Cannot reset the work account's password because "password reset isn't properly set up for your organization." - azure

I'm in a bind with Azure login account. I've forgotten my password for my account that I use for a client's DevOps. It wasn't until I ended up created another account today to troubleshoot the problem that I might understand the issue, but still can't fix it.
About a year ago, my client added me as a Guest in their Active Directory. I did not have an active directory myself. I got the notice from Microsoft in an invite email to get started, which created an account to get access to their Azure Portal and DevOps. I've been logged in for a year, but was trying test a feature which required me to login to DevOps during the process. I tried what I thought was my password, but that didn't work. No problem, I'll just click on the reset password feature. That ended up informing me that "password reset isn't properly set up for your organization." Knowing who setup my account up, I ask them to reset my password. The response was we do not have control to reset your password because you're a guest.
Through several discussions, and seeing what was available to them, and how a Guest was set up, it was suggested to setup an account within Microsoft for the email. I did that, and when I went back to try and login to their portal, I was presented with two options after I entered my email address. There was a work account and a personal account. Both with the same email address. The work account indicated it was created by "your IT department". Which we did not create this, it was a result of the client adding us as a guest, then finishing the process to gain access. So I can only assume, either an active directory was created for my domain, or I was added to a generic active directory.
In either case, I still can't change the password for the work account, and researching has not helped, as it keeps resetting my personal account.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?
Here is what I'm currently seeing.
Thank you,

You don't have an AAD tenant. So I assume that your account is an Microsoft personal account.
Although you are added as the guest user in your client's tenant, the password management is not handled by that tenant. It is still handled by Microsoft personal account.
You can reset your password here: click on Sign In, enter your account and click on Forgot password?.


Azure AD B2C - Disable/Block Sign-in for Social/Federated Users

I apologize if this has been asked in the past. The last post (I found) here and on UserVoice asking this question was in 2017 so I wanted to be sure nothing has changed since then.
I am able to disable/block local accounts in B2C via Graph by setting AccountEnabled to false. The message when the user tries to sign in is "Your account has been locked. Contact your support person to unlock it, then try again." Please correct me if that is not how to go about it. However, the same doesn't seem to work for federated accounts.
How can one disable/block sign-in for a federated/social account?
Thank you for your help.
It’s because those are always disabled, and the check is skipped since that check occurs when B2C checks the backend for creds.
Use this sample

Azure SSL certificate shows Guest User Error

I have purchased an SSL cert for my site and the cert has three steps you need to do in order to have it fully configured. The first step is "Key Vault Status" which I then click on and it shows the following error:
You do not have permission to get the service prinicipal information needed to assign a Key Vault to your certificate. Please login with an account which is either the owner of the subscription or an admin of the Active Directory to configure Key Vault settings.
This is very confusing because I am the owner of this subscription and I also went and created a new Key Vault just in case it was due to not having one created in the first place. In addition I checked the Access Control for this cert and I am also listed as Owner.
Any help is appreciated.
Ok, so I finally got to the bottom of it - I'll outline the story here as this was the solution but may not work for everyone.
When I first created my Azure account I did so under email address 1
A few years later I had migrated most of my email to email address 2. To get status updates and other things I transferred the subscription to email address 2.
Every other service has worked fine accept for this SSL issue as well as not being able to buy a support plan (it popped open an email app to send to email address 1)
In speaking with the AzureSupport twitter account they agreed that it was strange and arranged for a one time ticket for support.
The support agent asked me to check my Access Policies for the Key Vault I had created. This showed that email 1 is indeed a user in the Azure Active Direction and they mentioned that I'd need to have the admin add it. Since I had noticed the irregularities with email address 1 showing up in the URL and in the email for adding support I logged into Azure using email address 1 and went to Azure Active Directory->Users under that account.
I then selected the guest account, selected Directory Role, and added a new role of Application Administrator. Now all of it is working as expected!
My subscription was attached to employer Active Directory and I can't change my role in it.
I solve this problem by creating my own Active Directory and by moving subscription to this AD.

I can't login to LUIS Azure

I can't login to Luis via Previously, when I logged in with a different personal account, I was able to login to Luis and to build my model(s). However, my organization just made a corporate account and I am not able to login with the newly created account.
I simply end up in a loop where I am requested to provide my username and password, then they forward me to the default Luis homepage and then I have to provide my username and password again if I click on the 'log in' button.
Different browsers didn't work. I am always able to continue on my personal account. Is it perhaps a security issue?
The issue is solved by connecting the specified (company) domain to Azure. This applies specifically if you work with different directories.
I solved the issue when I stumbled upon the following error code when inspecting the webpage source: "AADSTS65005: Using application '' is currently not supported for your organization because it is in an unmanaged state. An administrator needs to claim ownership of the company by DNS validation of before the application can be provisioned".

Kentico Client Portal

I cannot sign in to Kentico client portal, keep seeing that username and password is not correct, when trying the forgotten password link it prompts me
no user found
"when trying to sign-up with same email address it prompts me
email already exist
It seems my account has been disabled ,but how can I enable it back ?
I've had this in the past when I first partnered with Kentico. Finally after several years I was tired of it and got it worked out by contacting Support at They were able to direct me to the person who handles the different portals and was able to clean them up. Be sure to give them all the email addresses you are using.

Docusign developer account reverts back to trial account

I initially created a trial account. Discovered that was incorrect then created a developer account. Everything seemed good until I timed out and tried signing back in. The new password used to create the developer account was no longer valid. DocuSign had reverted my account login back to the original trial account. This has happened every time I created a Developer account. I am currently up to my 12th dev account creation. Verifying every time. At least all the fields are prepopulated so I don't have to type everything.
How do I prevent DocuSign account management from reverting my Developer account back to a Trial account? I contacted their support directly but they didn't know and suggested I ask here.
Make sure that you are logging on to and that you are going to the following page to set up your dev account. Create Dev Account
When you first login to your account make sure the url is Demo accounts are on a completely separate server system than the production system.
Support should also be able to look up your account information by e-mail to see where your accounts are located and what the status of them are. If you have an enterprise account, I would make sure to have your enterprise account number when you call in. This will put you with the enterprise support group, which typically handles these issues more frequently.
