NodeMCU sketch data(SPIFFS) upload suddenly fails - arduino-esp8266

Suddenly, sketch data upload(SPIFFS) fails over serial although the sketch itself can be uploaded normally. No settings in the Arduino IDE Tools have been changed and the serial port is the same. Here is the output from the attempt(not much help):
esptool: error: unrecognized arguments: --end
SPIFFS Upload failed!"
The only thing that has changed since I last uploaded SPIFFS was my router was reset and it renumbered the IPs of both the NodeMCU and the client PC. Suspiciously, the web page receiving the NodeMCU data now hangs but there nothing in the sketch or the HTML/Javascript that has hardcoded IP addresses.
Why would this impact SPIFF data upload over serial?

There was a recent bug in the SPIFFs plugin related to transitioning from Python 2 to Python 3 that caused this issue.
Update your plugin to the latest version.


connecting with IP camera using opencv

I have a proVisionISR IP camera which I am trying to connect through openCV.videoCapture().
I have inserted RTSP URL like this: "rtsp://user:password#IP:port/", I also tried to add different ending after the port in the URL, such as profile2 which indicate on the sub stream (pic below),
H264?ch=1&subtype=0 and more results I found while searching.
The code uses cv2.CAP_FFMPEG, but tried also with GSTREAMER pipeline.
I changed some values in the camera dashboard configuration, such as resolution that fit the code, the encoding also was changed to h264, and disabling the audio as well. (The bitrate type is: CBR)
I open the stream in VLC, and it is work just fine. And 2 more IP cameras with RTSP streaming was able to connect with: cv2.videocapture(RTSP URL, cv2.CAP_FFMPEG)
Python version: 3.8
OpenCV version : 4.6.0-dev (installed from source)
ffmpeg version 4.2.7
ubuntu version (If necessary) 20.04
enter image description here
Here u have a working example to connect to a rtsp stream via pyav and show it on a opencv window.
The code is testet with an axis camera and hikvision camera.
If the not work send the error for deeper investigation.

External Control Universal Robots With Ros2 Foxy (PYTHON)

I am attempting to control my ur10e COBOT using ros2 but I have run into some issues.
I followed the steps of the ros2 install.
Then I installed MoveIt2 Foxy.
Then downloaded UR-ros2-driver.
One of the issues I ran into with the UR-ros2-driver download was since I'm using foxy, I had to download the ros2-control-demos found in this link
And after removing files in the /workspace/install folder I was able to launch the trajectory program and it ran great. The files I removed were...
Okay now after I bore you with all my startup steps, now lets get into some code. Once everything was downloaded, I first had to source my files in the terminal...
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
source ~/workspace/ros_ur_driver/install/setup.bash
Then I launched...
ros2 launch ur_bringup ur_type:=ur10e robot_ip:=yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy use_fake_hardware:=true launch_rviz:=true
Which ran great and I was able to see my COBOT model in rviz2.
Next, in a second terminal, I launched...
ros2 launch ur_bringup
And watched while the virtual COBOT moved to the command.
Now, to make a long story short I managed to get the my PC and the COBOT pendent connected by setting up the COBOT's IP address with my PC's IP address. No issue there.
I went to launch the IP adjusted code...
ros2 launch ur_bringup ur_type:=ur10e robot_ip:= launch_rviz:=true
And my model was stuck colorless and crunched up. I'm unable to interact with the virtual COBOT at this Error state. I do recall this happening with my fake_test version when I would forget to source it properly before I launched it. So I was thinking maybe I messed up in the way I sourced my files. Or maybe I didn't add the control_demo packages correctly. If someone could give my some pointers on this that'll be greatly appreciated.

How to publish android app to galaxy store my binary i always recieve this binary cannot be registered

My Binary file cannot be registered on galaxy store. After i uploaded the apk i get this error(This binary cannot be registered. please try again later).
Apparently after several tries and error elimination in vain as there were not any technical errors concerning the app. The only error was a glitch in my connection. Trying a different connection solved the problem. The process is straight forward as described both on amazon and Samsung portal.

Certain network causes staging Dataflow template to be stuck at `Refreshing Access Token`

When I start staging Dataflow template, if I use my home's Wifi, the process would be stuck and repeat the following messages:
INFO:oauth2client.transport:Attempting refresh to obtain initial access_token
INFO:oauth2client.client:Refreshing access_token
However, if I use my phone's hotspot, the process works normally and the template is uploaded. Restarting both my computer and my router does not work.
The template is written in Python and apache-beam version is 2.17.0. My system is 64-bit Ubuntu GNOME 19.10 minimally installed, and the home network uses mesh Wifi, if it matters.

chromecast loading the older version of my receiver app

When I launch my receiver app on the chromecast device, it goes to the URL where my html is hosted to retrieve the receiver app to launch it.
However, when I update the contents of the HTML and JS sources on the hosted server and close the app on the chromecast, and relaunch the receiver app again, I often get the old version of the app and not the updated version that's already on the server.
I think this has to be some cache issue. I've disabled cache via the developer tools via the debugging port (9222), rebooted by device, created a cache manifest that tells it to cache nothing, it still wouldn't work, everytime I launch the receiver app on the device, it continually pulls the old version of the app from the URL.
Does anyone has any tips or solutions as to how I may force the chromecast to pull the latest version already on the hosted server?
thanks! :)
just a follow-up, when doing a curl on the command line, i'll always get the latest version. Just that the chromecast device keeps on getting the older version.
Open the DEBUG (javascript ) console http:// your chromecast ip:9222/ on Chrome browser while your receiver is visible.
Then enter the command window.location.reload(true); in the bottom of the console. This works every time I've tried it. It is also a good way to test broken session handling in your app as the refresh breaks any connections the page had setup. So it isn't perfect, but it will get the new content loaded.
You may also try adding
to your receiver page. In cases that I ran into this issues, rebooting the chromecast device had always cleared the cache.
The Chromecast will cache the receiver if it's currently loaded. It will request a new Receiver if it's at the homescreen.
You can launch another app on your Chromecast then launch your Receiver again.
From the command line, you could do something like:
curl http://<ip of Chromecast>:8008/apps/YouTube
to launch the YouTube Receiver, then you could launch your own again.
