In Haskell, how to distinguish mutable references vs regular variables in monadic functions definitions - haskell

Let's say you want to write some stateful function in Haskell.
You have to use a monadic style like this: (using whatever state monad)
f :: x -> k -> (ST s) r
So this means that essentially the function takes some input x and k, might use and/or modify the world to compute a return value r.
Assume x is a stateful structure, that might be modified by f. Assume k is just a simple key type used for example to access something in x. k itself will be assigned a simple number type later, but we don't want to have to decide now of its type.
So essentially I know that x is a mutable thing, and k is immutable.
The problem is just looking at f's signature, we cannot tell that, so if f occurs in the body of some more complex monadic code we can't reason very well about those variables.
g :: x -> k -> (ST s) r
g a i = do
f a i -- I don't know if i :: k depends on state
... --- I don't know if i was changed by f
What I mean is that if I was given a variable i of unknown type k, I don't know whether or not it depends on s and whether its value can be affected by a call of f.
This problem of course does not exist when writing pure functions, since everything is immutable.
Is there a way to conveniently annotate and, more importantly, statically enforce that k will remain unchanged in the ST monad when calling f?

Inside ST, you can definitely tell what is mutable: an Int is always an immutable integer, while a STRef s Int is an (immutable) reference to a mutable Int.
f :: STRef s Int -> String -> (ST s) Bool
can (read and) modify the Int pointed to the first argument, but can only read the immutable string passed as second argument.
On top of that, f might create (and mutate) new STRef s references to newly allocated values. It can also modify other valued if f was defined using a reference to such values. E.g. in
bar :: forall s . ST s ()
bar = do
x_ref <- newSTRef "hello"
let f :: STRef s String -> String -> ST s ()
f y_ref str = do
y <- readSTRef y_ref
writeSTRef x_ref y
writeSTRef y_ref (y ++ " change " ++ str)
calling f will alter both the string which was originally set to "hello" and the string whose reference is passed to f.
In your own example:
g :: x -> k -> (ST s) r
g a i = do
f a i -- I don't know if i :: k depends on state
... --- I don't know if i was changed by f
If i :: k was not a reference, it still has the same value. If it was a reference, the referred value might have been changed by f a i.


How and when to use State functor and State applicative?

I've seen the Maybe and Either functor (and applicative) used in code and that made sense, but I have a hard time coming up with an example of the State functor and applicative. Maybe they are not very useful and only exist because the State monad requires a functor and an applicative? There are plenty of explanations of their implementations out there but not any examples when they are used in code, so I'm looking for illustrations of how they might be useful on their own.
I can think of a couple of examples off the top of my head.
First, one common use for State is to manage a counter for the purpose of making some set of "identifiers" unique. So, the state itself is an Int, and the main primitive state operation is to retrieve the current value of the counter and increment it:
-- the state
type S = Int
newInt :: State S Int
newInt = state (\s -> (s, s+1))
The functor instance is then a succinct way of using the same counter for different types of identifiers, such as term- and type-level variables in some language:
type Prefix = String
data Var = Var Prefix Int
data TypeVar = TypeVar Prefix Int
where you generate fresh identifiers like so:
newVar :: Prefix -> State S Var
newVar s = Var s <$> newInt
newTypeVar :: Prefix -> State S TypeVar
newTypeVar s = TypeVar s <$> newInt
The applicative instance is helpful for writing expressions constructed from such unique identifiers. For example, I've used this approach pretty frequently when writing type checkers, which will often construct types with fresh variables, like so:
typeCheckAFunction = ...
let freshFunctionType = ArrowType <$> newTypeVar <*> newTypeVar
Here, freshFunctionType is a new a -> b style type with fresh type variables a and b that can be passed along to a unification step.
Second, another use of State is to manage a seed for random number generation. For example, if you want a low-quality but ultra-fast LCG generator for something, you can write:
lcg :: Word32 -> Word32
lcg x = (a * x + c)
where a = 1664525
c = 1013904223
-- monad for random numbers
type L = State Word32
randWord32 :: L Word32
randWord32 = state $ \s -> let s' = lcg s in (s', s')
The functor instance can be used to modify the Word32 output using a pure conversion function:
randUniform :: L Double
randUniform = toUnit <$> randWord32
where toUnit w = fromIntegral w / fromIntegral (maxBound `asTypeOf` w)
while the applicative instance can be used to write primitives that depend on multiple Word32 outputs:
randUniform2 :: L (Double, Double)
randUniform2 = (,) <$> randUniform <*> randUniform
and expressions that use your random numbers in a reasonably natural way:
-- area of a random triangle, say
a = areaOf <$> (Triangle <$> randUniform2 <*> randUniform2 <$> randUniform2)

StateMonad instance for TeletypeIO

So, I have this datatype (it's from here:
data IO a = Done a
| PutChar Char (IO a)
| GetChar (Char -> IO a)
and I thought of writing a StateMonad instance for it. I have already written Monad and Applicative instances for it.
instance MonadState (IO s) where
get = GetChar (\c -> Done c)
put = PutChar c (Done ())
state f = Done (f s)
I don't think I fully understand what state (it was named 'modify' before) is supposed to do here.
state :: (s -> (a, s)) -> m a
I also have messed up with declarations. I don't really understand what is wrong, let alone how to fix it. Would appreciate your help.
Expecting one more argument to ‘MonadState (IO s)’
Expected a constraint,
but ‘MonadState (IO s)’ has kind ‘(* -> *) -> Constraint’
In the instance declaration for ‘MonadState (IO s)’
As I mentioned in the comments, your type doesn't really hold any state, so a StateMonad instance would be nonsensical for it.
However, since this is just an exercise (also based on the comments), I guess it's ok to implement the instance technically, even if it doesn't do what you'd expect it to do.
First, the compiler error you're getting tells you that the MonadState class actually takes two arguments - the type of the state and the type of the monad, where monad has to have kind * -> *, that is, have a type parameter, like Maybe, or list, or Identity.
In your case, the monad in question (not really a monad, but ok) is IO, and the type of your "state" is Char, since that's what you're getting and putting. So the declaration has to look like this:
instance MonadState Char IO where
Second, the state method doesn't have the signature (s -> s) -> m s as you claim, but rather (s -> (a, s)) -> m a. See its definition. What it's supposed to do is create a computation in monad m out of a function that takes a state and returns "result" plus new (updated) state.
Note also that this is the most general operation on the State monad, and both get and put can be expressed in terms of state:
get = state $ \s -> (s, s)
put s = state $ \_ -> ((), s)
This means that you do not have to implement get and put yourself. You only need to implement the state function, and get/put will come from default implementations.
Incidentally, this works the other way around as well: if you define get and put, the definition of state will come from the default:
state f = do
s <- get
let (a, s') = f s
put s'
return a
And now, let's see how this can actually be implemented.
The semantics of the state's parameter is this: it's a function that takes some state as input, then performs some computation based on that state, and this computation has some result a, and it also may modify the state in some way; so the function returns both the result and the new, modified state.
In your case, the way to "get" the state from your "monad" is via GetChar, and the way in which is "returns" the Char is by calling a function that you pass to it (such function is usually referred to as "continuation").
The way to "put" the state back into your "monad" is via PutChar, which takes the Char you want to "put" as a parameter, plus some IO a that represents the computation "result".
So, the way to implement state would be to (1) first "get" the Char, then (2) apply the function to it, then (3) "put" the resulting new Char, and then (3) return the "result" of the function. Putting it all together:
state f = GetChar $ \c -> let (a, c') = f c in PutChar c' (Done a)
As further exercise, I encourage you to see how get and put would unfold, starting from the definitions I gave above, and performing step-by-step substitution. Here, I'll give you a couple first steps:
get = state $ \s -> (s, s)
-- Substituting definition of `state`
= GetChar $ \c -> let (a, c') = (\s -> (s, s)) c in PutChar c' (Done a)
-- Substituting (\s -> (s, s)) c == (c, c)
= GetChar $ \c -> let (a, c') = (c, c) in PutChar c' (Done a)
= <and so on...>
MonadState takes two arguments, in this order:
the type of the state
the monad
In this case the monad is IO:
instance MonadState _ IO where
And you need to figure out what goes in place of the underscore

