Factors influencing programming style - programming-languages

It is common to see programmers follow tacit style guidelines when writing out programs.
For instance, in most languages I have dealt with, we invariably always write if x < 5 instead of if 5 > x although both are permissible expressions by the underlying grammar.
Does anyone have suggestions for what could have caused these biases to be picked up by us when we write these expressions?
Some thoughts on possible reasons -
It could have been a constraint posed in the grammar of an early programming language like Scheme, Algol, or even Assembly?
It could have been a rule enforced by some early style-checkers?
Any other?
Would be great if anyone can share
insights tying such preferences to practices from early days of programming, or even academic references discussing such preferences.
help provide more examples of such preferences which they may subscribe to/have encountered.

I'm almost certainly checking the value of x, not checking the value of 5. My thought process is therefore going to be "if x is greater than 5 ...".
And therefore I write if x > 5 and not if 5 < x.
In short, I write the way I think.


How does flexibility affect a language's syntax?

I am currently working on writing my own language(shameless plug), which is centered around flexibility. I am trying to make almost any part of the language syntax exchangeable through things like extensions/plugins. While writing the whole thing, it has got me thinking. I am wondering how that sort of flexibility could affect the language.
I know that Lisp is often referred to as one of the most extensible languages due to its extensive macro system. I do understand that concept of macros, but I am yet to find a language that allows someone to change the way it is parsed. To my knowledge, almost every language has an extremely concrete syntax as defined by some long specification.
My question is how could having a flexible syntax affect the intuitiveness and usability of the language? I know the basic "people might be confused when the syntax changes" and "semantic analysis will be hard". Those are things that I am already starting to compensate for. I am looking for a more conceptual answer on the pros and cons of having a flexible syntax.
The topic of language design is still quite foreign to me, so I apologize if I am asking an obvious or otherwise stupid question!
I was just wanting to clarify the question I was asking. Where exactly does flexibility in a language's syntax stand, in terms of language theory? I don't really need examples or projects/languages with flexibility, I want to understand how it can affect the language's readability, functionality, and other things like that.
Perl is the most flexible language I know. That a look at Moose, a postmodern object system for Perl 5. It's syntax is very different than Perl's but it is still very Perl-ish.
IMO, the biggest problem with flexibility is precedence in infix notation. But none I know of allow a datatype to have its own infix syntax. For example, take sets. It would be nice to use ⊂ and ⊇ in their syntax. But not only would a compiler have to recognize these symbols, it would have to be told their order of precedence.
Common Lisp allows to change the way it's parsed - see reader macros. Racket allows to modify its parser, see racket languages.
And of course you can have a flexible, dynamically extensible parsing alongside with powerful macros if you use the right parsing techniques (e.g., PEG). Have a look at an example here - mostly a C syntax, but extensible with both syntax and semantic macros.
As for precedence, PEG goes really well together with Pratt.
To answer your updated question - there is surprisingly little research done on programming languages readability anyway. You may want to have a look at what Dr. Blackwell group was up to, but it's still far from conclusive.
So I can only share my hand-wavy anecdotes - flexible syntax languages facilitates eDSL construction, and, in my opinion, eDSLs is the only way to eliminate unnecessary complexity from code, to make code actually maintainable in a long term. I believe that non-flexible languages are one of the biggest mistakes made by this industry, and it must be corrected at all costs, ASAP.
Flexibility allows you to manipulate the syntax of the language. For example, Lisp Macros can enable you to write programs that write programs and manipulate your syntax at compile-time to valid Lisp expressions. For example the Loop Macro:
(loop for x from 1 to 5
do(format t "~A~%" x))
And we can see how the code was translated with macroexpand-1:
(pprint(macroexpand-1 '(loop for x from 1 to 5
do (format t "~a~%" x))))
We can then see how a call to that macro is translated:
(LET ((X 1))
(FORMAT T "~a~%" X)
Language Flexibility just allows you to create your own embedded language within a language and reduce the length of your program in terms of characters used. So in theory, this can make a language very unreadable since we can manipulate the syntax. For example we can create invalid code that's translated to valid code:
(defmacro backwards (expr)
(reverse expr))
CL-USER> (backwards ("hello world" nil format))
"hello world"
Clearly the above code can become complex since:
("hello world" nil format)
is not a valid Lisp expression.
Thanks to SK-logic's answer for pointing me in the direction of Alan Blackwell. I sent him an email asking his stance on the matter, and he responded with an absolutely wonderful explanation. Here it is:
So the person who responded to your StackOverflow question, saying
that flexible syntax could be useful for DSLs, is certainly correct.
It actually used to be fairly common to use the C preprocessor to
create alternative syntax (that would be turned into regular syntax in
an initial compile phase). A lot of the early esolangs were built this
In practice, I think we would have to say that a lot of DSLs are
implemented as libraries within regular programming languages, and
that the library design is far more significant than the syntax. There
may be more purpose for having variety in visual languages, but making
customisable general purpose compilers for arbitrary graphical syntax
is really hard - much worse than changing text syntax features.
There may well be interesting things that your design could enable, so
I wouldn’t discourage experimentation. However, I think there is one reason why
customisable syntax is not so common. This is related to the famous
programmer’s editor EMACS. In EMACS, everything is customisable - all
key bindings, and all editor functions. It’s fun to play with, and
back in the day, many of us made our own personalised version that
only we knew how to operate. But it turned out that it was a real
hassle that everyone’s editor worked completely differently. You could
never lean over and make suggestions on another person’s session, and
teams always had to know who was logged in order to know whether the
editor would work. So it turned out that, over the years, we all just
started to use the default distribution and key bindings, which made
things easier for everyone.
At this point in time, that is just about enough of an explanation that I was looking for. If anyone feels as though they have a better explanation or something to add, feel free to contact me.

