Stripe, transfer from customer to our account - stripe-payments

Is it possible to transfer from the customer account to our own account?
Note: This is not a fee of transaction, but it's simply withdrawing from customer's account.
Here is a scenario: We introduce a user to the shopping center. Then the user pays in the shopping center (physically and not online payment). Then we get the invoices from the shopping center and at the end of the month, we should transfer some money from the shopping center. So, no online transaction, no fee. Just simply transferring money from the user's account to our account. (maybe there should be verification process from the shopping center, which is ok)

You'll need to decide how to model the relationship you have with the Shopping Center and the Shopper with Stripe, but one suggestion would be to consider the Shopping Center as your Customer, who then pays you based on referred Shoppers etc. This could be done many different ways, using Invoices, or saved payment methods and off-session payments, or with a usage-based Subscription.
Alternatively, if you were facilitating payments from Shoppers to the Shopping Centers, you might use Connect and set up the Shopping Centers as Connected Accounts and the Shoppers as Customers. You would collect application fees for the payments you facilitate online. For offline payments, you could charge your connected accounts fees using account debits.


How to generate invoices for the application fees with Stripe direct charges?

I'm launching a marketplace where some professionals offer their services and customers can book and pay them online. I take percentage fees in the process and I use stripe direct charges for that. So when a customer proceed to a stripe payment though my website the professional (the connected account) gets paid and automatically pays me (the platform account) the application fees percentage that I set.
I've searched on stripe website and couldn't find an answer: Is it possible to generate automatically some invoices from my platform account to the connected account that would be related to the application fees ?
For example if the professional's price is 10$ and the application fees that I set is 10% how could I generate the 1$ invoice to the professional ?
I only found how to build or generate invoices for connected account to their customers but not invoices involving the platform account and the connected account.
It seems like what you are looking for is an application_fee[1] . As the diagram[2] displays, the professional (Connected account) charges the customer directly but your application fee is collected and deposited in your account during the funds flow of the Connected account.
This does not provide any invoice to the professional since the application_fee is sent to your account at the same time as the remaining funds are transferred to the Connected account. This process allows you to have a set percentage based application fee you charge the professionals on your marketplace.
The application_fee approach is the recommended way of collection a fee as part of a direct charge. This will not generate an invoice to your Connected accounts automatically but you could always generate one of your own (outside of Stripe) as a record of the fee for those accounts.

Stripe - How To Add Product Behalf Of Connected Account?

Normally when using stripe I can create products and add tax rates, shipping rates. After the payment I can create invoice. I want to do the same thing when using connected account. In my app I want users to create stores and this stores' product will be saved to their connected stripe account. Stores in my app will set shipping rates and tax rates. Then I can automatically invoice the payment. That's what I want to do. Is it possible to do with stripe? Because I read the documents but I could not understand the invoicing on connected accounts. Because when invoicing the connected account only customer id required. That confused me.
Invoice connected accounts document
I'm not sure you'll be able to do things exactly how you describe but I'd suggest you reach out to Support to talk about this further:

Xero Workflow and payment accounts when creating paid invoices via API?

I'm trying to work out the correct method of attributing payments on invoices that are automatically created after a user purchases something on site, payment handled by Stripe (or other payment gateway). Here is the current flow from user action to Xero interaction (all working fine):
User purchases membership on site
Payment is processed by Stripe on-site
If payment is successful, an Invoice is generated in Xero (and a contact if it doesn't exist)
Payment is added to the invoice immediately after it is generated, and it's status is set to Paid.
Paid invoice is emailed to new member from Xero
Stripe deposits money in nominated business account each day
I have two questions about this workflow
What is the normal practise for dealing with PaymentAccount when applying a payment? Should we create a new payment account just for Stripe? A new "Bank" account for Stripe? The context of this question is selecting the correct PaymentAccount ID for the payment when creating the invoice.
Will reconciliation still be possible for these paid invoices when Stripe sends payments (assuming they send itemised payments)? Even if the money is deposited in a different (Real) account integrated in Xero?
Your questions about stripe are more appropriate in Xero forums, since they are bookkeeping questions not API qestions.
Stripe can provide a bank feed to Xero, and you should set this up.
This means you have a Stripe bank account, which is the therefore the payment account. Payment reconcilations are easy (but can't be done via API).
The actual deposit of real money into a real bank account will be a consolidated amount typically called a 'settlement', typically one day of transactions, less fees, refunds and possible timing issues etc. The Stripe bank feed will have an entry for this. It is reconciled by a Xero user as a bank transfer between the Stripe bank and the real bank, and is nothing to do with the payment on the invoice.

Does Stripe Connect allows to top-up customer (buyer) account?

I want to create a marketplace, where buyers can buy credits (top up their platform accounts) and use them later to buy products from other customers. I want to use Stripe as payment processor. I did some research and I've noticed that Stripe Connect is appropriate for that kind of business. However I don't know how to do this. Seller can have Connected accounts created. Buyer can have Customer object created, where I can store payment methods for user. How then I could be able to topup Buyer account, when he hasn't any ? Maybe I could create Connected account for buyer too but then I can't make transfers between connected accounts ? Is it possible to have such a business model in Stripe ??

Multiple Stripe accounts in one form

With Stripe, can I have two charges from two different stripe accounts on one form? ie) Have the setup fee be sent Company A and the product fee sent to Company B...
I am creating a subscription based website however, I need to charge consumers a fee for their transaction as well as send the payment directly to the company. Example: The consumer will be charge a transaction fee of $5, which will go to my company. Furthermore, the price of the product will go to the company that posts the product. Therefore, I get the transaction fee and the company gets the money for their product.
Is there a way to do this with Stripe?
Yes, you'd need to use Stripe Connect to accept payments on behalf of other accounts, and optionally take a cut.
In your case, your account would be the platform's account and the company that ships the product would be a connected account.
You could then accept charges on behalf of this company, and specify your own application fee:
