Problem trying to setup GoDaddy domain with GitHub Pages - web

I really hope someone can help me with this since I've been struggling for days without luck.
I'm kind of new to web development and I've been doing tutorials. I already created my portfolio website and I hosted it on GitHub pages. I liked it and I decided to give it a custom domain name. I bought my domain through and I couldn't be able to correctly point it to my website hosted on GitHub Pages.
I tried different tutorials, these include this, this, this and this. None of them works for me. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong or if there is something outdated in those tutorials but this is getting maddening.
To sum up,
I go to DNS management of my domain at
Changed in the records tab all the A-type to the GitHub IP values (,,, and the CNAME type to my [username] website value.
Added CNAME file to my repository
Added my custom domain in portfolio>settings>github pages
Not sure where is my error and if someone can help me with this I will really appreciate it. If you need more details let me know.
Thank you in advance!

Welcome to the webdev world!
When did you actually register and redirect the domain? I've had multiple issues on several occasions which was resolved by just waiting.
Usually your ISP or just generally something you don't have control of does cache some stuff so you might need some time for it to pass in order to function properly.


How can I make my Sharepoint / Website available online?

I'm trying to learn a few things about SharePoint and I would like to figure out what do I have to do to make my content available online so I can access it from my other computer in my work / home so I can add documents to it.
I did some research on how to set up websites on IIS and setting up my DNS host on Windows Server 2012 with some demo html files I've made. I tried to do research online with port forwarding but I can't find info clear enough for me to get the job done.
Could somebody maybe give me some direction on where to look and a checklist on what I need to complete this task? I feel like I'm shooting in the air trying to figure this out. I've never really dabbled in this before.
Here are some resources you might find useful in getting this setup. It's difficult to say exactly what you need to do without knowing what it is you've already done.
I haven't watched through the channel9 video but according to the description it includes how to setup internet facing sites in an on-premise environment.
Providing SharePoint is up and running, it should just be a case of configuring the Alternate Access Mappings for internet access, DNS and Port Forwarding.
The final guide to Alternate Access Mappings

blog vs custom website content update

i have a project with a friend and its about developing a website which will provide the users with some courses on certain topics.
And we were wondering on how we are going to be updating the lessons notes and posting new ones without any problem. And he said the cpanel provided by the host company will provided a means to post just like on blogs. So i doubted and i'll like to ask if it true or i'll have to code a new page for every topic on the site.
Please i'll appreciate if any one helps me with the truth or a guide on how to do it.
A good starting point for you is to use github to host a code repository you start with git. If you use github, you can utilize github pages to host your content for free.
If you already have a hosting framework in mind like WAMP or heroku, let us know and we can provide more specific information on how to push your code up to your application depending on how you're hosting it. But the best starting point for you is to use some sort of version control and the leading version control option is git. You definitely never need to rewrite the same code all over again and version control is essential for managing updates to your code and collaborating with other developers.

Github and Drupal

Pardon me if this question is not a good fit but i am unable to find relevant material. I have searched across the net and have found many answers but i still want to ask the question.
I am developing a Drupal 7.23 website. It will mostly use views. Not too heavy site. Now, can i host the site on github. We would be two people working on the project and so i thought of using Git. However i am unsure how to do this or if this can be done. hosting the drupal site, the db etc...Can you guide me on this or provide some links...i can carry it from there.
Apologies again if not the right place to ask this question.
GitHub pages could host only static pages, without any database backend.
And generally, GitHub is hosting service for software projects, which means it could help you store your code, but not for websites, because it will not run your code.

Plesk: Accessing files without moving domain name first

I recently purchased a virtual server from, and am trying to use it to upload my PHP & MySQL-site to. I've managed to make a database and upload my files to httpdocs, but I'd like to make sure everything is working before I point my domain name to it. I can't seem to access the files by typing the IP-address /index.php, and can't figure out another option. Does anyone know how to do this?
Also, does anyone happen to know a nice starter guide for Plesk?
Kind regards,
You should be able to access it through http://ipaddress/index.php if the server is running. You can point your domain name just to check, It wont take more than a day for it, in worst case just two days. Have you tried reaching the service provider? You can find various tutorials on youtube for introduction to plesk.

If I keep another webiste's link to my website via comment or foroum based facility then Is it help my site any how?

Say If I keep more number of web links of other sites on my web site then is it going to help my website in any way?
No it will help the other sites as you will be basically providing backlinks to theirs. Unless they have links going back to your site then you won't see any benefit at your end.
Maybe you are not quite clear about in-bound link and out-bound link.
What you are talking about now is out-bound link, which, according Google's PR, is a vote to other site(The linked site), not yours.
What you need, though, is in-bound link. In plain English, links of your sites on other sites.
Be warned, only putting our links on other sites that share the same themes can be counted as valid links. On top of it, do not tempted into Black Hat SEO!
