PowerBi - Two Measures to show in one card - powerbi-desktop

I was reviewing a video on line and the video had a card with two measures. I took a screenshot:
There is the main one: Total Sales and a sub measurement: Target sales. How can I get two measures into one card? So whoever is looking at this dashboard can see that the current total sales is this and the target is this.

you can try this in you measure :
My_measure =
var total_sales = *do some calculations*
var target_sales = *do some calculations*
total_sales & UNICHAR(10) & target_sales
You can also check this link
Concatenate text with newlines in PowerBI
To know more about UNICHAR()


Power BI Desktop add the value of two rows by Staff Name

I want to add the value for two rows for a specific StaffName and Allowance. the Allowance types are "R-02 - Research Component for HDR supervision" and "R-03 - Research". So for the following example:
Acuna = 70, Agosti = 290 and Akagi = 22
I will then compare this value to ensure it is less than 40% of their FTE.
I have found:
Measure = calculate(sum('sdowner SPV_REP_PERSONALTAB'[Total]),FILTER(ALL('sdowner SP_ALLOWANCETYPE'),'sdowner SP_ALLOWANCETYPE'[Allowance]="R-02 - Research Component for HDR supervision")) + calculate(sum('sdowner SPV_REP_PERSONALTAB'[Total]),FILTER(ALL('sdowner SP_ALLOWANCETYPE'),'sdowner SP_ALLOWANCETYPE'[Allowance]="R-03 - Research"))
This gives me:
So now I need to figure out how to only display the Measure for the last row of each name. I tried this:
Measure 2 = if(containsstring(min('sdowner SP_ALLOWANCETYPE'[Allowance]), "R-03 - Research"),calculate(sum('sdowner SPV_REP_PERSONALTAB'[Total]),FILTER(ALL('sdowner SP_ALLOWANCETYPE'),'sdowner SP_ALLOWANCETYPE'[Allowance]="R-02 - Research Component for HDR supervision")) + calculate(sum('sdowner SPV_REP_PERSONALTAB'[Total]),FILTER(ALL('sdowner SP_ALLOWANCETYPE'),'sdowner SP_ALLOWANCETYPE'[Allowance]="R-03 - Research")), "")
However that gave me:
So I applied a filter to Total greater than zero. To give me:

Excel VBA extract price after specific word

I need to scrape item price from Amazon page.
Using VBA code Htmldoc.GetElementById("price") I get this output:
Price:£25.00 (£35.71 / l) & FREE Delivery . Delivery Details
You Save:£11.00 (31%)
But is there a way to extract only price which is 25.00 in this example?
I know how to do it with FIND formula by key word 'Price:' if text posted to cell, but in this case it has to be done in VBA only.
Any help is much appreciated.
You can use split like that
Sub Test()
Dim s As String
s = "RRP:£36.00 Price:£25.00 (£35.71 / l) & FREE Delivery . Delivery Details You Save:£11.00 (31%)"
Debug.Print "Price = " & Split(Split(s, "Price:")(1))(0)
End Sub
As you probably wish the numeric price, you can use Val:
PriceInfo = "RRP:£36.00 Price:£25.95 (£35.71 / l) & FREE Delivery . Delivery Details You Save:£11.00 (31%)"
Price = Val(Split(PriceInfo, "Price:£")(1))
? Price

What does the number in the AddChart2 VBA macro represent?

