Android Studio for Dart without emulator - android-studio

Is it possible to use AndroidStudio (for Dart) withOUT running an emulator?
Context: I am a complete newbie and have started reading some intro books and following online tutorials. I am aiming to learn DART and FLUTTER and have successfully installed AndroidStudio and an emulator and ran some successful test projects like helloworld.
The thing is, these early example projects are VERY basic things, to teaches me about variables and syntax etc and outputs results to the console. At this point, i do not need to boot up an entire emulator (which adds a layer of clunkiness when running)... but AndroidStudio seems to insist on one being activated?
I could use "DartPad" (which i love) for simple stuff - but it's limited and i'd prefer to learn one dedicated IDE if possible.

It depends on what you are actually running. If you are using Dart alone, you should be able to run it. Personally, I do these kinds of projects within IntelliJ Idea - which Android Studio is based on anyway, but doesn't come with the Android "overhead". Microsoft Visual Studio Code is another valid option that many people use.
If your project is based on Flutter (i.e. it contains UI), you need a "device" to run on - it might be the Android emulator, iOS simulator, Chrome or native (experimental).


Can a development team containing both Windows and Mac users work together on a Flutter app?

I am in a team of 3 for a project. 2 of us are using Windows Laptops and 1 is using a Macbook. Would we be able to work together on a cross-platform mobile application for Android and iOS, using Flutter, Dart and Android Studio?
I've just pulled the first commit from the iOS programmer and it appears to be in C++ rather than dart under an 'ios' folder.
I'm currently working in a project using exclusively Flutter/Dart. I'm on windows and the other two devs are on Mac. I haven't had any issues - I don't see why C++ code would appear if the developer is writing in dart.
Not sure what's with the c++ code but most of your dart code resides in lib/ folder. That's where you would be writing most of your code.
The other programmer could have implemented some other functionality/module in c++ under the ios/ folder of your project. This folder is specific to files necessary to configure and run your application on the IOS platform.

Use Android Studio to code for an old platform

I want to develop an app for an old tablet using API 7 Android Eclair 2.1, but I'm facing problems setting up all the tools needed.
I tried using Android Studio, but when creating a new app, the lowest API I can choose is 14, and when I change it via code, it complains about the libraries being not compatible.
I also tried importing some samples, but it tries to download some old version of gradle and apparently the link is down.
I recall that prior to Android Studio, one would use Eclipse, but it seems that it is no longer available.
Is it possible to set up a development environment, or am I better to code from scratch and compile it myself?

How to user sketch app sources templates on android studio?

I'm looking for a way to use templates on android studio, I found out that the sketch official application is working only on MAC OS and there is an alternative called Lunacy (by Icon8) that works on windows, the problem is that even after importing the downloaded theme on lunacy I have no idea how am I supposed to get the xml/drawables that I can import into android studio, any one can help please?
Thank you
You can simply use some plugins which are created exactly for this purpose.
For example Sympli would let you to drag and drop your design into Swift or Android Studio in no time.
There is also some basic tutorial on their website for getting on board.

Cocos2dx can be used in android studio development with java?

I downloaded the cocos3.14.1 in the cocos2dx official website, and then use the online method to create a project structure, and then compiled out android
Studio version of "", and finally with the android studio to the success of this project can also be run. But then how do I develop it? Map, event, interface, logic how to write?
After importing there will be an activty inheritance Cocos2dxActivity, and a package "org.cocos2dx.lib". But I do not know what to do
You have to write most of the game logic in C++ and keep your class files in "Classes" directory.
You would have to update the android project include these C++ files.
If you're using a mac, it is easier to develop it in Xcode, and build it for android in the last step. That way you can debug all the game logic in Xcode and simulator quickly.
In the project that is initially created, your game logic starts in the AppDelegate file (by setting things like the design resolution etc), and the first scene is the "HelloWorld" scene.
Since you're new to this, why not just purchase a book and get started, or read any of the many tutorials available online.

How to use PhoneGap with Visual Studio

I'm having trouble getting started with PhoneGap on windows 8, VS 2012, namely:
I don't know how to install the templates
I open the template projects I've downloaded from PhoneGap, but they are in compatible with VS2012
I don't know where to start in respect to creating my first simple CRUD application
I want to connect to a WCF API and make some calls
How to publish the result allowing installation on many devices:
I mainly want to use iPhone and Android devices
How do I get started with PhoneGap?
#Smithy, Microsoft just made it possible to develop Cordova apps with Visual Studio 2013 Update 2.
Its just a preview as far as I understand, but go have a look.
If you have the latest version of Visual Studio installed, you need to go to Microsoft'd download page and download the installer:
This comes along with documentation on how to get started and how to install and set it up in VS 2013.
Good luck.
With the release of Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition along with Update 4, MS has made it easier than ever to create Cordova project....and best thing of all is it's FREE!!!!
Benefit is that if your used to VS like me, this is a comfortable environment, and its super easy to get started.
To get access to these templates, follow the steps when creating a new project in VS, and you will be prompted to install additional software, including but not limited to SDK Manager, adt, iTunes, emulators etc..
After these are installed, it is now simple to create projects, edit and run them in the included RIPPLE emulator.
These projects can also in addition be deployed to your device from VS.
To check if your device is picked up on your PC, open a cmd and run "adb devices" to see if your device is picked up on your PC and a list of connected devices.
Easy, effective and it works. From, see link on terms of use and limitations in organisations: Free Dev Tools
Download link here:
Q: Who can use Visual Studio Community?
A: Here’s how individual developers can use Visual Studio Community:
Any individual developer can use Visual Studio Community to create their own free or paid apps.
Here’s how Visual Studio Community can be used in organizations:
An unlimited number of users within an organization can use Visual Studio Community for the following scenarios: in a classroom learning environment, for academic research, or for contributing to open source projects.
For all other usage scenarios: In non-enterprise organizations, up to 5 users can use Visual Studio Community. In enterprise organizations (meaning those with >250 PCs or > $1 Million US Dollars in annual revenue), no use is permitted beyond the open source, academic research, and classroom learning environment scenarios described above.
Thanks Microsoft!
You can use VS to edit the html, css, and javascript files, but I don't believe there are any VS project templates available. At least I've never seen any.
But, you won't be able to compile and deploy. The templates for Android for instance are eclipse project templates since phonegap is building a java application in order to deploy to android.
If you want to develop for android, follow the getting started guide from Phonegap ( I can't get you a link right now due to firewall issues). The files you put in the www folder will be the html, css, and javascript files for your project and you can use anything you want to edit them, including VS.
You can create PhoneGap application using
Cordova vs plugin
Telerik App Builder
for more information please see the below link
You may also want to refer to this post that describes how to use Phonegap projects in the new Multi-Device Hybrid Apps that uses Cordova integration in VS -
RedGate has a product called Nomad which integrates beautifully with Visual Studio 2013.
It makes use of the PhoneGap Build cloud service. With this approach you don't need all the platform SDK's on your system. Works very well.
See this video. Unfortunately RedGate recently stopped supporting Nomad. I'm hoping Microsoft's new offering will offer similar capability.
