How is it different between Console.Cloud and Console.Developer - python-3.x

I think it's not a good questions, but I have been instructed to use Console.Cloud to create a Service Accounts to access Google Sheet from Python3. Now, I'm trying to use Resumable Upload to upload large Video to Google Drive. I have done some research and found that I need to create an OAuth 2.0 under Console.Developers.
I'm not too sure what is the different between those 2 platforms, even though they are showing the same credentials that I have created.

Those two platforms are different ways to visualize Google resources. The Developers console lets you view your app's credentials with Google, while the Cloud Console allows for visibility into Google Cloud resources as well as into the API credentials shown on the Developers console. I believe that now you can only see your credentials through the APIs & Services section of the Cloud console, since that is what I see when I type
For more detail into the many consoles provided by Google and the different type of resources in Google's ecosystem, checkout this other Stackoverflow thread.


Using shared access signatures in Xamarin with Azure

I am working on an app developed using Xamarin Forms. The app connects to a container on Azure to read a couple of text files. The text files don't contain any confidential or secret information, just some publicly available information that the app uses.
I am able to connect to the storage container and read the blob without issue however I am readying the app for release to the App store and Google Play store so was following this guide around using Shared Access Keys to connect to Azure.
To be honest, I am a bit confused as to which approach I should use. The app itself will be connecting to the container and reading the blob, so it won't be an actual "user" as such like joeB, or JaneB. That makes me think a user delegated SAS is not the way to go, although the documentation seems to suggest this is the most secure option.
I also noticed the user delegated sas token itself expires after a period of time and the app started crashing when trying to autheticate/connect. I am not sure if that is also the case with a service SAS and account SAS.
Basically, for my use case (an app reading a text file in a container in Azure), which is the best option for me to use based on those listed in the link above? Has anyone else done something similar? If so, how did you secure your connection string?

Client permissions on serverless Azure Web PubSub

I've successfully followed the Tutorial - Create a serverless chat using the Azure Web PubSub service.
Now I require giving the clients different permissions based on their ID. Also, add them to different groups.
The documentation on this matter is using a NodeJs server, but it says nothing about how to accomplish this using serverless Functions.
Is there a piece of documentation I am missing? Do you have any lead or example to share on how to manipulate permission on the negotiate function?
After a lot of digging around, I finally found this repository with examples on what I wanted to accomplish:

Using Google Analytics on a website hosted in Microsoft Azure

To apologize upfront -- I am not a coder and have zero knowledge of coding, I am merely someone who really wants to use Google Analytics for a website hosted from Microsoft Azure.
Goal: analyze access data and create easily viewed, detailed reports of it of a website hosted on Microsoft Azure
Current idea for the method: Google Analytics (via SSH?)
The website is hosted in a server in Japan
I am an owner of the web app and the website is uploaded on in Microsoft Azure
I have been advised to log on to Azure portal, then remote connect web service via SSH console
No one in company seems to know how to do anything further than this
I cannot find any how-to online about how to achieve the above goal
Can anyone help me by advising 1)whether this is possible with Google Analytics, 2) whether there is another easier method, or 3) if it is impossible in the first place?
Thank you in advance,
You can use the Google Analytics API as described in this blog post and see if that helps.
Also, you can analyze the data through Azure Application Insights feature.
Take a look at App Insights service:
Yes you should be able to add Google Analytics JavaScript references to the website like you can any website.
If you are looking for page analytics like (user visits, top pages, etc.) that should all be handled by adding Google Analytics script references to your website. (Typically in a base template or etc.)
I am guessing that if you are remote connecting via SSH that the website is hosted on an Azure VM running a Linux distribution. So it seems they are suggesting that you tunnel into the machine with SSH and then load the changes necessary (copying files or editing files) to add the script references to activate Google Analytics.

What kind of apps are G-Suite marketplace apps?

The chrome web store support 3 different app types: extensions, hosted apps, and packaged apps. Extensions are for apps that have minimal UI and primarily extend the functionality of Chrome. Packaged apps can run in a tab, can access the Chrome API, and run in the background. Hosted apps run in a tab and require an internet connection to load the page from the host.
But what kind of apps does the G-Suite marketplace support? I noticed that apps installed in the marketplace should up differently (i.e. they show up the nav bar launcher when logged in to Google Apps, not in a Chrome tab) so does that mean there are a different app type? And when Chrome removes support for it's hosted and packaged apps does that also affect the same types of apps in the G-Suite marketplace?
Since your question is more about G-Suite apps but it is worth to know little about other things in chrome store as well.
1. Chrome Extensions:
Chrome extensions are tiny applicatons with minimal ui. You can access all the chrome APIs that you need to create an extension. Take a look at the manifest file or jump over to top section to start learning.
Examples: add blockers and save bookmark extensions
2. Chrome Hosted Apps/ Packaged Apps:
These are Standalone apps with full UI. If you want to give users more interaction or if your app is more complicated with multiple views or it does not interact with user visited web pages then you can choose to create a chrome app otherwise go with extension. You can access all the chrome APIs that you need in your application. One thing to note about hosted Apps, they can't access chrome APIs since they hosted on other servers rather than local to user browser. Here is the manifest file or jump over to top section to start learning.
Examples for Packaged Apps: Rest Clients, Hosted Apps: Messenger apps
If you look extension manifest file and apps manifest file they look identical except you explicitly need to specify it as an app.
So what are chrome APIs: In general you want to access users top most visited websites, there you go you have chrome.history API. You need to specify the permissions in your manifest file before you use them.
Before you choose what you want to create take a look at here. It is just a decision logic which explains which fits for you.
3. G-Suite Apps:
Google suite Apps are little add-ons to automate the tasks of Google's 11 Cloud Apps. Those apps are Google Docs, Calendar, Drive, Gmail, Translate, Maps etc.Quick intro here.
Since they directly included into google apps so that they can be accessed whenever you use those apps with any browser. You are going to use Javascript (known as App Script here but not much difference) and bunch of google APIs to build your g-suite apps.
Note: They are specifically designed for Google products.
Here are some of your questions:
what kind of apps does the G-Suite marketplace support?
G-Suite apps currently supports product management and education related apps.
I noticed that apps show up the nav bar launcher when logged in to Google Apps, not in a Chrome tab?
Since they are built for google cloud apps they live right inside the apps. You can access them from menu bar. A good example would be a spell checker for docs.
When Chrome removes support for it's hosted and packaged apps does that also affect the same types of apps in the G-Suite marketplace?
As of now, Chrome said they will remove support for in browser chrome apps after mid 2017. But they never told anything about chrome extensions and Google suite apps. So they are safe and Google suite apps are pretty new.

Share dropbox storage from iOS app?

Dropbox provides SDK for iOS developer to upload/download files via dropbox.
I am new to this and hope to clear some understanding.
If user want to use this service,he must login in with dropbox account. That means it is not possible for multiple users ( maybe more than hundreds ) to use the same dropbox account with this iOS app. Is that correct ?
If enable hundreds users to share central storage,what are the mature cloud service for iOS developers ?
Drop box allows users from different accounts to share folders. Looking through the documentation there seems to be no way to share a folder with a user via the API. If I find out differently I will report back. I am trying to do the same and feel I will have to screen scrape the website.