From a high level programming perspective, what is the major difference between C# and F#? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm aware that they both use different programming paradigms, but from a high level perspective apart from differing syntax it seems most basic tasks can be achieved in similar fashion.
I only say this because when I've previously touched functional programming languages such as Haskell, writing code for basics tasks was (at first) difficult, frustrating, and required a completely different mindset.
For example the following took some time to get to grips with using recursive syntax:
loop :: Int -> IO ()
loop n = if 0 == n then return () else loop (n-1)
Where as an F# loop is recognisable and understable almost immediately:
let list1 = [ 1; 5; 100; 450; 788 ]
for i in list1 do
printfn "%d" i
When C# programmers start learning F# they are advised to completely re-think their thought pattern (which was definitely required for Haskell), but I've now written several F# programs dealing with conditions, loops, data sets etc to perform practical tasks, and I'm wondering where the 'different-paradigm' barrier really kicks in?
Hopefully someone will be able to solve my confusion.
wThe main difference when the barrier kicks in is when people have to think in terms of functions, not in terms of objects.
Yes, it is totally possible to do object-oriented code in F#, and in this matter there is not that much of a difference between these two besides syntax. But that's not the point when using F#, even if F# allows you do to it.
The barrier kicks in when developers start solving problems in a functional way.
Here are the some of the topics that are new for C#/OO developers when learning F#/FP
Pattern matching. Sometimes people have hard times comprehending its usefulness.
Tail recursion (and the "recursive" way of solving problems)
Discriminated unions (people still try to look at them as to hierarchy of classes, IEquatable/IComparable implementations, etc instead of just thinking declaratively)
The "unit" value over "void".
Partial application (gets a bit easier as latest versions of C# allows us to deal with Funcs, but as it looks ugly not many do)
The whole concept of values over variables (including immutability)
The main difference between C# and F# is that F# gives you all this, and it makes sense to take it and use it for good.
However, yes, it is still possible writing "Csharpish" code in F# without kicking any barrier except that in this case one will hate F# for its syntax.
Your question is a bit misleading. From a very high-level perspective, pretty much all programming language are equivalent. They are all turing-complete and as such, allow you to solve the same set of problems.
From a still high-level, but more concrete perspective, C# and F# differ in so far, as F#'s functionality is a superset of C#'s. (please, do not flame me for this, I know it is not true, strictly speaking, but it gives a picture)
F# being a .net language, it inherits .net's object model and in the object-oriented subset is therefore very similar to C#, with a more lightweight syntax due to better type inference.
However, F# also supports two other paradigms:
functional programming: F# "variables", they are in fact called values, are immutable by default and as such a c# style int i = 0; i = i+1; looks very differently in F#, because you need to allow for mutability explicitly let mutable i = 0; i <- i + 1;. So if you look at the functional subset, F# is, in fact a lot closer to Haskell than it is to C#.
imperative programming: You can also write F# code in a script-oriented style, without classes, modules, etc. Just a pure script, and in this case it also looks very differently from C#.
Your example used loops similar in style to how you would write C# code and therefore it felt similar.
If you do a very small change, however, you can achieve the same thing in a way that is already quite different from C#. [ 1; 5; 100; 450; 788 ] |> List.iter (printfn "%d")
The reason why people tend to claim you need to change the way how you think about problems, is because the incentive of F#, for a C# programmer, usually is the functional subset, not the object-oriented one.
Looks like you haven't done too much Haskell?
How is, for example,
let list1 = [ 1, 5, 100, 450, 788 ]
forM_ list1 printStrLn
less recognzable?
If you like, you can even have an alias for for forM_

