Loss from linear transformed output and ground truth for training - pytorch

I have a prediction model in pytorch that takes inputs and generates outputs in a specific coordinate system. In my process I transform the output and ground truth into a different coordinate system (2-dimensional translation and rotation). I can now calculate the loss in both coordinate systems, which have the same values (RMSE and NLL loss).
Does it matter which loss I use for the training to run loss.backward() on?

Does it matter which loss I use for the training to run loss.backward() on?
No for MSE, Yes for NLL.
Assuming that ground truth vector is x and the output vector is y,
Old MSE = (x-y).T.dot(x-y)
After the transformation, ground truth vector becomes A.dot(x) and output becomes A.dot(y).
New MSE = (x-y).T.dot(M).dot(x-y) where M=A.T.dot(A) where A is the transformation matrix.
Due to properties of linear transformation, we also have A.T.dot(A)=I
So, we can see that M will always turn out to be identity matrix and hence the MSE remains unchanged.
Now, NLL loss which is typically applied after nn.LogSoftmax just does
Y[x].mean() where Y is the output after nn.LogSoftmax and x is the target.
(I am referring to this).
This is not the same as what you'd get after you linearly transform output and target.


Difference between autograd.grad and autograd.backward?

Suppose I have my custom loss function and I want to fit the solution of some differential equation with help of my neural network. So in each forward pass, I am calculating the output of my neural net and then calculating the loss by taking the MSE with the expected equation to which I want to fit my perceptron.
Now my doubt is: should I use grad(loss) or should I do loss.backward() for backpropagation to calculate and update my gradients?
I understand that while using loss.backward() I have to wrap my tensors with Variable and have to set the requires_grad = True for the variables w.r.t which I want to take the gradient of my loss.
So my questions are :
Does grad(loss) also requires any such explicit parameter to identify the variables for gradient computation?
How does it actually compute the gradients?
Which approach is better?
what is the main difference between the two in a practical scenario.
It would be better if you could explain the practical implications of both approaches because whenever I try to find it online I am just bombarded with a lot of stuff that isn't much relevant to my project.
TLDR; Both are two different interfaces to perform gradient computation: torch.autograd.grad is non-mutable while torch.autograd.backward is.
The torch.autograd module is the automatic differentiation package for PyTorch. As described in the documentation it only requires minimal change to code base in order to be used:
you only need to declare Tensors for which gradients should be computed with the requires_grad=True keyword.
The two main functions torch.autograd provides for gradient computation are torch.autograd.backward and torch.autograd.grad:
torch.autograd.backward (source)
torch.autograd.grad (source)
Computes the sum of gradients of given tensors with respect to graph leaves.
Computes and returns the sum of gradients of outputs with respect to the inputs.
torch.autograd.backward( tensors, grad_tensors=None, retain_graph=None, create_graph=False, grad_variables=None, inputs=None)
torch.autograd.grad( outputs, inputs, grad_outputs=None, retain_graph=None, create_graph=False, only_inputs=True, allow_unused=False)
- tensors – Tensors of which the derivative will be computed.- grad_tensors – The "vector" in the Jacobian-vector product, usually gradients w.r.t. each element of corresponding tensors.- retain_graph – If False, the graph used to compute the grad will be freed. [...] - inputs – Inputs w.r.t. which the gradient be will be accumulated into .grad. All other Tensors will be ignored. If not provided, the gradient is accumulated into all the leaf Tensors that were used [...].
- outputs – outputs of the differentiated function.- inputs – Inputs w.r.t. which the gradient will be returned (and not accumulated into .grad).- grad_tensors – The "vector" in the Jacobian-vector product, usually gradients w.r.t. each element of corresponding tensors.- retain_graph – If False, the graph used to compute the grad will be freed. [...].
Usage examples
In terms of high-level usage, you can look at torch.autograd.grad as a non-mutable function. As mentioned in the documentation table above, it will not accumulate the gradients on the grad attribute but instead return the computed partial derivatives. In contrast torch.autograd.backward will be able to mutate the tensors by updating the grad attribute of leaf nodes, the function won't return any value. In other words, the latter is more suitable when computing gradients for a large number of parameters.
