How to move from activity 2 to activity 3 in android studio - android-studio

I've created three activities. My first MainActivity has two buttons, one that takes you to Activity2 and one that takes you to Activity3. Both of those buttons work, I've managed to code them correctly.
But then on Activity3 there's a button that's supposed to take you also to Activity2, and it's not working. I've tried several things but I can't seem to figure it out. Is it possible to code several buttons that lead to the same activity? If so please help cause I'm new at coding and stuff. Also here's how I've been coding the buttons :
1-after creating the activity, I go to the Java file and create a new class. In that class I write the following code :
class className : AppCompatActivity(){
override fun onCreate (savedInstance : Bundle?){
Then I add it to the manifest
2-then I go back to the MainActivity and write this :
val anyName = buttonName
anyName.setOnClickListener {
startActivity(Intent(this, class Name ::
Of course android studio takes care of everything and imports everything that's needed but the second I add more than two of those in my MainActivity the whole app crashes.
Please explain this as simply as possible as, again, I'm really new to coding and android studio.
Thank you !

To go back on an activity you can just use finish() on any function, but if you want to take any information with you, you should look for more information about startActivityforResult().
However next time upload the code and not this pseudocode please, it would help a lot!

When you creating a new activity, you need also to add to it the new XML file, which will be display UI in the Activity page.
You can do it in two ways:
1. Custom.
Create a new ClassName.kt (Java.class in Java) and attach inside onCreate() method a XML layout, which will displaying all views in Activity page.
2. With Android Studio.
Just right-click in your package name folder, where appears your, for example, empty activity when you start new an Android Studio Project. Then select new, then in bottom side of drop-downed view select type of new activity what you want. For example, it is Empty Activity. So, lets sum above information: right-click at your package name folder -> new -> type of activity.
For what below info? I see in your example code, which you show as code in Activity number 3, what you have in onCreate() this line of code setContentView(R.layout.activity2). It is line means, what you add XML file into your activity. One XML file for activity can be used only for one activity if you want to show, after click on button another activity. Rather you will see only one screen because two activities use one layout. So, check your activities
need to be something like this:
1.In ActivityOne.
class ActivityOne : Activity() {
override fun onCreate (savedInstance : Bundle?) {
1.In ActivityTwo.
class ActivityOne : Activity() {
override fun onCreate (savedInstance : Bundle?) {
1.In ActivityThree.
class ActivityThree : Activity() {
override fun onCreate (savedInstance : Bundle?) {

Make sure if you want to create a new activity First right click app then goto new -> Activity -> Empty Activity .
finally you can add onClick in your Button tag , then use startActivity method.
public void methodName(View view) {
startActivity(new Intent(this,ActivityName.class));
Example Code:
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
public void gotoTwo(View view) {
startActivity(new Intent(this,Activity2.class));
public void gotoThree(View view) {
startActivity(new Intent(this,Activity3.class));
activity_main.xml :
android:text="Activity2" />
Don`t forgot to create a new java you should create a new xml file too


how to add a popup with an exiting functionality of hybris backoffice?

I want to add the popup to an existing functionality of backoffice. When a user click on the icon a popup will be populated with a text box and submit button.
I have tried many things but still can't find any proper solution. Help me in that to resolve the issue.
Create a new class that extends org.zkoss.zul.Window Class :
public class CustomWindow extends Window {
Then create a render method and add your components :
public class CustomWindow extends Window {
public void render(WidgetInstanceManager wim) {
final Vlayout container = new Vlayout();
final Labeltext =new Label("text");
final Button button = new Button("button");
Then you can open your custom window with :
CustomWindow customWindow = new CustomWindow ();
customWindow.setParent("add parent component here");
Adapt the code to correspond more to your needs.
Hope this helps.

How to test navigation from DialogFragment to another DialogFragment?

I'm using the Navigation component for my two DialogFragments and when I press a button on the first DialogFragment it is dismissed and then the second one is shown. I need to test that clicking this button will take me to the second dialog. I have a simple home fragment that is overlayed by the first DialogFragment at the start of the app. The following code is from the first DialogFragment.
* Redirects users to another dialog after pressing button
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
button.setOnClickListener {
if (findNavController().currentDestination?.id == {
val action = HomeFragmentDirections.actionHomeFragmentToSecondDialogFragment()
This next bit of code comes from the developer's guide and only checks for the behavior of dismissing a DialogFragment back to the previous Fragment.
class MyTestSuite {
#Test fun testDismissDialogFragment() {
// Assumes that "MyDialogFragment" extends the DialogFragment class.
with(launchFragment<MyDialogFragment>()) {
onFragment { fragment ->
// Assumes that the dialog had a button
// containing the text "Cancel".
I need some way to test the behavior of a DialogFragment's button and see that it dismisses itself and starts the second DialogFragment.
When I test for the button being clicked, the first DialogFragment is correctly dismissed, but the second DialogFragment is not launched. I've used both Espresso and UiAutomator and the click does occur, but reading the code snippet's explanation for testing DialogFragments it says,
"Even though dialogs are instances of graphical fragments, you use the launchFragment() method so that the dialog's elements are populated in the dialog itself, rather than in the activity that launches the dialog".
Is the reason that I am unable to check if the second DialogFragment exists or not, because it is an instance of a graphical fragment and my click listener for the button on the first DialogFragment cannot implement launchFragment() for the second DialogFragment?