A language in which everything compiles

I'm trying to do some research for a new project, and I need to create objects dynamically from random data.
For this to work, I need a language / compiler that doesn't have problems with weird uncompilable code lying around.
Basically, I need the random code to compile (or be interpreted) as much as possible - Meaning that the uncompilable parts will be ignored, and only the compilable parts will create the objects (which could be ran).
Object Oriented-ness is not a must, but is a very strong advantage.
I thought of ASM, but it's very messy, and I'd probably need a more readable code
It sounds like you're doing something very much like genetic programming; even if you aren't, GP has to solve some of the same problems—using randomness to generate valid programs. The approach to this that is typically used is to work with a syntax tree: rather than storing x + y * 3 - 2, you store something like the following:
Then, instead of randomly changing the syntax, one can randomly change nodes in the tree instead. And if x should randomly change to, say, +, you can statically know that this means you need to insert two children (or not, depending on how you define +).
A good choice for a language to work with for this would be any Lisp dialect. In a Lisp, the above program would be written (- (+ x (* y 3)) 2), which is just a linearization of the syntax tree using parentheses to show depth. And in fact, Lisps expose this feature: you can just as easily work with the object '(- (+ x (* y 3)) 2) (note the leading quote). This is a three-element list, whose first element is -, second element is another list, and third element is 2. And, though you might or might not want it for your particular application, there's an eval function, such that (eval '(- (+ x (* y 3)) 2)) will take in the given list, treat it as a Lisp syntax tree/program, and evaluate it. This is what makes Lisps so attractive for doing this sort of work; Lisp syntax is basically a reification of the syntax-tree, and if you operate at the syntax-tree level, you can work on code as though it was a value. Lisp won't help you read /dev/random as a program directly, but with a little interpretation layered on top, you should be able to get what you want.
I should also mention, though I don't know anything about it (not that I know much about ordinary genetic programming) the existence of linear genetic programming. This is sort of like the assembly model that you mentioned—a linear stream of very, very simple instructions. The advantage here would seem to be that if you are working with /dev/random or something like it, the amount of interpretation needed is very small; the disadvantage would be, as you mentioned, the low-level nature of the code.
I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but any programming language can be made to function this way. For any programming language P, define the language Palways as follows:
If p is a valid program in P, then p is a valid program in Palways whose meaning is the same as its meaning in P.
If p is not a valid program in P, then p is a valid program in Palways whose meaning is the same as a program that immediately terminates.
For example, I could make the language C++always so that this program:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "Hello, world!" << endl;
would compile as "Hello, world!", while this program:
Hahaha! This isn't legal C++ code!
Would be a legal program that just does absolutely nothing.
To solve your original problem, just take any OOP language like Java, Smalltalk, etc. and construct the appropriate Javaalways, Smalltalkalways, etc. language from it. Again, I'm not sure if this is at all what you're looking for, but it could be done very easily.
Alternatively, consider finding a grammar for any OOP language and then using that grammar to produce random syntactically valid programs. You could then filter those programs down by using the Palways programming language for that language to eliminate syntactically but not semantically valid programs.
Divide the ASCII byte values into 9 classes (division modulo 9 would help). Then assign then to Brainfuck codewords (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainfuck). Then interpret as Brainfuck.
There you go, any sequence of ASCII characters is a program. Not that it's going to do anything sensible... This approach has a much better chance, compared to templatetypedef's answer, to get a nontrivial program from a random byte sequence.
Text Editors
You could try feeding random character strings to an editor like Emacs or VI. Many (most?) characters will perform an editing action but some will do nothing (other than beep, perhaps). You would have to ensure that the random code mutator never generates the character sequence that exits the editor. However, this experience would be much like programming a Turing machine -- the code is not too readable.
In Mathematica, undefined symbols and other expressions evaluate to themselves, without error. So, that language might be a viable choice if you can arrange for the random code mutator to always generate well-formed expressions. This would be readily achievable since the basic Mathematica syntax is trivial, making it easy to operate on syntactic units rather than at the character level. It would be even easier if the mutator were written in Mathematica itself since expression-munging is Mathematica's forte. You could define a mini-language of valid operations within a Mathematica package that does not import the system-defined symbols. This would allow you to generate well-formed expressions to your heart's content without fear of generating a dangerous expression, like DeleteFile[FileNames["*.*", "/", Infinity]].
I believe Common Lisp should suit your needs. I always have some code in my SLIME/Emacs session that wouldn't compile. You can always tweak things, redefine functions in run-time. It is actually very good for prototyping.
A few years ago it took me quite a while to learn. But nowadays we have quicklisp and everything is so much easier.
Here I describe my development environment:
Install lisp on my linux machine
PS: I want to give an example, where Common Lisp was useful for me:
Up to maybe 2004 I used to write small programs in C (the keep it simple Unix way).
The last 3 years I had to get lots of different hardware running. Motorized stages, scientific cameras, IO cards.
The cameras turned out to be quite annoying. Usually you have to cool them down to -50 degree celsius or so and (in some SDKs) they don't like it when you close them. But this
is exactly how my C development cycle worked: write (30s), compile (1s), run (0.1s), repeat.
Eventually I decided to just use Common Lisp. Often it is straight forward to define the foreign function interfaces to talk to the SDKs and I can do this without ever leaving the running Lisp image. I start the editor in the morning define the open-device function, to talk to the device and after 3 hours I have enough of the functions implemented to set gain, temperature, region of interest and obtain the video.
Then I can often put the SDK manual away and just use the camera.
I used the same interactive programming approach when I have to parse some webpage or some weird XML.

