How to pass data from node server(google sheet) to angular 9 - node.js

When I pass the data from node server to front-end (angular 9), I faced the problem.
I made the server side using node and called data from google sheet api.
I tried to get the data from node server to angular and searched on google, but I couldn't find the result.
Here is my code of node server for calling data from googlesheet.
const doc = new GoogleSpreadsheet('1w0aEvmo8H-PPMQEaYWEfN8QSoeGgAKIb9gA0fr4V9VM');
async function accessSpreadSheet() {
await doc.useServiceAccountAuth({
client_email: creds.client_email,
private_key: creds.private_key,
await doc.loadInfo(); // loads document properties and worksheets
const sheet = doc.sheetsByIndex[0]; // or use doc.sheetsById[id]
In this case, I am not sure how can I pass data of server to angular front-end?
I followed to lots of stackoverflows, but couldn't get them.
Bellow links were I followed.
How do I pass node.js server variables into my angular/html view?
How to send JSON data from node to angular 4
send data from node.js to angular with get()
Please let me know how can I get the data from server into my frontend?

If you are using node, the simplest way would be to create an express js api and return the information in an endpoint, though i recommend you learn some basic concepts about APIs and client\server http communication before you start your implementation


How to get the data in nodejs console to html

I am using smartapi provided by angelbroking.
I want to make a stock ticker which can display realtime price of stocks like this one
I am able to connect to websocket using the sdk provided in documentation but I don't know how to display that data in my html page.
Please suggest if you know how to get the json data from nodejs console to html.
The nodejs code is
let { SmartAPI, WebSocket } = require("smartapi-javascript");
let web_socket = new WebSocket({
client_code: "P529774",
feed_token: "0973308957"
.then(() => {
web_socket.runScript("nse_cm|2885", "cn") // SCRIPT: nse_cm|2885, mcx_fo|222900 TASK: mw|sfi|dp
web_socket.runScript("nse_cm|2885", "mw")
/*setTimeout(function() {
}, 60000)*/
web_socket.on('tick', receiveTick)
function receiveTick(data) {
console.log("receiveTick:::::", data)
The response I get is similar to this :
[{"lo":"1797.55","ts":"ACC-EQ","tp":null,"ltp":"1800.05","ltq":"27","bs":"16","tk":"22","ltt":"31\/08\/2017 11:32:01",
(Crs)","name":"sf","tbq":"76497","oi":null,"yh":"1801.25","e":"nse_cm","sp":"1800.90","op":"1814.00","c": "1811.20",
"to":"145093696.35","ut":"31-Aug-2017 11:32:01","h":"1817.55","v":"80391","nc":"- 00.62","ap":"1804.85","yl":"1800.00","ucl":null,"toi":"16654000" }]
The github repo for smartapi nodejs
The API Docs
There are many ways, here's two:
Cache the last message + HTTP polling
This is not the most efficient solution, but perhaps the simplest. Each time your recieveTick() callback hits, you could save the response message in a global object / collection (cache it). Better yet, you could pre-process the message and therefore just cache whatever info you actually care about in that global collection and save bandwidth on the connection between your frontend HTML and backend.
Then, add an HTTP endpoint to your backend that serves up the last info relevant to a given ticker. You could use Express.js or some other simple HTTP server library. That way when your frontend calls
Your backend will read from the cached data and serve up the needed data.
Create your own websocket and forward the data
This is a better solution, specially if your data providers API has a quick (subsecond) refresh rate. Create your own websocket server that will make a websocket connection with your frontend. Then, when you get a message from the data providers websocket, simply processes it in whatever way you would like (to get it into the format your frontend wants) then forward it to the frontend by using your websocket server. This will also be done within the recieveTick() function.
There are many websocket tools for nodejs. For help with the websocket stuff check this out
Also just a quick note, in your question you said " to get the json data from nodejs console to html". This kind of suggests that you would like to write the data to the console, and then read it from the console to html. This isn't the way you should think about it. The console was one destination, and the html is another, both originating from the websocket callback.