In the following, we will take two inputs (x1 and, x2), calculate a tensor y with them, and then compute the partial derivatives of the result w.r.t both inputs, i.e. dL/dx1 and dL/dx2:
>>> x1 = torch.rand(1, requires_grad=True)
>>> x2 = torch.rand(1, requires_grad=True)
>>> x1, x2
(tensor(0.3939, grad_fn=<UnbindBackward>),
tensor(0.7965, grad_fn=<UnbindBackward>))
>>> y = x1**2 + 5*x2
>>> y
tensor(4.1377, grad_fn=<AddBackward0>)
Since y was computed using tensor(s) requiring gradients (i.e. with requires_grad=True) - *outside of a torch.no_grad context. It will have a grad_fn function attached. This callback is used to backpropagate onto the computation graph to compute the gradients of preceding tensor nodes.
Here we provide torch.ones_like(y) as the grad_outputs.
>>> torch.autograd.grad(y, (x1, x2), torch.ones_like(y))
(tensor(0.7879), tensor(5.))
The above output is a tuple containing the two partial derivatives w.r.t. to the provided inputs respectively in order of appearance, i.e. dL/dx1 and dL/dx2.
This corresponds to the following computation:
# dL/dx1 = dL/dy * dy/dx1 = grad_outputs # 2*x1
# dL/dx2 = dL/dy * dy/dx2 = grad_outputs # 5
torch.autograd.backward: in contrast it will mutate the provided tensors by updating the grad of the tensors which have been used to compute the output tensor and that require gradients. It is equivalent to the torch.Tensor.backward API. Here, we go through the same example by defining x1, x2, and y again. We call backward:
>>> # y.backward(torch.ones_like(y))
>>> torch.autograd.backward(y, torch.ones_like(y))
Then you can retrieve the gradients on x1.grad and x2.grad:
>>> x1.grad, x2.grad
(tensor(0.7879), tensor(5.))
In conclusion: both perform the same operation. They are two different interfaces to interact with the autograd library and perform gradient computations. The latter, torch.autograd.backward (equivalent to torch.Tensor.backward), is generally used in neural networks training loops to compute the partial derivative of the loss w.r.t each one of the model's parameters.
You can read more about how torch.autograd.grad works by reading through this other answer I made on: Meaning of grad_outputs in PyTorch's torch.autograd.grad.
In addition to Ivan's answer, having torch.autograd.grad not accumulating gradients into .grad can avoid racing conditions in multi-thread scenarios.
Quoting PyTorch doc https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/notes/autograd.html#non-determinism
If you are calling backward() on multiple thread concurrently but with shared inputs (i.e. Hogwild CPU training). Since parameters are automatically shared across threads, gradient accumulation might become non-deterministic on backward calls across threads, because two backward calls might access and try to accumulate the same .grad attribute. This is technically not safe, and it might result in racing condition and the result might be invalid to use.
But this is expected pattern if you are using the multithreading approach to drive the whole training process but using shared parameters, user who use multithreading should have the threading model in mind and should expect this to happen. User could use the functional API torch.autograd.grad() to calculate the gradients instead of backward() to avoid non-determinism.
implementation details https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/7e3a694b23b383e38f5e39ef960ba8f374d22404/torch/csrc/autograd/functions/accumulate_grad.h

Loss function negative log likelihood giving loss despite perfect accuracy

I am debugging a sequence-to-sequence model and purposely tried to perfectly overfit a small dataset of ~200 samples (sentence pairs of length between 5-50). I am using negative log-likelihood loss in pytorch. I get low loss (~1e^-5), but the accuracy on the same dataset is only 33%.
I trained the model on 3 samples as well and obtained 100% accuracy, yet during training I had loss. I was under the impression that negative log-likelihood only gives loss (loss is in the same region of ~1e^-5) if there is a mismatch between predicted and target label?
Is a bug in my code likely?
There is no bug in your code.
The way things usually work in deep nets is that the networks predicts the logits (i.e., log-likelihoods). These logits are then transformed to probability using soft-max (or a sigmoid function). Cross-entropy is finally evaluated based on the predicted probabilities.
The advantage of this approach is that is numerically stable, and easy to train with. On the other side, because of the soft-max you can never have "perfect" 0/1 probabilities for your predictions: That is, even when your network has perfect accuracy it will never assign probability 1 to the correct prediction, but "close to one". As a result, the loss will always be positive (albeit small).

