'hello world' PyInstaller .app doesn't open - python-3.x

This is a common problem, though the solutions seem diverse and none have helped me.
Like this question and this question, on mac, my PyInstaller .app fails to open when clicked on in Finder. However it does work when launched from the terminal ./helloWorldTest.app/Contents/MacOS/helloWorldTest. The .exe file does works when clicked on in Finder (which from my reading also seems common).
Unlike the apps in the linked questions, my app does not read or write any files: I have entirely gutted my actual app (which has the same problematic behaviour) to a simple hello world version:
# This is a trivial app with a loop to ensure it stays open long enough to actually see something happen before the script finishes.
print('hello world!')
i = 0
while i < 1000000:
print('hello world number: ', i)
i += 1
While >90% of the solutions to similar sounding problems all involve changing paths, that can't be the issue here as there is essentially nothing to this app. So, can anyone help me get this basic app working so I can build & debug from there?
Here is the PyInstaller command I use: pyinstaller helloWorldTest.py --onefile --icon=dipyIcon.icns -w --clean

Kinda surprising got given how seemingly prevalent this issue is. Anyway, for anyone searching/googling this in the future, hopefully this will help.
The issue is caused by the default version of something called Tcl that is used in your bundled app. The latest version for some reason doesn't work, so you need to manually set it to a slightly older version.
Note: This solution was found by manuelf23, I am only relaying it here. You can find the original thread here
To do this:
Right click your .app file (the one with the icon, you have given it one)
Click Show package contents (You're now in the hidden files that are bundled together. These files sit in a standard OSX structure, which is the same architecture as any app on a mac
Navigate to this file: ./Contents/Resources/tcl/init.tc [note, you do not use the --onefile flag otherwise you'll only have your icon in the Resources folder]
Open the init.tc file in any text editor and go to line 19
On line 19 you'll find this line (package require -exact Tcl 8.6.8) and replace it with package require -exact Tcl 8.5.9 - or put simply change the Tcl version to 8.5.9
Et Voilà, vous êtes au top- go back to your app and double click your icon
Just in case, here's the PyInstaller command I used:
pyinstaller myFileName.py -w --icon myIconName.icns
EDIT: forgot to link source of solution


Pycharm throws FileNotFoundError after refactor for some file [duplicate]

Recently, I'm unable to use relative paths in my code while using PyCharm. For instance, a simple open('test.txt', 'r') will not work - whereupon I am sure the file exists in the same level as the running py file. PyCharm will return this error.
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
After reading answers online on StackOverflow, I have tried multiple options including:
Changing test.txt to ./test.txt
Closing project, deleting the .idea folder, open the folder with code.
Reinstalling as well as installing the latest version of PyCharm.
Invalidating caches and restarting.
None of these options have worked for me. Is there someway I can tell PyCharm to refresh the current working directory (or even to see where it thinks the current working directory is)?
Edit: I should note that running the script in a terminal window will work. This appears to be a problem with PyCharm and not the script.
Run > Edit Configurations > Working directory,
which sets the working directory for a specific project. (This is on a Mac)
I have Pycharm 4.5, so things might have changed a bit.
Try going to Settings > Project > Project Structure
On this dialog, click your folder that has the source code in it, and then click the blue folder in the menu to note it as "source" folder. I believe this fixes a lot of the path issues in Pycharm
Here is the link to "content roots": https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/help/content-root.html
Current version 2019.2 somehow ignores "source root" from the "project structure". Here's how to actually enforce it:
Run -> Edit Configurations -> Python -> "Edit Templates" -> fill out "Working Directory"
__file__ refers to file path. So you can use the following to refer file in the same directory:
import os
dirpath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, 'test.txt')
open(filepath, 'r')
In PyCharm, click on "run/edit configurations..."
Then find your script file in the "Python" dropdown menu. Check the "Working Directory" entry and change it if necessary.
click on python (not any specific python script) ONLY SELECT PYTHON
then below right side click on [edit configuration templetes]
select current working dir by going into those blocks
It will change the CWD of all python file that exists in project folder..
then all file will understand the RELATIVE PATH that starts from your actual project name..
i hope this will resolve all your issue related path.
Sometimes it is different. I solved my problem by clicking "Run" at the Pycharm's toolbar and then "Edit Configurations..." and I change my Interpreter to another actual one. Just changing it in the settings does not help, but this opperation already does ;)
I too had the same issue few minutes ago...but,with the latest version of PyCharm it is resolved by simply using the relative path of that file..
For instance, a simple f = open('test', 'r') will work.
A little clarification for mac users. In mac, what #andere said above is correct for setting working directory. However, if your code is in a different folder, say working_dir/src/ (like classic java/scala file structure) in that case you still need to set your Sources Root. In mac's PyCharm this can be done by right clicking on the src/ folder > Mark Directory as > Sources Root. Helped me with lot of similar import issues. Hope this helps someone.

