Concatenate dataframes in Pandas using an iteration but it doesn't work - python-3.x

I have several dataframes indexed more or less by the same MultiIndex (a few values may be missing on each dataframe, but the total rows exceeds 70K and the missing values is always less than 10). I want to attach/merge/concatenate to all of them a given dataframe (with same indexation). I tried doing this using a for iteration with a tuple, as in the example here. However, at the end, all my data frames do not merge. I provide a simple example where this happens. Why they do not merge?
df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(12).reshape(4,3), index = ["A", "B", "C", "D"], columns = ["1st", "2nd", "3rd"])
df2 = df1 + 2
df3 = df1 - 2
for df in (df1, df2):
df = pd.merge(df, df3, left_index = True, right_index = True, how = "inner")
df1, df2

What is your expected result?
In the for loop, df is the loop variable and also the result on the left-hand side of the assignment statement. Here is the same loop with print statements to provide additional information. I think you are over-writing intermediate results.
for df in (df1, df2):
df = pd.merge(df, df3, left_index = True, right_index = True, how = "inner")
print('==========', end='\n\n')
You could combine df1, df2 and df3 like this.
print(pd.concat([df1, df2, df3], axis=1))
1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd
A 0 1 2 2 3 4 -2 -1 0
B 3 4 5 5 6 7 1 2 3
C 6 7 8 8 9 10 4 5 6
D 9 10 11 11 12 13 7 8 9
Here is an idiomatic way to import and concatenate several CSV files, possibly in multiple directories. In short: read each file into a separate data frame; add each data frame to a list; concatenate once at the end.
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
df = list()
for filename in Path.cwd().rglob('*.csv'):
with open(filename, 'rt') as handle:
t = pd.read_csv(handle)
print(, t.shape)
df = pd.concat(df)
print('\nfinal: ', df.shape)
penny.csv (62, 8)
penny-2020-06-24.csv (144, 9)
final: (474, 20)


Loop through Pandas dataframe to set values based on 2 lists of values

I have the following code that takes over an hour to run
I have been tasked to make it run faster.
This is a sample of the Pandas dataframe. It is 750,000 rows.
0 1948 1 12 6 21.02
1 1948 1 12 7 39.02
1 1948 1 12 7 39.02
This is the existing code:
mintempf_list = [-25.6, -29.6, -16.8, 8.2, 24.3, 37.4, 42.8, 40.3, 26.2, 14.0, -12.8, -20.7]
maxtempf_list = [71.6, 80.6, 91.4, 97.9, 102.2, 107.8, 111.7, 106.9, 105.8, 95.7, 86.0, 75.2]
for row in range(derive_sfc_df.shape[0]):
mo =[row, 'MO']
temp =[row, 'TEMP']
for mm in range(1, 13):
if (mo == mm and (temp < mintempf_list[mm - 1] or temp > maxtempf_list[mm - 1] or np.isnan(temp))):[row, 'TEMP'] = np.nan
I have tried using numpy vectorize but I get errors with the index of the lists.
Is there any way of going through the 750,000 rows of the dataframe any faster?
I don't know how to use numpy.where or Sereis.isin for a pandas dataframe.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can turn your array data into another dataframe, merge, update column on condition and drop extra columns:
temps_df = pd.DataFrame({'MO': range(1, len(mintempf_list) + 1),
'min': mintempf_list, 'max': maxtempf_list})
df = df.merge(temps_df, on='MO', how='left')
df.loc[~df['TEMP'].between(df['min'], df['max']), 'TEMP'] = np.NaN
df = df.drop(['min', 'max'], axis=1)

Update dataframe cells according to match cells within another dataframe in pandas [duplicate]