Is there a language with native pass-by-reference/pass-by-name semantics, which could be used in modern production applications?

This is a reopened question.
I look for a language and supporting platform for it, where the language could have pass-by-reference or pass-by-name semantics by default. I know the history a little, that there were Algol, Fortran and there still is C++ which could make it possible; but, basically, what I look for is something more modern and where the mentioned value pass methodology is preferred and by default (implicitly assumed).
I ask this question, because, to my mind, some of the advantages of pass-by-ref/name seem kind of obvious. For example when it is used in a standalone agent, where copyiong of values is not necessary (to some extent) and performance wouldn't be downgraded much in that case. So, I could employ it in e.g. rich client app or some game-style or standalone service-kind application.
The main advantage to me is the clear separation between identity of a symbol, and its current value. I mean when there is no reduntant copying, you know that you're working with the exact symbol/path you have queried/received. And intristing boxing of values will not interfere with the actual logic of program.
I know that there is C# ref keyword, but it's something not so intristic, though acceptable. Equally, I realize that pass-by-reference semantics could be simulated in virtually any language (Java as an instant example) and so on.. not sure about pass by name :)
What would you recommend - create a something like DSL for such needs wherever it be appropriate; or use some languages that I already know? Maybe, there is something that I'm missing?
Thank you!
UPDATE: Currently, I think that Haskell would be appropriate. But I didn't investigate much, so I think I'll update this text later.
Scala provides very flexible parameter passing semantics including real call-by-name:
def whileLoop(cond: => Boolean)(body: => Unit) {
if (cond) {
And it really works
var i = 10
whileLoop (i > 0) {
i -= 1
Technical details:
Though all parameters are passed by value (and these are usually references) much like Java, the notation => Type will make Scala generate the required closures automatically in order to emulate call-by-name.
Note that there is lazy evaluation too.
lazy val future = evalFunc()
The interesting thing is that you have consistent strict call-by-value semantics but can punctually change these where you really need to - nearly without any syntactic overhead.
Haskell has call-by-need as its default (and indeed only) evaluation strategy.
Now, you asked for two things: call-by-name and modern. Well, Haskell is a pure language and in a pure language call-by-name and call-by-need are semantically the same thing, or more precisely they always have the same result, the only difference being that call-by-need is usually faster and at worst only a constant factor slower than call-by-name. And Haskell surely is a modern language: it is merely 23 years old and in many of its features it is actually 10 years ahead of many languages that were created just recently.
The other thing you asked about is call-by-reference. Again, in a pure language, call-by-value and call-by-reference are the same thing, except that the latter is faster. (Which is why, even though most functional languages are usually described as being call-by-value, they actually implement call-by-reference.)
Now, call-by-name (and by extension call-by-need) are not the same thing as call-by-value (and by extension call-by-reference), because call-by-name may return a result in cases where call-by-value doesn't terminate.
However, in all cases where call-by-value or call-by-reference terminates, in a pure language, call-by-value, call-by-reference, call-by-name and call-by-need are the same thing. And in cases where they are not the same thing, call-by-name and call-by-need are in some sense "better", because they give you an answer in cases where call-by-value and call-by-reference would basically have run into an infinite loop.
Ergo, Haskell is your answer. Although probably not the one you were looking for :-)
Pass-by name is rare nowadays. However, you can simulate it in most functional programming languages using a lambda-nill:
// Pass by value
(dosomething (random))
// Pass by name hack
(dosomething (lambda () (random)))
Other then that: ML and O'CaML has a distinction between pass-by-value (default), pass-by-ref (using ref variables) and of course using lambdas. However, I'm not sure either of them qualifies as a "modern" language.
I'm not quite following your reasoning for why C#'s ref and out modifiers aren't "intrinsic." Seems to me that it provides almost exactly what you're looking for: A modern language and environment that supports pass-by-value and pass-by-reference. (As Little Bobby Tables pointed out, pass-by-name is very rare these days, you're better off with a lambda/closure.)
AFAIK, modern Fortran is pass-by-reference (preserving compatibility with ye olde FORTRAN).
Modern Fortran has all the niceties you expect of a modular language, so you can build just fine systems in it. Nobody does, because "Fortran is passe" and everybody wants to code in C# "because its cool.".
In Java, all objects are passed by reference.

