Unable to start the sandbox on Azure sandbox - azure

I am trying to activate sandboxes. When I enter my mobile no which is in sync with my live account which has a domain like #outlook.com which I am not receiving the code to my phone.
Even tried in incognito but no luck.
Initially when i tried a few months back no phone no is asked which directly worked with my no.
Now it is asking for phone code to authorize.
Please help

If you are seeing the "MSA account requires additional verification steps" message, the Microsoft account that you use to sign into Microsoft Docs may need verification if you haven't used that account for a while, or if your account requires email or phone verification. You will need to resolve your account login issue through https://support.microsoft.com to use it on Microsoft Docs.
MVA Learning also has an active support forum here.
Other things to note:
You can use any phone number for verification as long as it meets the requirements. The phone number that you enter for verification isn't stored as a contact number for the account.
A Voice-over-IP (VoiP) phone number can't be used for the phone verification process.
Check that your phone can receive calls or SMS messages from a United States-based telephone number.
Double-check the phone number that you enter, including the country code that you select in the drop-down menu.
If your phone doesn't receive text messages (SMS), try the Call me option.
The MS learn help page may also be useful, but I would suggest reaching out to support.


Azure B2C verify Phone number on Sign UP?

I am building a custom policy for B2C Sign up.
We currently do not use B2C to do sign ups, but im looking to migrate. Part of this process would require the use of an email and a phone number.
The phone number ONLY would need to be verified.
So after the user signs up for an account an SMS or phone call would verify that they own that phone number.
Looking in the documentation, i see verify phone number, but its for sign up with a phone number. I dont want to do that.
I just want the phone number to verify during the sign up process.
Any insight?
You could use the PhoneFactor technical profile.
The "PhoneFactor-InputOrVerify" flow asks for a phone number if not present and verifies or just verifies if present.
Use the default starter pack. Just add a precondition to skip the phonefactor step if newUser claim does not exist. That will trigger MFA prompt only on sign up.

Is there a way to pass the phone number used for ID Verification through the API?

When using Docusign's identityVerification option in the api and sending a user to docusign to first verify their identity with a license / passport and then sign a document...
Is there a way to pass the users phone number through to the above page to pre fill the mobile number so that they don't have to enter it in? This is the page where docusign sends and SMS with a link to the mobile number for the user to photograph their license.
Docusign Mobile Number Screen
Thanks Jahax, it's just so happens that I published a blog post on this topic today, you can find it here - https://www.docusign.com/blog/dsdev-implementing-docusign-recipient-authentication/
However, I'm afraid when it comes to IDV, all the personal information (including phone number) has to be provided directly by the recipient after they click the link sent to them from DocuSign.
If you were using SMS verification (or phone call verification) you could specify the phone number to use yourself, but IDV works differently and at present time - this is not possible.

Best way to plug users' gmail accounts into my system without triggering ominous warnings?

I am prototyping an automated messaging system with a few pilot companies and about 10 users. They want my system to send status emails on their behalf, from their gmail accounts. This can easily be accomplished when they enter their gmail usn/pwd into my system (it is AES 256-bit encrypted before being stored in the DB). The problem is that the first time my system tries to send a status email on their behalf, using their account, the message is blocked until "Allow less secure apps" is enabled. When they try again, it's blocked again, along with scary warnings being emailed to them by google saying that someone has their google password. Only after they click through that and verify that my system has permission to do this, all is good, no more warnings, and everything works.
I have been researching this and I have found 2 potential approaches for smoothing this process and avoiding the scary warnings to the users:
Enable 2-factor authentication in the google account, and use an app-specific password (per user I think??) to send the emails without any warnings.
Have my system use oauth2 with the gmail accounts so that google no longer considers my app "less secure".
My question is, what is the best approach, and how do I set this up? If my gmail users enable 2-factor authentication, can they store their code into my system, and my system uses that code for future auto-emails? Does it even work that way? My experience with 2-factor auth is that a code is sent to the user's phone each and every time. Is that not the case? Would a stored code on my server (1 per user) work over and over? Does it expire after a certain amount of time?
And my understanding with oauth2 is that my users would need to be actively logged in with their google account and somehow exchange tokens with my server, but I really don't know. Is there some way for my web server (PHP) to implement oauth2 in connection with gmail accounts?
In summary, what is the simplest way to send auto-generated gmails for my users who are paying for this service without triggering scary warnings from google? The volume of emails is low -- this isn't spam -- it's a status follow-up system for the workplace.
You are right on your second point; that is an easy way to accomplish your objectives. You'll first have to authorize your app with Gmail to work with OAuth. You can follow these links to learn how to implement authorization in your server, but you can also enter here to appreciate some examples. When you develop the authorization protocol, you can read the Gmail API to start working with your customer accounts.