I have two dataframes in python. I want to update rows in first dataframe using matching values from another dataframe. Second dataframe serves as an override.
Here is an example with same data and code:
DataFrame 1 :
DataFrame 2:
I want to update update dataframe 1 based on matching code and name. In this example Dataframe 1 should be updated as below:
Note : Row with Code =2 and Name= Company2 is updated with value 1000 (coming from Dataframe 2)
import pandas as pd
data1 = {
'Code': [1, 2, 3],
'Name': ['Company1', 'Company2', 'Company3'],
'Value': [200, 300, 400],
df1 = pd.DataFrame(data1, columns= ['Code','Name','Value'])
data2 = {
'Code': [2],
'Name': ['Company2'],
'Value': [1000],
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data2, columns= ['Code','Name','Value'])
Any pointers or hints?
Using DataFrame.update, which aligns on indices (
>>> df1.set_index('Code', inplace=True)
>>> df1.update(df2.set_index('Code'))
>>> df1.reset_index() # to recover the initial structure
Code Name Value
0 1 Company1 200.0
1 2 Company2 1000.0
2 3 Company3 400.0
You can using concat + drop_duplicates which updates the common rows and adds the new rows in df2
Code Name Value
0 1 Company1 200
0 2 Company2 1000
2 3 Company3 400
Update due to below comments
df1.set_index(['Code', 'Name'], inplace=True)
df1.update(df2.set_index(['Code', 'Name']))
df1.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
You can merge the data first and then use numpy.where, here's how to use numpy.where
updated = df1.merge(df2, how='left', on=['Code', 'Name'], suffixes=('', '_new'))
updated['Value'] = np.where(pd.notnull(updated['Value_new']), updated['Value_new'], updated['Value'])
updated.drop('Value_new', axis=1, inplace=True)
Code Name Value
0 1 Company1 200.0
1 2 Company2 1000.0
2 3 Company3 400.0
There is a update function available
for more info:
You can align indices and then use combine_first:
res = df2.set_index(['Code', 'Name'])\
.combine_first(df1.set_index(['Code', 'Name']))\
# Code Name Value
# 0 1 Company1 200.0
# 1 2 Company2 1000.0
# 2 3 Company3 400.0
Assuming company and code are redundant identifiers, you can also do
import pandas as pd
vdic = pd.Series(df2.Value.values, index=df2.Name).to_dict()
df1.loc[df1.Name.isin(vdic.keys()), 'Value'] = df1.loc[df1.Name.isin(vdic.keys()), 'Name'].map(vdic)
# Code Name Value
#0 1 Company1 200
#1 2 Company2 1000
#2 3 Company3 400
You can use pd.Series.where on the result of left-joining df1 and df2
merged = df1.merge(df2, on=['Code', 'Name'], how='left')
df1.Value = merged.Value_y.where(~merged.Value_y.isnull(), df1.Value)
>>> df1
Code Name Value
0 1 Company1 200.0
1 2 Company2 1000.0
2 3 Company3 400.0
You can change the line to
df1.Value = merged.Value_y.where(~merged.Value_y.isnull(), df1.Value).astype(int)
in order to return the value to be an integer.
There's something I often do.
I merge 'left' first:
df_merged = pd.merge(df1, df2, how = 'left', on = 'Code')
Pandas will create columns with extension '_x' (for your left dataframe) and
'_y' (for your right dataframe)
You want the ones that came from the right. So just remove any columns with '_x' and rename '_y':
for col in df_merged.columns:
if '_x' in col:
df_merged .drop(columns = col, inplace = True)
if '_y' in col:
new_name = col.strip('_y')
df_merged .rename(columns = {col : new_name }, inplace=True)
Append the dataset
Drop the duplicate by code
Sort the values
combined_df = combined_df.append(df2).drop_duplicates(['Code'],keep='last').sort_values('Code')
None of the above solutions worked for my particular example, which I think is rooted in the dtype of my columns, but I eventually came to this solution
indexes = df1.loc[df1.Code.isin(df2.Code.values)].index[indexes,'Value'] = df2['Value'].values