Truly multi-lingual programming languages?

I realize most languages support multiple languages, but every language I've seen has always been more-or-less US-centric. By that, I mean the keywords, standard library functions, etc. all have english names. So, as a programmer, you still really need to know at least some english to make sense of it.
Are there any truly "multi-lingual" languages out there with support for language keywords and such in multiple languages?
This is generally a horrible idea, as anyone who's worked in a localized IDE can attest to. Programmers rely heavily on having one common vocabulary. When the compiler gives me the error "missing type specifier - int assumed", I can share this exact error message with others, for example here on SO, and it will be familiar to those others so they can tell me what it means. If the compiler instead generated error messages in Danish, I'd be limited to getting help from the relatively few programmers who speak Danish.
Suddenly my vocabulary is no longer the same as someone in the same position in Germany, France or Japan. We can no longer exchange code, bugs, bug fixes or ideas.
A developer in Spain wouldn't be able to use my code because it was literally written in another language. And if I had trouble with my code, others would be helpless to debug it, because it wouldn't even compile under their localization settings (and if it did, it'd still be unreadable to them).
Ultimately, a programming language is a language. It may have borrowed some words from English, but it is not English, and you do not need to understand English to program in it, any more than I need to understand latin in order to speak English (English borrows latin words as well).
You might as well ask for a multi-lingual English. What would be the point? Yes, it would in theory allow people who didn't speak English to... speak English. It just wouldn't be the same English as every other English-speaker speaks, so it wouldn't actually enable communication between them.
The keyword if in a programming language is not the same as if in the English language. They mean different things, even though one was obviously inspired by the other.
The delegate keyword in C# does not mean the same thing as "delegate" in English. Nor does while, return or "constructor". They are not english words, they are keywords or concepts in C++, Java, C#, Python or any other programming language.
Sounds like a bad idea to me. If I'm writing a program, how am I to know that the variable name I'm typing is actually a keyword in Bulgarian or Korean as transliterated? Do I have to deal with thousands of keywords, or do I have problems combining two routines written by my Swedish and Egyptian colleagues?
Just realize that programming keywords are in English, just like music keywords are in Italian.
This seems like a good place to start: Non-English-based programming languages.
There's a few interesting ones on there, like Python translated to Chinese.
You can make use of the C/C++ preprocessor to redefine all the keywords - and some people have done this. I came across it when working as a trainer/mentor for a Norwegian company. Some bright spark had implemented aheader that translated all the C keywords into Norwegian and enforced its use. The Norwegian staff, all of whom spoke excellent English (or I couldn't have earned my crust with them) all hated it and it died a death.
I've also worked fairly extensively in the Netherlands, and most of the programmers there seem to program in English. The only people I've come across who are resistant to the English hegemony in programming languages are (needless to say) the French.
There is one area where a localized language may be useful and helpful and these are DLSs (Domain Specific Languages) that were designed to be used by non-programmers. Those languages can surely benefit from being localized since business users from non-English speaking countries often don't know English as well as programmers do.