Unresolved import error - Python virtual-environment [duplicate]

I am using the following setup
macOS v10.14 (Mojave)
Python 3.7.1
Visual Studio Code 1.30
Pylint 2.2.2
Django 2.1.4
I want to use linting to make my life a bit easier in Visual Studio Code. However, for every import I have states "unresolved import". Even on default Django imports (i.e. from django.db import models).
I presume it is because it is not seeing the virtual environment Python files.
Everything works just fine, but it's starting to get annoying.
The interpreter choices I have are all system versions of Python. It does not seem to see my virtual environment Python at all (it is not in the same directory as my workspace, so that part makes sense).
If I set up the python.PythonPath in the settings.json file, it just ignores it and does not list my virtual environment path as an option. I also tried setting it up in my global Python settings, but it also does not show up.
Is there a quick fix to get it working?
The accepted answer won't fix the error when importing own modules.
Use the following setting in your workspace settings .vscode/settings.json:
"python.autoComplete.extraPaths": ["./path-to-your-code"],
Reference: Troubleshooting, Unresolved import warnings
In your workspace settings, you can set your Python path like this:
"python.defaultInterpreterPath": "/path/to/your/venv/bin/python",
Alternative way: use the command interface!
Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + P → Python: Select Interpreter → choose the one with the packages you look for:
This issue has already been opened on GitHub:
Python unresolved import issue #3840
There are two very useful answers, by MagnuesBrzenk and SpenHouet.
The best solution for now is to create a .env file in your project root folder. Then add a PYTHONPATH to it like this:
And in your settings.json add:
"python.envFile": ".env"
When I do > reload window that fixes it.
Reference: Python unresolved import issue #3840, dkavraal's comment
None of the solutions worked except this one. Replacing "Pylance" or "Microsoft" in the settings.json solved mine.
"python.languageServer": "Jedi"
You need to select the interpreter associated with the virtual environment.
Click here (at the bottom status bar):
And just select the virtual environment you are working with. Done.
Sometimes, even with the interpreter selected, it won't work. Just repeat the process again and it should solve it.
If you have this code in your settings.json file, delete it:
"python.jediEnabled": false
If you are more visual like myself, you can use the Visual Studio Code configurations in menu File → Preferences → Settings (Ctrl + ,). Go to Extensions → Python.
In the section Analysis: Disabled, add the suppression of the following message: unresolved-import:
I was able to resolved this by enabling jedi in .vscode\settings.json
"python.jediEnabled": true
Reference from https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-python/issues/3840#issuecomment-456017675
I wonder how many solutions this problem have (or have not), I tried most of the above, nothing worked, the only solution that worked is to set the python language server to Jedi, instead of Microsoft in the settings.json file:
"python.languageServer": "Jedi"
None of the previous answers worked for me. Adding both of the lines below to my settings.json file did, however.
"python.analysis.disabled": [
"python.linting.pylintArgs": ["--load-plugin","pylint_protobuf"]
The first line really just hides the linting error. Certainly not a permanent solution, but de-clutters the screen.
This answer gave me the second line: VS Code PyLint Error E0602 (undefined variable) with ProtoBuf compiled Python Structure
Maybe someone who understands Python more than me can explain that one more.
Okay, so 2 years down the line, I have ran into this annoying problem. All I can seen here are some really complicated workarounds. Here are easy to follow steps for anyone else who might just run into this later on:
at the bottom of VS Code where you see the Python version listed, just click there
Select Interpreter windows is going to appear
click on the first option that says "Select Interpreter Path" and navigate to the folder path which has your Virtual Environment
That's all you need to do and avoid tampering with those settings in VS Code which might get very complicated if not handled with caution.
My solution
This solution is only for the current project.
In the project root, create folder .vscode
Then create the file .vscode/settings.json
In the file setting.json, add the line (this is for Python 3)
"python.pythonPath": "/usr/local/bin/python3",
This is the example for Python 2
"python.pythonPath": "/usr/local/bin/python",
If you don't know where your Python installation is located, just run the command which python or which python3 on the terminal. It will print the Python location.
This example works for dockerized Python - Django.
I was facing the same problem while importing the project-related(non standard) modules.
Detailed explanation of the problem
Directory structure:
> a
> b
> c
> x
> y
> z
What we want:
import a
import y
Here "import a" and "import y" fails with following error:
Import "dir_1.a" could not be resolvedPylancereportMissingImports
Import "dir_2.y" could not be resolvedPylancereportMissingImports
What worked for me:
Appending the top directory which contains the modules to be imported.
In above example add the follwoing "Code to append" in ".vscode/settings.json"
Code to append:
"python.analysis.extraPaths": [dir_1, dir_2]
The solution from Shinebayar G worked, but this other one is a little bit more elegant:
Copied from Python unresolved import issue #3840:
Given the following example project structure:
... other folders
What I did to resolve this issue:
Go into the workspace folder (here workspaceRootFolder) and create a .env file
In this empty .env file, add the line PYTHONPATH=codeFolder (replace codeFolder with your folder name)
Add "python.envFile": "${workspaceFolder}/.env" to the settings.json
Restart Visual Studio Code
To me the problem was related with the project that I was working on. It took me a while to figure it out, so I hope this helps:
Original folder structure:
__init__.py # Empty
__init__.py # Empty
In another_code.py:
from folder.sub_folder_b import my_code.py
This didn't trigger the intellisense in Visual Studio Code, but it did execute OK.
On the other hand, adding "root" on the import path, did make the intellisense work, but raised ModuleNotFoundError when executing:
from root.folder.sub_folder_b import my_code.py
The solution was to remove the _init_.py file inside the "folder" directory, leaving only the _init_.py located at /root.
This works for me:
Open the command palette (Ctrl + Shift + P) and choose "Python: Select Interpreter".
Doing this, you set the Python interpreter in Visual Studio Code.
None of the answers here solved this error for me. Code would run, but I could not jump directly to function definitions. It was only for certain local packages. For one thing, python.jediEnabled is no longer a valid option. I did two things, but I am not sure the first was necessary:
Download Pylance extension, change python.languageServer to "Pylance"
Add "python.analysis.extraPaths": [ "path_to/src_file" ]
Apparently the root and src will be checked for local packages, but others must be added here.
I am using the following setup: (in Apr 2021)
macos big sur
Anaconda 3 (for environment)
And I faced this error during starting of the Django.
So, I follow these steps and this error is resolved.
Steps are given in these screenshots:
Open settings (workspace)
Follow this screenshot to open Python Path
Now, click Edit in settings.json
Make path like given in this screenshot /opt/anaconda3/bin/python
5. Now, save this settings.json file.
6. Restart the vscode
Also, intellisense might not work for some time hold on wait for some time and then restart again then vscode reads file for new path.