Implementing isRequestFromAssistant in Node.js on actions-on-google project fulfillment

I am having trouble implementing the isRequestFromAssistant method to verify requests to my fulfillment webhook. Using Node.js, I instantiate the following variables at the start of my index.js file:
const App = require('actions-on-google').ApiAiApp;
const app = new App({ request, response });
I then use "app" with the .ask and .tell and other methods throughout my functions.
The code I see in the docs for implementing isRequestFromAssistant is:
const app = new ActionsSdkApp({request, response});
.then(() => {
app.ask('Hey there, thanks for stopping by!');
.catch(err => {
If I leave out the first line and use my existing app variable, created with the .ApiAi method instead of the .ActionsSdkApp method, it doesn't work. If I create a new variable App1 and app1 using the .ActionsSdkApp method and change the above code to be app1.isRequestFromAssistant, it also doesn't work. I have tried other variations with no luck.
When I say it doesn't work, I mean I receive a 500 Internal Server Error when I call it. I am hosting it with NGROK currently. I am still a beginner with Node.js, although I have managed to get the other 700 lines of code working just fine, learning mostly from Google searches and reading these forums.
You have a few things going on here which, individually or separately, may be causing the problem.
First - make sure you have the most recent version of the actions-on-google library. The isRequestFromAssistant() function was added in version 1.6.0, I believe.
Second - Make sure you're creating the right kind of App instance. If you're using Dialogflow (formerly API.AI), you should be creating it with something like
const App = require('actions-on-google').DialogflowApp;
const app = new App( {request, response} );
const { DialogflowApp } = require('actions-on-google');
const app = new DialogflowApp( {request, response} );
(They both do the same thing, but you'll see both forms in documentation.) You should switch to DialogflowApp from ApiAiApp (which your example uses) to reflect the new name, but the old form has been retained.
If you're using the Actions SDK directly (not using Dialogflow / API.AI), then you should be using the ActionsSdkApp object, something like
const { ActionsSdkApp } = require('actions-on-google');
const app = new ActionsSdkApp({request: request, response: response});
(Again, you'll see variants on this, but they're all fundamentally the same.)
Third - Make sure you're using the right function that matches the object you're using. The isRequestFromAssistant() function is only if you are using the Actions SDK.
If you are using Dialogflow, the corresponding function is isRequestFromDialogflow(). The parameters are different, however, since it requires you to set confirmation information as part of your Dialogflow configuration.
Finally - If you're getting a 500 error, then check your logs (or the output from stderr) for the node.js server that is running. Typically there will be an error message there that points you in the right direction. If not - posting that error message as part of your StackOverflow question is always helpful.
Set the secure (randomly generated) auth header & key values in the dialogflow Fulfillment page, then in nodejs:
if (app.isRequestFromDialogflow("replace_with_key", "replace_with_value")) {
console.log("Request came from dialogflow!");
// rest of bot
} else {
console.log("Request did not come from dialogflow!");
Also see:

Is it possible to browserify the "tedious" module so that the nodejs program can be run in the browser?

I'm a beginner to Node.js and I'm currently building a Node.js program that accesses and queries a Microsoft Azure SQL database with the "tedious" module (see code below) and puts the data onto a html webpage. I want to run this code in a browser so I used browserify to bundle the modules together. However, when this code is run in Google Chrome, the following error is returned: require is not defined. Is there a fix? Is it even possible to use the tedious module in Chrome? If it isn't possible, do I need to use an intermediate server between the Node.js application and the webpage?
var Connection = require('tedious').Connection;
var config = {
userName: 'hackmatch',
password: 'hackvalley123!',
server: '',
options: {encrypt: true, database: 'AdventureWorks'}
var connection = new Connection(config);
connection.on('connect', function(err) {
// If no error, then good to proceed.
var Request = require('tedious').Request;
var TYPES = require('tedious').TYPES;
Thanks in advance for your help! :)
No. This module can only be used in Node.
tedious depends on the node.js net module to make a connection to the database server. This module has no equivalent on the browser, as web pages cannot make arbitrary network connections.
Even if it were possible to use this module in the browser, it'd be a terrible idea. You'd be allowing anyone on your web site to connect directly to your SQL server and run SQL queries. This can only end badly.

