Using ASensorEventQueue_registerSensor or its alternative for API Level below 26 - android-ndk

I am looking for a workaround for ASensorEventQueue_registerSensor or something equivalent for the android app with the MinSDK API level set to 24.


Uploading Error for Ionic Project in Google Play Store

I am getting the following error when uploading my APK file to the Google Play Store.
Your app currently targets API level 28 and must target at least API
level 29 to ensure it is built on the latest APIs optimized for
security and performance. Change your app's target API level to at
least 29.
I tried changing the minSDKversion by going to the Project Structure
Even after changing these I am still getting the same error. Any help is highly appreciated..
Thank you in advance
Put this code in your config.xml
<preference name="android-targetSdkVersion" value="29" />

ASP.NET Core Application Insights adaptive sampling

TL;DR: Does ExcludedTypes in Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore SDK default to Exception and Trace?
I am running an ASP.NET Core 2.2 app with version 2.6.1 Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore SDK. I am reading: where they write that the default values for ExcludedTypes is Trace and Exception, which is just the way i like it, but I am wondering, since the default values is for ASP.NET (actually specified in the application insights config for the host), if these default values also apply for ASP.NET Core applications that doesnt have an application insights config file (all config is done through code).
I know that the SDK is open sourced, but I haven't been able to search through it and find the initial values: Maybe I am just searching for the wrong things.
Yes, the default ExcludedTypes for core is Event. There'are 2 places mentionded that:
1.In this article, it says "In ASP.NET Core, exact same default behavior is enabled in code.":
2.In the source code, you can find it's defined here:
First, the default values for ExcludedTypes is not Trace and Exception, it is Event. There is a GitHub issue for that. And I also tested it myself, the default ExcludedType is Event indeed.
For core, the default ExcludedType should be same as, you can take a look at this section of the article you provided. I'll try to go through the code to find out what's in the code for core and will update you later.

How to add a prompt's maxRetries for my bot using botbuilder SDK V4 for node.js

Using the botBuilder V3 SDK, we used to pass a promptOptions object that contains the maxRetries value, in which we define the maximum values of repetitions of a prompt …
But, with the V4 SDK, I couldn't find any information in the documentation about the maxRetries.
Is there any solution or I should handle this on my own with a validator ?
There is a v4 solution in the works that will allow you to know the number of attempts inside a validation!
You can track the progress of it on GitHub here.
Feature slated for 4.4 Bot Framework release (April 15th)

Ideally how many functions should be there in a fucntion app

As per the new template in Visual Studio 2017 prev 2, all function in a function app do share dependencies. Any custom business code/library added will be available to all other functions in a function app.
There is a problem here that it is will give monolithic design a chance to sneak in. And any change in a function would require entire set of function to be redeployed.
Another design can be to keep the function app as thin as possible (if possible one function per function app in my opinion). This would segregate the code and dependencies of each function, but on the flip side, I would bring a deployment/maintainability nightmare.
Is there any design guideline to be followed which could balance maintainability hassle and help achieving micro service design goal ?
It's up to you how much you want to group together vs be separate on their own. You can also have all your functions in 1 project in Visual Studio then deploy it to N number of function apps, then you can specify which functions a given function app should run in your host.json. Check the functions property in here
Note that the Portal UI doesn't handle that correctly now, so you may get odd errors if you go in the portal. Tracked here

Is the mvc 5 sample project with 2 factor authentication a sample or production ready?

It seems like the only way I can currently get 2 factor authentication from identity 2 is if I create an empty MVC 5 app then install the Identity samples Pre release with the package manager like so:
Install-Package -Prerelease Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Samples
But it seems like this is only a sample and not something I can use for a real app? Can I use this "sample" project as a real app? It says in the documentation at that it is a production release!
I just want to get 2 factor authentication into a project and I'm not sure how to do it? All the guides online show the use of the prerelease sample project from NuGet. I guess the question is - is this sample project ready for the "Show" or should I wait for a project template in VS 2013 to show up in some update? I'm afraid that if I create a MVC 5 app now with no 2 factor authentication and then try and add it later it will be a pain in the ars! Or if I use the sample project with 2FA now it might have major bugs that will be a pain in the ars later to fix being that its just a sample app.
Last question! If I do end up using the sample app to create a 2FA in my app can I still register with Facebook/Google/Twitter/etc for login?
The samples are showing how you can enable 2FA and more features of Identity. They have some areas which are not production ready such as the WebAdmin scenario of managing users and roles. We are updating the project templates in next update of Visual Studio 2013 which will have 2FA enabled in the templates. The project templates are based on the samples so will be pretty close in terms of content.
You can also use Facebook/ Twitter etc for logging in in the samples package