confusion over the passing of State monad in Haskell

In Haskell the State is monad is passed around to extract and store state. And in the two following examples, both pass the State monad using >>, and a close verification (by function inlining and reduction) confirms that the state is indeed passed to the next step.
Yet this seems not very intuitive. So does this mean when I want to pass the State monad I just need >> (or the >>= and lambda expression \s -> a where s is not free in a)? Can anyone provide an intuitive explanation for this fact without bothering to reduce the function?
-- the first example
tick :: State Int Int
tick = get >>= \n ->
put (n+1) >>
return n
-- the second example
type GameValue = Int
type GameState = (Bool, Int)
playGame' :: String -> State GameState GameValue
playGame' [] = get >>= \(on, score) -> return score
playGame' (x: xs) = get >>= \(on, score) ->
case x of
'a' | on -> put (on, score+1)
'b' | on -> put (on, score-1)
'c' -> put (not on, score)
_ -> put (on, score)
>> playGame xs
Thanks a lot!
It really boils down to understanding that state is isomorphic to s -> (a, s). So any value "wrapped" in a monadic action is a result of applying a transformation to some state s (a stateful computation producing a).
Passing a state between two stateful computations
f :: a -> State s b
g :: b -> State s c
corresponds to composing them with >=>
f >=> g
or using >>=
\a -> f a >>= g
the result here is
a -> State s c
it is a stateful action that transforms some underlying state s in some way, it is allowed access to some a and it produces some c. So the entire transformation is allowed to depend on a and the value c is allowed to depend on some state s. This is exactly what you would want to express a stateful computation. The neat thing (and the sole purpose of expressing this machinery as a monad) is that you do not have to bother with passing the state around. But to understand how it is done, please refer to the definition of >>= on hackage), just ignore for a moment that it is a transformer rather than a final monad).
m >>= k = StateT $ \ s -> do
~(a, s') <- runStateT m s
runStateT (k a) s'
you can disregard the wrapping and unwrapping using StateT and runStateT, here m is in form s -> (a, s), k is of form a -> (s -> (b, s)), and you wish to produce a stateful transformation s -> (b, s). So the result is going to be a function of s, to produce b you can use k but you need a first, how do you produce a? you can take m and apply it to the state s, you get a modified state s' from the first monadic action m, and you pass that state into (k a) (which is of type s -> (b, s)). It is here that the state s has passed through m to become s' and be passed to k to become some final s''.
For you as a user of this mechanism, this remains hidden, and that is the neat thing about monads. If you want a state to evolve along some computation, you build your computation from small steps that you express as State-actions and you let do-notation or bind (>>=) to do the chaining/passing.
The sole difference between >>= and >> is that you either care or don't care about the non-state result.
a >> b
is in fact equivalent to
a >>= \_ -> b
so what ever value gets output by the action a, you throw it away (keeping only the modified state) and continue (pass the state along) with the other action b.
Regarding you examples
tick :: State Int Int
tick = get >>= \n ->
put (n+1) >>
return n
you can rewrite it in do-notation as
tick = do
n <- get
put (n + 1)
return n
while the first way of writing it makes it maybe more explicit what is passed how, the second way nicely shows how you do not have to care about it.
First get the current state and expose it (get :: s -> (s, s) in a simplified setting), the <- says that you do care about the value and you do not want to throw it away, the underlying state is also passed in the background without a change (that is how get works).
Then put :: s -> (s -> ((), s)), which is equivalent after dropping unnecessary parens to put :: s -> s -> ((), s), takes a value to replace the current state with (the first argument), and produces a stateful action whose result is the uninteresting value () which you drop (because you do not use <- or because you use >> instead of >>=). Due to put the underlying state has changed to n + 1 and as such it is passed on.
return does nothing to the underlying state, it only returns its argument.
To summarise, tick starts with some initial value s it updates it to s+1 internally and outputs s on the side.
The other example works exactly the same way, >> is only used there to throw away the () produced by put. But state gets passed around all the time.

How can I work in nested monads cleanly?

