How splitting in spring integration works for web container? - multithreading

I want to use Spring Integration for HTTP inbound message processing.
I know, that it spring integration channel would run on a container thread, but if I want to use splits,
what threads would be used?
How the result of split would be returned to the initial web request thread?

(Note: I am not 100% sure if I understand you use case, but as a general remark:)
The spring integration spitter splits a message in multiple "smaller" messages. This is unrelated to multi-threading, that is, it does not per-se imply that the smaller messages are processed in parallel. It is still a sequential stream of smaller messages.
You can then process the smaller messages in parallel, by defining a handler with a given parallelism and you can define that this handler uses a dedicated thread pool.
(Sorry if this does not answer your question, please clarify).


Is it possible to make a Poller (or PollableMessageSource) to poll messages as List?

Following the example found in GitHub regarding polling messages from a PubSub subscription, I was wondering...
Is it possible to make a PollableMessageSource retrieve List<Message<?>> instead of a single message per poll?
I've seen the #Poller notation only being used in Source typed objects, never in Processor or Sink. Is it possible to use in such context when for example using #StreamListener or with a functional approach?
The PollableMessageSource binding and Source stream applications are fully based on the Poller and MessageSource abstraction from Spring Integration where its contract is to produce a single message to the channel configured. The point of the messaging is really to process a single message not affecting others. The failure for one message doesn't mean to fail others in the flow.
On the other hand you probably mean GCP Pub/Sub messages to be produced as a list in the Spring message payload. That is really possible, but via some custom code from Pub/Sub consumer and MessageSource impl. Although I would think twice to expect some batched from the source. Probably you may utilize an aggregator to build some small windows if your further logic is about processing as list. But again: it is going to be a single Spring message.
May be better to start thinking about a reactive function implementation where you indeed can expect a Flux<Message<?>> as an input and Spring Cloud Stream framework will take care for you how to emit the data from Pub/Sub into the reactive stream you expect.
See more info in docs:

Node.js application acting as producer and consumer

I am now working on the application saving data into the database using the REST API. The basic flow is: REST API -> object -> save to database. I wanted to introduce the queue to the application, having in mind the idea of the producer and consumer being a part of one, abovementioned application.
Is it possible for the Node.js application to act as both producer and consumer of the queue? Knowing that Node.js is single-threaded language, does it give me any other choice instead of creating two applications - one producing to the queue and the second one - waiting actively for messages in a queue and saving to the database?
Also, the requirement here would be for an application to process any item that hasn't been acknowledged on the queue on the restart. That also makes me think that the 'two applications' architecture is the best idea here.
Thank you for the help.
Yes, nodejs is able to do that and is well suited for every I/O intensive application use case. The point here is "what are you trying to achieve"? message queues are meant to make different applications communicate together, while if you need an in-process event bus is a total overkill. There are many easier and efficient ways to propagate messages between decoupled components of the same nodejs app; one of these way is EventEmitter that let your components collaborate in a pubsub fashion
If you are convinced that an AMQP broker is you solution, you just need to
Define a "producer" class that publishes data on an exchange myExchange
Define a "consumer" queue that declares a queue myQueue
Create a binding at application startup between myExchange and myQueue, based on some routing key. Then, when a message is received from "consumer" you need to acknowledge after db saving. When a message is acked, it will be destroyed since it's already been consumed. You can decide, after an error, to recover the message via NACK
There are nodejs libraries that make code easier, such as Rascal
Short answer: YES and use two separate connections for publishing and consuming
Is it possible for the NodeJS application to act as both producer and consumer of the queue?
I would even state that it is a good usecase matching extremely well with NodeJS philosophy and threading mechanism.
Knowing that Node.js is single-threaded language, does it give me any other choice instead of creating two applications - one producing to the queue and the second one - waiting actively for messages in a queue and saving to the database?
You can have one application handling both, just be aware that if your client is publish too fast for the server to handle, RabbitMQ can apply back pressure on the TCP connection, thus consuming on a back-pressured TCP connection would greatly affect consumer performance.

Message persistence in Spring Integration Aggregator without MessageStore by using AMQP?

I would like to know if I can have persistence in my Spring Integration setup when I use a aggregator, which is not backed by a MessageStore, by leveraging the persistence of AMQP (RabbitMQ) queues before and after the aggregator.
I imagine that this would use ack's: The aggregator won't ack a message before it's collected all the parts and sent out the resulting message.
Additionally I would like to know if this is ever a good idea :)
I am new working with queue's, and am trying to get a good feel for patterns to use.
My business logic for this is as follows:
I receive a messages on one queue.
Each message must result in two unrelated webservice calls (preferably in parallel).
The results of these two calls must be combined with details from the original message.
The combination must then be sent out as a new message on a queue.
Messages are important, so they must not be lost.
I was/am hoping to use only one 'persistent' system, namely RabbitMQ, and not having to add a database as well.
I've tried to keep the question specific, but any other suggestions on how to approach this are greatly appreciated :)
What you would like to do recalls me Scatter-Gather EI Pattern.
So, you get a message from the AMQP send it into the ScatterGather endpoint and wait for the aggregated reply. That's enough for to stick with the default acknowledge.
Right, the scatterChannel can be PublishSubscribeChannel with an executor to call Web Services in parallel. Anyway the gatherer process will wait for replies according the release strategy and will block the original AMQP listener do not ack the message prematurely.

Spring Integration - Parallel ordered processing

In the application i work on, there is a continuous flow of messages coming from a TCP socket. Messages have different types. Different types of messages should be processed in parallel. But each specific type of message must be processed in the order they come in.
I used ExecutorChannel from spring integration and it solves parallel processing need. I created a channel for each specific type of message.
But i cannot guarantee ordered processing of messages for specific types.
Is there a way to do ordered processing with publish/subscribe channels while also using parallel processing?
Consider to use the same ExecutorChannel but as an input for each type. The trick that each of them should be configured with executors with a single thread. So, you have as much single-threaded executor channels as you have message types.
Another trick is like QueueChannel for each type and polling endpoints with the fixed-delay as subscribers to those queues.
One more option available since the current Spring Integration 5.0 is FluxMessageChannel. The ordering is guaranteed by the internal Reactor's Flux and the parallelism will be achieved by the subscribers - the processing messages in Flux is happened in the subscriber thread.

NodeJS with Redis message queue - How to set multiple consumers (threads)

I have a nodejs project that is exposing a simple rest api for an external web application. This webhook must cope with a large number of requests per second as well as return 200 OK very quickly to the caller. In order for that to happen I investigate a redis simple queue to be enqueued with each request's to be handled asynchronously later on (via a consumer thread).
The redis simple queue seems like an easy way to achieve this task (
1) Is rsmq.receiveMessage() { ....... } a blocking method? if this handler is slow - will it impact my server's performance?
2) If the answer to question 1 is true - Is it recommended to extract the consumption of the messages to an external micro service? (a dedicated consumer)? what are the best practices to create multi threaded consumers on such environment?
You can use pubsub feature provided by redis
You can publish to various channels without any knowledge of subscribers . Subscribers can subscribe to the channels they wish.
1) No, it won't block the event loop, however you will only start processing a second message once you call the "next" method, i.e., you will process one message at a time. To overcome this, you can start multiple workers in parallel. Take a look here:
2) That's an architectural decision that depends on the load you have to support and the hardware capacity you have. I would recommend at least two Node.js processes, one for adding the messages to the queue and another one to actually processing them, with the option to start additional worker processes if needed, depending on the results of your performance tests.
