How to catch null value on http response - groovy

I have the following code method which is used to test for an existing user in MSGraph API
public String getGuestUserId(String AuthToken,String userEmail){
String _userId
def http = new HTTPBuilder(graph_base_user_url + "?")
http.request(GET) {
requestContentType = ContentType.JSON
//uri.query = [ $filter:"mail eq '$userEmail'"].toString()
uri.query=[$filter:"mail eq '$userEmail'"]
headers.'Authorization' = "Bearer " + AuthToken
response.success = { resp, json ->
//as the retunr json alue is an array collection we need to get the first element as we request all time one record from the filter
// user ID not found : error 404
response.'404' = { resp ->
_userId = 'Not Found'
This method works fine when the user is existing and will return properly from the success response the user ID property.
The issue I get is that if the user is not existing, the ID field is not existing either and the array is empty.
How can I handle efficiently that case and return a meaning full value to the caller like "User Does not exist"
I have try a catch exception in the response side but seems doe snot to work
Any idea how can I handle the test like if the array[0] is empty or does not contains any Id property, then return something back ?
Thanks for help

It seems to be widely accepted practice not to catch NPE. Instead, one should check if something is null.
In your case:
You should check if json.value is not empty
You also should check if id is not null.
Please also note that handling exceptions in lambdas is always tricky.
You can change the code to:
http.request(GET) {
requestContentType = ContentType.JSON
uri.query=[$filter:"mail eq '$userEmail'"]
headers.'Authorization' = "Bearer " + AuthToken
if (json.value && json.value[0].id) {
response.success = { resp, json -> **_userId=json.value[0].id** }
} else {
// Here you can return generic error response, like the one below
// or consider more granular error reporting
response.'404' = { resp -> _userId = 'Not Found'}


SOAP UI - Return two different responses for two different POST Request Payloads for same REST API end point

I have a REST POST API end point - "abc/def".
It's request payload has (out of many other fields) a field "yourId" which can take either 1 or 2 as shown below:
On the basis of the value of "yourId", I need to return two different responses either 1. YOUR_RESPONSE_1 OR 2. YOUR_RESPONSE_2 for which I have written a groovy script as shown below:
def requestBody = mockRequest.getRequestContent() "Request body: " + requestBody
return "YOUR_RESPONSE_1"
}else if(requestBody.contains(yourId+":"+id2)){
return "YOUR_RESPONSE_2"
}else return "ERROR_RESPONSE"
When I hit the end point "localhost:8080/abc/def" from postman, I get ERROR_RESPONSE. How can I fix it.
I would suggest you to use the JSONSlurper() as this avoids the use of escape characters and makes the script legible, Also it come in handy when the input JSON is complex
def requestBody = mockRequest.getRequestContent()
def parsedJson = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(requestBody)
def ID = parsedJson.yourId
return "YOUR_RESPONSE_1"
else if(ID=="2"){
return "YOUR_RESPONSE_2"
else return "ERROR_RESPONSE"

undefined parameter received in Bixby function

I'm trying to process an utterance in the format "Get News from Impeachment Sage" where Impeachment Sage corresponds to an enum of publication names. Bixby is successfully understanding the utterance and trying to call my goal (GetNewsByName) but the trained Value is not arriving at the function. (This is based off the user persistence data example).
The operative portion of the function is thus:
function getNewsByName(altBrainsNames) {
// const name = "Impeachment Sage" //hard coded for testing
const url = properties.get("config", "baseUrl") + "altbrains"
console.log("i got to restdb.js and the url is ", url);
console.log("AltBrainsNames is", altBrainsNames)
const query = {
apikey: properties.get("secret", "apiKey"),
q: "{\"" + "name" + "\":\"" + name + "\"}"
// q: "{}"
console.log("query", query)
const options = {
format: "json",
query: query,
cacheTime: 0
const response = http.getUrl(url, options)
if (response) {
const content1 = response
// const altBrainsData = response[0][properties.get("config", "altbrainsName")]
// altbrainsData.$id = response[0]["_id"]
console.log('content1', content1);
console.log('identifier', content1)
return content1
} else {
// Doesn't exist
console.log('doesnae exist');
What is happening here where the Value is not reaching the function?
The Action model is:
action (GetNewsByName) {
description ("Get news data from remote Content db by searching on AltBrain name")
type (Calculation)
output (Content)
collect {
input (altBrainsNames) {
type (AltBrainsNames)
min (Required) max (One) //this means js must catch error when multiple names offered
We resolved this offline, just wanted to follow up on the public channel to any fellow Bixby developers seeing this question posted. The function that calls 'getNewsByName' needs to receive the input parameter. Once populated, the action worked successfully.

