Give permission to an account to create subscription - azure

I have created a new user under Azure Active Directory by using the invite option. Then I assigned every single administrative role to that account but it still doesn't have access to create a new subscription. When you try to create a subscription with that account it give the following message

Assign a Billing Administrator role to the new guest user.
You could refer to the steps in this document to assign role.


Azure User Admin right to delete guest users

I have User Admin role assigned and just noticed that am not able to delete external users.
the user admin has right: and i guess that is not enough.
the global admin has right:
Create and delete users, and read and update all properties.
Do you know if there is any other role that grants the right to delete external users? or am i missing here something?
I have User Admin role assigned and just noticed that am not able to delete external users.
You can check user admin roles here. As per document as shown in below image for this User admin role Delete or Restore users is not applicable.
As per your requirement Global Administrator has this delete user access privilege. Here you can go through Global Administrator rights.
there is any other role that grants the right to delete external users?
AFAIK the Global Administrator role is the only built-in role in Azure AD that grants the ability **to delete external users but If you do not want to assign the Global Administrator role but still you want to be able to delete external users, you can create a custom role and assign the "" permission to it.
In Azure You can create custom role in different ways like
~Using Azure portal.
~Using PowerShell
~Using CLI
To create custom role using portal check your custom role is enabled or disabled as shown in below image Select your subscription or Resource group >> Access control >> +Add >> Add Custom role.
Creating Custom role is bit complicated if you are ok with custom role follow these detailed steps in create custom role MS Document using Azure Portal.
Create Custom role Using PowerShell

Global Admin - cannot see Billing - Unauthorized

I'm global admin and subcription owner
But when click on Billing-Cost analysis getting
Customer does not have the privilege to see the cost
Am i missing something ?
Seems like there is a missing permission on the subscription. The impacted user should have one of the following roles:
Service Administrator
Billing reader
Kindly assign one of the above roles to the user on the targeted subscription (I am using service administrator) by following Assign a user as an administrator of an Azure subscription
For current admins kindly see classic admins tab:
Tenant is managed by CSP, didn't know it until i tried to create support case to MS and got following error:
After that got access to Partner center and performed below steps:

Grant Read access to service principal to get ONLY subscription ids on Azure

I have over 50 Azure subscriptions under same tenant. I have created a service-principal under Azure active directory and provided the service principal 'reader' role to each subscriptions. When I make an API call from Postman I get all subscription ids but my concern is I am giving 'READ' access to all my resources on different subscriptions. I want to limit this service-principal will ONLY be able to list the subscription ids and nothing else.
I want to limit this service-principal will ONLY be able to list the
subscription ids and nothing else.
With "Reader" role, a user would be able to read all resources inside a subscription and not just subscription id.
I believe the solution to your problem is to create a custom role (let's call it SubscriptionPropertiesReader) and then give only the permission to perform read operation just at the subscription level. Based on the information provided here, I believe the permission you would want to include in this role is Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/read.
The challenge obviously will be to create this custom role in each and every subscription and then assigning this role to your Service Principal in each subscription.

Powershell: Can I add a role assignment without adding user to AAD?

I need to add external users to my subscription. Each user would get access to only one resource group, which is created for him.
From the portal, I can do it manually and it would recognize that the user is new and would get an email.
However, New-AzRoleAssignment gives me an error, saying that The provided information does not map to an AD object id.
Does Powershell allow to 'force' invite a user or I need to New-AzureADMSInvitation first?
You need to invite the user to the AAD tenant first via the portal or New-AzureADMSInvitation as you mentioned first, New-AzRoleAssignment will not do that for you.

Don't have access in Azure Portal to create new items

I was added as a global administrator to a company's Azure AD directory. When I try to create a new web app I get the following message:
You are currently signed into the '-company- (Default Directory)' directory which does not have any subscriptions. You have other directories you can switch to or you can sign up for a new subscription.
When I try to sign up for a new subscription it wants me to enter my payment information, which I do not want to do. I want to use the company's existing subscription.
I also cannot see the App Service that the admin of the account just created in the portal.
It seems like I'm not fully configured, but we thought adding me as Global Administrator should give me exactly what he has, which is what we want. What else do we need to do so we have the same access, and can see each other's items?
In new Azure Portal, you should be added as a Co-Owner through the RBAC system. You should contact your Account Administrator(AA) who could grant the permission to your subscription. More information about how to add an admin for a subscription please refer to this article.
More information about RBAC please refer to this article.
You are the admin of the Azure AD directory, but not any subscriptions in that directory (assuming there are subscriptions). Directory admins don't have access to subscriptions by default. A subscription admin will need to grant you access to a subscription.
Note that directories can be created without subscriptions, so not every directory has an Azure subscription.
Also, a credit card is required to create a new subscription and you can't reference an existing company account without the company's Azure account admin doing that for you. Unfortunately, only one account can have access to do that today.
