How to publish IIS Application from VisualStudio? - iis

I'm looking to publish automatically by using Publish in VisualStudio my C# Application, so it's not a WebSite but it's a IIS Website application.
When using Publish profile and Publish to publish a website all works fine, but i can't get on how i can setup the Web Deploy to deploy a WebSite Application...
As by right clicking the application i have only import/export under Deploy while only the Website has "Configure Web Deploy Publishing" ...

Web Deploy simplifies deployment of Web applications and Web sites to IIS servers, and must be installed as an application on the server. you can refer to this link about how to configure the required settings for Web Deploy. Publish to a Web site


Deploy website to IIS from VS - options aren't present?

I am trying to get web deployment working, but following Microsoft: Publish to IIS
Must have VS2019 [yes]
Server is running Windows 2019 DataCenter
Running IIS 10
ASP 2.0, 3.0 and 4.7 installed
Web Deploy 3.6 for Hosting Server installed
Web Account Manager Service running
Web Deployment Agent Service running
Web Management Service Running
IIS Management Scripts and Tools installed
With the above installed, the instruction say to restart the IIS Console and chose Deploy > Configure Web Deploy Publishing from the Default website, but it's not showing (on the Default Site, or my App Services site)
To resolve the close iis manager if it is open.
Go to the "programs and feature".
Select web deploy -> click change.
Enable IIS Manager UI Module, IIS Deployment Handler, and Remote Agent Service.
Click next -> change -> finish.

Azure Devops Deploy website(not webapp)

I want to configure Azure DevOps to deploy code (website) from git repository to my on premise server.
For ASP.NET Website you should first pushed the entire code from local to Azure DevOps.
Then create a Build Definition in Azure DevOps to build your project.
Some steps for your reference:
Install IIS Web App Deployment Using WinRM extension since you want to deploy app to your web server
2 . Add Windows Machine File Copy step to copy files to your web server
Add WinRM-IIS Web App Management step to create or update web site in IIS
Add WinRM-IIS Web App Deployment step to deploy app to web site (step 4)
You could also take a look at this thread: Automated Deployement of ASP.Net MVC Website In IIS server with a Continuous Deployment

VS2013 Express Web Deployment: how to configure it on server side

I want to do publish of web-api application from VS2013Express to Windows 7 Professional. When I start publishing, the authentication fails, but my account is administrative one on server machine.
On server: WEb Deploy 3.5 is installed. But I dont see option Deploy - > Configure Web Deploy Publishing on any of my sites.
Where is the problem:)?
PS. I was following this document for Web Deploy installation/configuration:

Asp.Net Web Forms application deployment to Production server

What is the recommended method/tool to deploy an ASP.NET Web Forms project and/or a Database Project to production server ?
Currently I'm using VS2012 web deploy publishing feature.
According to the following MSDN article:
web deploy is the recommended method/tool.

How to publish web site to azure when not an web project

Using Visual Studio 2012 RC, I have many existing (VB) web sites and I always simply select open web site when I edit them in VS, they are not web projects.
I want to publish some of them now to my azure account, but if I simply right click the solution and select publish web site I dont get the same publish options as I do if it was a web project? I get the default publish option asking me where I want to place my compiled pages.
How can I import the publish settings for my azure web site for web sites?
I don't want to have to convert all web sites to projects.
Windows Azure Web Sites allow you to deploy your website in different ways, including TFS, Git, ... But in your case it might be interesting to look at FTP deployment. This because, when right clicking on a web site you can choose to copy the website:
The copy feature allows you to copy the website to an FTP server.
The information to access your web site through FTP can be found on the dashboard.