Connecting to Taffy DB in Nodejs

I am building an application using Angular js,Node js and Taffy DB.
I am trying to store the data submitted from front-end to Taffy DB through Node js server.
var express = require('express');
var TAFFY = require('taffy');
var teamlist=TAFFY();
But I get "localStorage is not defined".
What may be the problem?How to rectify it.
Please Advice
localStorage is a feature provided by the web browser. In node.js it doesn't exist. Which means if you reference localStorage in a script ran by node.js you will get errors.
you can use npm install localstorage and then var localStorage = require('localStorage') to satisfy the requirement

Using NodeJs with Firebase - Security

Due to the need to do some server side code - mainly sending emails I have decided to use Nodejs & Express for the server side element along with Firebase to hold the data - Partly from a learning experience.
My question is whats the best approach with regards to using the client side Firebase library and the Nodejs library when doing authentication using the Simple Email & Password API. If I do the authentication client side and then subsequently call a different route on the NodeJS side will the authentication for that user be carried across in the request. What would be the approach to test the user is authenticated within Node.
One approach I assume is to get the current users username & password from firebase and then post these to NodeJS and then use the firebase security API on the server to test.
Essentially the problem here is you need to securely convey to your NodeJS server who the client is authenticated as to Firebase. There are several ways you could go about this, but the easiest is probably to have all of your client<->NodeJS communication go through Firebase itself.
So instead of having the client hit a REST endpoint served by your NodeJS server, have the client write to a Firebase location that your NodeJS server is monitoring. Then you can use Firebase Security Rules to validate the data written by the client and your server can trust it.
For example, if you wanted to make it so users could send arbitrary emails through your app (with your NodeJS server taking care of actually sending the emails), you could have a /emails_to_send location with rules something like this:
"rules": {
"emails_to_send": {
"$id": {
".write": "!data.exists() && newData.child('from').val() ==",
".validate": "newData.hasChildren(['from', 'to', 'subject', 'body'])"
Then in the client you can do:
from: '',
to: '',
subject: 'hi',
body: 'Hey, how\'s it going?'
And in your NodeJS code you could call .auth() with your Firebase Secret (so you can read and write everything) and then do:
ref.child('emails_to_send').on('child_added', function(emailSnap) {
var email = emailSnap.val();
sendEmailHelper(email.from,, email.subject, email.body);
// Remove it now that we've processed it.
This is going to be the easiest as well as the most correct solution. For example, if the user logs out via Firebase, they'll no longer be able to write to Firebase so they'll no longer be able to make your NodeJS server send emails, which is most likely the behavior you'd want. It also means if your server is temporarily down, when you start it back up, it'll "catch up" sending emails and everything will continue to work.
The above seems like a roundabout way of doing things, I would use something like and keep firebase as the model, handling all routes through express. Easier if your express server is rendering templates and not just behaving as a JSON API.
If you are using Firebase Authentication, the client side can import the Firebase Library (e.g. for javascript) and authenticate directly with the library itself
import firebase from 'firebase/app';
const result = await firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(_email, _password);
After that, the client can to obtain the ID Token, this token will be informed on each request that will be made to the server (e.g. as header).
const sendingIdToken = await firebase.auth().currentUser.getIdToken();
On the Node.js server side, you can install the Firebase Admin SDK, to verify if the user is authenticated on the Node.js server, like:
// Let's suppose the client informed the token as header
const receivingIdToken = req.headers['auth-token'];
admin.auth().verifyIdToken(receivingIdToken, true)
.then((decodedIdToken) => { /* proceed to send emails, etc */}, (error) => {...});
The Firebase Admin SDK gives full permissions to the Database, so keep the credentials safe.
You should also configure the Security Rules on Firestore (or Firebase Realtime), so the client side can still perform specific operations directly to the database (e.g. listening for realtime changes on a collection), but you can also restrict all access if you want the client to only interact with the node.js server.
For more details, I developed an example of a node.js server that uses the Firestore Database and handles security and more.