I'm writing an interpreter for a small language.
This language supports mutation, so its evaluator keeps track of a Store for all the variables (where type Store = Map.Map Address Value, type Address = Int, and data Value is a language-specific ADT).
It's also possible for computations to fail (e.g., dividing by zero), so the result has to be an Either String Value.
The type of my interpreter, then, is
eval :: Environment -> Expression -> State Store (Either String Value)
where type Environment = Map.Map Identifier Address keeps track of local bindings.
For example, interpreting a constant literal doesn't need to touch the store, and the result always succeeds, so
eval _ (LiteralExpression v) = return $ Right v
But when we apply a binary operator, we do need to consider the store.
For example, if the user evaluates (+ (x <- (+ x 1)) (x <- (+ x 1))) and x is initially 0, then the final result should be 3, and x should be 2 in the resulting store.
This leads to the case
eval env (BinaryOperator op l r) = do
lval <- eval env l
rval <- eval env r
return $ join $ liftM2 (applyBinop op) lval rval
Note that the do-notation is working within the State Store monad.
Furthermore, the use of return is monomorphic in State Store, while the uses of join and liftM2 are monomorphic in the Either String monad.
That is, here we use
(return . join) :: Either String (Either String Value) -> State Store (Either String Value)
and return . join is not a no-op.
(As is evident, applyBinop :: Identifier -> Value -> Value -> Either String Value.)
This seems confusing at best, and this is a relatively simple case.
The case of function application, for example, is considerably more complicated.
What useful best practices should I know about to keep my code readable—and writable?
EDIT: Here's a more typical example, which better showcases the ugliness.
The NewArrayC variant has parameters length :: Expression and element :: Expression (it creates an array of a given length with all elements initialized to a constant).
A simple example is (newArray 3 "foo"), which yields ["foo", "foo", "foo"], but we could also write (newArray (+ 1 2) (concat "fo" "oo")), because we can have arbitrary expressions in a NewArrayC.
But when we actually call
allocateMany :: Int -> Value -> State Store Address,
which takes the number of elements to allocate and the value for each slot, and returns the starting address, we need to unpack those values.
In the logic below, you can see that I'm duplicating a bunch of logic that should be built-in to the Either monad.
All the cases should just be binds.
eval env (NewArrayC len el) = do
lenVal <- eval env len
elVal <- eval env el
case lenVal of
Right (NumV lenNum) -> case elVal of
Right val -> do
addr <- allocateMany lenNum val
return $ Right $ ArrayV addr lenNum -- result data type
left -> return left
Right _ -> return $ Left "expected number in new-array length"
left -> return left
This is what monad transformers are for. There is a StateT transformer to add state to a stack, and an EitherT transformer to add Either-like failure to a stack; however, I prefer ExceptT (which adds Except-like failure), so I will give my discussion in terms of that. Since you want the stateful bit outermost, you should use ExceptT e (State s) as your monad.
type DSL = ExceptT String (State Store)
Note that the stateful operations can be spelled get and put, and these are polymorphic over all instances of MonadState; so that in particular they will work okay in our DSL monad. Similarly, the canonical way to raise an error is throwError, which is polymorphic over all instances of MonadError String; and in particular will work okay in our DSL monad.
So now we would write
eval :: Environment -> Expression -> DSL Value
eval _ (Literal v) = return v
eval e (Binary op l r) = liftM2 (applyBinop op) (eval e l) (eval e r)
You might also consider giving eval a more polymorphic type; it could return an (MonadError String m, MonadState Store m) => m Value instead of a DSL Value. In fact, for allocateMany, it's important that you give it a polymorphic type:
allocateMany :: MonadState Store m => Int -> Value -> m Address
There's two pieces of interest about this type: first, because it is polymorphic over all MonadState Store m instances, you can be just as sure that it only has stateful side effects as if it had the type Int -> Value -> State Store Address that you suggested. However, also because it is polymorphic, it can be specialized to return a DSL Address, so it can be used in (for example) eval. Your example eval code becomes this:
eval env (NewArrayC len el) = do
lenVal <- eval env len
elVal <- eval env el
case lenVal of
NumV lenNum -> allocateMany lenNum elVal
_ -> throwError "expected number in new-array length"
I think that's quite readable, really; nothing too extraneous there.

How do I extract information from inner parameters in Haskell?