Combine data from two columns into one without affecting the data values

I have two columns in a data frame. I want to combine those columns into a single column.
df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [500, 200, 13, 47], 'b':['$', '€', .586,.02]})
a b
0 500 $
1 200 €
2 13 .586
3 47 .02
I want to merge that two columns without affecting the data.
Expected output:
0 500$
1 200€
2 13.586
3 47.02
Please help me with this...
I tried the below solution, but it does not work for me,
df.loc[df['b'] == '', 'b'] = df['a']
First solution working with convert both columns to strings and then join with +, last convert Series to one column DataFrame - but it working only if numbers less like 1 for column b:
df1 = df.astype(str)
df = (df1.a + df1.b.str.replace(r'^0', '')).to_frame('a')
print (df)
0 500$
1 200€
2 13.586
3 47.02
Or if want mixed values numeric for last 2 rows and strings for first 2 rows use:
m = df.b.apply(lambda x: isinstance(x, str))
df.loc[m, 'a'] = df.loc[m, 'a'].astype(str) + df.b
df.loc[~m, 'a'] += df.pop('b')
print (df)
0 500$
1 200€
2 13.586
3 47.02

Populating pandas column based on moving date range (efficiently)

I have 2 pandas dataframes, one of them contains dates with measurements, and the other contains dates with an event ID.
from datetime import datetime as dt
from datetime import timedelta
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
today =
ndays = 10
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Date': [today + timedelta(days = x) for x in range(ndays)], 'measurement': pd.Series(np.random.randint(1, high = 10, size = ndays))})
df1.Date =
Date measurement
2018-01-10 8
2018-01-11 2
2018-01-12 7
2018-01-13 3
2018-01-14 1
2018-01-15 1
2018-01-16 6
2018-01-17 9
2018-01-18 8
2018-01-19 4
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'Date': ['2018-01-11', '2018-01-14', '2018-01-16', '2018-01-19'], 'letter': ['event_a', 'event_b', 'event_c', 'event_d']})
df2.Date = pd.to_datetime(df2.Date, format = '%Y-%m-%d')
df2.Date =
Date event_id
2018-01-11 event_a
2018-01-14 event_b
2018-01-16 event_c
2018-01-19 event_d
I give the dates in df1 an event_id from df2 only if it's between two event dates. The resulting dataframe would look something like:
today =
ndays = 10
df3 = pd.DataFrame({'Date': [today + timedelta(days = x) for x in range(ndays)], 'measurement': pd.Series(np.random.randint(1, high = 10, size = ndays)), 'event_id': ['event_a', 'event_a', 'event_b', 'event_b', 'event_b', 'event_c', 'event_c', 'event_d', 'event_d', 'event_d']})
df3.Date =
Date event_id measurement
2018-01-10 event_a 4
2018-01-11 event_a 2
2018-01-12 event_b 1
2018-01-13 event_b 5
2018-01-14 event_b 5
2018-01-15 event_c 4
2018-01-16 event_c 6
2018-01-17 event_d 6
2018-01-18 event_d 9
2018-01-19 event_d 6
The code I use to achieve this is:
n = 1
while n <= len(list(df2.Date)) - 1 :
for date in list(df1.Date):
if date <= df2.iloc[n].Date and (date > df2.iloc[n-1].Date):
df1.loc[df1.Date == date, 'event_id'] = df2.iloc[n].event_id
n += 1
The dataset that I am working with is significantly larger than this (a few million rows) and this method runs far too long. Is there a more efficient way to accomplish this?
So there are quite a few things to improve performance.
The first question I have is: does it have to be a pandas frame to begin with? Meaning can't df1 and df2 just be lists of tuples or list of lists?
The thing is that pandas adds a significant overhead when accessing items but especially when setting values individually.
Pandas excels when it comes to vectorized operations but I don't see an efficient alternative right now (maybe someone comes up with such an answer, that would be ideal).
Now what I'd do is:
Convert your df1 and df2 to records -> e.g. d1 = df1.to_records() what you get is an array of tuples, basically with the same structure as the dataframe.
Now run your algorithm but instead of operating on pandas dataframes you operate on the arrays of tuples d1 and d2
Use a third list of tuples d3 where you store the newly created data (each tuple is a row)
Now if you want you can convert d3 back to a pandas dataframe:
df3 = pd.DataFrame.from_records(d3, myKwArgs**)
This will speed up your code significantly I'd assume by more than 100-1000%. It does increase memory usage though, so if you are low on memory try to avoid the pandas dataframes all-together or dereference unused pandas frames df1, df2 once you used them to create the records (and if you run into problems call gc manually).
EDIT: Here a version of your code using the procedure above:
d3 = []
n = 1
while n < range(len(d2)):
for i in range(len(d1)):
date = d1[i][0]
if date <= d2[n][0] and date > d2[n-1][0]:
d3.append( (date, d2[n][1], d1[i][1]) )
n += 1
You can try df.apply() method to achieve this. Refer pandas.DataFrame.apply. I think my code will works faster than yours.
My approach:
Merge two dataframes df1 and df2 and create new one df3 by
df3 = pd.merge(df1, df2, on='Date', how='outer')
Sort df3 by date to make easy to travserse.
df3['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df3.Date)
Create set_event_date() method to apply for each rows in df3.
new_event_id = np.nan
def set_event_date(df3):
global new_event_id
if df3.event_id is not np.nan:
new_event_id = df3.event_id
return new_event_id
Apply set_event_method() to each rows in df3.
df3['new_event_id'] = df3.apply(set_event_date,axis=1)
Final Output will be:
Date Measurement New_event_id
0 2018-01-11 2 event_a
1 2018-01-12 1 event_a
2 2018-01-13 3 event_a
3 2018-01-14 6 event_b
4 2018-01-15 3 event_b
5 2018-01-16 5 event_c
6 2018-01-17 7 event_c
7 2018-01-18 9 event_c
8 2018-01-19 7 event_d
9 2018-01-20 4 event_d
Let me know once you tried my solution and it works faster than yours.