I've use my Excel 2013 to record a macro in inserting a chart, a column-clustered chart in my case. In the view code option, it shows me a line of code as below:
Please help me as I cannot understand what does the number 286 represent. I know the syntax of Addchart2 is:
If I change the "286" to "285", the chart appears with a blue background. An error comes out if the number is 100.
Can anyone kindly tell me what does the number represent?
One can also provide only the ChartType and the application will use the default style.
Set oShp = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart2(XlChartType:=xl3DColumnClustered)
oShp.Chart.SetSourceData Source:=RngDta
This picture shows the default ChartStyle for all ChartTypes (excluding StockHLC and StockVOHLC)
This won't directly answer your question, but it will help you figure out what is going on.
This is pure conjecture on my part, but I would guess it's an undocumented bitfield. As you may know a bit field is just a way to use a number. So image we have a Byte variable which can be 8 bits (or flags). So in a byte we can store up to 8 values.
Example: We have field called "DaysOpen" bits 1-7 mean the store is open on that day of the week. (We'll ignore the 8th bit.) So if the store is open M-F that would be binary 0111 1100.
Then you just convert that number to decimal and we see that it's 124.
That variable is a Variant so it could be anything from a Byte to Long meaning it could be storing up to 64 different flags.
As a side note (if you are interested) you can use bit fields like so:
Option Explicit
Public Enum DayFlags
'Notice these are power of 2.
dfSunday = 1
dfMonday = 2
dfTuesday = 4
dfWednesday = 8
dfThursday = 16
dfFriday = 32
dfSaturday = 64
End Enum
Sub Example()
Dim openHours As DayFlags
'Set the flags:
openHours = dfMonday Or dfTuesday Or dfThursday
'See the binary?
MsgBox Right$("00000000" & Excel.WorksheetFunction.Dec2Bin(openHours), 8)
'Notice the order is right to left. This is call endianness.
'You can check for a specific flag like this:
MsgBox IsOpenOnDay(openHours, dfMonday) & vbNewLine & IsOpenOnDay(openHours, dfFriday)
'You can add a flag like this:
openHours = openHours Or dfFriday
MsgBox IsOpenOnDay(openHours, dfMonday) & vbNewLine & IsOpenOnDay(openHours, dfFriday)
'You can remove a flag like this:
openHours = openHours Xor dfFriday
MsgBox IsOpenOnDay(openHours, dfMonday) & vbNewLine & IsOpenOnDay(openHours, dfFriday)
End Sub
Private Function IsOpenOnDay(ByVal openHours As DayFlags, ByVal day As DayFlags) As Boolean
IsOpenOnDay = ((openHours And day) = day)
End Function
Well , I had the same situation once, and those are basically chart styles. I tried to figure out the exact numbering but then i realized that recording was a much easier way of knowing the style numbers just as you have done here.
To answer you question, record macros to know which style you want to implement in your macros.
Just checking to see if 5 years later anyone has a better answer. I sure could use an enumeration of the chart styles; I don't like putting simple numbers in my code without some explanation as to what it means. Of course, I could use a comment, but if the numbers are documented, then that means they could change.
I found a partial list: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/excel.xlcharttype
I'm sure these numbers, plus the bitfield variations as suggested by Pillgram above to control various other chart aspects, answer the question. The possible combinations are in the thousands, so a full list would be pretty useless. Recording is still your best bet.

Automatically add to list

I'm having a small issue manipulating data.
I have a few check-boxes to select various items on the screen, which in turn inputs relevant data such as item name, price, etc. The issue is that these names have to go onto a invoice, and I cannot get the names to transfer onto the invoice nicely.
The invoice has to record the items, but it needs to check to see if a item has been already applied to the invoice and this is what I'm having problems with.
How can I get items to collectively display on a sheet without any additional interactions (I just click the relevant checkbox instead of manually typing it in), and display them nicely.
The items 'Underlay and Extended Warranty' need to be displayed one after another, and not 2-3 boxes away.
Underlay Extended Warranty
I don't want this:
Extended Warranty
Is there a solution to this?
This happens if I do it the way I know:
I solved this by making a custom Excel VBA Macro that basically tells us the cell that is free which is closest to the top of the invoice:
Public Function GetApplicableCell() As String
If (IsEmpty(Range("'Invoice Sheet'!C20").Value)) Then
GetApplicableCell = "C20"
End If
If (IsEmpty(Range("'Invoice Sheet'!C21").Value)) Then
GetApplicableCell = "C21"
End If
If (IsEmpty(Range("'Invoice Sheet'!C22").Value)) Then
GetApplicableCell = "C22"
End If
If (IsEmpty(Range("'Invoice Sheet'!C23").Value)) Then
GetApplicableCell = "C23"
End If
If (IsEmpty(Range("'Invoice Sheet'!C24").Value)) Then
GetApplicableCell = "C24"
End If
End Function
It can be called by a =GetApplicableCell() from within the worksheet, and we can work with this to produce a workable solution.

Populate Drop Down List Box (DDLB) with two values in PowerBuilder

I've created a Drop Down List Box (DDLB) in my window (I'm using PowerBuilder 10.5). Once I would call my function, the DDLB would fill with all the different cities from my table. This is the code I've used:
FOR li_i=1 TO ii_br_red
ls_city = dw_city.GetItemString(li_i, 'city')
IF ddlb_city.FindItem(ls_city, 1) = -1 THEN
ddlb_city.AddItem(ls_city) END IF; NEXT
Next part of the code is in the ddlb "selectionchanged" event...
dw_city.SetFilter("city = '" + this.text + "'")
This works great, and after calling my function (via click on a command button) I'd get a list of all different cities in my table, ex.
New York
No town would be listed twice.
What I need to do now is add a country next to every city in my DDLB. So that after clicking my command button I would get this in my DDLB:
Paris (France)
London (GB)
New York (USA)
Washington (USA)
Any advice? Thanks in advance...
SECOND QUESTION, similar to this subject: I have an SQL code:
SELECT distinct name FROM table1;
This gives me 8 different names. What I want to do is fill another DDLB, ddlb_1 with these names, but this must occur on the open event of my program. This is what I've written in the open event of my program:
string ls_name
SELECT distinct name INTO :ls_name FROM tabel1;
But this only gives me the first name. I'm guessing I need some kind of count, but I just can't pull it off.
If you do not want to change the design of the program, and as you states that the country is in the same DW, you could hack the code a little to add the country to the ddlb (I suppose that the country is available on the same row of the dw):
String ls_country
FOR li_i=1 TO ii_br_red
ls_city = dw_city.GetItemString(li_i, 'city')
IF ddlb_city.FindItem(ls_city, 1) = -1 THEN
ls_country = dw_city.GetItemString(li_i, 'country')
ddlb_city.AddItem(ls_city + ' (' + ls_country + ')')
A quick and dirty hack to get back the value in the event to filter the DW would be
int p
string ls_city
ls_city = this.text
p = pos(ls_city, '(')
if p > 0 then ls_city = left(ls_city, p - 2) //skip the "space + (country)" part
dw_city.SetFilter("city = '" + ls_city + "'")
But this kind of code is difficult to maintain and should be replaced by something else, as the processing of the city value is strongly coupled to its representation in the list.
A better solution would be a dropdowndatawindow, or (worse) an array of the cities names where the index of a city + country in the ddlb would correspond to the index of the bare city name suitable for filtering the DW
I think you should modify the "source" datawindow' select, and you should get the final result which you want, and you would only need to copy the datas from the datawindow to the ddlb. You should use distinct in the select something like this:
select distinct city + ' (' + country_code + ')' from cities_and_countries_table
of course you should replace the "city", "country_code" to the actual column name in your table as well the table-name. With this you will get every city only once and they will be already concatenated with the country code.
Br. Gábor
Does it really have to be DDLB? I would give the user a Single Line Edit for the city name and filter the DW as the user types.
To answer my own second question, this is how I've done it finally...
String ls_name
SELECT distinct name FROM table1;
OPEN xy;
FETCH xy INTO :ls_name;
do until sqlca.sqlcode <> 0
FETCH xyINTO :ls_name;
I'm new to PowerBuilder, But I just used that kind of scenario, however I used a DDW (Drop Down Data Window) Instead of a List Box On this case, you can display more than one column as soon as the DW gets the focus and you'd be able to dynamically populate the data. Give it a try. It worked for me, DW's are a pain in the neck when you're just starting (as in my case) but you can do a lot with it