When to use bias in Keras model?

I am new to modeling with Keras. I am trying to evaluate appropriate parameters for setting up the model. How do I know when you use bias vs when to turn it off?
The short answer is, always use bias variables when your model is small. Otherwise, it is still recommended to keep using bias in all neural network architectures.
Because each neurone performs like a simple logistic regression. In each neurone, the input values are multiplied with by the weights and the bias affects the initial level in the sigmoid function, which results the desired the non-linearity.
For example, if you have a zero input in your training data like X = [[0,0,...], [0,0,...],... ] , Y = 1, in a sigmoid function, the output will always be exactly Y=0.5 since X*W is zero. However, in large networks, each node can make a bias node out of the average activation of all of its inputs.

CNN for 2d image rotation estimation (angle regression)

I am trying to build a CNN (in Keras) that can estimate the rotation of an image (or a 2d object). So basically, the input is an image and the output should be its rotation.
My first experiment is to estimate the rotation of MŃIST digits (starting with only one digit "class", let's say the "3"). So what I did was extracting all 3s from the MNIST set, and then building a "rotated 3s" dataset, by randomly rotating these images multiple times, and storing the rotated images together with their rotation angles as ground truth labels.
So my first problem was that a 2d rotation is cyclic and I didn't know how to model this behavior. Therefore, I encoded the angle as y=sin(ang), x = cos(ang). This gives me my dataset (the rotated 3s images) and the corresponding labels (x and y values).
For the CNN, as a start, i just took the keras MNIST CNN example (https://keras.io/examples/mnist_cnn/) and replaced the last dense layer (that had 10 outputs and a softmax activation) with a dense layer that has 2 outputs (x and y) and a tanh activation (since y=sin(ang), x = cos(ang) are within [-1,1]).
The last thing i had to decide was the loss function, where i basically want to have a distance measurement for angles. Therefore i thought "cosine_proximity" is the way to go.
When training the network I can see that the loss is decreasing and converging to a certain point. However when I then check the predictions vs the ground truth I observe a (for me) fairly surprising behavior. Almost all x and y predictions tend towards 0 or +/-1. And since the "decoding" of my rotation is ang=atan2(y,x) the predictions are usually either +/- 0°, 45°, 90, 135° or 180°.
However, my training and test data has only angles of 0°, 20°, 40°, ... 360°.
This doesn't really change if I change the complexity of the network. I also played around with the optimizer parameters without any success.
Is there anything wrong with the assumptions:
- x,y encoding for angle
- tanh activation to have values in [-1,1]
- cosine_proximity as loss function
Thanks in advance for any advice, tips or pointing me towards a possible mistake i made!
It's hard to give you an exact answer so let's try with some ideas:
Change from Cosine Proximity to MSE or other losses and check if something changes.
Change the way you encode the target. You could just represent the angle as a number between 0 and 1. It doesn't seem a problem even if the angles are ciclic.
Ensure you preprocessing/augmentation steps make sense for this particular task.

How does Keras deal with log(0) for categorical cross entropy?

I have a neural network, trained on MNIST, with categorical cross entropy as its loss function.
For theoretical purposes my output layer is ReLu. Therefore a lot of
its outputs are 0.
Now I stumbled across the following question:
Why don't I get a lot of errors, since certainly there will be a lot of
zeros in my output, which I will take the log of.
Here, for convenience, the formula for categorical cross entropy.
It's not documented in https://keras.io/losses/#categorical_crossentropy and it seems to depend on the backend, but I'm quite sure that they don't make log y, but rather log(y+ epsilon) where epsilon is a small constant to prevent log(0).
Keras clips the network output using a constant 1e-7 and adds this constant again to the clipped output before performing the logarithm operation as defined here.
epsilon_ = _constant_to_tensor(epsilon(), output.dtype.base_dtype)
output = clip_ops.clip_by_value(output, epsilon_, 1. - epsilon_)
# Compute cross entropy from probabilities.
bce = target * math_ops.log(output + epsilon())
bce += (1 - target) * math_ops.log(1 - output + epsilon())
return -bce
Why Keras adds epsilon again to the clipped output is a mystery to me.
