Adding React-Native to a React project - node.js

I currently have a React based website. I want to start on the process of converting the website to also work natively through react-native. I understand that I will need to re-build the UI for the native version.
My goal however is to leave both versions in the same node project so I dont have to update my non-view based code separately for both versions of the code base.
Is it possible to add the dependencies and files necessary for react native while not having to separate the native code out into it's own completely separate project and if so how?

Lerna is a tool that optimizes the workflow around managing multi-package repositories with git and npm.


Could i use differents node versions between my project and specific library?

i will try to give you a little of context.
With my team we are trying to migrate MUI v3 to v4 in a reactJs project. We did it with the project itself and it works! but, some kind of problems came up when we navigated to certain windows that use a certain library to work.
This library was developed by other guy that is not in the company anymore and we are not in touch neither, but, we have access to the library GitHub repository, them are two actually.
i've never had to do this so, i decided to clone the project then install the dependencies and run it.
I'm using nvm so in that moment i was working with node v12 and i got some errors when i executed the npm start ("start": "webpack --watch").
If i use node 10 the scrips runs perfectly but in the entire project we are using node 12 so i'm not sure what is the problem here.
i'm wonder if it could be a problem when i'll try to migrate from MUI v1 to v4 and use the modified library into my project again, or in first place, why its working rigth now?
Anyway i just wanted to know, just if i need it, Could i use different versions of node in a library and then use other newer version into the entire project?
Could this make some negatives effect into my entire project?
Which is the best way to migrate MUI into this library and put it in my project again?
Each nodejs process (including all the modules/libraries it loads) has exactly one version of nodejs running. It isn't possible to have two separate versions of nodejs in the same process each running different parts of the code.
You could make two separate nodejs apps that each run under a different version of nodejs that communicate with each other via some interprocess communication, but they have to be two separate applications/processes.
If you want to run everything in one process (on one version of nodejs), then you will need to test and fix all your libraries to run on that one version of nodejs.

Build a custom NPM package that can be installed in all my projects

I've built a custom style "skin" on top of bootstrap that I intend to use in multiple UI projects.
Rather than copying/pasting the UI styles/components (built using sass and typescript in my current Angular 5 project), I want to build an NPM package that I can install these styles and components I've built in new projects, thus allowing updates to be done to the NPM package (maybe extending the controls within for example) without breaking the UI's using them or needing to update files within.
I've never setup an NPM project before. I've found a number of examples of how to build NPM packages, for example but it seems to be for vanilla JS in this example. I need an example which:
Builds on a dependency, in this case bootstrap
Is to be used in Angular (I'm using version 5)
Is installable and updatable via NPM or maybe Yarn
Has anyone any top tips on achieving the above? Or any really clear guides where someone has done this before?
I realise this question is relatively broad but really I just need some pointers to get started and I will document the process further when I have a better understanding.
Thanks in advance!
So you should move your theme into a separate project. Then all you have to do is run npm init in that directory and you have a npm.
As for sharing it between projects, I would create a repo on Github for this theme npm. Push all of your changes there. Then you can reference it in the package.json of all your projects by linking to the Github repo. Here is a good Stack question about how to do that.
Finally, if you want to develop your theme locally inside one of your projects, you can use npm link. Here are he docs on that.

What's the lightest way to automate .vue file compilation without webpack?

I'm working on a web application that currently uses vuejs for part of its interface. The back-end is NOT in Node, so there is currently no package.json file or any tool from the typical npm stack in this repository.
We already have a bunch of non-npm dependencies that need to be installed in order to use the repository, so my coworkers aren't too open about the idea of adding another layer of complexity. I can't blame them for that, it's the reason why I use npm scripts and not even gulp in my other projects. I'm tired of spending hours learning and configuring build tools that never end up doing what I want anyway.
But since the vue-cli tool no longer includes the build command, I'm a bit stuck. Is there really no more CLI app to build vue files at all? And if so, what would be the smart way to use vue without webpack? Template strings are not maintainable at all, and <script type="text/x-template"> don't work when you want to use multiple components from multiple files in the same page.
I realize your question says 'without webpack' but you may be interested in backpack - a CLI app i came across for building Vue.js without requiring you to write any configuration code. It is basically webpack preconfigured as a minimalistic build system for Node.js. It provides two commands, dev for live reload enabled development and build for building you project.

Importing an Angular2 application into Phoenix-framework

I am currently working on two related projects. One is a Phoenix based website and API, while the other is an Angular2 application that among other things uses the API provided by Phoenix. I now want the Angular2 application to be used by the Phoenix project. The problem is that I don't know what the best approach is. I am very new to Angular2 and NPM, and know very little of how it actually works outside of basic usage. These are the ways I can think of solving my problem:
Put the Angular2 project into the Phoenix project, making it one project. I have no idea how to do this, but I will probably get there through trial and error as both use Node.js so it should be doable.
Publish the Angular2 project to NPM, and then import it to the Phoenix project. How much work would be needed on the Phoenix side? Would it be the same as just running the index.html in the Angular2 project? Would I need some kind of Angular2 "shell" around it?
Run the Angular2 application as it's own thing, and just link to it through the Phoenix website.
Importing it as a node module sounds like the best approach, but can it be done for full applications, or is it intended for support libraries only?
I am unsure if this is the "right" way to do it but this is what I did in the end:
I compiled my entire Angular2 project into app.js, vendor.js, and common.js, I then moved it all to web/assets/. After that I simply created a new html and referenced the files in question.
The biggest challenged was finding something to compile it all into these 3 files. I ended up using a stripped down version of:
I think you would want to leverage, which ships with phoenix to handle your front end dependencies. There are skeletons which are essentially templates that create different front end configs but I don't see one that provides angular2. In this case I would say use bower to install the js packages you want ie:
bower install -S angular2
With this you can use brunch as a processing pipeline and it will handle minification, linting etc. and you will still be working within the "recommended" approach to managing front end assets in Phoenix.

How a worklight(with ionic) project interacts with a gulpfile, package.json node.js bowerc

I need to develop a mobile application using worklight. While i was going through few sample source code, I observed a gulpfile where they defined few Task/Watch in it. There was also a package.json where they have defined devDependencies property.
I like to know how a hybrid app project (when developed using Worklight or any other tool/framework) use the gulpfile, package.json, node.js, bowerrc. How is the controls passed across all these components when implemented for a hybrid app developmen and What will be the first point of execution in this sequence of execution workflow. As I believe wlEnvInit() inside main.js is the starting point of execution for a worklight project.
I tried google but could'nt find any explanation on the same.
The Gulp file you see is part of a default Ionic project. It handles compiling Sass files and running the bower install command to install dependancies. If you are using Sass in your project, then this would be useful to you, but it does not directly relate to MobileFirst.
As you know, when you update your common code, you need to do a build/deploy to get the code deployed to your mobile platforms. So if using Sass, then you need to remember that while the Gulp file may compile the CSS, you still need to "mfp bd" to deploy it to MF.
Does this answer your question?