That happens because Visual Studio Code considers your current folder as the main folder, instead of considering the actual main folder.
The quick way to fix is it provide the interpreter path to the main folder.
Press Command + Shift + P (or Ctrl + Shift + P on most other systems).
Type Python interpreter
Select the path where you installed Python in from the options available.
Python:Language Server
to 'Jedi' worked for me.
It was 'Windows' initially.
For me, it worked, if I setup the paths for python, pylint and autopep8 to the local environment paths.
For your workspace add/change this:
"python.pythonPath": "...\\your_path\\.venv\\Scripts\\python.exe",
"python.linting.pylintPath": "...\\your_path\\.venv\\Scripts\\pylint.exe",
"python.formatting.autopep8Path": "...\\your_path\\.venv\\Scripts\\autopep8.exe",
Save and restart VS Code with workspace.
I have a different solution: my Visual Studio Code instance had picked up the virtualenv stored in .venv, but it was using the wrong Python binary. It was using .venv/bin/python3.7; using the switcher in the blue status bar.
I changed it to use .venv/bin/python and all of my imports were resolved correctly.
I don't know what Visual Studio Code is doing behind the scenes when I do this, nor do I understand why this was causing my problem, but for me this was a slightly simpler solution than editing my workspace settings.
In case of a Pylint error, install the following
pipenv install pylint-django
Then create a file, .pylintrc, in the root folder and write the following
I have faced this problem in three ways. Although for each of them a solution is available in the answers to this question, I just thought to put it all together.
First I got an "Unresolved Import" while importing some modules and I noticed that my installations were happening in global pip instead of the virtual environment.
This issue was because of the Python interpreter. You need to select the interpreter in Visual Studio Code using Shift + Ctrl + P and then type Select Python Interpreter. Select your venv interpreter here.
The second issue was: The above change did not resolve my issue completely. This time it was because of file settings.json. If you don't have the settings.json file in your project directory, create one and add the following line in that:
"python.pythonPath": "apis/bin/python"
This will basically tell Visual Studio Code to use the Python interpreter that is in your venv.
The third issue was while importing a custom Python module or file in another program. For this you need to understand the folder structure. As Python in venv is inside bin, you'll need to specify the folder of your module (most of the time the application folder). In my case it was app,
from app.models import setup_db
Verbally, import setup_db from models.py resides in the app folder.
If you are using pipenv then you need to specify the path to your virtual environment.in settings.json file.
For example :
This can help.
If someone happens to be as moronic as me, the following worked.
Old folder structure:
New structure:
How to avoid warning
Please note that this is just skipping the warning not resolving it.
First of all open visual studio code settings in json and add following arguments after "[python]":{}
"python.linting.pylintArgs": ["--rep[![enter image description here][1]][1]orts", "12", "--disable", "I0011"],
"python.linting.flake8Args": ["--ignore=E24,W504", "--verbose"]
"python.linting.pydocstyleArgs": ["--ignore=D400", "--ignore=D4"]
This has helped me to avoid pylint warnings in VSCode.
I have resolved import error by Ctrl + Shift + P.
Type "Preferences settings" and select the option Preferences Open Settings (JSON)
And add the line "python.pythonPath": "/usr/bin/"
So the JSON content should look like:
"python.pythonPath": "/usr/bin/"
Keep other configuration lines if they are present.
This should import all modules that you have installed using PIP for autocomplete.