Element-wise Maximum of Two DataFrames Ignoring NaNs

I have two dataframes (df1 and df2) that each have the same rows and columns. I would like to take the maximum of these two dataframes, element-by-element. In addition, the result of any element-wise maximum with a number and NaN should be the number. The approach I have implemented so far seems inefficient:
def element_max(df1,df2):
import pandas as pd
cond = df1 >= df2
res = pd.DataFrame(index=df1.index, columns=df1.columns)
res[(df1==df1)&(df2==df2)&(cond)] = df1[(df1==df1)&(df2==df2)&(cond)]
res[(df1==df1)&(df2==df2)&(~cond)] = df2[(df1==df1)&(df2==df2)&(~cond)]
res[(df1==df1)&(df2!=df2)&(~cond)] = df1[(df1==df1)&(df2!=df2)]
res[(df1!=df1)&(df2==df2)&(~cond)] = df2[(df1!=df1)&(df2==df2)]
return res
Any other ideas? Thank you for your time.
A more readable way to do this in recent versions of pandas is concat-and-max:
import scipy as sp
import pandas as pd
A = pd.DataFrame([[1., 2., 3.]])
B = pd.DataFrame([[3., sp.nan, 1.]])
pd.concat([A, B]).max(level=0)
# 0 1 2
# 0 3.0 2.0 3.0
You can use where to test your df against another df, where the condition is True, the values from df are returned, when false the values from df1 are returned. Additionally in the case where NaN values are in df1 then an additional call to fillna(df) will use the values from df to fill those NaN and return the desired df:
In [178]:
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5,3))
df.iloc[1,2] = np.NaN
df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5,3))
df1.iloc[0,0] = np.NaN
0 1 2
0 2.671118 1.412880 1.666041
1 -0.281660 1.187589 NaN
2 -0.067425 0.850808 1.461418
3 -0.447670 0.307405 1.038676
4 -0.130232 -0.171420 1.192321
0 1 2
0 NaN -0.244273 -1.963712
1 -0.043011 -1.588891 0.784695
2 1.094911 0.894044 -0.320710
3 -1.537153 0.558547 -0.317115
4 -1.713988 -0.736463 -1.030797
In [179]:
df.where(df > df1, df1).fillna(df)
0 1 2
0 2.671118 1.412880 1.666041
1 -0.043011 1.187589 0.784695
2 1.094911 0.894044 1.461418
3 -0.447670 0.558547 1.038676
4 -0.130232 -0.171420 1.192321