In most of programming languages that support mutable variables, one can easily implement something like this Java example:
interface Accepter<T> {
void accept(T t);
<T> T getFromDoubleAccepter(Accepter<Accepter<T>> acc){
final List<T> l = new ArrayList<T>();
acc.accept(new Accepter<T>(){
public void accept(T t) {
return l.get(0); //Not being called? Exception!
Just for those do not understand Java, the above code receives something can can be provided a function that takes one parameter, and it supposed to grape this parameter as the final result.
This is not like callCC: there is no control flow alternation. Only the inner function's parameter is concerned.
I think the equivalent type signature in Haskell should be
getFromDoubleAccepter :: (forall b. (a -> b) -> b) -> a
So, if someone can gives you a function (a -> b) -> b for a type of your choice, he MUST already have an a in hand. So your job is to give them a "callback", and than keep whatever they sends you in mind, once they returned to you, return that value to your caller.
But I have no idea how to implement this. There are several possible solutions I can think of. Although I don't know how each of them would work, I can rate and order them by prospected difficulties:
Cont or ContT monad. This I consider to be easiest.
RWS monad or similar.
Any other monads. Pure monads like Maybe I consider harder.
Use only standard pure functional features like lazy evaluation, pattern-matching, the fixed point contaminator, etc. This I consider the hardest (or even impossible).
I would like to see answers using any of the above techniques (and prefer harder ways).
Note: There should not be any modification of the type signature, and the solution should do the same thing that the Java code does.
Once I seen somebody commented out getFromDoubleAccepter f = f id I realize that I have made something wrong. Basically I use forall just to make the game easier but it looks like this twist makes it too easy. Actually, the above type signature forces the caller to pass back whatever we gave them, so if we choose a as b then that implementation gives the same expected result, but it is just... not expected.
Actually what came up to my mind is a type signature like:
getFromDoubleAccepter :: ((a -> ()) -> ()) -> a
And this time it is harder.
Another comment writer asks for reasoning. Let's look at a similar function
getFunctionFromAccepter :: (((a -> b) -> b) -> b) -> a -> b
This one have an naive solution:
getFunctionFromAccepter f = \a -> f $ \x -> x a
But in the following test code it fails on the third:
exeMain = do
print $ getFunctionFromAccepter (\f -> f (\x -> 10)) "Example 1" -- 10
print $ getFunctionFromAccepter (\f -> 20) "Example 2" -- 20
print $ getFunctionFromAccepter (\f -> 10 + f (\x -> 30)) "Example 3" --40, should be 30
In the failing case, we pass a function that returns 30, and we expect to get that function back. However the final result is in turn 40, so it fails. Are there any way to implement doing Just that thing I wanted?
If this can be done in Haskell there are a lot of interesting sequences. For example, tuples (or other "algebraic" types) can be defined as functions as well, since we can say something like type (a,b) = (a->b->())->() and implement fst and snd in term of this. And this, is the way I used in a couple of other languages that do not have native "tuple" support but features "closure".
The type of accept is void accept(T) so the equivalent Haskell type is t -> IO () (since every function in Java is essentially IO). Thus getFromDoubleAccepted can be directly translated as
import Data.IORef
type Accepter t = t -> IO ()
getFromDoubleAccepter :: Accepter (Accepter a) -> IO a
getFromDoubleAccepter acc = do
l <- newIORef $ error "Not called"
acc $ writeIORef l
readIORef l
If you want an idiomatic, non-IO solution in Haskell, you need to be more specific about what your actual end goal is besides trying to imitate some Java-pattern.
EDIT: regarding the update
getFromDoubleAccepter :: ((a -> ()) -> ()) -> a
I'm sorry, but this signature is in no way equal to the Java version. What you are saying is that for any a, given a function that takes a function that takes an a but doesn't return anything or do any kind of side effects, you want to somehow conjure up a value of type a. The only implementation that satisfies the given signature is essentially:
getFromDoubleAccepter :: ((a -> ()) -> ()) -> a
getFromDoubleAccepter f = getFromDoubleAccepter f
First, I'll transliterate as much as I can. I'm going to lift these computations to a monad because accept returns void (read () in Haskell-land), which is useless unless there is some effect.
type Accepter m t = t -> m ()
getFromDoubleAccepter :: (MonadSomething m) => Accepter m (Accepter m t) -> m t
getFromDoubleAccepter acc = do
l <- {- new mutable list -}
acc $ \t -> add l t
return (head l)
Of course, we can't make a mutable list like that, so we'll have to use some intuitive sparks here. When an action just adds an element to some accumulator, I think of the Writer monad. So maybe that line should be:
acc $ \t -> tell [t]