Anaconda Prompt(Anaconda3) does not recognize files in a directory

I took to heart the message that support for anaconda2 was dropped. I installed anaconda3 and used 2to3 to convert my *.py codes. Everything seemed to work as expected. I have several 2 line bat codes that cd to a particular directory and then call python to execute a particular *.py code in that directory. By loading Anaconda Prompt(Anaconda3) and invoking the bat file I could run pythons in that directory as expected.
Then, a couple of days ago, I made such a run and got an error message saying the *.py file could not be found. I immediately looked in the directory and the python file was there as expected. I then did a dir command in Anaconda Prompt(Anaconda3) and found that almost no files in the directory were listed. This was happening on my windows 10 laptop.
On my desktop, everything continues to work as expected. Are there any suggestions as to what could cause such a problem and how to fix it.
Mack Elrod
Responding to the request for additional information, I have a bin directory that is in path. In bin\MackData.bat is
cd %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Medev\MackData
copy sugarhist.png sugarhist.old.png
python MackData.py
When I open Anaconda Prompt(Anaconda3) and enter MackData I get
(base) C:\Users\Mack>MackData
(base) C:\Users\Mack>c:
(base) C:\Users\Mack>cd C:\Users\Mack\Documents\Medev\MackData
(base) C:\Users\Mack\Documents\Medev\MackData>copy sugarhist.png sugarhist.old.png
1 file(s) copied.
(base) C:\Users\Mack\Documents\Medev\MackData>python MackData.py
python: can't open file 'MackData.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
(base) C:\Users\Mack\Documents\Medev\MackData>
But MackData.py is a python file in the directory MackData.
This code worked on this laptop until a few days ago and continues to work on my desktop computer. I can, of course, publish MackData.py but that seems irrelevant. The point is that Anaconda can't find it.
I must submit a sincere apology to this community. I have determined my problem and Anaconda is not responsible in any way. I thank all of you for you concerns and comments.
For any who might be interested I will give a brief outline of what happened. First, I installed Anaconda3. Several days later my directory, MackData, was moved to a new location. I conjecture that happened by me inadvertently letting my hand drag on the touch pad. Then, not knowing the location had changed I updated my laptop from my desktop. My update program not finding MackData where expected recreated it and put only the most recently changed files from the desktop into the new MackData. New but in the correct location. Then of course running my script in the Anaconda3 prompt failed. Doing a dir in the Anaconda3 prompt showed only a few files were there. I then went to Windows File Explore and looked at MackData and saw all of the expected files. I used the quick access feature which unknown to me pointed to the old directory in its new location.
That is not intended to be an excuse but only as an explanation. Again, I do apologize to the community.
Mack Elrod
I'm pretty sure newer anaconda launchers users different environment paths, and not even windows ones.
I suggest either checking the environment path within the anaconda launcher and configurations or, a better solution in my opinion, run these scrips using the regular python engine, without using anaconda (simpler, more determinant and works within your standard environment)

Easier way to create python executable standalone program in window

Creating a python executable in pycharm is harder than creating it in visual studio or creating a vb.net executable.
I thought I'd understand how to do this already but it looks like I have not.
I created a question regarding this in Dec of last year, here >> Create a simple python executable program and an icon to it - Hello World.
But I don't understand the answer or if it was answered completely. So I did my research again and found 2 helpful sites below that helped me create python executable without visual studio involved,
I followed the instructions exactly:
In command line, set path to C:\Python34\Scripts, then type pyinstaller "C:\Users\Desktop\PROGRAMs\TEST22.py".
This creates a TEST22.spec file in C:\Python34\Scripts and creates a folder TEST22 in C:\Python34\Scripts\dist and in there, are the TEST22.exe. I click on this executable to run the program, it runs completely fine. But when I copied the executable to the desktop, for example, it doesn't run. It seems like in the scripts folder there are files needed to run it and when it's a stand alone program there are no file to run it. Could someone let me know an easier way to create executable and please advise me on how I could fix it when the executable is copied to desktop or anywhere else and run it ?
Your answer lies in pyinstaller documentation. The dist folder itself is a standalone program directory. To get a single file exe with pyinstaller is not possible even thou pyinstaller has -F option for single exe since it dosnt contain data files.
I would suggest use py2exe and inno setup for creating installer

Can run program from Qt but can't run it from konsole

I have a a problem sounds pretty wierd. I compiled a program in Qt and it ran successfully.
But when I navigated to the release folder in the konsole and ran the program (even with super user), it reported :
If 'HelloWorld' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this:
cnf HelloWorld
I checked the permissions, all users can read it.The path is right. I'm out of way.
Please help me!
Note: I use Qt 4.74 on OpenSuse 12.1. Just switched from windows few days ago
I think this ain't relate to the source code, since even a simple HelloWorld program can't run either
If the program is in the current directory, make sure you run it with a prefix indicating so:
