Terraform error Bad substitution while running shell script - linux

I'm executing shell script in terraform and getting Bad Substitution and getting below error:
module.bastion_ubu.aws_instance.ubuntu_bastion (remote-exec): /home/ubuntu/create.sh: 101: /home/ubuntu/create.sh: Bad substitution.
tools_list1=`echo $tools_list | sed 's/ //g'`
tools_list2=`echo $tools_list1 | sed 's/$/\//'`
tools_list3=`echo $tools_list2 | sed 's#/#.yml #g'`
tools_list4=`echo $tools_list2 | sed 's#/#.conf #g'`
#echo $tools_list_array
sudo touch docker-compose.yml
sudo chmod -R 755 docker-compose.yml
sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu docker-compose.yml
sudo echo '---' >> docker-compose.yml
sudo echo 'version: "3.3"' >> docker-compose.yml
sudo echo 'services:' >> docker-compose.yml
# Print array values in one line
echo "Print all elements in a single line"
for val in "${tools_list3[#]}\" ; do
sudo cat $val >> docker-compose.yml


Commands work on terminal but not in shell script

The following commands work on my terminal but not in my shell script. I later found out that my terminal was /bin/tcsh. Can somebody tell me what changes I need to do for /bin/sh. Here are the commands I need to change:
cp source_dir/*/dir1/*.xml destination_dir/
Error in sh-> cp: cannot stat `source_dir/*/dir1/*.xml': No such file or directory
sed -i "s+${initial_name}+${final_name}+" $file_name
This one does not complain but does not work as well.
I am adding an example for testing. The code tends to rename the names of xml files and also the contents of xml files. For example-
The file name crr.ya.na.aa.xml should be changed to aa.xml
The same name inside crr.ya.na.aa.xml should also be changed from crr.ya.na.aa to aa
Here is the code:
# Create dir structure for testing
rm -rf audience
mkdir audience
mkdir audience/dir1 audience/dir2 audience/dir3
mkdir audience/dir1/ipxact audience/dir2/ipxact audience/dir3/ipxact
touch audience/dir1/ipxact/crr.ya.na.aa.xml
echo "<spirit:name>crr.ya.na.aa</spirit:name>" > audience/dir1/ipxact/crr.ya.na.aa.xml
touch audience/dir2/ipxact/crr.ya.na.bb.xml
echo "<spirit:name>crr.ya.na.bb</spirit:name>" > audience/dir2/ipxact/crr.ya.na.bb.xml
touch audience/dir3/ipxact/crr.ya.na.cc.xml
echo "<spirit:name>crr.ya.na.cc</spirit:name>" > audience/dir3/ipxact/crr.ya.na.cc.xml
# Create a dir for ipxact_drop files if it does not exist
mkdir -p ipxact_drop
rm -rf ipxact_drop/*
cp audience/*/ipxact/*.xml ipxact_drop/
ls ipxact_drop/ > ipxact_drop_files.log
cat ipxact_drop_files.log | \
awk '{ split($0,a,"."); print a[length(a)-1] "." a[length(a)] }' ipxact_drop_files.log > file_names.log
cat ipxact_drop_files.log | \
awk '{ split($0,a,"."); print "mv ipxact_drop/" $0 " ipxact_drop/" a[length(a)-1] "." a[length(a)] }' ipxact_drop_files.log > command.log
chmod +x command.log
while read line
echo ipxact_drop/$line
initial_name=`grep -m 1 crr ipxact_drop/$line | sed -e 's/<spirit:name>//' | sed -e 's/<\/spirit:name>//' `
echo $initial_name
echo $final_name
sed -i "s+${initial_name}+${final_name}+" ipxact_drop/$line
done < file_names.log
echo " ***** SCRIPT RUN FINISHED *****"
Only the sed command at the end is not working
I was reading some other posts and understood that xml files can have problems with scripts. Here is what that worked for me upto now.
To remove cp error: replace #!/bin/sh -f with #!/bin/sh
To remove sed error for the test input: replace sed -i ...... with sed -i.back ....

Changing msg_max size on Linux [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I use sudo to redirect output to a location I don't have permission to write to? [closed]
(15 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
This is a pretty simple question, at least it seems like it should be, about sudo permissions in Linux.
There are a lot of times when I just want to append something to /etc/hosts or a similar file but end up not being able to because both > and >> are not allowed, even with root.
Is there someway to make this work without having to su or sudo su into root?
Use tee --append or tee -a.
echo 'deb blah ... blah' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
Make sure to avoid quotes inside quotes.
To avoid printing data back to the console, redirect the output to /dev/null.
echo 'deb blah ... blah' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null
Remember about the (-a/--append) flag!
Just tee works like > and will overwrite your file. tee -a works like >> and will write at the end of the file.
The problem is that the shell does output redirection, not sudo or echo, so this is being done as your regular user.
Try the following code snippet:
sudo sh -c "echo 'something' >> /etc/privilegedfile"
The issue is that it's your shell that handles redirection; it's trying to open the file with your permissions not those of the process you're running under sudo.
Use something like this, perhaps:
sudo sh -c "echo 'something' >> /etc/privilegedFile"
sudo sh -c "echo localhost >> /etc/hosts"
sudo sh -c "echo >> somefile"
should work. The problem is that > and >> are handled by your shell, not by the "sudoed" command, so the permissions are your ones, not the ones of the user you are "sudoing" into.
I would note, for the curious, that you can also quote a heredoc (for large blocks):
sudo bash -c "cat <<EOIPFW >> /etc/ipfw.conf
<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
<plist version=\"1.0\">
In bash you can use tee in combination with > /dev/null to keep stdout clean.
echo "# comment" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts > /dev/null
Some user not know solution when using multiples lines.
sudo tee -a /path/file/to/create_with_text > /dev/null <<EOT
line 1
line 2
line 3
Using Yoo's answer, put this in your ~/.bashrc:
sudoe() {
[[ "$#" -ne 2 ]] && echo "Usage: sudoe <text> <file>" && return 1
echo "$1" | sudo tee --append "$2" > /dev/null
Now you can run sudoe 'deb blah # blah' /etc/apt/sources.list
A more complete version which allows you to pipe input in or redirect from a file and includes a -a switch to turn off appending (which is on by default):
sudoe() {
if ([[ "$1" == "-a" ]] || [[ "$1" == "--no-append" ]]); then
shift &>/dev/null || local failed=1
local append="--append"
while [[ $failed -ne 1 ]]; do
if [[ -t 0 ]]; then
text="$1"; shift &>/dev/null || break
text="$(cat <&0)"
[[ -z "$1" ]] && break
echo "$text" | sudo tee $append "$1" >/dev/null; return $?
echo "Usage: $0 [-a|--no-append] [text] <file>"; return 1
You can also use sponge from the moreutils package and not need to redirect the output (i.e., no tee noise to hide):
echo 'Add this line' | sudo sponge -a privfile
By using sed -i with $ a , you can append text, containing both variables and special characters, after the last line.
For example, adding $NEW_HOST with $NEW_IP to /etc/hosts:
sudo sed -i "\$ a $NEW_IP\t\t$NEW_HOST.domain.local\t$NEW_HOST" /etc/hosts
sed options explained:
-i for in-place
$ for last line
a for append
echo 'Hello World' | (sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list)
How about:
echo text | sudo dd status=none of=privilegedfile
I want to change /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rmem.
I did:
sudo dd status=none of=/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rmem <<<"4096 131072 1024000"
eliminates the echo with a single line document
This worked for me:
original command
echo "export CATALINA_HOME="/opt/tomcat9"" >> /etc/environment
Working command
echo "export CATALINA_HOME="/opt/tomcat9"" |sudo tee /etc/environment
Can you change the ownership of the file then change it back after using cat >> to append?
sudo chown youruser /etc/hosts
sudo cat /downloaded/hostsadditions >> /etc/hosts
sudo chown root /etc/hosts
Something like this work for you?

How to store output of sudo -S su -c <user> <command> to any variable

I am trying to execute the following command but the output is not coming as required.
var=$(echo "<password>"|sudo -S su -l <user> -c "<command>")
Please help if anyone can?
Expected Result:
var=$(echo ""|sudo -S su -l -c "pwd")
echo $var /home/bhushan
Actual Result:
echo $var
You can use backticks
var=`sudo -S su -l -c ""`
or the $(command) syntax
var=$(sudo -S su -l -c "")
(keep in mind though that sudo -S su -l -c "" doesn't output anything so $var will be empty)
You can workaround it by storing the output of the command into a file, then change its permission so that all users will see it and in a following command load it from the file:
sudo -S "<command> > /tmp/sudocmd.out && chmod 644 /tmp/sudocmd.out"
var=$(cat /tmp/sudocmd.out)

Import cassandra schema script doesn't run in docker when using volumes

I have a problem on using cassandra in Docker
I've created a Dockerfile this like
FROM spotify/cassandra:base
COPY cassandra-schema.cql /tmp/
COPY cassandra-init.sh /usr/local/bin/
COPY cassandra-singlenode.sh /usr/local/bin/
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cassandra-init.sh
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cassandra-singlenode.sh
#import schema
RUN /usr/local/bin/cassandra-init.sh
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/cassandra-singlenode.sh"]
If i have use
docker run --name cassandradb cassandra
everything works properly but if i use
docker run --name cassandradb -v /opt/argus/cassandra/data/:/var/lib/cassandra/data -v /opt/argus/cassandra/commitlog:/var/lib/cassandra/commitlog cassandra
the cassandra starts but the /usr/local/bin/cassandra-init.sh doesn't import my scheam
Any idea?
These are my files contents
echo "===================================================="
echo "starting running cqlsh"
echo "===================================================="
cassandra &
while : ;do
# Get the status of this machine from the Cassandra nodetool
STATUS=`nodetool status | grep 'UN' | awk '{print $1}'`
echo $STATUS
# Once the status is Up and Normal, then we are ready
if [ $STATUS = "UN" ]; then
cqlsh -f /tmp/cassandra-schema.cql
sleep 1;
echo "=============================================== Change configuration ====================================================="
IP=`hostname --ip-address`
SEEDS=`env | grep CASS[0-9]_PORT_9042_TCP_ADDR | sed 's/CASS[0-9]_PORT_9042_TCP_ADDR=//g' | sed -e :a -e N -e 's/\n/,/' -e ta`
if [ -z "$SEEDS" ]; then
echo "Listening on: "$IP
echo "Found seeds: "$SEEDS
# Setup Cassandra
sed -i -e "s/^listen_address.*/listen_address: $IP/" $CONFIG/cassandra.yaml
sed -i -e "s/^rpc_address.*/rpc_address:" $CONFIG/cassandra.yaml
sed -i -e "s/- seeds: \"\"/- seeds: \"$SEEDS\"/" $CONFIG/cassandra.yaml
sed -i -e "s/# JVM_OPTS=\"$JVM_OPTS -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=<public name>\"/ JVM_OPTS=\"$JVM_OPTS -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=$IP\"/" $CONFIG/cassandra-env.sh
echo "=========================================================================================================================="
echo "starting running cassandra server"
echo "=========================================================================================================================="
cassandra &
while :
echo "Cassandra running, Press [CTRL+C] to stop.."
sleep 1

sed not working on remote machine

I'm trying to run a script on a remote server like so:
ssh root#cnc-02 'bash -c "
echo $SHELL;
cd /home/bldadmin/patch;
echo '$int_ver_cnc';
echo '$rev_ver_cnc';
echo '$pre_ver_cnc';
cp -Rf RP_'$pre_ver_cnc'-'$int_ver_cnc' RP_'$int_ver_cnc'-'$rev_ver_cnc';
cd /home/bldadmin/patch/RP_'$int_ver_cnc'-'$rev_ver_cnc'/CSCONsap/data/twoway/manual;
rm rulePkg.zip;
mv cncrules-CNC60Test-1.48.0-1.49.0.zip rulePkg.zip;
cd /home/bldadmin/patch/RP_'$int_ver_cnc'-'$rev_ver_cnc';
find . -name install.sh.orig;
sed -e 's/^\(patchid=\)\(.*\)/\1\"1.47.0-1.48.0\"/g' -e 's/^\(fromVersion=\)\(.*\)/\1\"1.47.0\"/g' -e 's/^\(toVersion=\)\(.*\)/\1\"1.48.0\"/g' install.sh.orig >newfile.sh.orig;
This is my script on my local machine. It will SSH to a remote machine and execute a list of commands. All the commands are executing but sed is not working. I'm getting the below error
"bash: -c: line 14: syntax error near unexpected token `(' bash: -c:
line 14: ` sed -e s/^(patchid=)(.*)/11.47.0-1.48.0/g -e
s/^(fromVersion=)(.*)/11.47.0/g -e s/^(toVersion=)(.*)/11.48.0/g
install.sh.orig >newfile.sh.orig;' "
The sed command when executed locally is working fine, I don't know what I am missing?
Instead of getting in a quoting headache save your script into a file script.sh
(use a sensible descriptive name) and run:
$ ssh root#cnc-02 'bash -s' < script.sh
