Asp.Net Web Forms application deployment to Production server - visual-studio-2012

What is the recommended method/tool to deploy an ASP.NET Web Forms project and/or a Database Project to production server ?
Currently I'm using VS2012 web deploy publishing feature.

According to the following MSDN article:
web deploy is the recommended method/tool.


How to publish IIS Application from VisualStudio?

I'm looking to publish automatically by using Publish in VisualStudio my C# Application, so it's not a WebSite but it's a IIS Website application.
When using Publish profile and Publish to publish a website all works fine, but i can't get on how i can setup the Web Deploy to deploy a WebSite Application...
As by right clicking the application i have only import/export under Deploy while only the Website has "Configure Web Deploy Publishing" ...
Web Deploy simplifies deployment of Web applications and Web sites to IIS servers, and must be installed as an application on the server. you can refer to this link about how to configure the required settings for Web Deploy. Publish to a Web site

hi I have developed a web application using .net mvc and WebAPI as follows:

I have developed a web application using .net mvc and WebAPI as follows:
|—— WEB.API Project
|—— Web Application Project
wanting to deploy to my web server. It is possible to deploy both projects on a single web site (in iis)?
Do I need to create two separate sites for the web application and web api (in iis)?
Deploy your mvc web app as an web site & add a virtual directory under that web site & point your web api. This is the way to use 2 application under an web site.

VS Browser-Link & Self-Hosted Web Application

Is it possible to use VS Browser-Link together with a self-hosted web application?
I know that the Browser-Link uses SignalR. How can I add the Browser-Link feature to my web server?
Web app framework: Katana Self-Hosted
Any hints or ideas?

Is it possible to generate a build of a .NET App hosted on an Azure instance?

Current App and website environment;
ASP.NET app written in C# hosted on a Windows web server and linked to from a site hosted on a SharePoint 2010 server.
Purpose of App;
Download link calls a downloader that generates a custom signed build of the app and logs the download to a SharePoint list.
Site has been redesigned and migrating to SharePoint 2013, looking at a provider-hosted solution for the ASP.NET app and I was wondering if it is possible to generate a build with/on an Azure solution.
Yes is possible.
The only thing which you have remember is add in your App a clientWebPart. And configure it with url to your site.
Because when you add your app in page, you must go add how Client App Part or WebPart.

Web deploy 2.0 vs. Web Farm Framework 2.0

After reading Scott Gu's newest post, I wondered how Web Deploy and Web Farm Framework are different?
Web deploy is how the applications (websites) and server configurations are synchronised between different machines in the farm.
The farm itself is created and managed by WFF - ergo it's not an either/or: WFF relies on Web deploy for part of it's synchronising operation.
In the WebDeploy article ScottGu has stated the below which should clear the confusion:
"Web Deploy can be used together with the Microsoft Web Farm Framework to enable automated deployment across a web-farm. You can install and configure Web Deploy on a primary server in a Web Farm Framework cluster – and the secondary servers within the web farm cluster will then monitor and clone any applications you deploy with it."
So basically, use WebDeploy to update your primary server in the cluster and the WFF will then replicate the same across the entire cluster.
