Discord.js bot not loading image urls in MessageEmbeds(), was previously - node.js

So one of my bots has a majority of it's commands contain imagery via the Discord.MessageEmbed() function, which has worked since I first tried it. Now, however, out of nowhere, the images no longer load in, however with my meme command (I have it set to log the image link) it does log the correct link. It is with all of my commands that contain imagery, as stated.
I have tried re-installing each of the packages the bot uses, and it still doesn't work. I tried looking it up online, however nothing applied to me

There seems to be an issue with the whole discord system at the moment. If you try sending a link, there won't be an embed either.
The discord team is actively working to fix the issue at the moment.


Azure Service Editor config changes are not applicated

I have a problem with my QnA Bot App. I made some changes to basic responses (No answer found, Hello and Goodbye) in Azure Service Editor. I have also changed a default HTML webpage. Changes made in a HTML website were made instantly, but the config files with new welcome responses were not.
I am sure that I once watched a tutorial that provided information that after you change some stuff in configs files you need to commit them using Kudo Console. I tried restarting the app but it did not work.
I am beginner. Does anyone remember what is the command?
I tried searching through my whole browser history but I still cannot find it.
I used command deploy and it worked.

stripe a similar object exists in test mode, but a live mode key was used to make this request

This is less a question and more of an answer to this issue that caused me several hours of aggravation. I did find the solution online but not in a direct or easy place.
It turns out that the problem actually had nothing to do with whether I was using test or live keys on my site.
I had deployed my code to heroku, updated my env to match the live keys and received the error listed in the title of this thread.
The solution is actually pretty simple and the problem actually exists in stripe not my code.
I had defined Subscription Plans in test, I then had to create new plans for the live version (no import ability, but that is a frustration for another day).
The problem is that you actually have to go back into your test plans, temporarily rename them, and then rename them back.
So if I have Plan-A in test and I create Plan-A in live, I then need to rename Plan-A in test to something else like Plan-A1. Then I can rename it back to Plan-A and Stripe then works properly.
Anyway, I hope this solves the issues for others because it is really annoying to try to figure out what is wrong and blaming your code is not always the case.

Specific Page Won't Update

I'm making an app in the Cloud9 IDE using Node.js with the Express.js framework. Something very odd is happening to a specific .ejs file where if I try to update it (like typing some mumbo jumbo in an h1 tag and then saving and restarting the server), it NEVER gets reflected in the browser no matter what I do. For example, if I delete my jumbotron, save, restart the server, and then refresh the browser, I still see the same page with the jumbotron. I also tried deleting this entire file and then restarting the server and I still see the page and it doesn't break my application which is bizarre. All other .ejs files are fine and I can see the changes that I make.
I've spent about 4 hours trying to figure this out and no one else seems to have my specific issue. I tried clearing my browser cache, using different browsers, logging in/out from Cloud9, creating a new database, going back to older versions of my code, etc. and nothing seems to be working. I'm not even sure what code to post on here since my entire app is about 2000 lines of code so far. Does anyone have any suggestions because this is really frustrating.

Codeigniter - No Data Received - Not Chrome related

I've found plenty of versions of this questions, but neither seem to go further than an apparent Google Chrome bug.
What happens is that whenever I copy a codeigniter setup to a new folder on my server, to start a new project based on it, I get "no data received" in any browser I try it on.
The strange part is that the problem is solved if I go into each file that gets include()-d, add or change something irrelevant (like a blank space) and save the file. I don't know why, but this makes that specific include() work. Otherwise, the script stops before it.
There's nothing logged in the server's access or error logs so I can't figure out what the problem might be.
Needless to say this has been driving me crazy. Any suggestions?
My sysadmin figured it out. It was related to system wide APC cache. I used apc_clear_cache() at the top of index.php and everything works like a charm!

Spotify App Dead

As others have posted, I'm having an issue with my Spotify app (in development) dying after the Spotify update. I can no longer access it as it throws a metadataFailed error. I've tried accessing using the new method "spotify:app:application-identifier-in-manifest" and it doesn't work. I've set both the BundleIdentifier and BundleVersion in the manifest.
Also, I've tried the app on several different computers with several different developer accounts.
Just to be clear, you need to set the BundleIdentifier and BundleVersion keys, restart Spotify then load it with your identifier. So, if you set your BundleIdentifier to awesome-app, you'd load it with spotify:app:awesome-app.
I happened upon a similar issue today, and it was down to my manifest.json not parsing correctly.
Make sure you run your json file through a lint http://jsonlint.com/ before committing and debugging. Saved me a whole bunch of time yak shaving.
