How to publish web site to azure when not an web project - azure

Using Visual Studio 2012 RC, I have many existing (VB) web sites and I always simply select open web site when I edit them in VS, they are not web projects.
I want to publish some of them now to my azure account, but if I simply right click the solution and select publish web site I dont get the same publish options as I do if it was a web project? I get the default publish option asking me where I want to place my compiled pages.
How can I import the publish settings for my azure web site for web sites?
I don't want to have to convert all web sites to projects.

Windows Azure Web Sites allow you to deploy your website in different ways, including TFS, Git, ... But in your case it might be interesting to look at FTP deployment. This because, when right clicking on a web site you can choose to copy the website:
The copy feature allows you to copy the website to an FTP server.
The information to access your web site through FTP can be found on the dashboard.


How to publish IIS Application from VisualStudio?

I'm looking to publish automatically by using Publish in VisualStudio my C# Application, so it's not a WebSite but it's a IIS Website application.
When using Publish profile and Publish to publish a website all works fine, but i can't get on how i can setup the Web Deploy to deploy a WebSite Application...
As by right clicking the application i have only import/export under Deploy while only the Website has "Configure Web Deploy Publishing" ...
Web Deploy simplifies deployment of Web applications and Web sites to IIS servers, and must be installed as an application on the server. you can refer to this link about how to configure the required settings for Web Deploy. Publish to a Web site

How do I setup SharePoint 2013 (On Premise) for third party apps?

I have created a provider-hosted app which was developed and tested against SharePoint Online. I now want to install this on SharePoint 2013 On Premise.
It is my intention that, despite being a provider hosted app, I wish to host the app web in IIS on the SharePoint server (single farm not a cluster). I then intend to use a local URL for my App Web URL.
I understand the process of setting up an App Catalog (On SharePoint Online) as a repository for my App which in turn will enable users to add it to a site.
I have only been able to find a guide to setup On Premise SharePoint to allow users to use the SharePoint store but I only want to set it up for third party apps.
My question is do I need to go through all the steps in this link even if I don't want/require store access? I don't not want to do more than necessary and I would prefer a simple solution for my clients.
I followed this guide in the hope that creating the app catalog would be sufficient but I get the error "Sorry, apps are turned off. If you know who runs the server, tell them to enable apps."

Is it possible to generate a build of a .NET App hosted on an Azure instance?

Current App and website environment;
ASP.NET app written in C# hosted on a Windows web server and linked to from a site hosted on a SharePoint 2010 server.
Purpose of App;
Download link calls a downloader that generates a custom signed build of the app and logs the download to a SharePoint list.
Site has been redesigned and migrating to SharePoint 2013, looking at a provider-hosted solution for the ASP.NET app and I was wondering if it is possible to generate a build with/on an Azure solution.
Yes is possible.
The only thing which you have remember is add in your App a clientWebPart. And configure it with url to your site.
Because when you add your app in page, you must go add how Client App Part or WebPart.

Develop .net pages on sharepoint online except using visual web parts

How can I develop web pages with .net on sharepoint online. A way is using visual web parts. Is there any other way?
Thank you
You can use Visual Web Parts, if you use the Sandbox Solutions. You'll need to put code in those which that type of solution is being deprecated. Instead you should be build a SharePoint App. There are three (3) types of hosting, SharePoint hosted, Auto hosted and Provider hosted.
SharePoint hosted will generally allow you to host .js and .html/.aspx files.
Auto hosted and Provider hosted will allow you to write server side code. The different being that Provider hosted will require that you provide a web server, and Auto hosted will put a simple web site and SQL Azure database in Azure for you.
All three of these can create App Web Parts which is generally the same thing as a Visual Web Part, except that they will be using an iframe to include you web app.

Setting Up And Using Web Deploy with Azure WebRole in Visual Studio (One-Click partial update)

I am using Windows Azure, and find it a lot difficult and useless make a new "Package" each time you make a small change, and want to test it on the Cloud. I heard about the opportunity to update the web roles without re-deploy the whole instance each time (about 15 minutes), and do a Web Deploy - upload just the modified files (some seconds).
None of the resources found on the web seems to describe this particular situation.
There are tutorials, on how to enable Web Deploy on Azure Web Roles, but not a one how to set it up. [This tutorial is showing the settings, but not for Azure]
To enable web deploy you first need to be able to do a standard Publish (not Package) from the CloudConfiguration project.
there are some good tutorials how to do that.
While the Publish dialog is open, make sure to select this option, and make a normal publish.
After this configuration is published, you are ready to set up the Publish settings for the Web Role project. Note, the CloudCongiguration project is used for Package deployment, and the Web project is used to deploy to Azure via Web Deploy as deploying to normal web hosting.
When you click on the "Publish" context menu of the Web project, a "Publish Web" dialog appears. All settings are easy to guess/standard, except the second tab: Connection.
Here the things go little hard, if you have not messed with Web Deployment before.
Must select the Web Deploy method
The URL to your Web Role (DNS or IP address found on Windows Azure Management portal)
The name of the web site in the IIS on the Host machine. In our case this is the Azure WebRole instance. So Login via RDP, start "Server Management", navigate to: Roles->WebServer(IIS)-> Internet Information Services Manager. In the Connections Pane (The Left part of the Manager) expand the tree-view pointing to the "localhost" service -> Sites -> and there you find the Website Name (should be something like : xxxxx_IN_0_Web)
This is the username you use for RDP connections /and the password below/
is that strange URL, that is pointing to the Web deploy Service, that will eventually update our website content.
you can check, if the Package deployment went OK, in the Azure Management portal, on the Overview page of the web deployment if the port 8172 is open.
Now "Validate Connection" should succeed!
If not, try "http://{0}" for Destination URL