Httpbuilder put examples for sending multiple query params groovy

I am using Httpbuilder 0.7.1 and groovy 1.8 to invoke the rest call.
I need to send the mutiple values for the same query parameter but it is not working.
I need to send values as below
I have tried with the code below and it is working as expected.
Map query = [:]
Map headerMap = [:]
headerMap["Accept"] = 'application/json'
headerMap["Authorization"] = authtoken
def groupsListArray=[]
if (group.contains(",")) {
def groupsList = group.split(",");
for ( singlegroup in groupsList) {
def http = new HTTPBuilder(baseUrl)
http.request(method) { req ->
uri.path = path
uri.query = query
headerMap.each { key, value ->
headers."${key}" = "${value}" }
Is there any other way, we can send multiple values for the same query parameter with httpbuilder?
Okie, the issue has been identified with the REST service and there is no issue with this code.Thanks for the help

Mockito returning null value for Future

I am unit-testing a controller in a play-framework application.
The controller uses a repository and I am mocking the repository as follows
val mockUserRepository = mock(classOf[UsersRepository])
Then I run the following test. In the test, controller.signupUser(request) calls the findOne method of the repository as follows
val findUserFuture: Future[Option[User]] = userRepo.findOne(userKeys)
println("user future is ",findUserFuture)
findUserFuture.flatMap { (userOption: Option[User]) => //this crashes because findUserFuture is null)
But findOne returns a null instead of a dummy Future{user}
"User signup request with body" should {
"return OK and user profile if the signup profile data is correct" in {
val jsonBody = Json.parse(
//val jsonBody = Json.toJson(signupInfo)
val request: Request[AnyContentAsJson] = FakeRequest("POST", "ws/users/signup",Headers(("someH"->"someV")),new AnyContentAsJson(jsonBody))
println("sending sign up request ", request)
//request.body = signupInfo
val response: Future[Result] = controller.signupUser(request)
val responseBodyAsJsValue:JsValue = contentAsJson(response)
println("received response of sign up ", responseBodyAsJsValue)
received profile
checking if the user with the following details exists LoginInfo(credentials,
returning id 116 for name
(user future is ,null)
java.lang.NullPointerException was thrown.
at controllers.UserController.$anonfun$signupUser$1(UserController.scala:116)
What I might be doing wrong?
The issue apparently was the I wasn't using when correctly.
I read that "
Mockito allows to configure the return values of its mocks via a fluent API. Unspecified method calls return "empty" values:
null for objects
0 for numbers
false for boolean
empty collections for collections
Mocks can return different values depending on arguments passed into a method. The when(…​.).thenReturn(…​.) method chain is used to specify a a return value for a method call with pre-defined parameters.
when expects the method as well as the exact arguments. So if I want to call findUser(userkey) where userkey's value is say 1 in the actual call then I need to write when(findUser(1)) or userKey=1; findUser(userKey)).
In my wrong implementation, I had set userkey as
but the call to findUser was with value
I changed the userkey value in test and it worked
val userKeys = UserKeys(utilities.bucketIDFromEmail(email)/*returns 116*/,"",loginInfo,"fn","ln")

Azure Mobile server update script w/ complex field type

I've got a complex data type "AzureTemplate" containing a list of children "AzureField". I've implemented my read and insert on the server side according to this article. Works great.
Needing an update as well, I copy/pasted the insert into the update so it does the same thing, but using update instead. So my update looks like this:
function update(item, user, request) {
// remove complex child object, make copy first
var fields = item.fields;
if (fields) {
delete item.fields;
success: function () {
var templateId =; // "foreign key"
var fieldsTable = tables.getTable('AzureFields');
if (fields) {
// update the child fields
var updateNextField = function (index) {
if (index >= fields.length) {
// done updating fields, respond to client
} else {
var field = fields[index];
field.templateId = templateId;
console.log("updating field w/ id ",;
fieldsTable.update(field, {
success: function () {
updateNextField(index + 1);
// kick off the loop saving each field
} else {
// no fields. no need to do anything else
The log that prints the ID of the child "field" shows a valid field id (I save them on the client side when reading them). But I get an error that says:
Error in script '/table/AzureTemplate.update.js'. Error: Invalid id value specified. AzureTemplate/update Tue Jan 27 2015, 10:11:31 AM
I put a console.log() at the top of the AzureField.update, but that never shows up, so it's not getting in there. Also, when I update a single child "Field" directly from the client it works fine. So the AzureField.update is working. Any ideas?
var fieldsTable = tables.getTable('AzureFields');
... my table name is AzureField, not AzureFields. The above code works, hopefully it helps someone.
I have misnamed a table before and got a meaningful error about "table not existing". Not sure why the error in this case is totally unrelated.