Issues with Stripe Connect

Hope you are doing great days.
I am trying to set up payment by using stripe connect. I followed the tutorial 'https://stripe.com/docs/connect/express-accounts' and finished everything. (Admin account is Europe based)
But when I test my onboarding process, I can't create a European account(step 2 of above documentation). I am supposed to be a US based user and I am required to input US phone number, social digits and etc.
Of course I can pass this process with test methods(phone num: 000 000 0000). But when I pass with test data, I am registered as a United States based account in admin's connect account. Thus I can't transfer money from admin to registered account with 'stripe transfer api'. Error is occurred because admin and connected account are not from same region.
Is there anyone who can help me with this problem?
I tried to explain what my problem is but not sure I did it exactly. I will be happy if you contact me. Please feel free to ask me if you can't get what my problem is.
Many thanks.
I found that stripe express account is only available in U.S.(Mr.Karllekko hinted me). I contacted with stripe support team and they say that Express account is not available in Germany. So I decided to implement current business logic with Custom account.
Thank you guys who are interested in my question. And thanks again, Karllekko.

Why is the Chrome Web Store asking me to give out an email address and physical address publicly on my store page?

I am curious if anyone else has had these options show up highlighted on the Developer Dashboard. I have been maintaining an extension since September that manages tabs and collects no information.
Highlighted in yellow on the Developer Dashboard:
Please provide the following information:
Physical Address
Privacy Policy
To ensure a more transparent and positive experience for users, the email address, physical address, and link to your privacy policy that you provide in the developer dashboard will be displayed publicly on your item details page(s) in the Chrome Web Store.
Please provide a current, valid postal address where you may be contacted. If you offer items or in-app purchase items for sale, you may be required to provide a postal address under our developer terms and consumer protection laws; failure to do so may result in the suspension of your account and/or sales of your items. Please ensure that you keep these details up to date if they change. By providing your email or postal address information, you consent to Google publicly displaying or disclosing that information in connection with your items. Learn more
My extension will prompt the user for a donation after 30 days, but it can be disabled. Setting a privacy policy is one thing, but I simply don't have a non-personal address I can give out. Google seems to be mistaking me as a business.
Since September 30, 2014. Google has already changed its policies regarding paid app developers. Every developer who opened the developer console starting that date was greeted with a message stating that a physical address must be added in account settings. The change will influence primarily developers who distribute paid apps or allow in-app-purchases.
Visit this link for more information.
Note the key phrase in the notification: "If you offer items or in-app purchase items for sale". I believe that means you're not required to give out your addresses if, as in my case, you have a free extension and an app that include "Donate" buttons, and if you're an individual, not a company.
Edit: This looks similar to the German Impressum law. Anyway, it doesn't look mandatory in my case.
Update - received this email from Google after asking them what was going on.
Hi Jason,
In accordance with consumer protection laws and current industry best practices, starting on 3/9/2016 we are implementing a number of changes to product listings in the Chrome Web Store. These changes will ensure a more transparent and positive experience for users. Changes include:
As a developer, you must provide a valid email and physical business address where users can contact you directly. The email address and physical business addresses will be displayed on your product details page(s) on the Storefront.
All products that offer in-app purchases to users and/or subscription-based products will have a price range (highest and lowest price) displayed on the ’s product details page in the Chrome Web Store.
You can add an email address and physical business by logging into your developer account in the Chrome Web Store developer dashboard (link). Please comply within 30 days of receiving a notification on the developer dashboard. If any of your products offer in-app purchases or are subscription based, please go to your developer account to review the prices and publishing status.”
It appears they removed the option to post my address from my account, so it is puzzling they sent this email.