Such localized DSLs can prove advantageous to programmers as well if they deal with a lot of non-translatable terms. One rather successful system I've encountered was used to calculate salaries for personnel in the Israeli military. It used a Hebrew-based syntax together with hundreds of terms that can only be properly expressed in Hebrew. In that particular case the standard logic keywords if, then, else, etc. were translated to Hebrew and the entire code editor was right-to-left. A very large body of business logic is maintained in this manner to this day and, IMHO, rightly so.
It seems like it would be notoriously difficult, unless it was a community effort, but for some languages I don't see why you can't make an existing language multi-lingual, but creating custom libraries that localize standard libraries.
For example, in Java, you can create
public class HoweverYouSayExampleObjectInYourLanguage extends ExampleObjectName {
and then create wrapper functions / methods with names in your target language, but which basically call existing standard methods
private void HoweverYouSayExampleMethodInYourLanguage(parameters) {
// Some error handling code
If you do error handling properly, the stack trace / errors will all reference errors in the standard libraries, unless it was an error speficially with the implementation of your localization library - in which case that should be pointed out via proper error handling in the localization library itself.
The disadvantage would be, as other people have mentioned, sharing source code. If we were all on the same page with an IDE for a given language - I don't see a reason why you couldn't build a really internationalized IDE in which the source code you see on the screen isn't the REAL source code per se, but a local rendering of the real source code via some form of mapping.
I'm going to go ahead and say that everything I just said above is probably at best an okay idea because function names aren't nearly as important as localized documentation for libraries and APIs. something which in my experience is done terribly or not at all for common programming languages / contexts.
You can program Perl in Latin.
Don't try to code in the natural language, that's useless. Learn the "programming" language instead.
For instance, the "switch" word didn't mean anything to me in English, but it was an instruction to decide over several choices.
Later ( when I learn english ) I thought.. Hey, this is funny, English do have a "switch" word too, just like C. ( doh! )
No matter how good or bad your English is, you can't say to java
import java.util.* into my CD-ROM;
Because it is not a valid syntax.
What about languages like APL and J? The keywords in APL are all single symbols; unfortunately, most of these are not on your keyboard, so J came along and replaced most of them with ASCII representations (made up of more than one character in many cases).
Sorted! is bilingual. It can understand both english and german code. To my knowledge, Sorted! is the only programming language that can do this, in the world.
Any useful ones? That's a better question.
To a significant extent, you can program in prolog in any unicode script (because it is a symbolic language). There's a (tiny, weeny) catch - variables are signified by an initial capital Roman letter in all the prolog compilers you are likely to come across and you'll have to redefine the built-ins (but prolog makes this relatively easy*).
I think an example will illustrate what I mean best:
% an algorithm for finding easter dates, given year (as first argument)
復活節( V1, V2, V3) :-
A 是 (V1 mod 19),
B 是 V1// 100,
C 是 V1 mod 100,
D 是 B // 4,
E 是 B mod 4,
F 是 (B + 8) // 25,
G 是 (B - F + 1) // 3,
H 是 (19*A + B - D - G + 15 )mod 30,
I 是 C // 4,
J 是 C mod 4,
K 是 (32 + 2*E + 2*I - H - J) mod 7 ,
L 是 (A + 11*H + 22*K) // 451,
M 是 (H + K - 7*L + 114) // 31,
N 是 (H + K - 7*L + 114)mod 31,
V2 是 M,
V3 是 N + 1.
Example test:
?- 復活節( 2013, V2 , V3).
V2 = 3 ,
V3 = 31
i.e. Easter this year will be on 31st March
this is what I used to redefine the build in 'is' operator (don't shoot me if it's imperfect):