Overlay toolbar with other toolbar when item is selected in RecyclerView which is inside a fragment

To illustrate what I mean with this, it is similar to WhatsApp, where various options are displayed in the toolbar when a chat is selected.
I have a similar layout, so a MainActivity with Fragments containing RecyclerViews. Now when an item in a RecyclerView is selected I would like to get a similar behaviour as in WhatsApp. The RecyclerViews have an Adapter that implements an OnClickListener.
However, from this Adapter I do not seem to have access to Views from the MainActivity. I tried the following (inside the OnClick method in the Adapter), but it did not work since the view could not be found.
View view = getActivity().findViewById(;
if( view instanceof Toolbar) {
Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) view;
Does anyone know how to get the intended behavior or have a reference to a tutorial?
UPDATE: for who is also stuck with this and this is still quite confusing, here is how I solved it in my own words
My Fragment contains the Interface by adding the following code to it;
OnItemsSelected mCallBack;
public interface OnItemsSelected {
void onToolbarOptions(String title);
public void onAttach(Context context) {
mCallback = (OnItemsSelected) getActivity();
Also I passed 'mCallback' to the adapter like this;
MyAdapter adapter = new MyAdapter(myList, mCallback);
The RecyclerView adapter implements OnClickListener. In the OnClick method I called; 'mCallBack.onToolbarOptions("someTitle");'. And finally I made my MainActivity implement the method; 'implements myFragment.onItemsSelected' and I added the following code to it also;
public void onToolbarOptions(String title) {
With this, only the title is changed, but from this it is quite easy to make other changes to the toolbar, such as changing the menu items.
Inside your Fragment you make an Interface and a global variable like this:
OnItemsSelected mCallBack;
public interface OnItemsSelected {
public void onToolbarOptions();
Then when in your RecyclerView items are selected or clicked you call:
In your Activity implement the Interface like this plus the method onToolbarOptions():
public static class YourActivityName extends AppCompatActivity
implements YourFragmentName.OnItemsSelected {
public void onToolbarOptions(){

Keyboard is not shown up after came from android default contact page in my app

I have one button called "Invite Paricipants". When i tap on it, my app will goes to android default contact page. After selecting contact, i am calculating the emails in it. If i found no email then, showing edit text to enter email. There i am using following code
editText.setOnFocusChangeListener(new OnFocusChangeListener() {
public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus) { Runnable() {
public void run() {
InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager) getActivity().getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
imm.showSoftInput(editText, InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT);
but keyboard is not showing up. How can i resolve my problem?
Yes he is right, after coming back the focus to EditText has been lost and by using requestFocus for EditText allows you to have focus and obviously pops up the Keyboard
You have to request input focus for editText.
To do this go to your interface definition xml and add:
<requestFocus />
Inside the definition for editText.

Why are the height and width of the content View zero in Robolectric?

Here's a failing test:
public class FailTest {
public void heightAndWidth_shouldNotBeZero() {
TestActivity testActivity = Robolectric.buildActivity(TestActivity.class).create().resume().visible().get();
View contentView = testActivity.findViewById(69);
private static class TestActivity extends Activity {
#Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
LinearLayout contentView = new LinearLayout(this);
contentView.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(666, 666));
As you can see, I'm calling the visible() method on the ActivityController and driving the Activity lifecycle the correct way. Quoting the documentation:
Wait, What's This visible() Nonsense?
Turns out that in a real Android app, the view hierarchy of an
Activity is not attached to the Window until sometime after onCreate()
is called. Until this happens, the Activity's views do not report as
visible. This means you can't click on them (amongst other unexpected
behavior). The Activity's hierarchy is attached to the Window on a
device or emulator after onPostResume() on the Activity. Rather than
make assumptions about when the visibility should be updated,
Robolectric puts the power in the developer's hands when writing
So when do you call it? Whenever you're interacting with the views
inside the Activity. Methods like Robolectric.clickOn() require that
the view is visible and properly attached in order to function. You
should call visible() after create().
It seems as though I'm doing all I need to do. So why am I getting no height/width?
There is no layout pass in Robolectric, hence the view dimensions are always zero.