Since you are simply returning the head of the list at the end, which doesn't have any effects, I think the signature should become:
getFromDoubleAccepter :: Accepter M (Accepter M t) -> t
where M is an appropriate monad. It needs to be able to write [t]s, so that gives us:
type M t = Writer [t]
getFromDoubleAccepter :: Accepter (M t) (Accepter (M t) t) -> t
And now the type of this function informs us how to write the rest of it:
getFromDoubleAccepter acc =
head . execWriter . acc $ \t -> tell [t]
We can check that it does something...
ghci> getFromDoubleAccepter $ \acc -> acc 42
So that seems right, I guess. I'm still a bit unclear on what this code is supposed to mean.
The explicit M t in the type signature is a bit aesthetically bothersome to me. If I knew what problem I was solving I would look at that carefully. If you mean that the argument can be a sequence of commands, but otherwise has no computational features available, then you could specialize the type signature to:
getFromDoubleAccepter :: (forall m. (Monad m) => Accepter m (Accepter m t)) -> t
which still works with our example. Of course, this is all a bit silly. Consider
forall m. (Monad m) => Accepter m (Accepter m t))
= forall m. (Monad m) => (t -> m ()) -> m ()
The only thing a function with this type can do is call its argument with various ts in order and then return (). The information in such a function is completely characterized[1] by those ts, so we could just as easily have used
getFromDoubleAccepter :: [t] -> t
getFromDoubleAccepter = head
[1] As long as I'm going on about nothing, I might as well say that that is not quite accurate in the face of infinity. The computation
crazy :: Integer -> Accepter m (Accepter m Integer)
crazy n acc = crazy (n+1) >> acc n
can be used to form the infinite sequence
... >> acc 3 >> acc 2 >> acc 1 >> acc 0
which has no first element. If we tried to interpret this as a list, we would get an infinite loop when trying to find the first element. However this computation has more information than an infinite loop -- if instead of a list, we used the Last monoid to interpret it, we would be able to extract 0 off the end. So really
forall m. (Monad m) => Accepter m (Accepter m t)
is isomorphic to something slightly more general than a list; specifically a free monoid.
Thanks to the above answers, I finally concluded that in Haskell we can do some different things than other languages.
Actually, the motivation of this post is to translate the famous "single axiom classical logic reduction system". I have implemented this in some other languages. It should be no problem to implement the
Axiom: (a|(b|c)) | ((d|(d|d)) | ((e|b) | ((a|e) | (a|e))))
However, since the reduction rule looks like
Rule: a|(b|c), a |-- c
It is necessary to extract the inner parameter as the final result. In other languages, this is done by using side-effects like mutable slots. However, in Haskell we do not have mutable slots and involving IO will be ugly so I keep looking for solutions.
In the first glance (as show in my question), the getFromDoubleAccepter f = f id seems nonsense, but I realise that it actually work in this case! For example:
rule :: (forall r.a -> (b -> c -> r) -> r) -> a -> c
rule abc a = abc a $ flip const
The trick is still the same: since the existential qualification hides r from the caller, and it is up to the callee to pick up a type for it, we can specify c to be r, so we simply apply the given function to get the result. On the other hand, the given function has to use our input to produce the final answer, so it effectively limiting the implementation to what we exactally want!
Putting them together, let's see what we can do with it:
newtype I r a b = I { runI :: a -> b -> r }
rule :: (forall r. I r a (I r b c)) -> a -> c
rule (I abc) a = abc a (I (\b c -> c))
axiom :: I r0 (I r1 a (I r2 b c))
(I r0 (I r3 d (I r3 d d))
(I r4 (I r2 e b) (I r4 (I r1 a e) (I r1 a e))))
axiom = let
a1 (I eb) e = I $ \b c -> eb e b
a2 = I $ \d (I dd) -> dd d d
a3 (I abc) eb = I $ \a e -> abc a (a1 eb e)
a4 abc = I $ \eb aeae -> runI a2 (a3 abc eb) aeae
in I $ \abc (I dddebaeae) -> dddebaeae a2 (a4 abc)
Here I use a naming convention to trace the type signatures: a variable name is combinded by the "effective" type varialbes (means it is not result type - all r* type variable).
I wouldn't repeat the prove represented in the sited essay, but I want to show something. In the above definition of axiom we use some let bindings variables to construct the result. Not surprisingly, those variables themselves can be extracted by using rule and axiom. let's see how:
--Equal to a4
t4 :: I r0 a (I r1 b c) -> I r2 (I r1 d b) (I r2 (I r0 a d) (I r0 a d))
t4 abc = rule axiom abc
--Equal to a3
t3 :: I r0 a (I r1 b c) -> I r1 d b -> I r0 a d
t3 abc eb = rule (t4 abc) eb
--Equal to a2
t2 :: I r a (I r a a)
t2 = rule (t3 axiom (t3 (t4 axiom) axiom)) axiom
--Equal to a1
t1 :: I r a b -> a -> I r b c
t1 ab a = rule (t3 t2 (t3 (t3 t2 t2) ab)) a
One thing left to be proved is that we can use t1 to t4 only to prove all tautologies. I feel it is the case but have not yet proved it.
Compare to other languages, the Haskell salutation seems more effective and expressive.
