto (dizzy):
ERROR: Creation of tar /mnt/workspace/build/tmp/deploy/tar/xev-dbg-1.2.1-r0.tar.gz failed.
and bitbake command fails with the following report:
No currently running tasks (6291 of 6292)
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 6292 tasks of which 18 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded.
Summary: There were 13 WARNING messages shown.
Summary: There were 3 ERROR messages shown, returning a non-zero exit code.
If I check the file xev-dbg-1.2.1-r0.tar.gz, I get:
$ file /mnt/workspace/build/tmp/deploy/tar/xev-dbg-1.2.1-r0.tar.gz
/mnt/workspace/build/tmp/deploy/tar/xev-dbg-1.2.1-r0.tar.gz: gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: Mon Mar 27 20:19:55 201
and it is the same case for the remaining two errors.
I am confused:
if there was an error, why bitbake is reporting that all tasks succeeded?
If the file were successfully created, why bitbake exits with non zero value?
Bitbake did not return a 0 exit-code. This mean that there are errors in the bitbake process.
There are 3 errors when it is trying to create the tar files as shown.
The compressed file is there but it is not complete. E.g. Just like how you could download a file and interrupt it and the download file is still there. So we usually use md5sum or some kind of hash number to check on the completeness of the file.
A better understanding might be: Bitbake attempted to run 6292 task. 18 of them do not need to rerun. Bitbake attempted to rerun the rest 6274(6292-18) and succeeded in rerunning them. This does not mean that all of them are successfully compiled. In the process of rerunning them, there are 13 warnings and and 3 errors appeared. Because of the 3 errors, bitbake returns with a non-zero exit code.
No currently running tasks (6291 of 6292)
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 6292 tasks of which 18 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded.
Summary: There were 13 WARNING messages shown.
Summary: There were 3 ERROR messages shown, returning a non-zero exit code.
I'm trying to run Jmeter through command line on Centos VM like so:
./jmeter -n -t temp_cli/sampler.jmx -l temp_cli/results.xml -j temp_cli/j.log
I get :
INFO - jmeter.threads.JMeterThread: Thread is done: sampler flow 1-1
INFO - jmeter.threads.JMeterThread: Thread finished: sampler flow 1-1
DEBUG - jmeter.threads.ThreadGroup: Ending thread sampler 1-1
summary = 1 in 1s = 2.0/s Avg: 434 Min: 434 Max: 434 Err: 1 (100.00%)
Tidying up ... # Wed Apr 13 07:57:42 UTC 2016 (1460534262577)
... end of run
It supposed to take more than 1s so I'm pretty sure somthing went wrong. The thing is I don't get enough data about what went wrong.
I tried tail -f jmeter.log but I got no errors
Anyone knows how can I get more information?
Your file results.xml will give you more details.
You can see here that you got 100% error rate so your unique sample failed.
If you are running the test in non gui mode on a different machine from where you ran the gui mode, then you most probably did not install the plugin jars.
all I am making a new project in J2ME-Polish2.1.4 and when I create a new project using J2ME-Polish2.1.4, the build is successful but when i run this code then I see the error about floating-point constants with more details below.
How to recover from this issue?
`J2ME Polish 2.1.4 (2010-01-18) (GPL License)
Loading device database...
Last build was interrupted or failed, now clearing work directory...
using locale [en_US]...
assembling resources for device [Nokia/7610].
preprocessing for device [Nokia/7610].
processing locale code...
compiling for device [Nokia/7610].
warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
Compiling 428 source files to D:\Faraz\development\J2ME-Polish-Projectaaaa\build\test\Nokia\7610\en_US\classes
preverifying for device [Nokia/7610].
preverify:ERROR: floating-point constants should not appear
preverify:Error preverifying class de.enough.polish.ui.screenanimations.CubeScreenChangeAnimation
Preverify call failed: 1
C:\WTK2.5.1\bin\preverify.exe -classpath d:\J2ME-Polish2.1.4\import\mmapi.jar;d:\J2ME-Polish2.1.4\import\cldc-1.0.jar;d:\J2ME-Polish2.1.4\import\midp-2.0.jar;d:\J2ME-Polish2.1.4\import\nokia-ui.jar;d:\J2ME-Polish2.1.4\import\wmapi-2.0.jar;d:\J2ME-Polish2.1.4\import\wmapi.jar;d:\J2ME-Polish2.1.4\import\btapi.jar;d:\J2ME-Polish2.1.4\import\m3g.jar;d:\J2ME-Polish2.1.4\import\jsr172.jar;d:\J2ME-Polish2.1.4\import\fileconnection.jar;d:\J2ME-Polish2.1.4\import\pim.jar;d:\J2ME-Polish2.1.4\import\m2g.jar -d D:\Faraz\development\J2ME-Polish-Projectaaaa\build\test\Nokia\7610\en_US\classes -nofp -nofinalize -nonative D:\Faraz\development\J2ME-Polish-Projectaaaa\build\test\Nokia\7610\en_US\classes
D:\Faraz\development\J2ME-Polish-Projectaaaa\build.xml:87: Unable to preverify for device [Nokia/7610] - preverify returned result 1
BUILD FAILED (total time: 9 seconds)
If you look deeper into preferify classpath, there is an indication of what caused the error.
C:\WTK2.5.1\bin\preverify.exe -classpath d:\J2ME-Polish2.1.4\import\mmapi.jar;d:\J2ME-Polish2.1.4\import\cldc-1.0.jar;d:\J2ME-Polish2.1.4\import\midp-2.0.jar;d:\J2ME-Polish2.1.4\import\nokia-ui.jar;d:\J2ME-Polish2.1.4\import\wmapi-2.0.jar;d:\J2ME-Polish2.1.4\import\wmapi.jar;d:\J2ME-Polish2.1.4\import\btapi.jar;d:\J2ME-Polish2.1.4\import\m3g.jar;d:\J2ME-Polish2.1.4\import\jsr172.jar;d:\J2ME-Polish2.1.4\import\fileconnection.jar;d:\J2ME-Polish2.1.4\import\pim.jar;d:\J2ME-Polish2.1.4\import\m2g.jar -d D:\Faraz\development\J2ME-Polish-Projectaaaa\build\test\Nokia\7610\en_US\classes -nofp -nofinalize -nonative D:\Faraz\development\J2ME-Polish-Projectaaaa\build\test\Nokia\7610\en_US\classes
Above refers to cldc-1.0.jar meaning that your build is configured for CLDC 1.0 where floating point is not supported indeed. That's why your build fails.
To get it fixed, either get rid of floating point code in your application or use CLDC 1.1 that allows for float and double.