Graphviz labels appearing if you hover over them? - python-3.x

I am currently using graphviz through Python 3.x to visualize a digraph with info on the nodes and edges as graphviz-labels. This gets crowded, quite fast.
Therefore, I was wondering whether there is a possibility to have the label info appear when you hover your cursor over the corresponding node or edge?
With kind regards,
Edit: I have given up on that issue for now. I looked into the python-graphviz-package, but to me it seemed as if the tooltip-parameter does not get passed on properly.

You did not mention your desired output format. If you are producing SVG output, read the attribute documentation about tooltip.
somenode [label="small" tooltip="thanks for asking, over the last few years..."]


Right/center align text using opentype.js

I am using OpenType.js to generate SVG from strings, by default the alignment is set to left, which works most of the time, but occasionally I have some texts that need to be center/right aligned.
I checked the web and there is very little on this subject, so I was wondering if anyone has ever looked into this in the past and can give me a hint on how I can get center/right alignment.
I ended up using fabric js to achieve the above.

How to merge multiple colors and objects of different sizes into an image in Inkscape

Hi Inkscape learners and professionals,
I am learning Inkscape. I am trying to merge multiple colors or ornaments of different shapes, sizes, and colors into an object/picture. I want to see my final image with no colors or any objects beyond the boundaries of my image. Is there any specific tool I can use in Inkscape or tutorials on this to watch? Please see an example here.
Let’s say, I have this vector file:
And I want the final image to look like this:
Any advice and suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.
As mentioned above by #Juancho, you must learn Masking and clipping which is mostly used in all graphic design softwares.
Your problem can be resolved by simple clipping (Inkscape -> Object -> Clip ->set). Check it out:

Wrong Text Placement in GetOrgChart

I've got Wrong Text Placement during rendering of each node in GetOrgChart.Please see the Screenshot
Please Help me to fix it.
I don't know why But I realized that the only way to adjust X or Y Positioning of text node in GetOrgChart is modifying the textPoints OR textPointsNoImages based on whether we have image node or not in related theme Array.

Making custom, fictional maps with D3.js

I'm kicking around an idea for a side project and am looking for advice on which direction to go in terms of technology. I've done some research already, but am still fairly confused as to what the realistic options are.
I'd like to make an interactive map based on a fictional world (think Middle Earth), including a timeline filter and a details section for additional information on an event or location.
Desired Features:
map on the left
details pane on the right
timeline slider/filter at bottom
color for political affiliation
displays details in details pane
labels for cities
Get a clean map image to work with
Map image into intermediate format (svg, geojson, topojson?)
Display map on webpage, style map, add animations, etc
I'm pretty sure I could code all of this in SVG using events and boundaries. I've already been able to create SVG Paths from the image using GIMP, so converting the map into an SVG file seems plausible.
The issue with doing it this way is I would end up doing all the work the hard way when there seems to be lots of frameworks for this kind of thing already.
La Bella Italia is a very nice example and would serve as a good starting point. I love the trade route animations and the border styling with the glow filters.
The bonus here is that I know I can make an svg map, which is all this would need to get up and running.
My issue here is it doesn't seem like Kartograph is as rich of a platform as D3.js. I'm not sure if I can double dip and link some D3 stuff with the kartograph events. If I could, that might be the solution.
The sliders, animations(hover and selection), and topojson seem like they would be perfect. But the main issue I have here is getting my image converted into a GeoJson format. From what I can tell these formats are strictly for Real World maps, using longitude/latitude.
So there you have it! I'm hoping there is some good news on how I might convert my map image into topojson so I can enjoy the benefits of D3.js. If not, I suppose I could just try kartograph and wire the events up with D3 controls.
I'm currently writing my master thesis and I have the same topic like you had these days. I called my project Arda Maps. Feel free to ask me anything if have techonology questions.
I'm using the following frameworks/tools in my project:


I think I have found an error in GE V7.0.1.8244. I create a KML route file and display it with setAltitudeMode set to ALTITUDE_CLAMP_TO_GROUND. In GE V6.2.2.6613 it displays correctly but in V7.0.1.8244 (currently beta) it does not. Same program source, same data. See attached image here:
Any ideas anybody other than installing an other version of GE?
This is clearly a bug in GE 7.0. A few of the elements in the KML test file are out of order but nothing to cause this problem. Even if you drop the altitude values and change altitudeMode to relativeToGround it gets worse not better. Neither DirectX or OpenGL mode makes a difference.
You can report the issue here to get any updates on the problem:
Might be an error in elevation data. You can also see this error in the sample line example if you zoom close to the path.
Only short-term fix is reverting back to GE 6.2.2 if want to view this KML correctly, otherwise, wait for a fix.
UPDATE: Issue in Google Earth issue tracker can be found here.
It does look like a bug, rather than down grading though you could look to use one of the Google Earth extensions - specifically the gx:altitudeOffset element. From the docs...
A KML extension, in the Google extension namespace, that modifies how
the altitude values are rendered. This offset allows you to move an
entire LinearRing up or down as a unit without modifying all the
individual coordinate values that make up the LinearRing. (Although
the LinearRing is displayed using the altitude offset value, the
original altitude values are preserved in the KML file.) Units are in
This should allow you to raise the path by a meter so that the clipping doesn't occur.
It is also worth noting that...
In Google Earth, a Polygon with an of clampToGround
follows lines of constant bearing; however, a LinearRing (by itself)
with an of clampToGround follows great circle lines.
So perhaps you need to adjust your path to account for this discrepancy?
